/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.utility.statistics; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; /** * This class represents a perf event, such as cache misses, etc. */ @Uninterruptible public final class PerfEvent extends LongCounter { /** {@code true} if the counter did not run due to contention for a physical counter */ private boolean contended; /** {@code true} if the counter did not run all of the time and has been scaled appropriately */ private boolean scaled; /** {@code true} if the counter overflowed */ private boolean overflowed; /** The index of the counter in the native array */ private final int index; /** The previously read value of the counter (used to detect overflow) */ private long previousValue; /** A buffer passed to the native code when reading values, returns the tuple RAW_COUNT, TIME_ENABLED, TIME_RUNNING */ private final long[] readBuffer = new long[3]; private static final int RAW_COUNT = 0; private static final int TIME_ENABLED = 1; private static final int TIME_RUNNING = 2; /** {@code true} if any data was scaled */ public static boolean dataWasScaled = false; public PerfEvent(int index, String name) { super(name, true, false); this.index = index; } /** * Counters are 64 bit unsigned in the kernel but only 63 bits are available in Java */ @Override protected long getCurrentValue() { VM.statistics.perfEventRead(index, readBuffer); if (readBuffer[RAW_COUNT] < 0 || readBuffer[TIME_ENABLED] < 0 || readBuffer[TIME_RUNNING] < 0) { // Negative implies they have exceeded 63 bits. overflowed = true; } if (readBuffer[TIME_ENABLED] == 0) { // Counter never run (assume contention) contended = true; } // Was the counter scaled? if (readBuffer[TIME_ENABLED] != readBuffer[TIME_RUNNING]) { scaled = true; dataWasScaled = true; double scaleFactor; if (readBuffer[TIME_RUNNING] == 0) { scaleFactor = 0; } else { scaleFactor = readBuffer[TIME_ENABLED] / readBuffer[TIME_RUNNING]; } readBuffer[RAW_COUNT] = (long) (readBuffer[RAW_COUNT] * scaleFactor); } if (readBuffer[RAW_COUNT] < previousValue) { // value should monotonically increase overflowed = true; } previousValue = readBuffer[RAW_COUNT]; return readBuffer[RAW_COUNT]; } @Override void printValue(long value) { if (overflowed) { Log.write("OVERFLOWED"); } else if (contended) { Log.write("CONTENDED"); } else { Log.write(value); if (scaled) { Log.write(" (SCALED)"); } } } @Override public String getColumnSuffix() { return overflowed ? "overflowed" : contended ? "contended" : scaled ? ".scaled" : ""; } }