/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.plan.generational; import static org.mmtk.utility.Constants.LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE; import org.mmtk.plan.*; import org.mmtk.policy.CopySpace; import org.mmtk.policy.Space; import org.mmtk.utility.deque.*; import org.mmtk.utility.heap.VMRequest; import org.mmtk.utility.heap.layout.HeapLayout; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options; import org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker.SanityChecker; import org.mmtk.utility.statistics.*; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.*; /** * This abstract class implements the core functionality of generic * two-generation copying collectors. Nursery collections occur when * either the heap is full or the nursery is full. The nursery size * is determined by an optional command line argument. If undefined, * the nursery size is "infinite", so nursery collections only occur * when the heap is full (this is known as a flexible-sized nursery * collector). Thus both fixed and flexible nursery sizes are * supported. Full heap collections occur when the nursery size has * dropped to a statically defined threshold, * <code>NURSERY_THRESHOLD</code><p> * * See also Plan.java for general comments on local vs global plan * classes. */ @Uninterruptible public abstract class Gen extends StopTheWorld { /***************************************************************************** * * Constants */ /** * */ protected static final float SURVIVAL_ESTIMATE = 0.8f; // est yield protected static final float MATURE_FRACTION = 0.5f; // est yield private static final float WORST_CASE_COPY_EXPANSION = 1.5f; // worst case for addition of one word overhead due to address based hashing public static final boolean IGNORE_REMSETS = false; public static final boolean USE_NON_HEAP_OBJECT_REFERENCE_WRITE_BARRIER = false; public static final boolean USE_OBJECT_BARRIER_FOR_AASTORE = false; // choose between slot and object barriers public static final boolean USE_OBJECT_BARRIER_FOR_PUTFIELD = false; // choose between slot and object barriers public static final boolean USE_OBJECT_BARRIER = USE_OBJECT_BARRIER_FOR_AASTORE || USE_OBJECT_BARRIER_FOR_PUTFIELD; /** Fraction of available virtual memory to give to the nursery (if contiguous) */ protected static final float NURSERY_VM_FRACTION = 0.15f; /** Switch between a contiguous and discontiguous nursery (experimental) */ static final boolean USE_DISCONTIGUOUS_NURSERY = false; // Allocators public static final int ALLOC_NURSERY = ALLOC_DEFAULT; public static final int ALLOC_MATURE = StopTheWorld.ALLOCATORS + 1; public static final int ALLOC_MATURE_MINORGC = StopTheWorld.ALLOCATORS + 2; public static final int ALLOC_MATURE_MAJORGC = StopTheWorld.ALLOCATORS + 3; public static final int SCAN_NURSERY = 0; public static final int SCAN_MATURE = 1; /***************************************************************************** * * Class fields */ /** * */ /* Statistics */ protected static final BooleanCounter fullHeap = new BooleanCounter("majorGC", true, true); private static final Timer fullHeapTime = new Timer("majorGCTime", false, true); protected static final EventCounter wbFast; protected static final EventCounter wbSlow; public static final SizeCounter nurseryMark; public static final SizeCounter nurseryCons; /* The nursery space is where all new objects are allocated by default */ private static final VMRequest vmRequest = USE_DISCONTIGUOUS_NURSERY ? VMRequest.discontiguous() : VMRequest.highFraction(NURSERY_VM_FRACTION); public static final CopySpace nurserySpace = new CopySpace("nursery", false, vmRequest); public static final int NURSERY = nurserySpace.getDescriptor(); private static final Address NURSERY_START = nurserySpace.getStart(); /***************************************************************************** * * Instance fields */ /* status fields */ /** * */ public boolean gcFullHeap = false; public boolean nextGCFullHeap = false; /* The trace object */ public final Trace nurseryTrace = new Trace(metaDataSpace); /** * Remset pools */ /** * */ public final SharedDeque modbufPool = new SharedDeque("modBufs",metaDataSpace, 1); public final SharedDeque remsetPool = new SharedDeque("remSets",metaDataSpace, 1); public final SharedDeque arrayRemsetPool = new SharedDeque("arrayRemSets",metaDataSpace, 2); /* * Class initializer */ static { if (GATHER_WRITE_BARRIER_STATS) { wbFast = new EventCounter("wbFast"); wbSlow = new EventCounter("wbSlow"); } else { wbFast = null; wbSlow = null; } if (Stats.GATHER_MARK_CONS_STATS) { nurseryMark = new SizeCounter("nurseryMark", true, true); nurseryCons = new SizeCounter("nurseryCons", true, true); } else { nurseryMark = null; nurseryCons = null; } } /***************************************************************************** * * Collection */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void forceFullHeapCollection() { nextGCFullHeap = true; } @Override @NoInline public void collectionPhase(short phaseId) { if (phaseId == SET_COLLECTION_KIND) { super.collectionPhase(phaseId); gcFullHeap = requiresFullHeapCollection(); return; } if (phaseId == PREPARE) { nurserySpace.prepare(true); if (traceFullHeap()) { if (gcFullHeap) { if (Stats.gatheringStats()) fullHeap.set(); fullHeapTime.start(); } super.collectionPhase(phaseId); // we can throw away the remsets (but not modbuf) for a full heap GC remsetPool.clearDeque(1); arrayRemsetPool.clearDeque(2); } return; } if (phaseId == STACK_ROOTS) { VM.scanning.notifyInitialThreadScanComplete(!traceFullHeap()); setGCStatus(GC_PROPER); return; } if (phaseId == CLOSURE) { if (!traceFullHeap()) { nurseryTrace.prepare(); } return; } if (phaseId == RELEASE) { nurserySpace.release(); switchNurseryZeroingApproach(nurserySpace); modbufPool.clearDeque(1); remsetPool.clearDeque(1); arrayRemsetPool.clearDeque(2); if (!traceFullHeap()) { nurseryTrace.release(); } else { super.collectionPhase(phaseId); if (gcFullHeap) fullHeapTime.stop(); } nextGCFullHeap = (getPagesAvail() < Options.nurserySize.getMinNursery()); return; } super.collectionPhase(phaseId); } @Override public final boolean collectionRequired(boolean spaceFull, Space space) { int availableNurseryPages = Options.nurserySize.getMaxNursery() - nurserySpace.reservedPages(); /* periodically recalculate nursery pretenure threshold */ Plan.pretenureThreshold = (int) ((availableNurseryPages << LOG_BYTES_IN_PAGE) * Options.pretenureThresholdFraction.getValue()); if (availableNurseryPages <= 0) { return true; } if (virtualMemoryExhausted()) { return true; } if (spaceFull && space != nurserySpace) { nextGCFullHeap = true; } return super.collectionRequired(spaceFull, space); } /** * Determine if this GC should be a full heap collection. * * @return <code>true</code> is this GC should be a full heap collection. */ protected boolean requiresFullHeapCollection() { if (userTriggeredCollection && Options.fullHeapSystemGC.getValue()) { return true; } if (nextGCFullHeap || collectionAttempt > 1) { // Forces full heap collection return true; } if (virtualMemoryExhausted()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Independent of how many pages remain in the page budget (a function of * heap size), we must ensure we never exhaust virtual memory. Therefore * we must never let the nursery grow to the extent that it can't be * copied into the mature space. * * @return {@code true} if the nursery has grown to the extent that it may not be * able to be copied into the mature space. */ private boolean virtualMemoryExhausted() { return ((int)(getCollectionReserve() * WORST_CASE_COPY_EXPANSION)) >= getMaturePhysicalPagesAvail(); } /***************************************************************************** * * Correctness */ /***************************************************************************** * * Accounting */ /** * {@inheritDoc} * Simply add the nursery's contribution to that of * the superclass. */ @Override public int getPagesUsed() { return (nurserySpace.reservedPages() + super.getPagesUsed()); } /** * Return the number of pages available for allocation, <i>assuming * all future allocation is to the nursery</i>. * * @return The number of pages available for allocation, <i>assuming * all future allocation is to the nursery</i>. */ @Override public int getPagesAvail() { return super.getPagesAvail() >> 1; } /** * Return the number of pages reserved for collection. */ @Override public int getCollectionReserve() { return nurserySpace.reservedPages() + super.getCollectionReserve(); } /** * Return the number of pages available for allocation into the mature * space. * * @return The number of pages available for allocation into the mature * space. */ public abstract int getMaturePhysicalPagesAvail(); /***************************************************************************** * * Miscellaneous */ /** * Return {@code true} if the address resides within the nursery * * @param addr The object to be tested * @return {@code true} if the address resides within the nursery */ @Inline static boolean inNursery(Address addr) { if (USE_DISCONTIGUOUS_NURSERY) return HeapLayout.vmMap.getDescriptorForAddress(addr) == NURSERY; else return addr.GE(NURSERY_START); } /** * Return {@code true} if the object resides within the nursery * * @param obj The object to be tested * @return {@code true} if the object resides within the nursery */ @Inline static boolean inNursery(ObjectReference obj) { return inNursery(obj.toAddress()); } /** * @return Does the mature space do copying ? */ protected boolean copyMature() { return false; } /** * Print pre-collection statistics. In this class we prefix the output * indicating whether the collection was full heap or not. */ @Override public void printPreStats() { if ((Options.verbose.getValue() >= 1) && (gcFullHeap)) Log.write("[Full heap]"); super.printPreStats(); } /** * Accessor method to allow the generic generational code in Gen.java * to access the mature space. * * @return The mature space, set by each subclass of <code>Gen</code>. */ protected abstract Space activeMatureSpace(); /** * @return {@code true} if we should trace the whole heap during collection. True if * we're ignoring remsets or if we're doing a full heap GC. */ public final boolean traceFullHeap() { return IGNORE_REMSETS || gcFullHeap; } @Override public final boolean isCurrentGCNursery() { return !(IGNORE_REMSETS || gcFullHeap); } @Override public final boolean lastCollectionFullHeap() { return gcFullHeap; } @Override public boolean willNeverMove(ObjectReference object) { if (Space.isInSpace(NURSERY, object)) return false; return super.willNeverMove(object); } @Override public int sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC) { Space space = Space.getSpaceForObject(object); // Nursery if (space == Gen.nurserySpace) { return SanityChecker.DEAD; } // Immortal spaces if (space == Gen.immortalSpace || space == Gen.vmSpace) { return space.isReachable(object) ? SanityChecker.ALIVE : SanityChecker.DEAD; } // Mature space (nursery collection) if (VM.activePlan.global().isCurrentGCNursery()) { return SanityChecker.UNSURE; } // Mature space (full heap collection) return space.isReachable(object) ? SanityChecker.ALIVE : SanityChecker.DEAD; } @Override @Interruptible protected void registerSpecializedMethods() { TransitiveClosure.registerSpecializedScan(SCAN_NURSERY, GenNurseryTraceLocal.class); super.registerSpecializedMethods(); } @Interruptible @Override public void fullyBooted() { super.fullyBooted(); nurserySpace.setZeroingApproach(Options.nurseryZeroing.getNonTemporal(), Options.nurseryZeroing.getConcurrent()); } }