/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ class MethodInvocation { static boolean verbose = true; // set to true to get messages for each test static boolean allTestPass = true; static int testFlagForVoid = 0; // flag to be updated by method returning void public static native void setVerboseOff(); /************************************************************ * Declare native methods that will call the JNI method invocation */ static native int invokeStaticMethodA(Object objArg); static native int invokeStaticMethodV(Object objArg); static native int invokeStaticMethod(Object objArg); static native int invokeVirtualMethodA(MethodInvocation targetObj, Object objArg); static native int invokeVirtualMethodV(MethodInvocation targetObj, Object objArg); static native int invokeVirtualMethod(MethodInvocation targetObj, Object objArg); static native int invokeNonVirtualMethodA(MethodInvocationSub targetObj, Object objArg); static native int invokeNonVirtualMethodV(MethodInvocationSub targetObj, Object objArg); static native int invokeNonVirtualMethod(MethodInvocationSub targetObj, Object objArg); /************************************************************ * Static methods serving as target to be invoked from native code * receive arguments of every type, return one of each type */ /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)Z */ public static boolean staticReturnBoolean(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return !val8; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)B */ public static byte staticReturnByte(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return (byte) (val0 + 3); } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)C */ public static char staticReturnChar(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { if (val1 == 'a') return 'b'; else return 'c'; // didn't get the expected argument, force test to fail } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)S */ public static short staticReturnShort(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return (short) (val2 + 15); } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)I */ public static int staticReturnInt(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val3 + val2; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)J */ public static long staticReturnLong(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val4 + val3; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)F */ public static float staticReturnFloat(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val5 + (float) 100.0; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)D */ public static double staticReturnDouble(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val6 + 100.0; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z) */ public static void staticReturnVoid(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { testFlagForVoid = 789; // update the flag to indicate success } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)Ljava/lang/Object; */ public static Object staticReturnObject(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return new String("Year 2000"); } /************************************************************ * Virtual methods serving as target to be invoked from native code * receive arguments of every type, return one of each type */ /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)Z */ public boolean virtualReturnBoolean(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return !val8; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)B */ public byte virtualReturnByte(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return (byte) (val0 + 7); } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)C */ public char virtualReturnChar(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { if (val1 == 'x') return 'y'; else return 'z'; // didn't get the expected argument, force test to fail } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)S */ public short virtualReturnShort(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return (short) (val2 + 23); } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)I */ public int virtualReturnInt(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val3 + val0; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)J */ public long virtualReturnLong(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val4 + val2; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)F */ public float virtualReturnFloat(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val5 + (float) 32.0; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)D */ public double virtualReturnDouble(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return val6 + 1000.0; } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z) */ public void virtualReturnVoid(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { testFlagForVoid = 456; // update the flag to indicate success } /* The signature is: (BCSIJFDLjava/lang/Object;Z)Ljava/lang/Object; */ public Object virtualReturnObject(byte val0, char val1, short val2, int val3, long val4, float val5, double val6, Object val7, boolean val8) { return new String("RVM"); } /************************************************************ * Dummy constructor to get to the virtual methods */ MethodInvocation() { } /************************************************************ * Main body of the test program */ public static void main(String[] args) { int returnValue; String anObj = new String("Year of the Dragon"); System.loadLibrary("MethodInvocation"); if (args.length != 0) { if (args[0].equals("-quiet")) { verbose = false; setVerboseOff(); } } /** * Test the static method invocations */ // pass arguments as an array of jvalue returnValue = invokeStaticMethodA(anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "callStatic<type>MethodA"); // pass arguments as va_list pointer to a variable argument list testFlagForVoid = 0; // reset flag to be updated by method returning void returnValue = invokeStaticMethodV(anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "callStatic<type>MethodV"); // pass arguments as a variable argument list at the call site testFlagForVoid = 0; // reset flag to be updated by method returning void returnValue = invokeStaticMethod(anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "callStatic<type>Method"); /** * Test the virtual method invocations */ // pass arguments as an array of jvalue MethodInvocation targetObj = new MethodInvocation(); returnValue = invokeVirtualMethodA(targetObj, anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "call<type>MethodA"); // pass arguments as va_list pointer to a variable argument list testFlagForVoid = 0; // reset flag to be updated by method returning void returnValue = invokeVirtualMethodV(targetObj, anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "call<type>MethodV"); // pass arguments as a variable argument list at the call site testFlagForVoid = 0; // reset flag to be updated by method returning void returnValue = invokeVirtualMethod(targetObj, anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "call<type>Method"); /** * Test the nonvirtual method invocations */ MethodInvocationSub subObj = new MethodInvocationSub(); // reset flag to be updated by method returning void testFlagForVoid = 0; MethodInvocationSub.testFlagForVoid = 0; // pass arguments as an array of jvalue returnValue = invokeNonVirtualMethodA(subObj, anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "callNonVirtual<type>MethodA"); // reset flag to be updated by method returning void testFlagForVoid = 0; MethodInvocationSub.testFlagForVoid = 0; // pass arguments as va_list pointer to a variable argument list returnValue = invokeNonVirtualMethodV(subObj, anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "callNonVirtual<type>MethodV"); // reset flag to be updated by method returning void testFlagForVoid = 0; MethodInvocationSub.testFlagForVoid = 0; // pass arguments as a variable argument list at the call site returnValue = invokeNonVirtualMethod(subObj, anObj); checkTest(returnValue, "callNonVirtual<type>Method"); // Summarize tests if (allTestPass) System.out.println("PASS: MethodInvocation"); else System.out.println("FAIL: MethodInvocation"); } static void printVerbose(String str) { if (verbose) System.out.println(str); } static void checkTest(int returnValue, String testName) { if (returnValue == 0) { printVerbose("PASS: " + testName); } else { allTestPass = false; printVerbose("FAIL: " + testName); } } }