/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.Controller; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.ControllerMemory; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.ControllerPlan; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.HotMethodEvent; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.recompilation.CompilerDNA; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.NormalMethod; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.RuntimeCompiler; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilationPlan; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Time; /** * This class provides logging functionality for the Adaptive Optimization System. * <p> * Right now this is fairly primitive, an evolving number of events are * defined and log entries are quite unsophisticated. * <p> * Some obvious TODO items: * <ul> * <li>compact encoding of log entries * <li>some notion of log format versions * <li>When is the log file flushed and closed? * <li>Do we want to put report() information in the log? * <li> ... * </ul> * <p> * NOTE: All code that writes to the log is synchronized on the PrintStream * object to avoid interspersed messages, which can happen when the * compilation thread and the controller thread try to log a message * "at the same time". * <p> * The current logging levels are: * <ul> * <li>0 Do no logging * <li>1 Do minimal logging at startup and VM exit. * If at all possible, do not log anything during program execution. * This logging level is supposed to produce minimal performance pertubation. * <li>2 Log interesting AOS events and controller actions * <li>3 Exhaustively log pretty much everything that is going on * </ul> */ public final class AOSLogging { /** Singleton instance of the logger */ public static final AOSLogging logger = new AOSLogging(); /* * The output file stream, where all log messages will go */ private PrintStream log; public PrintStream getLog() { return log; } /* * Record that the AOS logging has been booted. * Needed to allow fast exit from reporting to ensure * that when no class is specified to be run but "-help" is specified, * don't want null pointer exception to occur! */ private boolean booted = false; /** * @return whether AOS logging has booted */ public boolean booted() { return booted; } /** * @return the current time as a string */ private String getTime() { return Controller.controllerClock + ":" + Time.nanoTime(); } /** * Called from ControllerThread.run to initialize the logging subsystem */ public void boot() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { try { log = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(Controller.options.LOGFILE_NAME)); // This statement will force the compilation of println, so it // is needed regardless of the particular content of the message! synchronized (log) { log.println(getTime() + " Logging enabled"); log.println(); log.println(Controller.options); } } catch (IOException e) { VM.sysWriteln("IOException caught in AOSLogging.java while trying to create and start log file."); VM.sysWriteln("Please check for file permission problems"); } } booted = true; } /** * Prints the given string to the log, prefixed with the time provided * by {@link #getTime()} and a single space but without a new line at the end. * * @param s string to print */ private void printToLogWithTimePrefix(String s) { synchronized (log) { log.print(getTime() + " " + s); } } /** * Prints the given string to the log, prefixed with the time provided * by {@link #getTime()} and a single space and with a new line at the end. * * @param s string to print */ private void printlnToLogWithTimePrefix(String s) { synchronized (log) { log.println(getTime() + " " + s); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logging level 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Called during initialisation of the controller subsystem when * it is in non-adaptive mode. */ public void reportThatAOSIsInNonAdaptiveMode() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("AOS: In non-adaptive mode; controller thread exiting."); } } /** * Called during initialisation of the controller subsystem when * it is in replay mode. */ public void reportThatAOSIsInReplayMode() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("AOS: In replay mode; controller thread only runs for OSR inlining.\n"); } } /** * Call this method to dump statistics related to decaying * @param decayCount the number of decay events */ public void decayStatistics(int decayCount) { if (!booted) return; // fast exit if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printToLogWithTimePrefix("Decay Organizer Statistics: \n\t" + " Num of Decay events: " + decayCount + "\n"); } } /** * Call this method when one run of the application begins */ public void recompilingAllDynamicallyLoadedMethods() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix(" Recompiling all dynamically loaded methods"); } } /** * Dumps lots of controller statistics to the log file */ public void printControllerStats() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { int awoken = ControllerMemory.getNumAwoken(); int didNothing = ControllerMemory.getNumDidNothing(); int numMethodsConsidered = ControllerMemory.getNumMethodsConsidered(); int numMethodsScheduledForRecomp = ControllerMemory.getNumMethodsScheduledForRecomp(); int numOpt0 = ControllerMemory.getNumOpt0(); int numOpt1 = ControllerMemory.getNumOpt1(); int numOpt2 = ControllerMemory.getNumOpt2(); int numOpt3 = ControllerMemory.getNumOpt3(); printToLogWithTimePrefix( "\n Num times Controller thread is awoken: " + awoken + "\n Num times did nothing: " + didNothing + " (" + ((int) ((float) didNothing / (float) awoken * 100)) + "%)\n Num methods baseline compiled: " + ControllerMemory.getNumBase() + "\n Num methods considered for recompilation: " + numMethodsConsidered + "\n Num methods chosen to recompile: " + numMethodsScheduledForRecomp + " (" + ((int) ((float) numMethodsScheduledForRecomp / numMethodsConsidered * 100)) + "%)\n Opt Levels Chosen: " + "\n\t Opt Level 0: " + numOpt0 + " (" + ((int) ((float) numOpt0 / numMethodsScheduledForRecomp * 100)) + "%)\n\t Opt Level 1: " + numOpt1 + " (" + ((int) ((float) numOpt1 / numMethodsScheduledForRecomp * 100)) + "%)\n" + "\t Opt Level 2: " + numOpt2 + " (" + ((int) ((float) numOpt2 / numMethodsScheduledForRecomp * 100)) + "%)\n" + "\t Opt Level 3: " + numOpt3 + " (" + ((int) ((float) numOpt3 / numMethodsScheduledForRecomp * 100)) + "%)\n\n"); // Let the controller memory summarize itself to the log file ControllerMemory.printFinalMethodStats(log); } } /** * This method reports the basic speedup rate for a compiler * @param compiler the compiler you are reporting about * @param rate the speedup rate */ public void reportSpeedupRate(int compiler, double rate) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("SpeedupRate for " + CompilerDNA.getCompilerString(compiler) + " compiler: " + rate); } } /** * This method reports the basic compilation rate for a compiler * @param compiler the compiler you are reporting about * @param rate the compilation rate (bytecodes per millisecond) */ public void reportCompilationRate(int compiler, double rate) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Compilation Rate (bytecode/msec) for " + CompilerDNA.getCompilerString(compiler) + " compiler: " + rate); } } /** * This method reports the benefit ratio from one compiler to the other * @param compiler1 the first compiler * @param compiler2 the second compiler * @param rate the improvement from going from a compiler1-compiled method * to a compiler2-compiled method */ public void reportBenefitRatio(int compiler1, int compiler2, double rate) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Benefit Ratio from " + CompilerDNA.getCompilerString(compiler1) + " compiler to " + CompilerDNA.getCompilerString(compiler2) + " compiler: " + rate); } } /** * This method reports the compile time ratio from one compiler to * the other * @param compiler1 the first compiler * @param compiler2 the second compiler * @param rate the ratio of compiler1 compilation rate to * compiler2 compilation rate */ public void reportCompileTimeRatio(int compiler1, int compiler2, double rate) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Compile Time Ratio of " + CompilerDNA.getCompilerString(compiler1) + " compiler to " + CompilerDNA.getCompilerString(compiler2) + " compiler: " + rate); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logging level 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This method logs the scheduling of a recompilation, * i.e., it being inserted in the compilation queue. * @param plan the Compilation plan being executed. * @param priority a number from 0.0 to 1.0 encoding the plan's priority. */ public void recompilationScheduled(CompilationPlan plan, double priority) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Scheduling level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + " recompilation of " + plan.method + " (plan has priority " + priority + ")"); } } /** * This method logs the beginning of an adaptively selected recompilation * @param plan the Compilation plan being executed. */ public void recompilationStarted(CompilationPlan plan) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Recompiling (at level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + ") " + plan.method); } } /** * This method logs the successful completion of an adaptively * selected recompilation * @param plan the Compilation plan being executed. */ public void recompilationCompleted(CompilationPlan plan) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Recompiled (at level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + ") " + plan.method); } } /** * This method logs the abortion of an adaptively selected recompilation * @param plan the Compilation plan being executed. */ public void recompilationAborted(CompilationPlan plan) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Failed recompiling (at level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + " " + plan.method); } } /** * This method logs the actual compilation time for the given compiled method. * @param cm the compiled method * @param expectedCompilationTime the model-derived expected compilation time */ public void recordCompileTime(CompiledMethod cm, double expectedCompilationTime) { if (log != null && Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { double compTime = cm.getCompilationTime(); printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Compiled " + cm.getMethod() + " with " + cm.getCompilerName() + " in " + compTime + " ms" + ", model estimated: " + expectedCompilationTime + " ms" + ", rate: " + (((NormalMethod) cm.getMethod()).getBytecodeLength() / compTime)); } } /** * this method logs the event when the controller discovers a method that has * been recompiled and the previous version is still regarded as hot, * i.e., still on the stack and significant. * * @param hme the hot method event of the method that was recompiled */ public void oldVersionStillHot(HotMethodEvent hme) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Found a method with an old version still hot " + hme); } } /** * This method logs when the decay organizer runs. */ public void decayingCounters() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Decaying clock and decayable objects"); } } /** * This Method logs when the organizer thread has reached its * sampling threshold */ public void organizerThresholdReached() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("OrganizerThread reached sample size threshold\n"); } } /** * This method logs that the controller is notified of a * candidate to be recompiled due to hotness; * i.e., the method has been inserted in the controller queue. * @param hotMethod method to be recompiled, and * @param numSamples number of samples attributed to the method */ public void controllerNotifiedForHotness(CompiledMethod hotMethod, double numSamples) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix(" Controller notified that method " + hotMethod.getMethod() + "(" + hotMethod.getId() + ")" + " has " + numSamples + " samples"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logging level 3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This method logs a controller cost estimate for doing nothing. * @param method the method of interest * @param optLevel the opt level being estimated, -1 = baseline * @param cost the computed cost for this method and level */ public void recordControllerEstimateCostDoNothing(RVMMethod method, int optLevel, double cost) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 3) { synchronized (log) { log.print(getTime() + " Estimated cost of doing nothing (leaving at "); if (optLevel == -1) { log.print("baseline"); } else { log.print("O" + optLevel); } log.println(") to " + method + " is " + cost); } } } /** * This method logs a controller cost estimate. * @param method the method of interest * @param choiceDesc a String describing the choice point * @param compilationTime the computed compilation cost for this method and level * @param futureTime the computed future time, including cost and execution */ public void recordControllerEstimateCostOpt(RVMMethod method, String choiceDesc, double compilationTime, double futureTime) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 3) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("Estimated cost of OPT compiling " + method + " at " + choiceDesc + " is " + compilationTime + ", total future time is " + futureTime); } } /** * Records lots of details about the online computation of a compilation rate * @param compiler compiler of interest * @param method the method * @param BCLength the number of bytecodes * @param totalBCLength cumulative number of bytecodes * @param MCLength size of machine code * @param totalMCLength cumulative size of machine code * @param compTime compilation time for this method * @param totalCompTime cumulative compilation time for this method * @param totalLogOfRates running sum of the natural logs of the rates * @param totalLogValueMethods number of methods used in the log of rates * @param totalMethods total number of methods */ public void recordUpdatedCompilationRates(byte compiler, RVMMethod method, int BCLength, int totalBCLength, int MCLength, int totalMCLength, double compTime, double totalCompTime, double totalLogOfRates, int totalLogValueMethods, int totalMethods) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 3) { synchronized (log) { boolean backBranch = false; if (method instanceof NormalMethod) { backBranch = ((NormalMethod) method).hasBackwardsBranch(); } log.println(getTime() + " Updated compilation rates for " + RuntimeCompiler.getCompilerName(compiler) + "compiler"); log.println("\tmethod compiled: " + method); log.println("\tbyte code length: " + BCLength + ", Total: " + totalBCLength); log.println("\tmachine code length: " + MCLength + ", Total: " + totalMCLength); log.println("\tbackwards branch: " + (backBranch ? "yes" : "no")); log.println("\tcompilation time: " + compTime + ", Total: " + totalCompTime); log.println("\tRate for this method: " + BCLength / compTime + ", Total of Logs: " + totalLogOfRates); log.println("\tTotal Methods: " + totalMethods); log.println("\tNew Rate: " + Math.exp(totalLogOfRates / totalLogValueMethods)); } } } public void compileAllMethodsCompleted() { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { synchronized (log) { log.println(Controller.controllerClock + " Compiled all methods finished. "); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OSR-related code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This method logs the successful completion of an adaptively * selected recompilation * @param plan the Compilation plan being executed. */ public void recordOSRRecompilationDecision(ControllerPlan plan) { CompilationPlan cplan = plan.getCompPlan(); if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("recompile with OSR " + "( at level " + cplan.options.getOptLevel() + " ) " + cplan.method); } } public void onStackReplacementStarted(CompilationPlan plan) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("OSR starts " + "( at level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + " ) " + plan.method); } } public void onStackReplacementCompleted(CompilationPlan plan) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("OSR ends " + "( at level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + " ) " + plan.method); } } public void onStackReplacementAborted(CompilationPlan plan) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix("OSR failed " + "( at level " + plan.options.getOptLevel() + " ) " + plan.method); } } public void logOsrEvent(String s) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 1) { printlnToLogWithTimePrefix(s); } } public void debug(String s) { if (Controller.options.LOGGING_LEVEL >= 2) { synchronized (log) { log.println(getTime() + s); } } } }