/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.NO; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.UNKNOWN_BCI; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.ATHROW_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.BBEND; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.BOUNDS_CHECK_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.CHECKCAST_NOTNULL_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.CHECKCAST_UNRESOLVED_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.CHECKCAST_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GOTO; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_ZERO_CHECK_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.IR_PROLOGUE_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LABEL; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LONG_ZERO_CHECK_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.NULL_CHECK_opcode; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.OBJARRAY_STORE_CHECK_opcode; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining.InlineSequence; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.BasicBlockOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.BranchOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.MethodOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.SortedGraphNode; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.SpaceEffGraphEdge; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.SpaceEffGraphNode; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Entrypoints; import org.jikesrvm.util.EmptyEnumeration; import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline; /** * A basic block in the * {@link ControlFlowGraph Factored Control Flow Graph (FCFG)}. * <p> * Just like in a standard control flow graph (CFG), a FCFG basic block * contains a linear sequence of instructions. However, in the FCFG, * a Potentially Excepting Instruction (PEI) does not necessarily end its * basic block. Therefore, although instructions within a FCFG basic block * have the expected dominance relationships, they do <em>not</em> have the * same post-dominance relationships as they would under the traditional * basic block formulation used in a CFG. * We chose to use an FCFG because doing so significantly reduces the * number of basic blocks and control flow graph edges, thus reducing * the time and space costs of representing the FCFG and also * increasing the effectiveness of local (within a single basic block) * analysis. However, using an FCFG does complicate flow-sensitive * global analaysis. Many analyses can be easily extended to * work on the FCFG. For those analyses that cannot, we provide utilities * ({@link IR#unfactor()}, {@link #unfactor(IR)}) * to effectively convert the FCFG into a CFG. * For a more detailed description of the FCFG and its implications for * program analysis see the PASTE'99 paper by Choi et al. * <a href="http://www.research.ibm.com/jalapeno/publication.html#paste99"> * Efficient and Precise Modeling of Exceptions for the Analysis of Java Programs </a> * <p> * The instructions in a basic block have the following structure * <ul> * <li> The block begins with a <code>LABEL</code>. * <li> Next come zero or more non-branch instructions. * <li> Next come zero or more conditional branches * <li> Next comes zero or one unconditional branch * <li> Finally the block ends with a <code>BBEND</code> * </ul> * <code>CALL</code> instructions do not end their basic block. * <code>ATHROW</code> instructions do end their basic block. * Conventionally, we refer to the <em>real</em> instructions of * the block as those that are between the LABEL and the BBEND. * We say that the block is empty if it contains no real instructions. * * @see IR * @see Instruction * @see ControlFlowGraph */ public class BasicBlock extends SortedGraphNode { /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short CAN_THROW_EXCEPTIONS = 0x01; /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short IMPLICIT_EXIT_EDGE = 0x02; /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short EXCEPTION_HANDLER = 0x04; /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short REACHABLE_FROM_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = 0x08; // the flag for 0x10 was removed and is now free /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short INFREQUENT = 0x20; /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short SCRATCH = 0x40; /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short LANDING_PAD = 0x80; /** Bitfield used in flag encoding */ static final short EXCEPTION_HANDLER_WITH_NORMAL_IN = 0x100; /** * Used to encode various properties of the block. */ protected short flags; /** * Encodes exception handler info for this block. * May be shared if multiple blocks have exactly the same chain * of exception handlers. */ private ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag exceptionHandlers; /** * First instruction of the basic block (LABEL). */ final Instruction start; /** * Last instruction of the basic block (BBEND). */ final Instruction end; /** * Relative execution frequency of this basic block. * The entry block to a CFG has weight 1.0; */ protected float freq; /** * Creates a new basic block at the specified location. * It initially contains a single label instruction pointed to * by start and a BBEND instruction pointed to by end. * * @param i bytecode index to create basic block at * @param position the inline context for this basic block * @param cfg the FCFG that will contain the basic block */ public BasicBlock(int i, InlineSequence position, ControlFlowGraph cfg) { this(i, position, cfg.allocateNodeNumber()); } /** * Creates a new basic block at the specified location with * the given basic block number. * It initially contains a single label instruction pointed to * by start and a BBEND instruction pointed to by end. * WARNING: Don't call this constructor directly if the created basic * block is going to be in some control flow graph, since it * may not get assigned a unique number. * * @param i bytecode index to create basic block at * @param position the inline context for this basic block * @param num the number to assign the basic block */ protected BasicBlock(int i, InlineSequence position, int num) { setNumber(num); start = Label.create(LABEL, new BasicBlockOperand(this)); start.setBytecodeIndex(i); start.setPosition(position); end = BBend.create(BBEND, new BasicBlockOperand(this)); // NOTE: we have no idea where this block will end so it // makes no sense to set its bcIndex or position. // In fact, the block may end in a different method entirely, // so setting its position to the same as start may silently // get us into all kinds of trouble. --dave. end.setBytecodeIndex(UNKNOWN_BCI); start.linkWithNext(end); initInOutSets(); } /** * This constructor is only used for creating an EXIT node */ private BasicBlock() { start = end = null; setNumber(1); } final void initInOutSets() { } static BasicBlock makeExit() { return new BasicBlock(); } /** * Returns the string representation of this basic block. * @return a String that is the name of the block. */ @Override public String toString() { int number = getNumber(); if (isExit()) return "EXIT" + number; if (number == 0) return "BB0 (ENTRY)"; return "BB" + number; } /** * Print a detailed dump of the block to the sysWrite stream */ @Override public final void printExtended() { VM.sysWriteln("Basic block " + toString());; Enumeration<BasicBlock> blocks = getIn(); printBlocks("in", blocks); blocks = getNormalOut(); printBlocks("out", blocks); blocks = getExceptionalOut(); printBlocks("exceptional out", blocks); if (mayThrowUncaughtException()) { VM.sysWriteln("\tMay throw uncaught exceptions, implicit edge to EXIT"); } if (hasExceptionHandlers()) { blocks = getExceptionHandlers(); printBlocks("In scope exception handlers", blocks); } if (getNext() != null) { VM.sysWriteln("\tNext in code order: " + getNext().toString()); } if (start != null) { VM.sysWriteln("\tInstructions:"); Instruction inst = start; while (inst != end) { VM.sysWriteln(inst.getBytecodeIndex() + ":\t" + inst); inst = inst.getNext(); } VM.sysWriteln(inst.getBytecodeIndex() + ":\t" + inst); } VM.sysWriteln(); } private void printBlocks(String name, Enumeration<BasicBlock> blocks) { VM.sysWrite("\t" + name + ": "); BasicBlock block; if (!blocks.hasMoreElements()) { VM.sysWriteln("<none>"); } else { block = blocks.nextElement(); VM.sysWrite(block.toString()); while (blocks.hasMoreElements()) { block = blocks.nextElement(); VM.sysWrite(", " + block.toString()); } VM.sysWriteln(); } } /** * Can this block possibly throw an exception? * May conservatively return true even if the block * does not contain a PEI. * * @return <code>true</code> if the block might raise an * exception or <code>false</code> if it cannot */ public final boolean canThrowExceptions() { return (flags & CAN_THROW_EXCEPTIONS) != 0; } /** * Can a PEI in this block possibly raise an uncaught exception? * May conservatively return true even if the block * does not contain a PEI. When this is true it implies * that there is an implicit edge from this node to the * exit node in the FCFG. * <p> * NOTE: This method says nothing about the presence/absence * of an explicit throw of an uncaught exception, and thus does * not rule out the block having an <em>explicit</em> * edge to the exit node caused by a throw of an uncaught exception. * * @return <code>true</code> if the block might raise an * exception uncaught or <code>false</code> if it cannot */ public final boolean mayThrowUncaughtException() { return (flags & IMPLICIT_EXIT_EDGE) != 0; } /** * Is this block the first basic block in an exception handler? * NOTE: This doesn't seem particularly useful to me anymore, * since it is the same as asking if the block is an instanceof * and ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock. Perhaps we should phase this out? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block is the first block in * an exception hander or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public final boolean isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock() { return (flags & EXCEPTION_HANDLER) != 0; } /** * Has the block been marked as being reachable from an * exception handler? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block is reachable from * an exception hander or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public final boolean isReachableFromExceptionHandler() { return (flags & REACHABLE_FROM_EXCEPTION_HANDLER) != 0; } /** * Compare the in scope exception handlers of two blocks. * * @param other block to be compared to this. * @return <code>true</code> if this and other have equivalent in * scope exception handlers. */ public final boolean isExceptionHandlerEquivalent(BasicBlock other) { // We might be able to do something, // by considering the (subset) of reachable exception handlers, // but it would be awfully tricky to get it right, // so just give up if they aren't equivalent. if (exceptionHandlers != other.exceptionHandlers) { // Even if not pointer ==, they still may be equivalent Enumeration<BasicBlock> e1 = getExceptionHandlers(); Enumeration<BasicBlock> e2 = other.getExceptionHandlers(); while (e1.hasMoreElements()) { if (!e2.hasMoreElements()) return false; if (e1.nextElement() != e2.nextElement()) return false; } if (e2.hasMoreElements()) return false; } return true; } /** * Has the block been marked as being infrequently executed? * NOTE: Only blocks that are truly icy cold should be marked * as infrequent. * * @return <code>true</code> if the block is marked as infrequently * executed or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public final boolean getInfrequent() { return (flags & INFREQUENT) != 0; } /** * Is the scratch flag set on the block? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block scratch flag is set * or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public final boolean getScratchFlag() { return (flags & SCRATCH) != 0; } /** * Has the block been marked as landing pad? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block is marked as landing pad * or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public final boolean getLandingPad() { return (flags & LANDING_PAD) != 0; } /** * Mark the block as possibly raising an exception. */ public final void setCanThrowExceptions() { flags |= CAN_THROW_EXCEPTIONS; } /** * Mark the block as possibly raising an uncaught exception. */ public final void setMayThrowUncaughtException() { flags |= IMPLICIT_EXIT_EDGE; } /** * Mark the block as the first block in an exception handler. */ public final void setExceptionHandlerBasicBlock() { flags |= EXCEPTION_HANDLER; } /** * Mark the block as being reachable from an exception handler. */ public final void setReachableFromExceptionHandler() { flags |= REACHABLE_FROM_EXCEPTION_HANDLER; } /** * Mark the block as being infrequently executed. */ public final void setInfrequent() { flags |= INFREQUENT; } /** * Set the scratch flag */ public final void setScratchFlag() { flags |= SCRATCH; } /** * Mark the block as a landing pad for loop invariant code motion. */ public final void setLandingPad() { flags |= LANDING_PAD; } /** * Clear the may raise an exception property of the block */ public final void clearCanThrowExceptions() { flags &= ~CAN_THROW_EXCEPTIONS; } /** * Clear the may raise uncaught exception property of the block */ public final void clearMayThrowUncaughtException() { flags &= ~IMPLICIT_EXIT_EDGE; } /** * Clear the block is the first one in an exception handler * property of the block. */ public final void clearExceptionHandlerBasicBlock() { flags &= ~EXCEPTION_HANDLER; } /** * Clear the block is reachable from an exception handler * property of the block. */ public final void clearReachableFromExceptionHandler() { flags &= ~REACHABLE_FROM_EXCEPTION_HANDLER; } /** * Clear the infrequently executed property of the block */ public final void clearInfrequent() { flags &= ~INFREQUENT; } /** * Clear the scratch flag. */ public final void clearScratchFlag() { flags &= ~SCRATCH; } /** * Clear the landing pad property of the block */ public final void clearLandingPad() { flags &= ~LANDING_PAD; } private void setCanThrowExceptions(boolean v) { if (v) { setCanThrowExceptions(); } else { clearCanThrowExceptions(); } } private void setMayThrowUncaughtException(boolean v) { if (v) { setMayThrowUncaughtException(); } else { clearMayThrowUncaughtException(); } } final void setInfrequent(boolean v) { if (v) { setInfrequent(); } else { clearInfrequent(); } } public final void setExceptionHandlerWithNormalIn() { flags |= EXCEPTION_HANDLER_WITH_NORMAL_IN; } public final boolean isExceptionHandlerWithNormalIn() { return (flags & EXCEPTION_HANDLER_WITH_NORMAL_IN) != 0; } /** * Make a branch operand with the label instruction * of this block. * * @return an BranchOperand holding this blocks label */ public final BranchOperand makeJumpTarget() { return new BranchOperand(firstInstruction()); } /** * Make a GOTO instruction, branching to the first instruction of * this basic block. * * @return a GOTO instruction that jumps to this block */ public final Instruction makeGOTO() { return Goto.create(GOTO, makeJumpTarget()); } /** * @return the first instruciton of the basic block (the label) */ public final Instruction firstInstruction() { return start; } /** * @return the first 'real' instruction of the basic block; * null if the block is empty */ public final Instruction firstRealInstruction() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return start.getNext(); } } /** * @return the last instruction of the basic block (the BBEND) */ public final Instruction lastInstruction() { return end; } /** * @return the last 'real' instruction of the basic block; * null if the block is empty */ public final Instruction lastRealInstruction() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return end.getPrev(); } } /** * @return the estimated relative execution frequency of the block */ public final float getExecutionFrequency() { return freq; } public final void setExecutionFrequency(float f) { freq = f; } /** * Scales the estimated relative execution frequency of this block. * * @param f scale factor */ public final void scaleExecutionFrequency(float f) { freq *= f; } /** * Augments the estimated relative execution frequency of this block. * * @param f value to add */ public final void augmentExecutionFrequency(float f) { freq += f; } /** * Is this block the exit basic block? * * @return <code>true</code> if this block is the EXIT or * <code>false</code> if it is not */ public final boolean isExit() { return start == null; } /** * Forward enumeration of all the instruction in the block. * @return a forward enumeration of the block's instructons. */ public final Enumeration<Instruction> forwardInstrEnumerator() { return IREnumeration.forwardIntraBlockIE(firstInstruction(), lastInstruction()); } /** * Reverse enumeration of all the instruction in the block. * @return a reverse enumeration of the block's instructons. */ public final Enumeration<Instruction> reverseInstrEnumerator() { return IREnumeration.reverseIntraBlockIE(lastInstruction(), firstInstruction()); } /** * Forward enumeration of all the real instruction in the block. * @return a forward enumeration of the block's real instructons. */ public final Enumeration<Instruction> forwardRealInstrEnumerator() { return IREnumeration.forwardIntraBlockIE(firstRealInstruction(), lastRealInstruction()); } /** * Reverse enumeration of all the real instruction in the block. * @return a reverse enumeration of the block's real instructons. */ public final Enumeration<Instruction> reverseRealInstrEnumerator() { return IREnumeration.reverseIntraBlockIE(lastRealInstruction(), firstRealInstruction()); } /** * How many real instructions does the block contain? * WARNING: This method actually counts the instructions, * thus it has a linear time complexity! * * @return the number of "real" instructions in this basic block. */ public int getNumberOfRealInstructions() { int count = 0; for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = forwardRealInstrEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); e.nextElement()) { count++; } return count; } /** * Does this basic block end in a GOTO instruction? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block ends in a GOTO * or <code>false</code> if it does not */ public final boolean hasGoto() { if (isEmpty()) return false; if (Goto.conforms(lastRealInstruction())) return true; if (VM.BuildForIA32) { return org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Branch.conforms(lastRealInstruction()); } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.BuildForPowerPC); return org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Branch.conforms(lastRealInstruction()); } } /** * Does this basic block end in a RETURN instruction? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block ends in a RETURN * or <code>false</code> if it does not */ public final boolean hasReturn() { if (isEmpty()) return false; if (Return.conforms(lastRealInstruction())) return true; if (VM.BuildForIA32) { return org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Return.conforms(lastRealInstruction()); } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.BuildForPowerPC); return org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Return.conforms(lastRealInstruction()); } } /** * Does this basic block end in a SWITCH instruction? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block ends in a SWITCH * or <code>false</code> if it does not */ public final boolean hasSwitch() { if (isEmpty()) return false; Instruction s = lastRealInstruction(); return TableSwitch.conforms(s) || LowTableSwitch.conforms(s) || LookupSwitch.conforms(s); } /** * Does this basic block contain an explicit athrow instruction? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block ends in an explicit Athrow * instruction or <code>false</code> if it does not */ public final boolean hasAthrowInst() { if (isEmpty()) return false; Instruction s = lastRealInstruction(); if (VM.BuildForIA32 && s.operator().isAdviseESP()) { s = s.getPrev(); } if (Athrow.conforms(s)) { return true; } MethodOperand mop = null; if (VM.BuildForIA32 && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.conforms(s)) { mop = org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Call.getMethod(s); } else if (VM.BuildForPowerPC && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.conforms(s)) { mop = org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Call.getMethod(s); } else if (Call.conforms(s)) { mop = Call.getMethod(s); } return mop != null && mop.getTarget() == Entrypoints.athrowMethod; } /** * Does this basic block end in an explicit trap? * * @return <code>true</code> if the block ends in a an explicit trap * or <code>false</code> if it does not */ public final boolean hasTrap() { if (isEmpty()) return false; Instruction s = lastRealInstruction(); return Trap.conforms(s); } /** * Does this basic block end in a call that never returns? * (For example, a call to athrow()) * * @return <code>true</code> if the block ends in a call that never * returns or <code>false</code> if it does not */ public final boolean hasNonReturningCall() { if (isEmpty()) return false; Instruction s = lastRealInstruction(); if (Call.conforms(s)) { MethodOperand methodOp = Call.getMethod(s); if (methodOp != null && methodOp.isNonReturningCall()) { return true; } } return false; } public final boolean hasNonReturningOsr() { if (isEmpty()) return false; Instruction s = lastRealInstruction(); return OsrPoint.conforms(s); } /** * If there is a fallthrough FCFG successor of this node * return it. * * @return the fall-through successor of this node or * <code>null</code> if none exists */ public final BasicBlock getFallThroughBlock() { if (hasGoto()) return null; if (hasSwitch()) return null; if (hasReturn()) return null; if (hasAthrowInst()) return null; if (hasTrap()) return null; if (hasNonReturningCall()) return null; if (hasNonReturningOsr()) return null; return nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); } /** * @return the FCFG successor if all conditional branches in this are * <em> not </em> taken */ public final BasicBlock getNotTakenNextBlock() { Instruction last = lastRealInstruction(); if (Goto.conforms(last)) { return last.getBranchTarget(); } else if (VM.BuildForIA32 && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Branch.conforms(last)) { return last.getBranchTarget(); } else if (VM.BuildForPowerPC && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Branch.conforms(last)) { return last.getBranchTarget(); } else { return nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); } } /** * Replace fall through in this block by an explicit goto */ public void killFallThrough() { BasicBlock fallThrough = getFallThroughBlock(); if (fallThrough != null) { lastInstruction().insertBefore(Goto.create(GOTO, fallThrough.makeJumpTarget())); } } /** * Prepend instruction to this basic block by inserting it right after * the LABEL instruction in the instruction list. * * @param i instruction to append */ public final void prependInstruction(Instruction i) { start.insertAfter(i); } /** * Prepend instruction to this basic block but respect the prologue * instruction, which must come first. * * @param i instruction to append */ public final void prependInstructionRespectingPrologue(Instruction i) { Instruction first = firstRealInstruction(); if ((first != null) && (first.getOpcode() == IR_PROLOGUE_opcode)) { first.insertAfter(i); } else { start.insertAfter(i); } } /** * Append instruction to this basic block by inserting it right before * the BBEND instruction in the instruction list. * * @param i instruction to append */ public final void appendInstruction(Instruction i) { end.insertBefore(i); } /** * Append instruction to this basic block by inserting it right before * the BBEND instruction in the instruction list. However, if * the basic block ends in a sequence of branch instructions, insert * the instruction before the first branch instruction. * * @param i instruction to append */ public final void appendInstructionRespectingTerminalBranch(Instruction i) { Instruction s = end; while (s.getPrev().operator().isBranch()) s = s.getPrev(); s.insertBefore(i); } /** * Append instruction to this basic block by inserting it right before * the BBEND instruction in the instruction list. However, if * the basic block ends in a sequence of branch instructions, insert * the instruction before the first branch instruction. If the block * ends in a PEI, insert the instruction before the PEI. * This function is meant to be used when the block has * been {@link #unfactor(IR) unfactored} and thus is in CFG form. * * @param i instruction to append */ public final void appendInstructionRespectingTerminalBranchOrPEI(Instruction i) { Instruction s = end; while (s.getPrev().operator().isBranch() || s.getPrev().operator().isThrow() || (s.getPrev().isPEI() && getApplicableExceptionalOut(s.getPrev()).hasMoreElements())) { s = s.getPrev(); } s.insertBefore(i); } /** * Return an enumeration of the branch instructions in this * basic block. * @return an forward enumeration of this blocks branch instruction */ public final Enumeration<Instruction> enumerateBranchInstructions() { Instruction start = firstBranchInstruction(); Instruction end = (start == null) ? null : lastRealInstruction(); return IREnumeration.forwardIntraBlockIE(start, end); } /** * Return the first branch instruction in the block. * * @return the first branch instruction in the block * or <code>null</code> if there are none. */ public final Instruction firstBranchInstruction() { Instruction s = lastRealInstruction(); if (s == null) return null; if (!s.operator().isBranch()) return null; while (s.getPrev().isBranch()) { s = s.getPrev(); } return s; } /** * Return the next basic block in with respect to the current * code linearization order. * * @return the next basic block in the code order or * <code>null</code> if no such block exists */ public final BasicBlock nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder() { return (BasicBlock) getNext(); } /** * Return the previous basic block in with respect to the current * code linearization order. * * @return the previous basic block in the code order or * <code>null</code> if no such block exists */ public final BasicBlock prevBasicBlockInCodeOrder() { return (BasicBlock) getPrev(); } /** * Returns true if the block contains no real instructions * * @return <code>true</code> if the block contains no real instructions * or <code>false</code> if it does. */ public final boolean isEmpty() { return start.getNext() == end; } /** * Are there any exceptional out edges that are applicable * to the given instruction (assumed to be in instruction in 'this') * * @param instr the instruction in question * @return true or false; */ public final boolean hasApplicableExceptionalOut(Instruction instr) { return getApplicableExceptionalOut(instr).hasMoreElements(); } /** * An enumeration of the subset of exceptional out edges that are applicable * to the given instruction (assumed to be in instruction in 'this') * * @param instr the instruction in question * @return an enumeration of the exceptional out edges applicable to instr */ public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getApplicableExceptionalOut(Instruction instr) { if (instr.isPEI()) { int numPossible = getNumberOfExceptionalOut(); if (numPossible == 0) return EmptyEnumeration.<BasicBlock>emptyEnumeration(); ComputedBBEnum e = new ComputedBBEnum(numPossible); switch (instr.getOpcode()) { case ATHROW_opcode: TypeReference type = Athrow.getValue(instr).getType(); addTargets(e, type); break; case CHECKCAST_opcode: case CHECKCAST_NOTNULL_opcode: case CHECKCAST_UNRESOLVED_opcode: addTargets(e, TypeReference.JavaLangClassCastException); break; case NULL_CHECK_opcode: addTargets(e, TypeReference.JavaLangNullPointerException); break; case BOUNDS_CHECK_opcode: addTargets(e, TypeReference.JavaLangArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException); break; case INT_ZERO_CHECK_opcode: case LONG_ZERO_CHECK_opcode: addTargets(e, TypeReference.JavaLangArithmeticException); break; case OBJARRAY_STORE_CHECK_opcode: addTargets(e, TypeReference.JavaLangArrayStoreException); break; default: // Not an operator for which we have a more refined notion of // its exception semantics, so assume that any reachable exception // handler might be a potential target of this PEI return getExceptionalOut(); } return e; } else { return EmptyEnumeration.<BasicBlock>emptyEnumeration(); } } // add all handler blocks in this's out set that might possibly catch // an exception of static type throwException // (may dynamically be any subtype of thrownException) private void addTargets(ComputedBBEnum e, TypeReference thrownException) { for (SpaceEffGraphEdge ed = _outEdgeStart; ed != null; ed = ed.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) ed.toNode(); if (bb.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock eblock = (ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock) bb; if (eblock.mayCatchException(thrownException) != NO) { e.addPossiblyDuplicateElement(eblock); } } } } /** * An enumeration of the in scope exception handlers for this basic block. * Note that this may be a superset of the exception handlers * actually included in the out set of this basic block. * * @return an enumeration of all inscope exception handlers */ public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getExceptionHandlers() { if (exceptionHandlers == null) { return EmptyEnumeration.<BasicBlock>emptyEnumeration(); } else { return exceptionHandlers.enumerator(); } } /** * Is this block in the scope of at least exception handler? * * @return <code>true</code> if there is at least one in scope * exception handler, <code>false</code> otherwise */ public final boolean hasExceptionHandlers() { return exceptionHandlers != null; } /** * Returns an Enumeration of the in scope exception handlers that are * actually reachable from this basic block in the order that they are * applicable (which is semantically meaningful). * IE, this is those blocks in getExceptionalOut ordered as * in getExceptionHandlers. * * @return an enumeration of the reachable exception handlers */ public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getReachableExceptionHandlers() { if (hasExceptionHandlers()) { int count = 0; for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> inScope = getExceptionHandlers(); inScope.hasMoreElements(); inScope.nextElement()) { count++; } ComputedBBEnum ans = new ComputedBBEnum(count); for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> inScope = getExceptionHandlers(); inScope.hasMoreElements();) { BasicBlock cand = inScope.nextElement(); if (pointsOut(cand)) ans.addPossiblyDuplicateElement(cand); } return ans; } else { return EmptyEnumeration.<BasicBlock>emptyEnumeration(); } } /** * Delete all the non-exceptional out edges. * A useful primitive routine for some CFG manipulations. */ public final void deleteNormalOut() { for (SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _outEdgeStart; e != null; e = e.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock out = (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); if (!out.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { deleteOut(e); } } } /** * Recompute the normal out edges of 'this' based on the * semantics of the branch instructions in the block.<p> * * WARNING: Use this method with caution. It does not update the * CFG edges correctly if the method contains certain instructions * such as throws and returns. Incorrect liveness info and GC maps * result, causing crashes during GC.<p> * * TODO check if warning is still current and if there's info on * CMVC Defect 171189 anywhere * * @param ir the containing IR */ public final void recomputeNormalOut(IR ir) { deleteNormalOut(); for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = enumerateBranchInstructions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Instruction branch = e.nextElement(); Enumeration<BasicBlock> targets = branch.getBranchTargets(); while (targets.hasMoreElements()) { BasicBlock targetBlock = targets.nextElement(); if (targetBlock.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { targetBlock.setExceptionHandlerWithNormalIn(); } insertOut(targetBlock); } } // Check for fallthrough edge BasicBlock fallThrough = getFallThroughBlock(); if (fallThrough != null) { if (fallThrough.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { fallThrough.setExceptionHandlerWithNormalIn(); } insertOut(fallThrough); } // Check special cases that require edge to exit if (hasReturn()) { insertOut(ir.cfg.exit()); } else if (hasAthrowInst() || hasNonReturningCall()) { if (mayThrowUncaughtException()) { insertOut(ir.cfg.exit()); } } else if (hasNonReturningOsr()) { insertOut(ir.cfg.exit()); } } /** * Ensure that the target instruction is the only real instruction * in its basic block and that it has exactly one successor and * one predecessor basic blocks that are linked to it by fall through edges. * * @param target the Instruction that must be placed in its own BB * @param ir the containing IR object * @return the BasicBlock containing target */ public final BasicBlock segregateInstruction(Instruction target, IR ir) { if (IR.PARANOID) VM._assert(this == target.getBasicBlock()); BasicBlock BB1 = splitNodeAt(target.getPrev(), ir); this.insertOut(BB1); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(this, BB1); BasicBlock BB2 = BB1.splitNodeAt(target, ir); BB1.insertOut(BB2); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB1, BB2); return BB1; } /** * Splits a node at an instruction point. All the instructions up to and * including the argument instruction remain in the original basic block. * All instructions in this basic block but after s in the instruction list * are moved to the new basic block. * <ul> * <li> does not establish control flow edge out of B1 -- caller responsibility * <li> does not establish control flow edge into B2 -- caller responsibility * <li> Leaves a break in the code order -- caller responsibility * to patch back together. If the original code order was * BB_before -> BB1 -> BB_after * then the new code order is * BB_before -> BB1 <break> BB2 -> BB_after. * Note that if BB_after == null, splitNodeAt does handle * updating ir.cfg._lastNode to point to BB2. * </ul> * * @param last_instr_BB1 the instr that is to become the last instruction * in this basic block * @param ir the containing IR object * @return the newly created basic block which is the successor to this */ public final BasicBlock splitNodeAt(Instruction last_instr_BB1, IR ir) { if (IR.PARANOID) VM._assert(this == last_instr_BB1.getBasicBlock()); BasicBlock BB1 = this; BasicBlock BB2 = new BasicBlock(last_instr_BB1.getBytecodeIndex(), last_instr_BB1.position(), ir.cfg); BasicBlock BB3 = (BasicBlock) BB1.next; // move last_instr_BB1 ... BB1.end.prev into BB2 if (last_instr_BB1 == BB1.end || last_instr_BB1.getNext() == BB1.end) { // there are no such instructions; nothing to do } else { Instruction first_instr_BB2 = last_instr_BB1.getNext(); Instruction last_instr_BB2 = BB1.end.getPrev(); last_instr_BB1.linkWithNext(BB1.end); BB2.start.linkWithNext(first_instr_BB2); last_instr_BB2.linkWithNext(BB2.end); } // Update code ordering (see header comment above) if (BB3 == null) { ir.cfg.addLastInCodeOrder(BB2); if (IR.PARANOID) VM._assert(BB1.next == BB2 && BB2.prev == BB1); ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(BB1, BB2); } else { ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(BB1, BB3); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(BB2, BB3); } // Update control flow graph to transfer BB1's out edges to BB2. // But it's not as simple as that. Any edge that is present to represent // potential exception behavior (out.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock == true) // needs to be both left in BB1's out set and transfered to BB2's out set // Note this may be overly conservative, but will be correct. for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = getOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) { BasicBlock out = e.nextElement(); BB2.insertOut(out); } // Initialize the rest of BB2's exception related state to match BB1 BB2.exceptionHandlers = BB1.exceptionHandlers; BB2.setCanThrowExceptions(BB1.canThrowExceptions()); BB2.setMayThrowUncaughtException(BB1.mayThrowUncaughtException()); BB2.setExecutionFrequency(BB1.getExecutionFrequency()); BB1.deleteNormalOut(); return BB2; } /** * Splits a node at an instruction point. All the instructions up to and * including the argument instruction remain in the original basic block * all instructions in this basic block but after s in the instruction list * are moved to the new basic block. The blocks are linked together in * the FCFG and the code order. * The key difference between this function and * {@link #splitNodeAt(Instruction,IR)} is that it does * establish the FCFG edges and code order such that B1 falls into B2. * * @param last_instr_BB1 the instr that is to become * the last instruction in this basic block * @param ir the containing IR object * @return the newly created basic block which is the successor to this */ public final BasicBlock splitNodeWithLinksAt(Instruction last_instr_BB1, IR ir) { if (IR.PARANOID) VM._assert(this == last_instr_BB1.getBasicBlock()); BasicBlock BB2 = splitNodeAt(last_instr_BB1, ir); this.insertOut(BB2); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(this, BB2); return BB2; } /** * Copies a basic block. The copy differs from the original as follows: * <ul> * <li> the copy's number and labels are new, and will be unique in the * containing IR * <li> the copy is NOT linked into the IR's bblist * <li> the copy does NOT appear in the IR's cfg. * </ul> * The copy * <ul> * <li> inherits the original block's exception handlers * <li> inherits the original block's bytecode index * <li> has NEW copies of each instruction. * </ul> * * @param ir the containing IR * @return the copy */ public final BasicBlock copyWithoutLinks(IR ir) { // create a new block with the same bytecode index and exception handlers int bytecodeIndex = -1; // Make the label instruction of the new block have the same // bc info as the label of the original block. if (firstInstruction() != null) { bytecodeIndex = firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(); } BasicBlock newBlock = createSubBlock(bytecodeIndex, ir, 1f); // copy each instruction from the original block. for (Instruction s = firstInstruction().getNext(); s != lastInstruction(); s = s.getNext()) { newBlock.appendInstruction(s.copyWithoutLinks()); } // copy other properties of the block. newBlock.flags = flags; return newBlock; } /** * For each basic block b which is a "normal" successor of this, * make a copy of b, and set up the CFG so that this block has * normal out edges to the copies.<p> * * WARNING: Use this method with caution. See comment on * BasicBlock.recomputeNormalOut() * * @param ir the containing IR */ public final void replicateNormalOut(IR ir) { // for each normal out successor (b) of 'this' .... for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = getNormalOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) { BasicBlock b = e.nextElement(); replicateThisOut(ir, b); } } /** * For basic block b which has to be a "normal" successor of this, * make a copy of b, and set up the CFG so that this block has * normal out edges to the copy.<p> * * WARNING: Use this method with caution. See comment on * BasicBlock.recomputeNormalOut() * * @param ir the governing IR * @param b the block to replicate * @return the replicated basic block */ public final BasicBlock replicateThisOut(IR ir, BasicBlock b) { return replicateThisOut(ir, b, this); } /** * For basic block b which has to be a "normal" successor of this, * make a copy of b, and set up the CFG so that this block has * normal out edges to the copy.<p> * * WARNING: Use this method with caution. See comment on * BasicBlock.recomputeNormalOut() * * @param ir the governing IR * @param b the block to replicate * @param pred code order predecessor for new block * @return the replicated basic block */ public final BasicBlock replicateThisOut(IR ir, BasicBlock b, BasicBlock pred) { // don't replicate the exit node if (b.isExit()) return null; // 1. create the replicated block (bCopy) BasicBlock bCopy = b.copyWithoutLinks(ir); // 2. If b has a fall-through edge, insert the appropriate GOTO at // the end of bCopy BasicBlock bFallThrough = b.getFallThroughBlock(); if (bFallThrough != null) { Instruction g = Goto.create(GOTO, bFallThrough.makeJumpTarget()); bCopy.appendInstruction(g); } bCopy.recomputeNormalOut(ir); // 3. update the branch instructions in 'this' to point to bCopy redirectOuts(b, bCopy, ir); // 4. link the new basic into the code order, immediately following pred pred.killFallThrough(); BasicBlock next = pred.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); if (next != null) { ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(pred, next); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(bCopy, next); } ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(pred, bCopy); return bCopy; } /** * Move me behind `pred'. * * @param pred my desired code order predecessor * @param ir the governing IR */ public void moveBehind(BasicBlock pred, IR ir) { killFallThrough(); pred.killFallThrough(); BasicBlock thisPred = prevBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); BasicBlock thisSucc = nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); if (thisPred != null) { thisPred.killFallThrough(); ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(thisPred, this); } if (thisSucc != null) ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(this, thisSucc); if (thisPred != null && thisSucc != null) { ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(thisPred, thisSucc); } thisPred = pred; thisSucc = pred.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); if (thisSucc != null) { ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(thisPred, thisSucc); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(this, thisSucc); } ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(thisPred, this); } /** * Change all branches from this to b to branches that go to bCopy instead. * This method also handles this.fallThrough, so `this' should still be in * the code order when this method is called.<p> * * WARNING: Use this method with caution. See comment on * BasicBlock.recomputeNormalOut() * * @param b the original target * @param bCopy the future target * @param ir the IR that contains this basic block */ public final void redirectOuts(BasicBlock b, BasicBlock bCopy, IR ir) { BranchOperand copyTarget = bCopy.makeJumpTarget(); BranchOperand bTarget = b.makeJumpTarget(); // 1. update the branch instructions in 'this' to point to bCopy for (Enumeration<Instruction> ie = enumerateBranchInstructions(); ie.hasMoreElements();) { Instruction s = ie.nextElement(); s.replaceSimilarOperands(bTarget, copyTarget); } // 2. if this falls through to b, make it jump to bCopy if (getFallThroughBlock() == b) { Instruction g = Goto.create(GOTO, copyTarget); //no copy needed. appendInstruction(g); } // 3. recompute normal control flow edges. recomputeNormalOut(ir); } /* * TODO: work on eliminating this method by converting callers to * three argument form */ public final BasicBlock createSubBlock(int bc, IR ir) { return createSubBlock(bc, ir, 1f); } /** * Creates a new basic block that inherits its exception handling, * etc from 'this'. This method is intended to be used in conjunction * with splitNodeAt when splitting instructions in one original block * into a sequence of sublocks * * @param bc the bytecode index to start the block * @param ir the containing IR * @param wf the fraction of this's execution frequency that should be * inherited by the new block. In the range [0.0, 1.0] * @return the new empty BBlock */ public final BasicBlock createSubBlock(int bc, IR ir, float wf) { // For now, give the basic block the same inline context as the // original block. // TODO: This won't always work. (In fact, in the presence of inlining // it will be wrong quite often). --dave // We really have to pass the position in if we except this to work. BasicBlock temp = new BasicBlock(bc, firstInstruction().position(), ir.cfg); // Conservatively transfer all exception handling behavior of the // parent block (this) to the new child block (temp) temp.exceptionHandlers = exceptionHandlers; temp.setCanThrowExceptions(canThrowExceptions()); temp.setMayThrowUncaughtException(mayThrowUncaughtException()); temp.setExecutionFrequency(getExecutionFrequency() * wf); for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = getOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) { BasicBlock out = e.nextElement(); if (out.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { temp.insertOut(out); } } return temp; } /** * If this block has a single non-Exception successor in the CFG * then we may be able to merge the two blocks together. * In order for this to be legal, it must be the case that: * <ol> * <li>The successor block has no other in edges than the one from this. * <li>Both blocks have the same exception handlers. * </ol> * Merging the blocks is always desirable when * <ol> * <li>the successor block is the next block in code order * <li>the successor block is not the next block in the code order, * but ends in an unconditional branch (ie it doesn't have a * fallthrough successor in the code order that we could be screwing up). * </ol> * * @param ir the IR object containing the basic block to be merged * @return <code>true</code> if the block was merged or * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public final boolean mergeFallThrough(IR ir) { if (getNumberOfNormalOut() != 1) return false; // this has other out edges. BasicBlock succBB = (BasicBlock) next; if (succBB == null || !pointsOut(succBB)) { // get the successor from the CFG rather than the code order (case (b)) succBB = getNormalOut().nextElement(); if (succBB.isExit()) return false; if (succBB.lastRealInstruction() == null || !succBB.lastRealInstruction().isUnconditionalBranch()) { return false; } } if (succBB.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) return false; // must preserve special exception info! if (succBB.getNumberOfIn() != 1) return false; // succBB has other in edges // Different in scope Exception handlers? if (!isExceptionHandlerEquivalent(succBB)) return false; // There may be a redundant goto at the end of this -- remove it. // There may also be redundant conditional branches (also to succBB). // Remove them as well. // Branch instructions to blocks other than succBB are errors. if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = enumerateBranchInstructions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Enumeration<BasicBlock> targets = e.nextElement().getBranchTargets(); while (targets.hasMoreElements()) { BasicBlock target = targets.nextElement(); VM._assert(target == succBB); } } } Instruction s = this.end.getPrev(); while (s.isBranch()) { s = s.remove(); } // splice together the instruction lists of the two basic blocks into // a single list and update this's BBEND info this.end.getPrev().linkWithNext(succBB.start.getNext()); succBB.end.getPrev().linkWithNext(this.end); // Add succBB's CFG sucessors to this's CFG out edges for (OutEdgeEnum e = succBB.getOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) { BasicBlock out = e.nextElement(); this.insertOut(out); } // Blow away sucBB. ir.cfg.removeFromCFGAndCodeOrder(succBB); // Merge misc BB state setCanThrowExceptions(canThrowExceptions() || succBB.canThrowExceptions()); setMayThrowUncaughtException(mayThrowUncaughtException() || succBB.mayThrowUncaughtException()); if (succBB.getInfrequent()) setInfrequent(); return true; } /** * Convert a block in the FCFG into the equivalent set of * CFG blocks by splitting the original block into sub-blocks * at each PEI that reaches at least one exception handelr. * NOTE: This is sufficient for intraprocedural analysis, since the * only program point at which the "wrong" answers will * be computed is the exit node, but is not good enough for * interprocedural analyses. To do an interprocedural analysis, * either the analysis needs to deal with the FCFG or all nodes * that modify globally visible state must be unfactored. * @see IR#unfactor * @param ir the containing IR object */ final void unfactor(IR ir) { for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = forwardRealInstrEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Instruction s = e.nextElement(); Enumeration<BasicBlock> expOuts = getApplicableExceptionalOut(s); if (expOuts.hasMoreElements() && e.hasMoreElements()) { BasicBlock next = splitNodeWithLinksAt(s, ir); next.unfactor(ir); pruneExceptionalOut(ir); return; } } } /** * Prune away exceptional out edges that are not reachable given this * block's instructions. * * @param ir the IR that contains this block */ final void pruneExceptionalOut(IR ir) { int n = getNumberOfExceptionalOut(); if (n > 0) { ComputedBBEnum handlers = new ComputedBBEnum(n); Enumeration<Instruction> e = forwardRealInstrEnumerator(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Instruction x = e.nextElement(); Enumeration<BasicBlock> bbs = getApplicableExceptionalOut(x); while (bbs.hasMoreElements()) { BasicBlock bb = bbs.nextElement(); handlers.addPossiblyDuplicateElement(bb); } } deleteExceptionalOut(); for (int i = 0; handlers.hasMoreElements(); i++) { ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock b = (ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock) handlers.nextElement(); insertOut(b); } } // Since any edge to an exception handler is an "exceptional" edge, // the previous procedure has thrown away any "normal" CFG edges to // exception handlers. So, recompute normal edges to recover them. recomputeNormalOut(ir); } // helper function for unfactor private void deleteExceptionalOut() { for (SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _outEdgeStart; e != null; e = e.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock out = (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); if (out.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { deleteOut(e); } } } /** * An enumeration of the FCFG in nodes. * * @return an enumeration of the in nodes */ public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getIn() { return new InEdgeEnum(this); } /** * An enumeration of the FCFG in nodes. * * @return an enumeration of the in nodes */ @Override public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getInNodes() { return new InEdgeEnum(this); } /** * Is there an in edge from the given basic block? * * @param bb basic block in question * @return <code>true</code> if an in edge exists from bb * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public final boolean isIn(BasicBlock bb) { InEdgeEnum iee = new InEdgeEnum(this); while (iee.hasMoreElements()) { if (iee.nextElement() == bb) { return true; } } return false; } /** * An enumeration of the FCFG out nodes. * * @return an enumeration of the out nodes */ public final OutEdgeEnum getOut() { return new OutEdgeEnum(this); } /** * An enumeration of the FCFG out nodes. * * @return an enumeration of the out nodes */ @Override public final OutEdgeEnum getOutNodes() { return new OutEdgeEnum(this); } /** * Is there an out edge to the given basic block? * * @param bb basic block in question * @return <code>true</code> if an out edge exists to bb * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public final boolean isOut(BasicBlock bb) { OutEdgeEnum oee = new OutEdgeEnum(this); while (oee.hasMoreElements()) { if (oee.nextElement() == bb) { return true; } } return false; } /** * An enumeration of the 'normal' (not reached via exceptional control flow) * out nodes of the block. * * @return an enumeration of the out nodes that are not * reachable via as a result of exceptional control flow */ public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getNormalOut() { return new NormalOutEdgeEnum(this); } /** * Is there a 'normal' out edge to the given basic block? * * @param bb basic block in question * @return <code>true</code> if a normal out edge exists to bb * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public final boolean isNormalOut(BasicBlock bb) { NormalOutEdgeEnum noee = new NormalOutEdgeEnum(this); while (noee.hasMoreElements()) { if (noee.nextElement() == bb) { return true; } } return false; } /** * An enumeration of the 'exceptional' (reached via exceptional control flow) * out nodes of the block. * * @return an enumeration of the out nodes that are * reachable via as a result of exceptional control flow */ public final Enumeration<BasicBlock> getExceptionalOut() { if (canThrowExceptions()) { return new ExceptionOutEdgeEnum(this); } else { return EmptyEnumeration.<BasicBlock>emptyEnumeration(); } } /** * Is there an 'exceptional' out edge to the given basic block? * * @param bb basic block in question * @return <code>true</code> if an exceptional out edge exists to bb * <code>false</code> otherwise */ public final boolean isExceptionalOut(BasicBlock bb) { if (!canThrowExceptions()) return false; ExceptionOutEdgeEnum eoee = new ExceptionOutEdgeEnum(this); while (eoee.hasMoreElements()) { if (eoee.nextElement() == bb) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get the number of out nodes that are to "normal" basic blocks * * @return the number of out nodes that are not the start of * exception handlers */ public final int getNumberOfNormalOut() { int count = 0; boolean countValid = true; for (SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _outEdgeStart; e != null; e = e.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); if (!bb.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { count++; } else if (bb.isExceptionHandlerWithNormalIn()) { countValid = false; break; } } if (countValid) { return count; } else { HashSet<BasicBlock> setOfTargets = new HashSet<BasicBlock>(); for (SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _outEdgeStart; e != null; e = e.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); if (!bb.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { setOfTargets.add(bb); } } for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = enumerateBranchInstructions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Enumeration<BasicBlock> targets = e.nextElement().getBranchTargets(); while (targets.hasMoreElements()) { setOfTargets.add(targets.nextElement()); } } return setOfTargets.size(); } } /** * Get the number of out nodes that are to exception handler basic blocks * * @return the number of out nodes that are exception handlers */ public final int getNumberOfExceptionalOut() { int count = 0; if (canThrowExceptions()) { for (SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _outEdgeStart; e != null; e = e.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); if (bb.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { count++; } } } return count; } /** * Are there exceptinal handlers that are reachable via * exceptional control flow from this basic block? * * @return <code>true</code> if an exceptional handler * is reachable from this block or * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public final boolean hasReachableExceptionHandlers() { if (canThrowExceptions()) { for (SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _outEdgeStart; e != null; e = e.getNextOut()) { BasicBlock bb = (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); if (bb.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { return true; } } } return false; } /* * Primitive BasicBlock enumerators. * We don't really intend clients to directly instantiate these, but rather to * call the appropriate utility function that creates/initializes one of these */ abstract static class BBEnum implements Enumeration<BasicBlock> { protected BasicBlock current; @Override public final boolean hasMoreElements() { return current != null; } @Override public final BasicBlock nextElement() { if (current == null) fail(); BasicBlock value = current; current = advance(); return value; } protected abstract BasicBlock advance(); @NoInline protected static void fail() throws java.util.NoSuchElementException { throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("Basic Block Enumeration"); } } // Arbitrary constructed enumeration of some set of basic blocks static final class ComputedBBEnum implements Enumeration<BasicBlock> { private final BasicBlock[] blocks; private int numBlocks; private int current; ComputedBBEnum(int maxBlocks) { blocks = new BasicBlock[maxBlocks]; } void addElement(BasicBlock b) { blocks[numBlocks++] = b; } void addPossiblyDuplicateElement(BasicBlock b) { for (int i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++) { if (blocks[i] == b) return; } addElement(b); } public int totalCount() { return numBlocks; } @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { return current < numBlocks; } @Override public BasicBlock nextElement() { if (current >= numBlocks) fail(); return blocks[current++]; } @NoInline static void fail() throws java.util.NoSuchElementException { throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("Basic Block Enumeration"); } } // this class needs to be implemented efficiently, as it is used heavily. static final class InEdgeEnum implements Enumeration<BasicBlock> { private SpaceEffGraphEdge _edge; InEdgeEnum(SpaceEffGraphNode n) { _edge = n.firstInEdge(); } @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { return _edge != null; } @Override public BasicBlock nextElement() { SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _edge; _edge = e.getNextIn(); return (BasicBlock) e.fromNode(); } } // this class needs to be implemented efficiently, as it is used heavily. static final class OutEdgeEnum implements Enumeration<BasicBlock> { private SpaceEffGraphEdge _edge; OutEdgeEnum(SpaceEffGraphNode n) { _edge = n.firstOutEdge(); } @Override public boolean hasMoreElements() { return _edge != null; } @Override public BasicBlock nextElement() { SpaceEffGraphEdge e = _edge; _edge = e.getNextOut(); return (BasicBlock) e.toNode(); } } // Enumerate the non-handler blocks in the edge set final class NormalOutEdgeEnum extends BBEnum { private SpaceEffGraphEdge _edge; NormalOutEdgeEnum(SpaceEffGraphNode n) { _edge = n.firstOutEdge(); current = advance(); } @Override protected BasicBlock advance() { while (_edge != null) { BasicBlock cand = (BasicBlock) _edge.toNode(); _edge = _edge.getNextOut(); if (!cand.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { return cand; } else if (cand.isExceptionHandlerWithNormalIn()) { for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = enumerateBranchInstructions(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Enumeration<BasicBlock> targets = e.nextElement().getBranchTargets(); while (targets.hasMoreElements()) { if (cand == targets.nextElement()) { return cand; } } } } } return null; } } // Enumerate the non-handler blocks in the edge set static final class ExceptionOutEdgeEnum extends BBEnum { private SpaceEffGraphEdge _edge; ExceptionOutEdgeEnum(SpaceEffGraphNode n) { _edge = n.firstOutEdge(); current = advance(); } @Override protected BasicBlock advance() { while (_edge != null) { BasicBlock cand = (BasicBlock) _edge.toNode(); _edge = _edge.getNextOut(); if (cand.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { return cand; } } return null; } } public void discardInstructions() { start.getNext().setPrev(null); end.getPrev().setNext(null); start.linkWithNext(end); } public ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag exceptionHandlers() { return exceptionHandlers; } public void setExceptionHandlers(ExceptionHandlerBasicBlockBag exceptionHandlers) { this.exceptionHandlers = exceptionHandlers; } }