/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.plan.stickyimmix; import org.mmtk.plan.*; import org.mmtk.plan.immix.Immix; import org.mmtk.plan.immix.ImmixCollector; import org.mmtk.plan.immix.ImmixDefragTraceLocal; import org.mmtk.plan.immix.ImmixTraceLocal; import org.mmtk.policy.immix.CollectorLocal; import org.mmtk.utility.alloc.ImmixAllocator; import org.mmtk.utility.deque.ObjectReferenceDeque; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; /** * This class implements <i>per-collector thread</i> behavior * and state for the <i>StickMS</i> plan, which implements a generational * sticky mark bits immix collector.<p> * * Specifically, this class defines <i>StickyMS</i> collection behavior * (through <code>trace</code> and the <code>collectionPhase</code> * method).<p> * * @see StickyImmix for an overview of the algorithm. * @see StickyImmixMutator * @see StopTheWorldCollector * @see CollectorContext * @see Phase */ @Uninterruptible public class StickyImmixCollector extends ImmixCollector { /**************************************************************************** * Instance fields */ /** * */ private final StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal nurseryTrace; private final ImmixAllocator nurseryCopy; /**************************************************************************** * Initialization */ /** * Constructor */ public StickyImmixCollector() { ObjectReferenceDeque modBuffer = new ObjectReferenceDeque("mod buffer", global().modPool); fastTrace = new ImmixTraceLocal(global().immixTrace, modBuffer); defragTrace = new ImmixDefragTraceLocal(global().immixTrace, modBuffer); nurseryTrace = new StickyImmixNurseryTraceLocal(global().immixTrace, modBuffer); immix = new CollectorLocal(StickyImmix.immixSpace); nurseryCopy = new ImmixAllocator(Immix.immixSpace, true, true); } /**************************************************************************** * * Collection */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @Inline public final void collectionPhase(short phaseId, boolean primary) { boolean collectWholeHeap = global().collectWholeHeap; if (phaseId == StickyImmix.PREPARE) { global().modPool.prepareNonBlocking(); /* always do this */ } if (!collectWholeHeap) { if (phaseId == StickyImmix.PREPARE) { currentTrace = nurseryTrace; immix.prepare(false); nurseryTrace.prepare(); nurseryCopy.reset(); copy.reset(); return; } if (phaseId == StickyImmix.ROOTS) { VM.scanning.computeStaticRoots(currentTrace); VM.scanning.computeGlobalRoots(currentTrace); return; } if (phaseId == StickyImmix.CLOSURE) { nurseryTrace.completeTrace(); return; } if (phaseId == StickyImmix.RELEASE) { nurseryTrace.release(); immix.release(false); global().modPool.reset(); return; } } super.collectionPhase(phaseId, primary); } /**************************************************************************** * * Miscellaneous */ /** @return The active global plan as an <code>StickyImmix</code> instance. */ private static StickyImmix global() { return (StickyImmix) VM.activePlan.global(); } }