/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.runtime; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.ExitStatus.EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.SysCall.sysCall; import java.io.File; import java.util.Arrays; import org.jikesrvm.Options; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.Controller; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClassLoader; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.BaselineCompiler; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.BaselineOptions; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.RuntimeCompiler; import org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface.MemoryManager; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread; /** * Command line option processing iwth arbitrary prefix support. */ public class CommandLineArgs { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Argument types */ private enum PrefixType { /** * Invalid argument type */ INVALID_ARG, // default /** * Application argument */ APPLICATION_ARG, // -----------------------------------------------// // The following arguments are standard java. // // -----------------------------------------------// CLASSPATH_ARG, ENVIRONMENT_ARG, VERBOSE_JNI_ARG, VERBOSE_CLS_ARG, JAR_ARG, JAVAAGENT_ARG, ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG, ENABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG, DISABLE_ASSERTION_ARG, DISABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG, // -----------------------------------------------// // The following arguments are RVM-specific. // // -----------------------------------------------// HELP_ARG, ARG, IRC_HELP_ARG, IRC_ARG, RECOMP_HELP_ARG, RECOMP_ARG, AOS_HELP_ARG, AOS_ARG, BASE_HELP_ARG, BASE_ARG, OPT_ARG, OPT_HELP_ARG, /* Silently ignored */ VERIFY_ARG, GC_HELP_ARG, GC_ARG, BOOTCLASSPATH_P_ARG, BOOTCLASSPATH_A_ARG, BOOTSTRAP_CLASSES_ARG, AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_ARG } /** Represent a single command line prefix */ private static final class Prefix implements Comparable<Prefix> { /** The command line string e.g. "-X:irc:" */ public final String value; /** A number that describes the type of the argument */ public final PrefixType type; /** Number of arguments of this type seen */ public int count = 0; /** Construct a prefix with the given argument string and type * @param v argument string * @param t type of prefix, must be non-null */ Prefix(String v, PrefixType t) { value = v; type = t; if (t == null) { throw new Error("Type of prefix should never be null"); } } /** Sorting method for Comparable. Sort by string value */ @Override public int compareTo(Prefix o) { return o.value.compareTo(value); } /** Equals method to be consistent with Comparable */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof Prefix) { return value.equals(((Prefix)o).value); } return false; } /** Hashcode to be consistent with Comparable */ @Override public int hashCode() { return value.hashCode(); } /** Command line string representation of the prefix */ @Override public String toString() { return value; } } /** * A catch-all prefix to find application name. */ private static final Prefix app_prefix = new Prefix("", PrefixType.APPLICATION_ARG); /** * A list of possible prefixes for command line arguments. * Each argument will be classified by the prefix it matches. * One prefix can contain another.<p> * * Prefixes are normally matched with the start of the argument. * If the last character of the prefix is a '$', the prefix (without the * trailing '$') will be matched with the whole argument. * If the last character of the prefix is a ' ' (space), the prefix * (without the trailing ' ') will be matched with the whole argument, * and the next argument will be appended to the end of the one matching * the prefix, with a space in between.<p> * * The type will be used to classify the prefix. Multiple entries CAN * have the same type. */ private static final Prefix[] prefixes = {new Prefix("-classpath ", PrefixType.CLASSPATH_ARG), // Note: space is significant new Prefix("-cp ", PrefixType.CLASSPATH_ARG), // Note: space is significant new Prefix("-jar ", PrefixType.JAR_ARG), // Note: space is significant new Prefix("-javaagent:", PrefixType.JAVAAGENT_ARG), new Prefix("-D", PrefixType.ENVIRONMENT_ARG), new Prefix("-verbose:class$", PrefixType.VERBOSE_CLS_ARG), new Prefix("-verbose:jni$", PrefixType.VERBOSE_JNI_ARG), new Prefix("-verbose$", PrefixType.VERBOSE_CLS_ARG), new Prefix("-enableassertions:", PrefixType.ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-ea:", PrefixType.ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-enableassertions:", PrefixType.ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-ea", PrefixType.ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-enableassertions", PrefixType.ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-esa:", PrefixType.ENABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-enablesystemassertions:", PrefixType.ENABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-esa", PrefixType.ENABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-enablesystemassertions", PrefixType.ENABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-disableassertions:", PrefixType.DISABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-da:", PrefixType.DISABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-disableassertions", PrefixType.DISABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-da", PrefixType.DISABLE_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-disablesystemassertions:", PrefixType.DISABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-dsa:", PrefixType.DISABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-disablesystemassertions", PrefixType.DISABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-dsa", PrefixType.DISABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG), new Prefix("-Xbootclasspath/p:", PrefixType.BOOTCLASSPATH_P_ARG), new Prefix("-Xbootclasspath/a:", PrefixType.BOOTCLASSPATH_A_ARG), new Prefix("-X:vmClasses=", PrefixType.BOOTSTRAP_CLASSES_ARG), new Prefix("-X:availableProcessors=", PrefixType.AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_ARG), new Prefix("-X:irc:help$", PrefixType.IRC_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:irc$", PrefixType.IRC_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:irc:", PrefixType.IRC_ARG), new Prefix("-X:recomp:help$", PrefixType.RECOMP_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:recomp$", PrefixType.RECOMP_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:recomp", PrefixType.RECOMP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:aos:help$", PrefixType.AOS_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:aos$", PrefixType.AOS_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:aos:", PrefixType.AOS_ARG), new Prefix("-X:gc:help$", PrefixType.GC_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:gc$", PrefixType.GC_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:gc:", PrefixType.GC_ARG), new Prefix("-X:base:help$", PrefixType.BASE_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:base$", PrefixType.BASE_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:base:", PrefixType.BASE_ARG), new Prefix("-X:opt:help$", PrefixType.OPT_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:opt$", PrefixType.OPT_HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:opt:", PrefixType.OPT_ARG), new Prefix("-X:vm:help$", PrefixType.HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:vm$", PrefixType.HELP_ARG), new Prefix("-X:vm:", PrefixType.ARG), /* Silently ignored */ new Prefix("-Xverify", PrefixType.VERIFY_ARG), app_prefix}; static { Arrays.sort(prefixes); if (DEBUG) { for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { Prefix t = prefixes[i]; VM.sysWriteln("Prefix[" + i + "]: \"" + t.value + "\"; " + t.type); } } } /** * The command line arguments. */ private static String[] args; /** * The types of each command line argument. */ private static PrefixType[] arg_types; /** * The position of application class name. */ private static int app_name_pos = -1; /** * Fetch arguments from program command line. */ public static void fetchCommandLineArguments() { if (args != null) { // if already been here... return; } ArgReader argRdr = new ArgReader(); int numArgs = argRdr.numArgs(); args = new String[numArgs]; arg_types = new PrefixType[numArgs]; for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) { String arg = argRdr.getArg(i); if (app_prefix.count > 0) { /* We're already into the application arguments. Here's another * one. */ args[i] = arg; arg_types[i] = PrefixType.APPLICATION_ARG; app_prefix.count++; continue; } // Note: This loop will never run to the end. for (Prefix p : prefixes) { String v = p.value; if (!matches(arg, v)) { continue; } // Chop off the prefix (which we've already matched) and store the // value portion of the string (the unique part) in args[i]. Store // information about the prefix itself in arg_types[i]. args[i] = arg.substring(length(v)); if (DEBUG) { VM.sysWrite("length(v) = "); VM.sysWrite(length(v)); VM.sysWrite("; v = \""); VM.sysWrite(v); VM.sysWriteln("\""); VM.sysWrite("args["); VM.sysWrite(i); VM.sysWrite("] = \""); VM.sysWrite(args[i]); VM.sysWrite("\"; arg = \""); VM.sysWrite(arg); VM.sysWriteln("\""); } arg_types[i] = p.type; p = findPrefix(p.type); // Find the canonical prefix for this type... p.count++; // And increment the usage count for that // canonical prefix. if (v.endsWith(" ")) { if (++i >= numArgs) { VM.sysWriteln("vm: ", v, "needs an argument"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } args[i - 1] += argRdr.getArg(i); args[i] = null; } if (p == app_prefix) { app_name_pos = i; } break; } } // for (i = 0; i < numArgs...) /* * If no application is specified, set app_name_pos to numArgs (that is, * to one past the last item in the array of arguments) to ensure all * command-line arguments are processed. */ if (app_name_pos == -1) { app_name_pos = numArgs; } } /** * Does the argument match the prefix? * @param arg argument * @param p prefix * @return true if argument "matches" the prefix, false otherwise */ private static boolean matches(String arg, String p) { if (p.endsWith(" ")) { return arg.equals(p.substring(0, p.length() - 1)) || arg.startsWith(p); } if (p.endsWith("$")) { return arg.equals(p.substring(0, p.length() - 1)); } return arg.startsWith(p); } /** * The real length of the prefix. * @param p prefix * @return real length of prefix */ private static int length(String p) { if (p.endsWith("$") || p.endsWith(" ")) return p.length() - 1; return p.length(); } /** * Find a Prefix object of a given type. * @param type given type * @return prefix if found, {@code null} otherwise */ private static Prefix findPrefix(PrefixType type) { for (Prefix prefix : prefixes) if (prefix.type == type) return prefix; return null; } /** * Extract all command line arguments of a particular type. * Strips out the prefixes (if any). * !!TODO: cache results instead of constructing a new array each time. * @param prefix type of arguments to extract * @return array of arguments or null if type is invalid */ public static String[] getArgs(PrefixType prefix) { String[] retarg = null; Prefix p = findPrefix(prefix); if (p != null) { retarg = new String[p.count]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (arg_types[i] == prefix) { retarg[j++] = args[i]; } } } return retarg; } /** * Extract command line arguments for the Java agent * @return Java agent arguments */ public static String[] getJavaAgentArgs() { return CommandLineArgs.getArgs(CommandLineArgs.PrefixType.JAVAAGENT_ARG); } /** * Get all environment arguments as pairs of string of key followed by value * @return all environment arguments or {@code null}, if none were found */ public static String[] getEnvironmentArgs() { if (!VM.runningVM) throw new IllegalAccessError("Environment variables can't be read in a non-running VM"); return getArgs(PrefixType.ENVIRONMENT_ARG); } /** * Extract the first -D... command line argument that matches a given * variable, and return it. * @param variable the non-null variable to match * @return the environment arg, or null if there is none. */ public static String getEnvironmentArg(String variable) { if (!VM.runningVM) throw new IllegalAccessError("Environment variables can't be read in a non-running VM"); String[] allEnvArgs = getArgs(PrefixType.ENVIRONMENT_ARG); String prefix = variable + "="; if (allEnvArgs != null) { for (String allEnvArg : allEnvArgs) { if (allEnvArg.startsWith(prefix)) { return allEnvArg.substring(variable.length() + 1); } } } // There are some that we treat specially. if (variable.equals("java.home")) { return getRvmRoot(); } else if (variable.equals("gnu.classpath.home.url")) { return "file:" + getRvmRoot(); } else if (variable.equals("gnu.classpath.vm.shortname")) { return "JikesRVM"; } else if (variable.equals("user.home")) { return getUserHome(); } else if (variable.equals("user.dir")) { return getCWD(); } else if (variable.equals("os.name")) { return getOsName(); } else if (variable.equals("os.version")) { return getOsVersion(); } else if (variable.equals("os.arch")) { return getOsArch(); } // Ok, didn't find it. return null; } /** * @return the original arguments specified on the command line, without the * ones for the main class */ public static String[] getInputArgs() { String[] inputArgs = new String[args.length]; int lastIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { if (arg_types[i] == PrefixType.APPLICATION_ARG) { continue; } if (args[i] == null) { continue; } inputArgs[lastIndex++] = findPrefix(arg_types[i]).value + args[i]; } String[] finalArgs = new String[lastIndex]; System.arraycopy(inputArgs, 0, finalArgs, 0, lastIndex); return finalArgs; } private static String getRvmRoot() { return null; } private static String getUserHome() { return null; } private static String getCWD() { return null; } private static String getOsName() { return null; } private static String getOsVersion() { return null; } private static String getOsArch() { return null; } /** * Extract the classes that should go through bootstrap classloader. * @return null if no such command line argument is given. */ public static String getBootstrapClasses() { String[] vmClassesAll = getArgs(PrefixType.BOOTSTRAP_CLASSES_ARG); String[] prependClasses = getArgs(PrefixType.BOOTCLASSPATH_P_ARG); String[] appendClasses = getArgs(PrefixType.BOOTCLASSPATH_A_ARG); // choose the latest definition of -X:vmClasses String vmClasses = null; // could be specified multiple times, use last specification if (vmClassesAll.length > 0) { vmClasses = vmClassesAll[vmClassesAll.length - 1]; } // concatenate all bootclasspath entries StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(vmClasses); for (int c = 0; c < prependClasses.length; c++) { result.insert(0, File.pathSeparatorChar); result.insert(0, prependClasses[c]); } for (int c = 0; c < appendClasses.length; c++) { result.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); result.append(appendClasses[c]); } return result.toString(); } /** * Stage1 processing of virtual machine directives appearing in argument list. * We try to process as many classes of command line arguments as possible here. * Only those command line arguments that require a more or less * fully booted VM to handle are delayed until lateProcessCommandLineArguments. */ public static void earlyProcessCommandLineArguments() { for (int i = 0; i < app_name_pos; i++) { String arg = args[i]; PrefixType type = arg_types[i]; if (type == PrefixType.INVALID_ARG) continue; Prefix p = findPrefix(type); if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln(" CommandLineArgs.earlyProcessCLA(" + p + arg + " - " + type + ")"); switch (type) { case CLASSPATH_ARG: // arguments of the form "-classpath a:b:c" or "-cp a:b:c" // We are experimentally processing this early so that we can have the // Application class loader complete for when // ClassLoader$StaticData's initializer is run. RVMClassLoader.stashApplicationRepositories(arg); i++; // skip second argument to classpath break; case JAR_ARG: // maybe also load classes on the classpath list in the manifest RVMClassLoader.stashApplicationRepositories(arg); i++; // skip second argument to jar break; case ENABLE_ASSERTION_ARG: // arguments of the form "-ea[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]" RVMClassLoader.stashEnableAssertionArg(arg); break; case ENABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG: // arguments of the form "-esa[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]" // TODO: currently just treat as -ea RVMClassLoader.stashEnableAssertionArg(arg); break; case DISABLE_ASSERTION_ARG: // arguments of the form "-da[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]" RVMClassLoader.stashDisableAssertionArg(arg); break; case DISABLE_SYSTEM_ASSERTION_ARG: // arguments of the form "-dsa[:<packagename>...|:<classname>]" // TODO: currently just treat as -da RVMClassLoader.stashDisableAssertionArg(arg); break; case VERBOSE_CLS_ARG: VM.verboseClassLoading = true; break; case VERBOSE_JNI_ARG: VM.verboseJNI = true; break; case AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_ARG: RVMThread.availableProcessors = primitiveParseInt(arg); if (RVMThread.availableProcessors < 1) { VM.sysWrite("vm: ", p.value, " needs an argument that is at least 1"); VM.sysWriteln(", but found ", arg); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // GC options // ------------------------------------------------------------------- case GC_HELP_ARG: // -X:gc passed 'help' as an option MemoryManager.processCommandLineArg("help"); break; case GC_ARG: // "-X:gc:arg" pass 'arg' as an option MemoryManager.processCommandLineArg(arg); break; // ---------------------------------------------------- // Access initial runtime compiler (may be baseline or optimizing). // ---------------------------------------------------- case IRC_HELP_ARG: RuntimeCompiler.processCommandLineArg("-X:irc:", "help"); break; case IRC_ARG: // "-X:irc:arg"; pass 'arg' as an option RuntimeCompiler.processCommandLineArg("-X:irc:", arg); break; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Access adaptive system's recompilation compilers // Currently this means the opt compiler, but in general we could be // talking to several different compilers used by AOS for recompilation. // -------------------------------------------------------------------- case RECOMP_HELP_ARG: if (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) { Controller.addOptCompilerOption("opt:help"); } else { VM.sysWriteln("vm: nonadaptive configuration; -X:recomp is not a legal prefix in this configuration"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; case RECOMP_ARG: // "-X:recomp[?]:arg" process as 'opt[?]:arg' to opt // Note arg actually includes the optional opt level and : if (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) { Controller.addOptCompilerOption("opt" + arg); } else { VM.sysWriteln("vm: nonadaptive configuration; -X:recomp is not a legal prefix in this configuration"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Access adaptive optimization system // ------------------------------------------------------------------- case AOS_HELP_ARG: // -X:aos passed 'help' as an option if (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) { Controller.processCommandLineArg("help"); } else { VM.sysWriteln("vm: nonadaptive configuration; -X:aos is not a legal prefix in this configuration"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; case AOS_ARG: // "-X:aos:arg" pass 'arg' as an option if (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) { Controller.processCommandLineArg(arg); } else { VM.sysWriteln("vm: nonadaptive configuration; -X:aos is not a legal prefix in this configuration"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; // ---------------------------------------------------- // Access baseline compiler // ---------------------------------------------------- case BASE_HELP_ARG: BaselineOptions.printHelp("-X:base:"); break; case BASE_ARG: // "-X:base:arg"; pass 'arg' as an option BaselineCompiler.processCommandLineArg(p.value, arg); break; // ---------------------------------------------------- // Access all 'logical' optimizing compilers // (both irc and recomp compilers) // ---------------------------------------------------- case OPT_HELP_ARG: if (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) { RuntimeCompiler.processOptCommandLineArg("-X:opt:", "help"); } else { VM.sysWriteln("vm: You are not using a system that includes the optimizing compiler."); VM.sysWriteln(" Illegal command line argument prefix '-X:opt'"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; case OPT_ARG: // "-X:opt:arg"; pass 'arg' as an option if (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) { RuntimeCompiler.processOptCommandLineArg("-X:opt:", arg); Controller.addOptCompilerOption("opt:" + arg); } else { VM.sysWriteln("vm: You are not using a system that includes the optimizing compiler."); VM.sysWriteln(" Illegal command line argument prefix '-X:opt'"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Other arguments to the core VM // ------------------------------------------------------------------- case HELP_ARG: // -X:vm passed 'help' as an option Options.printHelp(); break; case ARG: // "-X:vm:arg" pass 'arg' as an option if (!Options.process(arg)) { VM.sysWriteln("Unrecognized command line argument ", p.value, arg); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } break; } } } /** * Stage2 processing of virtual machine directives appearing in argument list. * This function is responsible for processing the few * command line arguments that need to be handled late in booting. * It also returns the application's command line arguments. * * @return application arguments (first is application class name) * If no application arguments are specified on the command line, * process commands anyway. */ public static String[] lateProcessCommandLineArguments() { for (int i = 0; i < app_name_pos; i++) { String arg = args[i]; PrefixType type = arg_types[i]; if (type == PrefixType.INVALID_ARG) continue; Prefix p = findPrefix(type); if (DEBUG) VM.sysWriteln(" CommandLineArgs.processCLA(" + p + arg + " - " + type + ")"); switch (type) { case ENVIRONMENT_ARG: // arguments of the form "-Dx=y" { int mid = arg.indexOf('='); if (mid == -1 || mid + 1 == arg.length()) { VM.sysWriteln("vm: bad property setting: \"", arg, "\""); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } String name = arg.substring(0, mid); String value = arg.substring(mid + 1); System.getProperties().put(name, value); } break; case CLASSPATH_ARG: // This is run in duplicate. // arguments of the form "-classpath a:b:c" or "-cp a:b:c" RVMClassLoader.setApplicationRepositories(arg); i++; // skip second argument to classpath break; case JAR_ARG: // XXX This WILL BECOME the second half of // handling JAR_ARG. TODO // arguments of the form -jar <jarfile> java.util.jar.Manifest mf = null; try { java.util.jar.JarFile jf = new java.util.jar.JarFile(arg); mf = jf.getManifest(); } catch (Exception e) { VM.sysWriteln("vm: IO Exception opening JAR file ", arg, ": ", e.getMessage()); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } if (mf == null) { VM.sysWriteln("The jar file is missing the manifest entry for the main class: ", arg); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } String s = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue("Main-Class"); if (s == null) { VM.sysWriteln("The jar file is missing the manifest entry for the main class: ", arg); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } // maybe also load classes on the classpath list in the manifest RVMClassLoader.setApplicationRepositories(arg); args[i] = s; arg_types[i] = PrefixType.APPLICATION_ARG; app_prefix.count++; i++; // skip second argument to classpath break; case JAVAAGENT_ARG: /* Extract jar file from the -javaagent:<jar>[=options] form */ int equalsPos = arg.indexOf('='); String jarPath; if (equalsPos != -1) { jarPath = arg.substring(0, equalsPos); } else { jarPath = arg; } String newClassPath = RVMClassLoader.getApplicationRepositories() + File.pathSeparator + jarPath; RVMClassLoader.setApplicationRepositories(newClassPath); break; } } // get application directives String[] arglist = getArgs(PrefixType.APPLICATION_ARG); // Debugging: write out application arguments if (DEBUG) { VM.sysWriteln("VM.CommandLineArgs(): application arguments " + arglist.length); for (int i = 0; i < arglist.length; i++) { VM.sysWriteln(i + ": \"" + arglist[i] + "\""); } } return arglist; } /** * Read the <code>argno</code>'th command line argument from the C argv * @param argno Number of argument sought * @param buf Buffer to fill * @return number of bytes placed in buffer. -1 means buffer too small * for argument to fit) */ private static int sysArg(int argno, byte[] buf) { return sysCall.sysArg(argno, buf, buf.length); } /** * Primitive parsing of float/double values. * Done this way to enable us to parse command line arguments * early in VM booting before we are able to do the JNI call * that using {@code Double.valueOf} would require. * Does not support the full Java specification. * @param arg the float value to parse * @return value as float */ public static float primitiveParseFloat(String arg) { byte[] b = stringToBytes("floating point", arg); return sysCall.sysPrimitiveParseFloat(b); } /** * Primitive parsing of byte/integer numeric values. * Done this way to enable us to parse command line arguments * early in VM booting before we are able call * {@code Byte.parseByte} or {@code Integer.parseInt}. * @param arg the int or byte value to parse * @return value as int */ public static int primitiveParseInt(String arg) { byte[] b = stringToBytes("integer or byte", arg); return sysCall.sysPrimitiveParseInt(b); } /** * Primitive parsing of opaque word-length primitive values. * Done this way to enable us to parse command line arguments * early in VM booting before we are able call * {@code Byte.parseByte} or {@code Integer.parseInt}. * @param arg the int or byte value to parse * @return value as int */ public static long primitiveParseLong(String arg) { byte[] b = stringToBytes("integer or byte", arg); return sysCall.sysPrimitiveParseLong(b); } /** * Primitive parsing of memory sizes, with proper error handling, * and so on. * Works without needing Byte.parseByte or Integer.parseInt(). * * At the moment, we have a maximum limit of an unsigned integer. If * * @param sizeName the option's name * @param sizeFlag the flag's name, e.g. mx (as in "-Xmx") * @param defaultFactor factor for modifying sizes, e.g. "K", "M" or "pages" * @param roundTo round up to a multiple of this number * @param fullArg the full command line argument, e.g. "-Xmx200M" * @param subArg the value for the argument, e.g. "200M" * @return Negative values on error. * Otherwise, positive or zero values as bytes. * */ public static long parseMemorySize(String sizeName, String sizeFlag, String defaultFactor, int roundTo, String fullArg, String subArg) { return sysCall.sysParseMemorySize(s2b(sizeName), s2b(sizeFlag), s2b(defaultFactor), roundTo, s2b(fullArg), s2b(subArg)); } private static final class ArgReader { // int buflen = 10; // for testing; small enough to force // reallocation really soon. int buflen = 512; byte[] buf; // gets freed with the class instance. ArgReader() { buf = new byte[buflen]; } /** * Reads an argument assuming that the arguments are encoded in the * platform's "default character set". * @param i the number of the argument to read * @return the read argument */ @SuppressWarnings({"deprecation"}) String getArg(int i) { int cnt; for (; ;) { cnt = sysArg(i, buf); if (cnt >= 0) { break; } buflen += 1024; buf = new byte[buflen]; } /* * Implementation note: Do NOT use the line below, which uses the * three-argument constructor for String, the one that respects the native * encoding (the platform's "default character set"). * * Instead, we use the four-argument constructor, the one that takes a * HIBYTE parameter. * * 1) It is safe to do this; we *know* that all of the legal command-line * args use only characters within the ASCII character set. * * 2) The "default character set" version below will break. That is * because GNU Classpath's implementation of the * three-argument-constructor will fail if EncodingManager.getDecoder() * returns a null pointer. And EncodingManager.getDecoder() returns a null * pointer if it's called early on in the boot process (which the * default-character-set version below does). */ // return new String(buf, 0, cnt); return new String(buf, 0, 0, cnt); } int numArgs() { return sysArg(-1, buf); } } private static byte[] s2b(String arg) { return stringToBytes(null, arg); } /** * Convert the string s (the "argument") to a null-terminated byte array. * This is used for converting arguments and for converting fixed * strings we pass down to lower commands. * * @param arg the argument to convert * @param argName text to print for error reporting. * * @return a byte array that represents <code>arg</code> as a * {@code null}-terminated C string. Returns {@code null} for a {@code null} * arg. */ private static byte[] stringToBytes(String argName, String arg) { if (arg == null) { return null; } int len = arg.length(); byte[] b = new byte[len + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = arg.charAt(i); if (c > 127) { VM.sysWrite("vm: Invalid character found in a"); if (argName == null) { VM.sysWrite("n"); } else { char v = argName.charAt(0); switch (v) { case'a': case'e': case'i': case'o': case'u': VM.sysWrite("n"); } VM.sysWrite(" ", argName); } VM.sysWriteln(" argument: >", arg, "<"); VM.sysExit(EXIT_STATUS_BOGUS_COMMAND_LINE_ARG); } b[i] = (byte) c; } return b; } }