/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.plan.refcount; import org.mmtk.plan.Phase; import org.mmtk.plan.StopTheWorld; import org.mmtk.plan.Trace; import org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace.BTFreeLargeObjectSweeper; import org.mmtk.plan.refcount.backuptrace.BTSweeper; import org.mmtk.policy.ExplicitFreeListSpace; import org.mmtk.policy.ExplicitLargeObjectSpace; import org.mmtk.policy.Space; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.mmtk.utility.alloc.LinearScan; import org.mmtk.utility.deque.SharedDeque; import org.mmtk.utility.heap.VMRequest; import org.mmtk.utility.options.Options; import org.mmtk.utility.sanitychecker.SanityChecker; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.*; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.ObjectReference; /** * This class implements the global state of a reference counting collector. * See Shahriyar et al for details of and rationale for the optimizations used * here (http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2258996.2259008). See Chapter 4 of * Daniel Frampton's PhD thesis for details of and rationale for the cycle * collection strategy used by this collector. */ @Uninterruptible public class RCBase extends StopTheWorld { public static final short PROCESS_OLDROOTBUFFER = Phase.createSimple("old-root"); public static final short PROCESS_NEWROOTBUFFER = Phase.createSimple("new-root"); public static final short PROCESS_MODBUFFER = Phase.createSimple("mods"); public static final short PROCESS_DECBUFFER = Phase.createSimple("decs"); /** Is cycle collection enabled? */ public static final boolean CC_ENABLED = true; /** Force full cycle collection at each GC? */ public static boolean ccForceFull = false; /** Use backup tracing for cycle collection (currently the only option) */ public static final boolean CC_BACKUP_TRACE = true; public static boolean performCycleCollection; public static final short BT_CLOSURE = Phase.createSimple("closure-bt"); /** True if we are building for generational RC */ public static final boolean BUILD_FOR_GENRC = ((RCBaseConstraints) VM.activePlan.constraints()).buildForGenRC(); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF /** * Reference counting specific collection steps. */ protected static final short refCountCollectionPhase = Phase.createComplex("release", null, Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_OLDROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_OLDROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_NEWROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_NEWROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleMutator (PROCESS_MODBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_MODBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_MODBUFFER), Phase.scheduleMutator (PROCESS_DECBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_DECBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_DECBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (BT_CLOSURE), Phase.scheduleCollector (BT_CLOSURE)); protected static final short genRCCollectionPhase = Phase.createComplex("release", null, Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_OLDROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_OLDROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_NEWROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_NEWROOTBUFFER), Phase.scheduleMutator (PROCESS_DECBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_DECBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_DECBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (BT_CLOSURE), Phase.scheduleCollector (BT_CLOSURE)); /** * Perform the initial determination of liveness from the roots. */ protected static final short refCountRootClosurePhase = Phase.createComplex("initial-closure", null, Phase.scheduleMutator (PREPARE), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PREPARE), Phase.scheduleCollector (PREPARE), Phase.scheduleComplex (prepareStacks), Phase.scheduleCollector (STACK_ROOTS), Phase.scheduleCollector (ROOTS), Phase.scheduleGlobal (ROOTS), Phase.scheduleGlobal (CLOSURE), Phase.scheduleCollector (CLOSURE)); protected static final short genRCRootClosurePhase = Phase.createComplex("initial-closure", null, Phase.scheduleMutator (PREPARE), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PREPARE), Phase.scheduleCollector (PREPARE), Phase.scheduleComplex (prepareStacks), Phase.scheduleCollector (STACK_ROOTS), Phase.scheduleCollector (ROOTS), Phase.scheduleGlobal (ROOTS), Phase.scheduleMutator (PROCESS_MODBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (PROCESS_MODBUFFER), Phase.scheduleCollector (PROCESS_MODBUFFER), Phase.scheduleGlobal (CLOSURE), Phase.scheduleCollector (CLOSURE)); /** * This is the phase that is executed to perform a collection. */ public short refCountCollection = Phase.createComplex("collection", null, Phase.scheduleComplex(initPhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(refCountRootClosurePhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(refCountCollectionPhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(completeClosurePhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(finishPhase)); public short genRCCollection = Phase.createComplex("collection", null, Phase.scheduleComplex(initPhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(genRCRootClosurePhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(genRCCollectionPhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(completeClosurePhase), Phase.scheduleComplex(finishPhase)); // CHECKSTYLE:ON /***************************************************************************** * * Class fields */ /** * */ public static final ExplicitFreeListSpace rcSpace = new ExplicitFreeListSpace("rc", VMRequest.discontiguous()); public static final ExplicitLargeObjectSpace rcloSpace = new ExplicitLargeObjectSpace("rclos", VMRequest.discontiguous()); public static final int REF_COUNT = rcSpace.getDescriptor(); public static final int REF_COUNT_LOS = rcloSpace.getDescriptor(); public final SharedDeque modPool = new SharedDeque("mod", metaDataSpace, 1); public final SharedDeque decPool = new SharedDeque("dec", metaDataSpace, 1); public final SharedDeque newRootPool = new SharedDeque("newRoot", metaDataSpace, 1); public final SharedDeque oldRootPool = new SharedDeque("oldRoot", metaDataSpace, 1); /***************************************************************************** * * Instance fields */ /** * */ public final Trace rootTrace; public final Trace backupTrace; private final BTSweeper rcSweeper; private final BTFreeLargeObjectSweeper loFreeSweeper; /** * Constructor */ public RCBase() { Options.noReferenceTypes.setDefaultValue(true); Options.noFinalizer.setDefaultValue(true); rootTrace = new Trace(metaDataSpace); backupTrace = new Trace(metaDataSpace); rcSweeper = new BTSweeper(); loFreeSweeper = new BTFreeLargeObjectSweeper(); } @Override @Interruptible public void processOptions() { super.processOptions(); if (!Options.noReferenceTypes.getValue()) { VM.assertions.fail("Reference Types are not supported by RC"); } if (!Options.noFinalizer.getValue()) { VM.assertions.fail("Finalizers are not supported by RC"); } } /***************************************************************************** * * Collection */ /** * @param object an object reference * @return whether the object is subject to collection by reference counting */ public static final boolean isRCObject(ObjectReference object) { return !object.isNull() && (Space.isInSpace(REF_COUNT, object) || Space.isInSpace(REF_COUNT_LOS, object)); } @Override public boolean lastCollectionFullHeap() { return performCycleCollection; } @Override public void collectionPhase(short phaseId) { if (phaseId == SET_COLLECTION_KIND) { super.collectionPhase(phaseId); if (CC_ENABLED) { ccForceFull = Options.fullHeapSystemGC.getValue(); if (BUILD_FOR_GENRC) performCycleCollection = (collectionAttempt > 1) || emergencyCollection || ccForceFull; else performCycleCollection |= (collectionAttempt > 1) || emergencyCollection || ccForceFull; if (performCycleCollection && Options.verbose.getValue() > 0) Log.write(" [CC] "); } return; } if (phaseId == PREPARE) { VM.finalizableProcessor.clear(); VM.weakReferences.clear(); VM.softReferences.clear(); VM.phantomReferences.clear(); rootTrace.prepare(); rcSpace.prepare(); if (CC_BACKUP_TRACE && performCycleCollection) { backupTrace.prepare(); } return; } if (phaseId == CLOSURE) { rootTrace.prepare(); modPool.prepare(); return; } if (phaseId == BT_CLOSURE) { if (CC_BACKUP_TRACE && performCycleCollection) { backupTrace.prepare(); } return; } if (phaseId == PROCESS_OLDROOTBUFFER) { oldRootPool.prepare(); return; } if (phaseId == PROCESS_NEWROOTBUFFER) { newRootPool.prepare(); return; } if (phaseId == PROCESS_MODBUFFER) { modPool.prepare(); return; } if (phaseId == PROCESS_DECBUFFER) { decPool.prepare(); return; } if (phaseId == RELEASE) { rootTrace.release(); if (CC_BACKUP_TRACE && performCycleCollection) { backupTrace.release(); rcSpace.sweepCells(rcSweeper); rcloSpace.sweep(loFreeSweeper); } else { rcSpace.release(); } if (!BUILD_FOR_GENRC) performCycleCollection = getPagesAvail() < Options.cycleTriggerThreshold.getPages(); return; } super.collectionPhase(phaseId); } /***************************************************************************** * * Accounting */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int getPagesUsed() { return (rcSpace.reservedPages() + rcloSpace.reservedPages() + super.getPagesUsed()); } /** * Perform a linear scan across all objects in the heap to check for leaks. */ @Override public void sanityLinearScan(LinearScan scan) { //rcSpace.linearScan(scan); } @Override public int sanityExpectedRC(ObjectReference object, int sanityRootRC) { if (RCBase.isRCObject(object)) { int fullRC = RCHeader.getRC(object); if (fullRC == 0) { return SanityChecker.DEAD; } if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(fullRC >= sanityRootRC); return fullRC - sanityRootRC; } return SanityChecker.ALIVE; } @Override @Interruptible protected void registerSpecializedMethods() { super.registerSpecializedMethods(); } @Override public byte setBuildTimeGCByte(Address object, ObjectReference typeRef, int size) { return (byte) RCHeader.UNLOGGED.toInt(); } }