/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.assembler; import org.jikesrvm.VM; /** * * A forward reference has a machine-code-index source and optionally * a bytecode-index target. The idea is to fix up the instruction at * the source when the machine-code-index of the target is known. * There need not be an explicit target, if the reference is used (by * the compiler) within the machine-code for one bytecode. * <p> * There are three kinds of forward reference: * <ol> * <li>unconditional branches * <li>conditional branches * <li>switch cases * </ol> * Each subclass must be able to resolve itself. * <p> * This class also includes the machinery for maintaining a priority * queue of forward references, priorities being target bytecode * addresses. The head of this priority queue is maintained by a * Assembler object. * <p> * The priority queue is implemented as a one-way linked list of forward * references with strictly increasing targets. The link for this list * is "next". A separate linked list ("other" is the link) contains all * forward references with the same target. */ public abstract class ForwardReference { final int sourceMachinecodeIndex; final int targetBytecodeIndex; // optional /* Support for priority queue of forward references */ /** Has next larger targetBytecodeIndex */ ForwardReference next; /** Has the same targetBytecodeIndex */ ForwardReference other; protected ForwardReference(int source, int btarget) { sourceMachinecodeIndex = source; targetBytecodeIndex = btarget; } protected ForwardReference(int source) { sourceMachinecodeIndex = source; targetBytecodeIndex = 0; } /** * Rewrite source to reference current machine code (in asm's machineCodes) * * @param asm the assembler to use to resolve the reference */ public abstract void resolve(AbstractAssembler asm); /** * Adds a new reference to a priority queue. * @param q a forward reference acting as a priority queue * @param r a new reference to enqueue * @return the updated queue */ public static ForwardReference enqueue(ForwardReference q, ForwardReference r) { if (q == null) return r; if (r.targetBytecodeIndex < q.targetBytecodeIndex) { r.next = q; return r; } else if (r.targetBytecodeIndex == q.targetBytecodeIndex) { r.other = q.other; q.other = r; return q; } ForwardReference s = q; while (s.next != null && r.targetBytecodeIndex > s.next.targetBytecodeIndex) { s = s.next; } s.next = enqueue(s.next, r); return q; } /** * Resolve any forward references on the priority queue for the given * bytecode index. * * @param asm assembler to use for resolution * @param q priority queue * @param bi bytecode index * @return queue of unresolved references */ public static ForwardReference resolveMatching(AbstractAssembler asm, ForwardReference q, int bi) { if (q == null) return null; if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(bi <= q.targetBytecodeIndex); if (bi != q.targetBytecodeIndex) return q; ForwardReference r = q.next; while (q != null) { q.resolve(asm); q = q.other; } return r; } public static final class UnconditionalBranch extends ForwardReference { public UnconditionalBranch(int source, int btarget) { super(source, btarget); } @Override public void resolve(AbstractAssembler asm) { asm.patchUnconditionalBranch(sourceMachinecodeIndex); } } public static final class ConditionalBranch extends ForwardReference { public ConditionalBranch(int source, int btarget) { super(source, btarget); } @Override public void resolve(AbstractAssembler asm) { asm.patchConditionalBranch(sourceMachinecodeIndex); } } // Cannot be made final; subclassed for PPC public static class ShortBranch extends ForwardReference { public ShortBranch(int source) { super(source); } public ShortBranch(int source, int btarget) { super(source, btarget); } @Override public void resolve(AbstractAssembler asm) { asm.patchShortBranch(sourceMachinecodeIndex); } } public static final class SwitchCase extends ForwardReference { public SwitchCase(int source, int btarget) { super(source, btarget); } @Override public void resolve(AbstractAssembler asm) { asm.patchSwitchCase(sourceMachinecodeIndex); } } public static final class LoadReturnAddress extends ForwardReference { public LoadReturnAddress(int source) { super(source); } public LoadReturnAddress(int source, int btarget) { super(source, btarget); } @Override public void resolve(AbstractAssembler asm) { asm.patchLoadReturnAddress(sourceMachinecodeIndex); } } }