/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline; /** * Structure to describe the basic blocks of the byte code Used in calculating * stack map and local variable map for the garbage collector. */ final class BasicBlock { // NOTE: Block number 1 is the epilog block, the only block // that exits from the method. Blocks that end in a return will // have the exit block as their only successor. // NOTE: Block number 0 is NOT used; // ------------------- Static Class Fields ----------------- static final int NOTBLOCK = 0; static final int EXITBLOCK = 1; static final int STARTPREDSIZE = 4; static final int STARTBBNUMBER = 2; static final byte JSRENTRY = 1; static final byte JSREXIT = 2; static final byte METHODENTRY = 4; static final byte TRYSTART = 8; static final byte TRYBLOCK = 16; static final byte INJSR = 32; static final byte TRYHANDLERSTART = 64; // --------------------- Instance Fields --------------------- /** ID number (index into block array) */ private final int blockNumber; /** starting byte in byte code array */ private int start; /** ending byte in byte code array */ private int end; /** number of preceding basic blocks */ private int predcount = 0; // First 2 are listed individually. private short pred1; private short pred2; /** list of rest preceding basic blocks */ private short[] restPredecessors; // may be bigger then predcount; /** additional state info for jsr handling, and other flags */ private byte state = 0; // --------------- Constructor -------------------------------- /** * This should be called only from the factory. * * @param startval byte index where block starts * @param bn the block's number * */ BasicBlock(int startval, int bn) { blockNumber = bn; start = startval; } /** * This should be used when building the EXIT block EXIT is likely to have * several predecessors. * * @param startval byte index where block starts * @param endval byte index where block starts * @param blockNumber the block's number */ BasicBlock(int startval, int endval, int blockNumber) { start = startval; end = endval; this.blockNumber = blockNumber; restPredecessors = new short[STARTPREDSIZE]; } // ------------------ Static Methods ------------------------- static void transferPredecessors(BasicBlock fromBB, BasicBlock toBB) { toBB.predcount = fromBB.predcount; toBB.pred1 = fromBB.pred1; toBB.pred2 = fromBB.pred2; toBB.restPredecessors = fromBB.restPredecessors; fromBB.predcount = 0; fromBB.restPredecessors = null; } // -------------------------- Instance Methods ---------------- void setStart(int startval) { start = startval; } void setEnd(int endval) { end = endval; } void setState(byte stateval) { state |= stateval; } int getStart() { return start; } int getEnd() { return end; } int getBlockNumber() { return blockNumber; } byte getState() { return state; } boolean isJSRExit() { return ((state & JSREXIT) == JSREXIT); } boolean isJSREntry() { return ((state & JSRENTRY) == JSRENTRY); } boolean isInJSR() { return ((state & INJSR) == INJSR); } boolean isMethodEntry() { return ((state & METHODENTRY) == METHODENTRY); } boolean isTryStart() { return ((state & TRYSTART) == TRYSTART); } boolean isTryBlock() { return ((state & TRYBLOCK) == TRYBLOCK); } boolean isTryHandlerStart() { return ((state & TRYHANDLERSTART) == TRYHANDLERSTART); } void addPredecessor(BasicBlock predbb) { predcount++; if (predcount == 1) { pred1 = (short) predbb.getBlockNumber(); } else if (predcount == 2) { pred2 = (short) predbb.getBlockNumber(); } else if (restPredecessors == null) { restPredecessors = new short[STARTPREDSIZE]; restPredecessors[predcount - 3] = (short) predbb.getBlockNumber(); } else { if (restPredecessors.length <= predcount - 3) { short[] newpreds = new short[predcount << 1]; int restLength = restPredecessors.length; for (int i = 0; i < restLength; i++) { newpreds[i] = restPredecessors[i]; } restPredecessors = newpreds; newpreds = null; } restPredecessors[predcount - 3] = (short) predbb.getBlockNumber(); // -3 to get it zero-based } } /** * This method first checks if a block is already on the predecessor list. * Used with try blocks being added to their catch block as predecessors. * * @param predbb block to add as predecessor */ void addUniquePredecessor(BasicBlock predbb) { boolean dupFound = false, checkMade = false; short predbbNum = (short) predbb.getBlockNumber(); if (predcount >= 1) { if (pred1 == predbbNum) { return; } if (predcount > 1) { if (pred2 == predbbNum) { return; } if (predcount > 2) { if (restPredecessors.length <= predcount - 2) { short[] newpreds = new short[predcount << 1]; int restLength = restPredecessors.length; for (int i = 0; i < restLength; i++) { if (restPredecessors[i] == predbbNum) { dupFound = true; // finish up the copy anyway. } newpreds[i] = restPredecessors[i]; } restPredecessors = newpreds; newpreds = null; if (dupFound) return; checkMade = true; } if (!checkMade) { for (int i = 0; i < predcount - 2; i++) { if (restPredecessors[i] == predbbNum) { return; } } } predcount++; restPredecessors[predcount - 3] = predbbNum; } else { // predcount must be 2 restPredecessors = new short[STARTPREDSIZE]; predcount++; restPredecessors[predcount - 3] = predbbNum; } } else { // predcount must be 1 predcount++; pred2 = predbbNum; } } else { // predcount must be 0 predcount++; pred1 = predbbNum; } } int[] getPredecessors() { int[] preds; preds = new int[predcount]; if (predcount >= 1) { preds[0] = pred1; } if (predcount > 1) { preds[1] = pred2; } for (int i = 0; i < predcount - 2; i++) { preds[i + 2] = restPredecessors[i]; } return preds; } }