/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.runtime; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.Atom; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread; /** * A class for managing various callbacks from the VM. * * <p>Consumers should register an implementation of the needed interface with * a given callback method, and will get notified when the event happens. * * <p>Note: callback consumers should not rely on any particular order of * callback invocation. * * <p>TODO: allow limited control over callback order. * * <p> * The following events are currently implemented. See code for exact * invocation syntax. * <ul> * <li> ClassLoaded - called after a RVMClass is loaded * <li> ClassResolved - called after a RVMClass is resolved * <li> ClassInstantiated - called after a RVMClass is instantiated * <li> ClassInitialized - called after a RVMClass is initialized * <li> MethodOverride - called when a method in a newly loaded class * overrides a method in an existing class * <li> MethodCompile - called before a method is compiled * <li> ForName - called when java.lang.Class.forName() is invoked * <li> BootImageWriting - called when boot image writing is started * <li> Startup - called when the VM has completed booting * <li> Exit - called when the VM is about to exit (note: this is very fragile; TODO: remove???) * <li> AppStart - called before the application starts executing * all runs -- needs application support) * <li> AppComplete - called after the application completes executing * all runs --- needs application support) * <li> AppRunStart - called before the application starts a run * (many applications have several runs -- needs * application support) * <li> AppRunComplete - called after the application completes a run * (many applications have several runs --- needs * application support) * <li> RecompileAllDynamicallyLoadedMethods - called when the application * wants to recompile all methods that were previously * dynamically compiled. Could be useful for * studying the the impact of how much of * class hierarchy being loaded effects compilation * performance * (application must call this explicitly for anything * to happen) * </ul> */ public final class Callbacks { /////////////// // INTERFACE // /////////////// /** * Interface for monitoring class loading. */ public interface ClassLoadedMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that a class has been loaded. * @param klass the class that was loaded */ void notifyClassLoaded(RVMClass klass); } /** * Class loading callback list. */ private static CallbackList classLoadedCallbacks = null; private static final Object classLoadedLock = new Object(); private static boolean classLoadedEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for class loading. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addClassLoadedMonitor(ClassLoadedMonitor cb) { synchronized (classLoadedLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_CLASSLOADED) { VM.sysWrite("adding class loaded monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } classLoadedCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, classLoadedCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that a class has been loaded. * @param klass the class that was loaded */ public static void notifyClassLoaded(RVMClass klass) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!classLoadedEnabled) return; classLoadedEnabled = false; if (TRACE_CLASSLOADED) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking class loaded monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(klass.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = classLoadedCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_CLASSLOADED) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((ClassLoadedMonitor) l.callback).notifyClassLoaded(klass); } classLoadedEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring class resolution. */ public interface ClassResolvedMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that a class has been resolved. * @param klass the class that was resolved */ void notifyClassResolved(RVMClass klass); } /** * Class resolution callback list. */ private static CallbackList classResolvedCallbacks = null; private static final Object classResolvedLock = new Object(); private static boolean classResolvedEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for class resolution. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addClassResolvedMonitor(ClassResolvedMonitor cb) { synchronized (classResolvedLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_CLASSRESOLVED) { VM.sysWrite("adding class resolved monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } classResolvedCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, classResolvedCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that a class has been resolved. * @param klass the class that was resolved */ public static void notifyClassResolved(RVMClass klass) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!classResolvedEnabled) return; classResolvedEnabled = false; if (TRACE_CLASSRESOLVED) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking class resolved monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(klass.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = classResolvedCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_CLASSRESOLVED) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((ClassResolvedMonitor) l.callback).notifyClassResolved(klass); } classResolvedEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring class instantiation. */ public interface ClassInstantiatedMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that a class has been instantiated. * @param klass the class that was instantiated */ void notifyClassInstantiated(RVMClass klass); } /** * Class instantiation callback list. */ private static CallbackList classInstantiatedCallbacks = null; private static final Object classInstantiatedLock = new Object(); private static boolean classInstantiatedEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for class instantiation. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addClassInstantiatedMonitor(ClassInstantiatedMonitor cb) { synchronized (classInstantiatedLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_CLASSINSTANTIATED) { VM.sysWrite("adding class instantiated monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } classInstantiatedCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, classInstantiatedCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that a class has been instantiated. * @param klass the class that was instantiated */ public static void notifyClassInstantiated(RVMClass klass) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!classInstantiatedEnabled) return; classInstantiatedEnabled = false; if (TRACE_CLASSINSTANTIATED) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking class instantiated monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(klass.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = classInstantiatedCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_CLASSINSTANTIATED) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((ClassInstantiatedMonitor) l.callback).notifyClassInstantiated(klass); } classInstantiatedEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring class initialization. */ public interface ClassInitializedMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that a class has been initialized. * @param klass the class that was initialized */ void notifyClassInitialized(RVMClass klass); } /** * Class initialization callback list. */ private static CallbackList classInitializedCallbacks = null; private static final Object classInitializedLock = new Object(); private static boolean classInitializedEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for class initialization. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addClassInitializedMonitor(ClassInitializedMonitor cb) { synchronized (classInitializedLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_CLASSINITIALIZED) { VM.sysWrite("adding class initialized monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } classInitializedCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, classInitializedCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that a class has been initialized. * @param klass the class that was initialized */ public static void notifyClassInitialized(RVMClass klass) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!classInitializedEnabled) return; classInitializedEnabled = false; if (TRACE_CLASSINITIALIZED) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking class initialized monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(klass.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = classInitializedCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_CLASSINITIALIZED) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((ClassInitializedMonitor) l.callback).notifyClassInitialized(klass); } classInitializedEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring method override. */ public interface MethodOverrideMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that a method has been overridden. * @param method the method that was loaded * @param parent the method that it overrides (null if none) */ void notifyMethodOverride(RVMMethod method, RVMMethod parent); } /** * Method override callback list. */ private static CallbackList methodOverrideCallbacks = null; private static final Object methodOverrideLock = new Object(); private static boolean methodOverrideEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for method override. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addMethodOverrideMonitor(MethodOverrideMonitor cb) { synchronized (methodOverrideLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_METHODOVERRIDE) { VM.sysWrite("adding method override monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } methodOverrideCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, methodOverrideCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that a method has been overridden. * @param method the method that was loaded * @param parent the method that it overrides (null if none) */ public static void notifyMethodOverride(RVMMethod method, RVMMethod parent) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!methodOverrideEnabled) return; methodOverrideEnabled = false; if (TRACE_METHODOVERRIDE) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking method override monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(method); VM.sysWrite(":"); if (parent != null) { VM.sysWrite(parent); } else { VM.sysWrite("null"); } VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = methodOverrideCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_METHODOVERRIDE) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((MethodOverrideMonitor) l.callback).notifyMethodOverride(method, parent); } methodOverrideEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring method compile. */ public interface MethodCompileMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that a method is about to be compiled. * NOTE: use VM.runningVM and VM.writingBootImage to determine * whether the VM is running * @param method the method that will be compiled * @param compiler the compiler that will be invoked. * Values are constants in CompiledMethod */ void notifyMethodCompile(RVMMethod method, int compiler); } /** * Method compile callback list. */ private static CallbackList methodCompileCallbacks = null; private static final Object methodCompileLock = new Object(); private static boolean methodCompileEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for method compile. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addMethodCompileMonitor(MethodCompileMonitor cb) { synchronized (methodCompileLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_METHODCOMPILE) { VM.sysWrite("adding method compile monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } methodCompileCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, methodCompileCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that a method is about to be compiled. * NOTE: use VM.runningVM and VM.writingBootImage to determine * whether the VM is running * @param method the method that will be compiled * @param compiler the compiler that will be invoked * Values are constants in CompiledMethod */ public static void notifyMethodCompile(RVMMethod method, int compiler) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!methodCompileEnabled) return; methodCompileEnabled = false; if (TRACE_METHODCOMPILE) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking method compile monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(method); VM.sysWrite(":"); VM.sysWrite(compiler); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = methodCompileCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_METHODCOMPILE) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((MethodCompileMonitor) l.callback).notifyMethodCompile(method, compiler); } methodCompileEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring forName calls. */ public interface ForNameMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.forName was called. * @param type the type that will be returned */ void notifyForName(RVMType type); } /** * forName call callback list. */ private static CallbackList forNameCallbacks = null; private static final Object forNameLock = new Object(); private static boolean forNameEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for forName call. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addForNameMonitor(ForNameMonitor cb) { synchronized (forNameLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_FORNAME) { VM.sysWrite("adding forName monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } forNameCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, forNameCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.forName was called. * @param type the type that will be returned */ public static void notifyForName(RVMType type) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!forNameEnabled) return; forNameEnabled = false; if (TRACE_FORNAME) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking forName monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(type.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = forNameCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_FORNAME) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((ForNameMonitor) l.callback).notifyForName(type); } forNameEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring defineClass calls. */ public interface DefineClassMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.defineclass was called. * @param type the type that will be returned */ void notifyDefineClass(RVMType type); } /** * defineclass call callback list. */ private static CallbackList defineClassCallbacks = null; private static final Object defineClassLock = new Object(); private static boolean defineClassEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for defineClass call. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addDefineClassMonitor(DefineClassMonitor cb) { synchronized (defineClassLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_DEFINECLASS) { VM.sysWrite("adding defineclass monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } defineClassCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, defineClassCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.defineclass was called. * @param type the type that will be returned */ public static void notifyDefineClass(RVMType type) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!defineClassEnabled) return; defineClassEnabled = false; if (TRACE_DEFINECLASS) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking defineclass monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(type.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = defineClassCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_DEFINECLASS) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((DefineClassMonitor) l.callback).notifyDefineClass(type); } defineClassEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring loadClass calls. */ public interface LoadClassMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.loadclass was called. * @param type the type that will be returned */ void notifyLoadClass(RVMType type); } /** * loadclass call callback list. */ private static CallbackList loadClassCallbacks = null; private static final Object loadClassLock = new Object(); private static boolean loadClassEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for loadClass call. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addLoadClassMonitor(LoadClassMonitor cb) { synchronized (loadClassLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_LOADCLASS) { VM.sysWrite("adding loadclass monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } loadClassCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, loadClassCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the monitor that java.lang.Class.loadclass was called. * @param type the type that will be returned */ public static void notifyLoadClass(RVMType type) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!loadClassEnabled) return; loadClassEnabled = false; if (TRACE_LOADCLASS) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking loadclass monitors: "); VM.sysWrite(type.getDescriptor()); VM.sysWriteln(); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = loadClassCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_LOADCLASS) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((LoadClassMonitor) l.callback).notifyLoadClass(type); } loadClassEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring boot image writing. */ public interface BootImageMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that boot image writing is in progress. * @param types the types that are included in the boot image */ void notifyBootImage(Enumeration<String> types); } /** * Boot image writing callback list. */ private static CallbackList bootImageCallbacks = null; private static final Object bootImageLock = new Object(); private static boolean bootImageEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for boot image writing. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addBootImageMonitor(BootImageMonitor cb) { synchronized (bootImageLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_BOOTIMAGE) { VM.sysWrite("adding boot image writing monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } bootImageCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, bootImageCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the monitor that boot image writing is in progress. * @param types the types that are included in the boot image */ public static void notifyBootImage(Enumeration<String> types) { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!bootImageEnabled) return; bootImageEnabled = false; if (TRACE_BOOTIMAGE) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWriteln("invoking boot image writing monitors"); } for (CallbackList l = bootImageCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_BOOTIMAGE) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((BootImageMonitor) l.callback).notifyBootImage(types); } bootImageEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring VM startup. */ public interface StartupMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the VM has started up. */ void notifyStartup(); } /** * VM startup callback list. */ private static CallbackList startupCallbacks = null; private static final Object startupLock = new Object(); private static boolean startupEnabled = true; /** * Register a callback for VM startup. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addStartupMonitor(StartupMonitor cb) { synchronized (startupLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_STARTUP) { VM.sysWrite("adding startup monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } startupCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, startupCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the VM has started up. * NOTE: Runs in the main thread! */ public static void notifyStartup() { // NOTE: will need synchronization if allowing unregistering if (!startupEnabled) return; startupEnabled = false; if (TRACE_STARTUP) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWriteln("invoking startup monitors"); } for (CallbackList l = startupCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_STARTUP) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((StartupMonitor) l.callback).notifyStartup(); } startupEnabled = true; } /** * Interface for monitoring VM exit. */ public interface ExitMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the VM is about to exit. * @param value the exit value */ void notifyExit(int value); } /** * VM exit callback list. */ private static CallbackList exitCallbacks = null; private static final Object exitLock = new Object(); private static boolean exitCallbacksStarted = false; /** * Register a callback for VM exit. * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addExitMonitor(ExitMonitor cb) { synchronized (exitLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_EXIT) { VM.sysWrite("adding exit monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } exitCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, exitCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the VM is about to exit. * Will return once all the callbacks are invoked. * @param value the exit value */ public static void notifyExit(final int value) { synchronized (exitLock) { if (exitCallbacksStarted) return; if (exitCallbacks == null) return; exitCallbacksStarted = true; if (TRACE_EXIT) { //VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking exit monitors: "); VM.sysWriteln(value); //printStack("From: "); } for (CallbackList l = exitCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_EXIT) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((ExitMonitor) l.callback).notifyExit(value); } } } /** * Interface for monitoring when an application starts executing */ public interface AppStartMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the application has started executing * @param app application name */ void notifyAppStart(String app); } /** * Application Start executing callback list. */ private static CallbackList appStartCallbacks = null; private static final Object appStartLock = new Object(); /** * Register a callback for when the application starts executing * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addAppStartMonitor(AppStartMonitor cb) { synchronized (appStartLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_APP_START) { VM.sysWrite("adding application start monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } appStartCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, appStartCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the application started executing * Will return once all the callbacks are invoked. * @param app name of application */ public static void notifyAppStart(String app) { synchronized (appStartLock) { if (appStartCallbacks == null) return; if (TRACE_APP_START) { VM.sysWriteln("invoking application start monitors"); } for (CallbackList l = appStartCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_APP_START) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((AppStartMonitor) l.callback).notifyAppStart(app); } } } /** * Interface for monitoring when an application completes executing */ public interface AppCompleteMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the application has completed executing * @param app name of application */ void notifyAppComplete(String app); } /** * Application Execution Complete callback list. */ private static CallbackList appCompleteCallbacks = null; private static final Object appCompleteLock = new Object(); /** * Register a callback for when the application completes executing * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addAppCompleteMonitor(AppCompleteMonitor cb) { synchronized (appCompleteLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_APP_COMPLETE) { VM.sysWrite("adding application complete monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } appCompleteCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, appCompleteCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the application completed executing * Will return once all the callbacks are invoked. * @param app name of application */ public static void notifyAppComplete(String app) { synchronized (appCompleteLock) { if (appCompleteCallbacks == null) return; if (TRACE_APP_COMPLETE) { VM.sysWrite("invoking application complete monitors for application "); VM.sysWrite(app); VM.sysWriteln(); } for (CallbackList l = appCompleteCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_APP_COMPLETE) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((AppCompleteMonitor) l.callback).notifyAppComplete(app); } } } /** * Interface for monitoring when an application starts a run */ public interface AppRunStartMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the application has started a run * @param app application name * @param run run number */ void notifyAppRunStart(String app, int run); } /** * Application Run Start callback list. */ private static CallbackList appRunStartCallbacks = null; private static final Object appRunStartLock = new Object(); /** * Register a callback for when the application starts a run * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addAppRunStartMonitor(AppRunStartMonitor cb) { synchronized (appRunStartLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_APP_RUN_START) { VM.sysWrite("adding application run start monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } appRunStartCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, appRunStartCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the application started a run * Will return once all the callbacks are invoked. * @param app application name * @param run run number */ public static void notifyAppRunStart(String app, int run) { synchronized (appRunStartLock) { if (appRunStartCallbacks == null) return; if (TRACE_APP_RUN_START) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking the start monitor for application "); VM.sysWrite(app); VM.sysWrite(" at run "); VM.sysWrite(run); VM.sysWriteln(); } for (CallbackList l = appRunStartCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_APP_RUN_START) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((AppRunStartMonitor) l.callback).notifyAppRunStart(app, run); } } } /** * Interface for monitoring when an application completes a run */ public interface AppRunCompleteMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the application has completed a run * @param app name of application * @param run run number */ void notifyAppRunComplete(String app, int run); } /** * Application Run Complete callback list. */ private static CallbackList appRunCompleteCallbacks = null; private static final Object appRunCompleteLock = new Object(); /** * Register a callback for when the application completes a run * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addAppRunCompleteMonitor(AppRunCompleteMonitor cb) { synchronized (appRunCompleteLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_APP_RUN_COMPLETE) { VM.sysWrite("adding application run complete monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } appRunCompleteCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, appRunCompleteCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the application completed a run * Will return once all the callbacks are invoked. * @param app name of application * @param run run number */ public static void notifyAppRunComplete(String app, int run) { synchronized (appRunCompleteLock) { if (appRunCompleteCallbacks == null) return; if (TRACE_APP_RUN_COMPLETE) { //VM.sysWrite(getThread(), false); //VM.sysWrite(": "); VM.sysWrite("invoking the complete monitor for application ", app); VM.sysWriteln(" at run ", run); } for (CallbackList l = appRunCompleteCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_APP_RUN_COMPLETE) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((AppRunCompleteMonitor) l.callback).notifyAppRunComplete(app, run); } } } /** * Interface for requesting VM to recompile all previously dynamically compiled methods */ public interface RecompileAllDynamicallyLoadedMethodsMonitor { /** * Notify the monitor that the application has requested the recompile */ void notifyRecompileAll(); } /** * Recompile all callback list. */ private static CallbackList recompileAllCallbacks = null; private static final Object recompileAllLock = new Object(); /** * Register a callback for when the application requests to recompile all * dynamically loaded classes * @param cb the object to notify when event happens */ public static void addRecompileAllDynamicallyLoadedMethodsMonitor(RecompileAllDynamicallyLoadedMethodsMonitor cb) { synchronized (recompileAllLock) { if (TRACE_ADDMONITOR || TRACE_RECOMPILE_ALL) { VM.sysWrite("adding recompile all monitor: "); VM.sysWrite(getClass(cb)); VM.sysWriteln(); } recompileAllCallbacks = new CallbackList(cb, recompileAllCallbacks); } } /** * Notify the callback manager that the application requested a recompile all * Will return once all the callbacks are invoked. */ public static void recompileAllDynamicallyLoadedMethods() { synchronized (recompileAllLock) { if (recompileAllCallbacks == null) return; if (TRACE_RECOMPILE_ALL) { VM.sysWriteln("invoking the recompile all monitor"); } for (CallbackList l = recompileAllCallbacks; l != null; l = l.next) { if (TRACE_RECOMPILE_ALL) { VM.sysWrite(" "); VM.sysWrite(Callbacks.getClass(l.callback)); VM.sysWriteln(); } ((RecompileAllDynamicallyLoadedMethodsMonitor) l.callback).notifyRecompileAll(); } } } //////////////////// // IMPLEMENTATION // //////////////////// /** * Initialize callbacks. */ public static void init() { } /** * Perform boot-time actions. */ public static void boot() { } /** * Linked list of callbacks. */ private static class CallbackList { CallbackList(Object cb, CallbackList n) { callback = cb; next = n; } public final Object callback; public final CallbackList next; } private static final boolean TRACE_ADDMONITOR = false; private static final boolean TRACE_CLASSLOADED = false; private static final boolean TRACE_CLASSRESOLVED = false; private static final boolean TRACE_CLASSINITIALIZED = false; private static final boolean TRACE_CLASSINSTANTIATED = false; private static final boolean TRACE_METHODOVERRIDE = false; private static final boolean TRACE_METHODCOMPILE = false; private static final boolean TRACE_FORNAME = false; private static final boolean TRACE_DEFINECLASS = false; private static final boolean TRACE_LOADCLASS = false; private static final boolean TRACE_BOOTIMAGE = false; private static final boolean TRACE_STARTUP = false; private static final boolean TRACE_EXIT = false; private static final boolean TRACE_APP_RUN_START = false; private static final boolean TRACE_APP_RUN_COMPLETE = false; private static final boolean TRACE_APP_START = false; private static final boolean TRACE_APP_COMPLETE = false; private static final boolean TRACE_RECOMPILE_ALL = false; /** * Return class name of the object. * @param o the object * @return class name of the object */ private static Atom getClass(Object o) { if (VM.runningVM) { return java.lang.JikesRVMSupport.getTypeForClass(o.getClass()).getDescriptor(); } else { return Atom.findOrCreateAsciiAtom(o.getClass().getName()); } } /** * Return current thread id. * @return current thread id */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static int getThread() { if (VM.runningVM) { return RVMThread.getCurrentThread().getThreadSlot(); } else { return System.identityHashCode(Thread.currentThread()); } } /** * Print current stack trace. * @param message error message */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static void printStack(String message) { if (VM.runningVM) { RVMThread.traceback(message); } else { new Throwable(message).printStackTrace(); } } }