/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.RuntimeEntrypoints; /** * Encode the semantic reason for a trap instruction. * * @see Operand */ public final class TrapCodeOperand extends Operand { /** * The trap code. */ private final byte trapCode; /** * Create a trap code operand * @param why the trap code */ private TrapCodeOperand(byte why) { trapCode = why; } /** * Create a trap code operand for a null pointer check * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand NullPtr() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_NULL_POINTER); } /** * Create a trap code operand for an array bounds check * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand ArrayBounds() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_ARRAY_BOUNDS); } /** * Create a trap code operand for a divide by zero check * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand DivByZero() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO); } /** * Create a trap code operand for a stack overflow * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand StackOverflow() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_STACK_OVERFLOW); } /** * Create a trap code operand for a check cast * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand CheckCast() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_CHECKCAST); } /** * Create a trap code operand for a must implement * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand MustImplement() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_MUST_IMPLEMENT); } /** * Create a trap code operand for a must implement * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand StoreCheck() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_STORE_CHECK); } /** * Create a trap code operand for a regeneration trap * @return the newly created trap code operand */ public static TrapCodeOperand Regenerate() { return new TrapCodeOperand((byte) RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_REGENERATE); } /** * Does the operand represent a null pointer check? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isNullPtr() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_NULL_POINTER; } /** * Does the operand represent an array bounds check ? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isArrayBounds() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_ARRAY_BOUNDS; } /** * Does the operand represent a divide by zero check? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isDivByZero() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO; } /** * Does the operand represent a stack overflow check? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isStackOverflow() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_STACK_OVERFLOW; } /** * Does the operand represent a check cast? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isCheckCast() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_CHECKCAST; } /** * Does the operand represent a must implement trap? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isDoesImplement() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_MUST_IMPLEMENT; } /** * Does the operand represent an array store check? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isStoreCheck() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_STORE_CHECK; } /** * Does the operand represent a regeneration trap? * @return <code>true</code> if it does and <code>false</code> * if it does not */ public boolean isRegenerate() { return trapCode == RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_REGENERATE; } @Override public Operand copy() { return new TrapCodeOperand(trapCode); } @Override public boolean similar(Operand op) { return op instanceof TrapCodeOperand && ((TrapCodeOperand) op).trapCode == trapCode; } /** * Returns the string representation of this operand. * * @return a string representation of this operand. */ @Override public String toString() { switch (trapCode) { case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_NULL_POINTER: return "<NULL PTR>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_ARRAY_BOUNDS: return "<ARRAY BOUNDS>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: return "<DIV BY ZERO>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_STACK_OVERFLOW: return "<STACK OVERFLOW>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_CHECKCAST: return "<CLASSCAST>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_MUST_IMPLEMENT: return "<MUST IMPLEMENT>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_STORE_CHECK: return "<OBJARRAY STORE CHECK>"; case RuntimeEntrypoints.TRAP_REGENERATE: return "<REGENERATE>"; default: return "<UNKNOWN TRAP>"; } } /** * Return the numeric value representing the trap code; this is * used by the assembler (on Intel) when generating code. * * @return Numeric value representing this trap code */ public int getTrapCode() { return trapCode; } }