/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IRDumpTools.dumpIR; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR; /** * Compiler phases all extend this abstract class. * All compiler phases must provide implementations of * two abstract methods: * <ul> * <li> getName: return a String that is the name of the phase * <li> perform: actually do the work of the phase * </ul> * * <p> By default, a new instance of the phase is created each time * shouldPerform is called. This instance is discarded as soon * as shouldPerform completes. Therefore, it is allowable * (and is suggested when necessary) for subclasses * to use their instance fields to hold per-compilation state. * To be more concrete, the pattern of use is: * <pre> * newExecution(ir).performPhase(ir). * </pre> * @see OptimizationPlanAtomicElement#perform * * <p> NOTE: compiler phases that do not need to use instance * fields to hold per-compilation state may override * <code> newExecution() </code> to return this. Doing so may lead to * memory leaks and concurrent access problems, so this should be done * with great care! */ public abstract class CompilerPhase { /** * The plan element that contains this phase. * Only useful if the phase wants to gather additional statistics * for a measure compilation report. */ protected OptimizationPlanAtomicElement container; /** * Arguments to constructor that copies this phase */ private final Object[] initargs; /** * Constructor */ public CompilerPhase() { initargs = null; } /** * Constructor * * @param initargs arguments used when constructing copies of this phase */ public CompilerPhase(Object[] initargs) { this.initargs = initargs; } /** * @return a String which is the name of the phase. */ public abstract String getName(); /** * This is the method that actually does the work of the phase. * * @param ir the IR on which to apply the phase */ public abstract void perform(IR ir); /** * This method determines if the phase should be run, based on the * Options object it is passed. * By default, phases are always performed. * Subclasses should override this method if they only want * to be performed conditionally. * * @param options the compiler options for the compilation * @return true if the phase should be performed */ public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) { return true; } /** * Returns true if the phase wants the IR dumped before and/or after it runs. * By default, printing is not enabled. * Subclasses should override this method if they want to provide IR dumping. * * @param options the compiler options for the compilation * @param before true when invoked before perform, false otherwise. * @return true if the IR should be printed, false otherwise. */ public boolean printingEnabled(OptOptions options, boolean before) { return false; } /** * Called when printing a measure compilation report to enable a phase * to report additional phase-specific statistics. */ public void reportAdditionalStats() {} /** * This method is called immediately before performPhase. Phases * that do not need to create a new instance for each execution may * override this method to return this, but this must be done * carefully! Classes that don't override this method need to * override getClassConstructor. * * @param ir the IR that is about to be passed to performPhase * @return an opt compiler phase on which performPhase may be invoked. */ public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) { Constructor<CompilerPhase> cons = getClassConstructor(); if (cons != null) { try { return cons.newInstance(initargs); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Error("Failed to create phase " + this.getClass() + " with constructor " + cons, e); } } else { throw new Error("Error, no constructor found in phase " + this.getClass() + " make sure a public constructor is declared"); } } /** * Get a constructor object for this compiler phase * * @return exception/null as this phase can't be created */ public Constructor<CompilerPhase> getClassConstructor() { OptimizingCompilerException.UNREACHABLE(); return null; } /** * Given the name of a compiler phase return the default (no * argument) constructor for it. * * @param klass the compiler phase to construct * @return a no-argument constructor for the compiler phase */ protected static Constructor<CompilerPhase> getCompilerPhaseConstructor(Class<? extends CompilerPhase> klass) { return getCompilerPhaseConstructor(klass, null); } /** * Given the name of a compiler phase return the default (no * argument) constructor for it. * * @param phaseType the class for the compiler phase * @param initTypes the argument types for the constructor * @return a constructor for the compiler phase */ protected static Constructor<CompilerPhase> getCompilerPhaseConstructor(Class<? extends CompilerPhase> phaseType, Class<?>[] initTypes) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // We are explicitly breaking type safety Constructor<CompilerPhase> constructor = (Constructor<CompilerPhase>) phaseType.getConstructor(initTypes); return constructor; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new Error("Constructor not found in " + phaseType.getName() + " compiler phase", e); } } public final void setContainer(OptimizationPlanAtomicElement atomEl) { container = atomEl; } /** * Runs a phase by calling perform on the supplied IR surrounded by * printing/messaging/debugging glue. * @param ir the IR object on which to do the work of the phase. */ public final void performPhase(IR ir) { if (printingEnabled(ir.options, true)) { if (!ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() || ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString())) { dumpIR(ir, "Before " + getName()); } } if (ir.options.PRINT_PHASES) VM.sysWrite(getName() + " (" + ir.method.toString() + ")"); perform(ir); // DOIT!! if (ir.options.PRINT_PHASES) VM.sysWriteln(" done"); if (ir.options.PRINT_ALL_IR || printingEnabled(ir.options, false)) { if (!ir.options.hasMETHOD_TO_PRINT() || ir.options.fuzzyMatchMETHOD_TO_PRINT(ir.method.toString())) { // only print when above certain opt level if (ir.options.getOptLevel() >= ir.options.PRINT_IR_LEVEL) { dumpIR(ir, "After " + getName()); } } } if (IR.PARANOID) verify(ir); } /** * Verify the IR. * Written as a non-final virtual method to allow late stages in the * compilation pipeline (eg ConvertMIR2MC) to skip verification. * * @param ir the IR to verify */ public void verify(IR ir) { ir.verify(getName(), true); } }