* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IRDumpTools.dumpIR;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.ATHROW_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.BBEND_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.DOUBLE_IFCMP_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.FLOAT_IFCMP_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GOTO_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_IFCMP2_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_IFCMP_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.IR_PROLOGUE;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LABEL;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LABEL_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LONG_IFCMP_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LOOKUPSWITCH_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LOWTABLESWITCH;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.PHI_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.REF_IFCMP_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.RETURN_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.TABLESWITCH_opcode;
import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.UnboxedSizeConstants.LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.jikesrvm.VM;
import org.jikesrvm.classloader.NormalMethod;
import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethods;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.DefUse;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptimizingCompilerException;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.bc2ir.GenerationContext;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow.Dominators;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.controlflow.LTDominators;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilationPlan;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilerPhase;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.InstrumentationPlan;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining.InlineOracle;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.BranchProfileOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ConditionOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.HeapOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TrapCodeOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ia32.BURSManagedFPROperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ia32.IA32ConditionOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ppc.PowerPCConditionOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ppc.PowerPCTrapOperand;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.liveness.LiveInterval;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.GenericStackManager;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.runtimesupport.OptCompiledMethod;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa.HeapVariable;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa.SSAOptions;
import org.jikesrvm.util.BitVector;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline;
* An <code>IR</code> object (IR is short for Intermediate Representation)
* contains all the per-compilation information associated with
* a method that is being compiled.
* <p>
* <code>IR</code> objects are intended to be transitory.
* They are created to compile a particular method under a
* given {@link CompilationPlan compilation plan}
* and are discarded once the compilation plan has been completed.
* <p>
* The primary component of the IR is the
* {@link ControlFlowGraph <em>FCFG</em>} (factored control flow graph)
* The FCFG contains
* {@link Instruction intermediate language instructions}
* grouped into {@link BasicBlock factored basic blocks}.
* In addition to the FCFG, an <code>IR</code> object also
* contains a variety of other supporting and derived data structures.
* <p>
* The class {@link IRDumpTools} provides methods to dump the IR.
* @see ControlFlowGraph
* @see BasicBlock
* @see Instruction
* @see Operator
* @see Operand
public final class IR {
* Control for (dynamic) IR invariant checking.
* By default, SANITY_CHECK == {@link VM#VerifyAssertions}.
* When SANITY_CHECK is <code>true</code>, critical invariants
* are checked by complex routines that depend on them,
* and {@link #verify(String) verify} is invoked several times
* during compilation.
public static final boolean SANITY_CHECK = VM.VerifyAssertions;
* Control for (dynamic) IR invariant checking.
* By default PARANOID is <code>false</code>.
* PARANOID must not be true unless {@link VM#VerifyAssertions}
* is also <code>true</code>.
* When PARANOID is <code>true</code> many IR utility functions
* check the invariants on which they depend, and
* {@link #verify(String,boolean)} is invoked as each
* compilation phase is
* {@link CompilerPhase#performPhase(IR) performed}.
public static final boolean PARANOID = false && SANITY_CHECK;
/** Part of an enumerated type used to encode IR Level */
public static final byte UNFORMED = 0;
/** Part of an enumerated type used to encode IR Level */
public static final byte HIR = 1;
/** Part of an enumerated type used to encode IR Level */
public static final byte LIR = 2;
/** Part of an enumerated type used to encode IR Level */
public static final byte MIR = 3;
* The {@link NormalMethod} object corresponding to the
* method being compiled. Other methods may have been inlined into
* the IR during compilation, so method really only represents the
* primary or outermost method being compiled.
public final NormalMethod method;
* The specialized parameters to be used in place of those defined
* in the NormalMethod.
public final TypeReference[] params;
* @return The {@link NormalMethod} object corresponding to the
* method being compiled. Other methods may have been inlined into
* the IR during compilation, so method really only represents the
* primary or outermost method being compiled.
public NormalMethod getMethod() {
return method;
* The compiled method created to hold the result of this compilation.
public final OptCompiledMethod compiledMethod;
* The compiler {@link OptOptions options} that apply
* to the current compilation.
public final OptOptions options;
* {@link SSAOptions Options} that define the SSA properties
* desired the next time we enter SSA form.
public SSAOptions desiredSSAOptions;
* {@link SSAOptions Options} that define the SSA properties
* currently carried by the IR. Compiler phases that are invoked
* on SSA form should update this object to reflect transformations
* on SSA form.
public SSAOptions actualSSAOptions;
public boolean inSSAForm() {
return (actualSSAOptions != null) && actualSSAOptions.getScalarValid();
public boolean inSSAFormAwaitingReEntry() {
return (actualSSAOptions != null) && !actualSSAOptions.getScalarValid();
* The root {@link GenerationContext generation context}
* for the current compilation.
private GenerationContext gc;
* The {@link InlineOracle inlining oracle} to be used for the
* current compilation.
* TODO: It would make more sense to have the inlining oracle be
* a component of the generation context, but as things currently
* stand the IR is created before the generation context. We might be
* able to restructure things such that the generation context is
* created in the IR constructor and then eliminate this field,
* replacing all uses with gc.inlinePlan instead.
public final InlineOracle inlinePlan;
* Information specifying what instrumentation should be performed
* during compilation of this method.
public final InstrumentationPlan instrumentationPlan;
* The {@link ControlFlowGraph FCFG} (Factored Control Flow Graph)
public ControlFlowGraph cfg;
* The {@link GenericRegisterPool register pool}
public GenericRegisterPool regpool;
* The {@link GenericStackManager stack manager}.
public final GenericStackManager stackManager;
* The IR is tagged to identify its level (stage).
* As compilation continues, the level monotonically
* increases from {@link #UNFORMED} to {@link #HIR}
* to {@link #LIR} to {@link #MIR}.
private byte IRStage = UNFORMED;
* Was liveness for handlers computed?
private boolean handlerLivenessComputed = false;
* Information about liveness, {@code null} if not yet computed.
private LiveInterval livenessInformation;
* Information about dominators as used for global code placement
* during SSA. This dominator information is not to be confused
* with the dominator information that is used to leave SSA form.
* The field will be {@code null} if the dominator information
* was not computed yet.
private Dominators dominators;
* Information about dominators as used for leaving SSA form.
* This dominator information is not to be confused
* with the dominator information that is used to do global code
* placement in the SSA form.
* The field will be {@code null} if the dominator information
* was not computed yet.
private LTDominators ltDominators;
* Pointer to the HIRInfo for this method.
* Valid only if {@link #IRStage}>=HIR
public HIRInfo HIRInfo;
* Pointer to the LIRInfo for this method.
* Valid only if {@link #IRStage}>=LIR.
public LIRInfo LIRInfo;
* Pointer to the MIRInfo for this method.
* Valid only if {@link #IRStage}>=MIR.
public MIRInfo MIRInfo;
* Backing store for {@link #getBasicBlock(int)}.
private BasicBlock[] basicBlockMap;
* Does this IR include a syscall?
* Initialized during lir to mir conversion;
private boolean hasSysCall = false;
public boolean hasSysCall() {
return hasSysCall;
public void setHasSysCall(boolean b) {
hasSysCall = b;
/** id of the current phase. Used for printout options */
private int phaseId;
public void setIdForNextPhase() {
public String getIdForCurrentPhase() {
return String.format("%03d", phaseId);
if (VM.BuildForIA32) {
stackManager = new org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.ia32.StackManager();
} else {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.BuildForPowerPC);
stackManager = new org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.regalloc.ppc.StackManager();
* @param m The method to compile
* @param ip The inlining oracle to use for the compilation
* @param opts The options to use for the compilation
public IR(NormalMethod m, InlineOracle ip, OptOptions opts) {
method = m;
params = null;
options = opts;
inlinePlan = ip;
instrumentationPlan = null;
compiledMethod = (OptCompiledMethod) CompiledMethods.createCompiledMethod(method, CompiledMethod.OPT);
* @param m The method to compile
* @param cp The compilation plan to execute
public IR(NormalMethod m, CompilationPlan cp) {
method = m;
params = cp.params;
options = cp.options;
inlinePlan = cp.inlinePlan;
instrumentationPlan = cp.instrumentationPlan;
compiledMethod = (OptCompiledMethod) CompiledMethods.createCompiledMethod(method, CompiledMethod.OPT);
* Transfers HIR and misc state from a generation context to
* this IR.
* @param gc the context to transfer from
public void initializeStateForHIR(GenerationContext gc) {
this.gc = gc;
this.cfg = gc.getCfg();
this.regpool = gc.getTemps();
if (gc.requiresStackFrame()) {
this.IRStage = IR.HIR;
this.HIRInfo = new HIRInfo(this);
public void initializeStateForLIR() {
this.IRStage = IR.LIR;
this.LIRInfo = new LIRInfo(this);
public void initializeStateForMIR() {
this.IRStage = IR.MIR;
this.MIRInfo = new MIRInfo(this);
* Print the instructions in this IR to System.out.
public void printInstructions() {
public void printInstructionsToStream(PrintStream out) {
for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = forwardInstrEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Instruction i = e.nextElement();
out.print(i.getBytecodeIndex() + "\t" + i);
// Print block frequency with the label instruction
if (i.operator() == LABEL) {
BasicBlock bb = i.getBasicBlock();
out.print(" Frequency: " + bb.getExecutionFrequency());
* @return {@code true} if the IR is a high-level intermediate
* representation, {@code false} otherwise.
* @see #IRStage
public boolean isHIR() {
return IRStage == IR.HIR;
* @return {@code true} if the IR is a low-level intermediate
* representation, {@code false} otherwise.
* @see #IRStage
public boolean isLIR() {
return IRStage == IR.LIR;
* @return {@code true} if the IR is in a stage lather than the
* the high-level intermediate representation, {@code false}
* otherwise
* @see #IRStage
public boolean isNotHIR() {
return IRStage != IR.HIR;
* @return {@code true} if the IR is in a stage earlier than the
* the machine-dependent intermediate representation, {@code false}
* otherwise
* @see #IRStage
public boolean isNotMIR() {
return IRStage < IR.MIR;
* Should {@code strictfp} be adhered to for the given instructions?
* <p>
* Note: we currently don't support {@code strictfp} at all, so this method
* is unused.
* @param is a sequence of instruction
* @return {@code true} if any of the instructions requires
* {@code strictfp}
public static boolean strictFP(Instruction... is) {
for (Instruction i : is) {
if (i.position().method.isStrictFP()) {
return true;
return false;
* Return the first instruction with respect to
* the current code linearization order.
* @return the first instruction in the code order
public Instruction firstInstructionInCodeOrder() {
return firstBasicBlockInCodeOrder().firstInstruction();
* Return the last instruction with respect to
* the current code linearization order.
* @return the last instruction in the code order
public Instruction lastInstructionInCodeOrder() {
return lastBasicBlockInCodeOrder().lastInstruction();
* Return the first basic block with respect to
* the current code linearization order.
* @return the first basic block in the code order
public BasicBlock firstBasicBlockInCodeOrder() {
return cfg.firstInCodeOrder();
* Return the last basic block with respect to
* the current code linearization order.
* @return the last basic block in the code order
public BasicBlock lastBasicBlockInCodeOrder() {
return cfg.lastInCodeOrder();
* Forward (with respect to the current code linearization order)
* iteration over all the instructions in this IR.
* The IR must <em>not</em> be modified during the iteration.
* @return an enumeration that enumerates the
* instructions in forward code order.
public Enumeration<Instruction> forwardInstrEnumerator() {
return IREnumeration.forwardGlobalIE(this);
* Reverse (with respect to the current code linearization order)
* iteration over all the instructions in this IR.
* The IR must <em>not</em> be modified during the iteration.
* @return an enumeration that enumerates the
* instructions in reverse code order.
public Enumeration<Instruction> reverseInstrEnumerator() {
return IREnumeration.reverseGlobalIE(this);
* Enumerate the basic blocks in the IR in an arbitrary order.
* @return an enumeration of {@link BasicBlock}s that enumerates the
* basic blocks in an arbitrary order.
public Enumeration<BasicBlock> getBasicBlocks() {
return IREnumeration.forwardBE(this);
* Forward (with respect to the current code linearization order)
* iteration overal all the basic blocks in the IR.
* @return an enumeration of {@link BasicBlock}s that enumerates the
* basic blocks in forward code order.
public Enumeration<BasicBlock> forwardBlockEnumerator() {
return IREnumeration.forwardBE(this);
* Reverse (with respect to the current code linearization order)
* iteration overal all the basic blocks in the IR.
* @return an enumeration of {@link BasicBlock}s that enumerates the
* basic blocks in reverse code order.
public Enumeration<BasicBlock> reverseBlockEnumerator() {
return IREnumeration.reverseBE(this);
* Return an enumeration of the parameters to the IR
* Warning: Only valid before register allocation (see CallingConvention)
* @return the parameters of the IR.
public Enumeration<Operand> getParameters() {
for (Instruction s = firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); true; s = s.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) {
if (s.operator() == IR_PROLOGUE) {
return s.getDefs();
* Is the operand a parameter of the IR?
* Warning: Only valid before register allocation (see CallingConvention)
* @param op the operand to check
* @return {@code true} if the op is a parameter to the IR, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isParameter(Operand op) {
for (Enumeration<Operand> e = getParameters(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
if (e.nextElement().similar(op)) return true;
return false;
* How many bytes of parameters does this method take?
* @return number of bytes that are necessary to hold the method's
* parameters, including space for the {@code this} parameter
* if applicable
public int incomingParameterBytes() {
int nWords = method.getParameterWords();
// getParameterWords() does not include the implicit 'this' parameter.
if (!method.isStatic()) nWords++;
return nWords << LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS;
* Recompute the basic block map, so can use getBasicBlock(int)
* to index into the basic blocks quickly.
* TODO: think about possibly keeping the basic block map up-to-date
* automatically (Use a hashtable, perhaps?).
public void resetBasicBlockMap() {
basicBlockMap = new BasicBlock[getMaxBasicBlockNumber() + 1];
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> bbEnum = cfg.basicBlocks(); bbEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock block = bbEnum.nextElement();
basicBlockMap[block.getNumber()] = block;
* Get the basic block with a given number.
* PRECONDITION: {@link #resetBasicBlockMap} has been called
* before calling this function, but after making any changes to
* the set of basic blocks in the IR.
* @param number the number of the basic block to retrieve
* @return that requested block
public BasicBlock getBasicBlock(int number) {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(basicBlockMap != null);
return basicBlockMap[number];
* Get an enumeration of all the basic blocks whose numbers
* appear in the given BitSet.
* PRECONDITION: {@link #resetBasicBlockMap} has been called
* before calling this function, but after making any changes to
* the set of basic blocks in the IR.
* @param bits The BitSet that defines which basic blocks to
* enumerate.
* @return an enumeration of said blocks.
public Enumeration<BasicBlock> getBasicBlocks(BitVector bits) {
return new BitSetBBEnum(this, bits);
// TODO: It would be easy to avoid creating the Stack if we switch to
// the "advance" pattern used in BasicBlock.BBEnum.
// TODO: Make this an anonymous local class.
private static final class BitSetBBEnum implements Enumeration<BasicBlock> {
private final Stack<BasicBlock> stack;
BitSetBBEnum(IR ir, BitVector bits) {
stack = new Stack<BasicBlock>();
int size = bits.length();
Enumeration<BasicBlock> bbEnum = ir.getBasicBlocks();
while (bbEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
BasicBlock block = bbEnum.nextElement();
int number = block.getNumber();
if (number < size && bits.get(number)) stack.push(block);
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return !stack.empty();
public BasicBlock nextElement() {
return stack.pop();
* Counts all the instructions currently in this IR.
* @return the number of instructions
public int countInstructions() {
int num = 0;
for (Instruction instr = firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); instr != null; instr =
instr.nextInstructionInCodeOrder(), num++) {
return num;
* Densely numbers all the instructions currently in this IR
* from 0...numInstr-1.
* @return a map that maps each instruction to its number
public Map<Instruction, Integer> numberInstructionsViaMap() {
HashMap<Instruction, Integer> instructionNumbers = new HashMap<Instruction, Integer>();
int num = 0;
for (Instruction instr = firstInstructionInCodeOrder(); instr != null; instr =
instr.nextInstructionInCodeOrder(), num++) {
instructionNumbers.put(instr, Integer.valueOf(num));
return instructionNumbers;
* Returns the number of symbolic registers for this IR.
* @return number of symbolic registers that were allocated
* for this IR object
public int getNumberOfSymbolicRegisters() {
return regpool.getNumberOfSymbolicRegisters();
* @return the largest basic block number assigned to
* a block in the IR. Will return -1 if no
* block numbers have been assigned.
public int getMaxBasicBlockNumber() {
if (cfg == null) {
return -1;
} else {
return cfg.numberOfNodes();
* Prune the exceptional out edges for each basic block in the IR.
public void pruneExceptionalOut() {
if (hasReachableExceptionHandlers()) {
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = getBasicBlocks(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock bb = e.nextElement();
* @return <code>true</code> if it is possible that the IR contains
* an exception handler, <code>false</code> if it is not.
* Note this method may conservatively return <code>true</code>
* even if the IR does not actually contain a reachable
* exception handler.
public boolean hasReachableExceptionHandlers() {
return gc.generatedExceptionHandlers();
* Partially convert the FCFG into a more traditional
* CFG by splitting all nodes that contain PEIs and that
* have reachable exception handlers into multiple basic
* blocks such that the instructions in the block have
* the expected post-dominance relationship. Note, we do
* not bother to unfactor basic blocks that do not have reachable
* exception handlers because the fact that the post-dominance
* relationship between instructions does not hold in these blocks
* does not matter (at least for intraprocedural analyses).
* For more information {@link BasicBlock see}.
public void unfactor() {
Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = getBasicBlocks();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
BasicBlock b = e.nextElement();
public boolean getHandlerLivenessComputed() {
return handlerLivenessComputed;
public void setHandlerLivenessComputed(boolean value) {
handlerLivenessComputed = value;
public LiveInterval getLivenessInformation() {
return livenessInformation;
public void setLivenessInformation(LiveInterval liveInterval) {
this.livenessInformation = liveInterval;
public Dominators getDominators() {
return dominators;
public void setDominators(Dominators dominators) {
this.dominators = dominators;
public LTDominators getLtDominators() {
return ltDominators;
public void setLtDominators(LTDominators ltDominators) {
this.ltDominators = ltDominators;
* Verify that the IR is well-formed.<p>
* NB: this is expensive -- be sure to guard invocations with
* debugging flags.
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
public void verify(String where) {
verify(where, true);
* Verify that the IR is well-formed.<p>
* NB: this is expensive -- be sure to guard invocations with
* debugging flags.
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
* @param checkCFG should the CFG invariants be checked
* (they can become invalid in "late" MIR).
public void verify(String where, boolean checkCFG) {
// Check basic block and the containing instruction construction
if (checkCFG) {
// Check CFG invariants
if (IRStage < MIR) {
// In HIR or LIR:
// Simple def-use tests
if (VM.BuildForPowerPC) {
// only on PPC as def use doesn't consider def-use
// Verify registers aren't in use for 2 different types
// Follow CFG checking use follows def (ultra-expensive)
// Simple sanity checks on instructions
// Make sure CFG is in fit state for dominators
// TODO: Enable this check; currently finds some broken IR
// that we need to fix.
// verifyAllBlocksAreReachable(where);
* Verify basic block construction from the basic block and
* instruction information.
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
private void verifyBBConstruction(String where) {
// First, verify that the basic blocks are properly chained together
// and that each basic block's instruction list is properly constructed.
BasicBlock cur = cfg.firstInCodeOrder();
BasicBlock prev = null;
while (cur != null) {
if (cur.getPrev() != prev) {
verror(where, "Prev link of " + cur + " does not point to " + prev);
// Verify cur's start and end instructions
Instruction s = cur.start;
Instruction e = cur.end;
if (s == null) {
verror(where, "Bblock " + cur + " has null start instruction");
if (e == null) {
verror(where, "Bblock " + cur + " has null end instruction");
// cur has start and end instructions,
// make sure that they are locally ok.
if (!s.isBbFirst()) {
verror(where, "Instr " + s + " is first instr of " + cur + " but is not BB_FIRST");
if (s.getBasicBlock() != cur) {
verror(where, "Instr " + s + " is first instr of " + cur + " but points to BBlock " + s.getBasicBlock());
if (!e.isBbLast()) {
verror(where, "Instr " + e + " is last instr of " + cur + " but is not BB_LAST");
if (e.getBasicBlock() != cur) {
verror(where, "Instr " + e + " is last instr of " + cur + " but points to BBlock " + e.getBasicBlock());
// Now check the integrity of the block's instruction list
if (s.getPrev() != null) {
verror(where, "Instr " + s + " is the first instr of " + cur + " but has a predecessor " + s.getPrev());
if (e.getNext() != null) {
verror(where, "Instr " + s + " is the last instr of " + cur + " but has a successor " + e.getNext());
Instruction pp = s;
Instruction p = s.getNext();
boolean foundBranch = false;
while (p != e) {
if (p == null) {
verror(where, "Fell off the instruction list in " + cur + " before finding " + e);
if (p.getPrev() != pp) {
verror(where, "Instr " + pp + " has next " + p + " but " + p + " has prev " + p.getPrev());
if (!p.isBbInside()) {
verror(where, "Instr " + p + " should be inside " + cur + " but is not BBInside");
if (foundBranch && !p.isBranch()) {
verror(where, "Non branch " + p + " after branch " + pp + " in " + cur);
if (p.isBranch() && p.operator() != LOWTABLESWITCH) {
foundBranch = true;
if (p.isUnconditionalBranch() && p.getNext() != e) {
verror(where, "Unconditional branch " + p + " does not end its basic block " + cur);
pp = p;
p = p.getNext();
if (p.getPrev() != pp) {
verror(where, "Instr " + pp + " has next " + p + " but " + p + " has prev " + p.getPrev());
prev = cur;
cur = (BasicBlock) cur.getNext();
* Verify control flow graph construction
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
private void verifyCFG(String where) {
// Check that the CFG links are well formed
final boolean VERIFY_CFG_EDGES = false;
int blockCountEstimate = getMaxBasicBlockNumber();
HashSet<BasicBlock> seenBlocks = new HashSet<BasicBlock>(blockCountEstimate);
HashSet<BasicBlock> origOutSet = null;
if (VERIFY_CFG_EDGES) origOutSet = new HashSet<BasicBlock>();
for (BasicBlock cur = cfg.firstInCodeOrder(); cur != null; cur = (BasicBlock) cur.getNext()) {
// Check incoming edges
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = cur.getIn(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock pred = e.nextElement();
if (!pred.pointsOut(cur)) {
verror(where, pred + " is an inEdge of " + cur + " but " + cur + " is not an outEdge of " + pred);
// Check outgoing edges
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = cur.getOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock succ = e.nextElement();
if (!succ.pointsIn(cur)) {
verror(where, succ + " is an outEdge of " + cur + " but " + cur + " is not an inEdge of " + succ);
// Remember the original out edges for CFG edge verification
if (VERIFY_CFG_EDGES && IRStage <= LIR) origOutSet.add(succ);
if (VERIFY_CFG_EDGES && IRStage <= LIR) {
// Next, check that the CFG links are semantically correct
// (ie that the CFG links and branch instructions agree)
// This done by calling recomputeNormalOut() and confirming
// that nothing changes.
// Confirm outgoing edges didn't change
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = cur.getOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock succ = e.nextElement();
if (!origOutSet.contains(succ) && !succ.isExit() // Sometimes recomput is conservative in adding edge to exit
// because it relies soley on the mayThrowUncaughtException
// flag.
) {
"An edge in the cfg was incorrect. " +
succ +
" was not originally an out edge of " +
cur +
" but it was after calling recomputeNormalOut()");
origOutSet.remove(succ); // we saw it, so remove it
// See if there were any edges that we didn't see the second
// time around
if (!origOutSet.isEmpty()) {
BasicBlock missing = origOutSet.iterator().next();
"An edge in the cfg was incorrect. " +
missing +
" was originally an out edge of " +
cur +
" but not after calling recomputeNormalOut()");
// remember this block because it is the bblist
// Check to make sure that all blocks connected
// (via a CFG edge) to a block
// that is in the bblist are also in the bblist
for (BasicBlock cur = cfg.firstInCodeOrder(); cur != null; cur = (BasicBlock) cur.getNext()) {
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = cur.getIn(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock pred = e.nextElement();
if (!seenBlocks.contains(pred)) {
"In Method " +
method.getName() +
", " +
pred +
" is an inEdge of " +
cur +
" but it is not in the CFG!");
for (Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = cur.getOut(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
BasicBlock succ = e.nextElement();
if (!seenBlocks.contains(succ)) {
// the EXIT block is never in the BB list
if (succ != cfg.exit()) {
"In Method " +
method.getName() +
", " +
succ +
" is an outEdge of " +
cur +
" but it is not in the CFG!");
* Verify that every instruction:
* <ul>
* <li>1) has operands that back reference it</li>
* <li>2) is valid for its position in the basic block</li>
* <li>3) if we are MIR, has no guard operands</li>
* <li>4) test instruction is canonical</li>
* </ul>
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
private void verifyInstructions(String where) {
Enumeration<BasicBlock> bbEnum = cfg.basicBlocks();
while (bbEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
BasicBlock block = bbEnum.nextElement();
IREnumeration.AllInstructionsEnum instructions = new IREnumeration.AllInstructionsEnum(this, block);
boolean startingInstructionsPassed = false;
while (instructions.hasMoreElements()) {
Instruction instruction = instructions.nextElement();
// Perform (1) and (3)
IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum useOperands = new IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum(this, instruction);
while (useOperands.hasMoreElements()) {
Operand use = useOperands.nextElement();
if (use.instruction != instruction) {
"In block " +
block +
" for instruction " +
instruction +
" the back link in the use of operand " +
use +
" is invalid and references " +
if ((IRStage >= MIR) && (use.isRegister()) && (use.asRegister().getRegister().isValidation())) {
"In block " +
block +
" for instruction " +
instruction +
" the use operand " +
use +
" is invalid as it is a validation register and this IR is in MIR form");
IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum defOperands = new IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum(this, instruction);
while (defOperands.hasMoreElements()) {
Operand def = defOperands.nextElement();
if (def.instruction != instruction) {
"In block " +
block +
" for instruction " +
instruction +
" the back link in the def of operand " +
def +
" is invalid and references " +
if ((IRStage >= MIR) && (def.isRegister()) && (def.asRegister().getRegister().isValidation())) {
"In block " +
block +
" for instruction " +
instruction +
" the def operand " +
def +
" is invalid as it is a validation register and this IR is in MIR form");
// Perform (4)
if (Binary.conforms(instruction) && instruction.operator().isCommutative()) {
Operand val1 = Binary.getVal1(instruction);
if (val1.isConstant() && !val1.isMovableObjectConstant()) {
verror(where, "Non-canonical commutative operation " + instruction);
// Perform (2)
// test for starting instructions
if (!startingInstructionsPassed) {
if (Label.conforms(instruction)) {
if (Phi.conforms(instruction)) {
if ((!inSSAForm()) && (!inSSAFormAwaitingReEntry())) {
verror(where, "Phi node encountered but SSA not computed");
startingInstructionsPassed = true;
// main instruction location test
switch (instruction.getOpcode()) {
// Label and phi nodes must be at the start of a BB
case PHI_opcode:
case LABEL_opcode:
verror(where, "Unexpected instruction in the middle of a basic block " + instruction);
// BBend, Goto, IfCmp, TableSwitch, Return, Trap and Athrow
// must all appear at the end of a basic block
case INT_IFCMP_opcode:
case INT_IFCMP2_opcode:
case LONG_IFCMP_opcode:
case FLOAT_IFCMP_opcode:
case DOUBLE_IFCMP_opcode:
case REF_IFCMP_opcode:
instruction = instructions.nextElement();
if (!Goto.conforms(instruction) && !BBend.conforms(instruction)) {
if ((VM.BuildForIA32 && !org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Branch.conforms(instruction)) ||
(VM.BuildForPowerPC && !org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Branch.conforms(instruction))) {
verror(where, "Unexpected instruction after IFCMP " + instruction);
if (Goto.conforms(instruction) ||
((VM.BuildForIA32 && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ia32.MIR_Branch.conforms(instruction)) ||
(VM.BuildForPowerPC && org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ppc.MIR_Branch.conforms(instruction)))) {
instruction = instructions.nextElement();
if (!BBend.conforms(instruction)) {
verror(where, "Unexpected instruction after GOTO/MIR_BRANCH " + instruction);
if (instructions.hasMoreElements()) {
verror(where, "Unexpected instructions after BBEND " + instructions.nextElement());
case TABLESWITCH_opcode:
case LOOKUPSWITCH_opcode:
case ATHROW_opcode:
case RETURN_opcode:
// TODO: Traps should be at the end of basic blocks but
// Simplify reduces instructions to traps not respecting
// this. Uses of Simplify should eliminate unreachable
// instructions when an instruction not at the end of a
// basic block is reduced into a trap. When this happens
// please uncomment the next line:
//case TRAP_opcode:
case GOTO_opcode:
Instruction next = instructions.nextElement();
if (!BBend.conforms(next)) {
verror(where, "Unexpected instruction after " + instruction + "\n" + next);
if (instructions.hasMoreElements()) {
verror(where, "Unexpected instructions after BBEND " + instructions.nextElement());
case BBEND_opcode:
if (instructions.hasMoreElements()) {
verror(where, "Unexpected instructions after BBEND " + instructions.nextElement());
* Verify that every block in the CFG is reachable as failing to do
* so will cause EnterSSA.insertPhiFunctions to possibly access
* elements in DominanceFrontier.getIteratedDominanceFrontier
* and then DominanceFrontier.getDominanceFrontier that aren't
* defined. Also verify that blocks reached over an exception out
* edge are not also reachable on normal out edges as this will
* confuse liveness analysis.
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
// used when needed for debugging
private void verifyAllBlocksAreReachable(String where) {
BitVector reachableNormalBlocks = new BitVector(cfg.numberOfNodes());
BitVector reachableExceptionBlocks = new BitVector(cfg.numberOfNodes());
verifyAllBlocksAreReachable(where, cfg.entry(), reachableNormalBlocks, reachableExceptionBlocks, false);
boolean hasUnreachableBlocks = false;
StringBuilder unreachablesString = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < cfg.numberOfNodes(); j++) {
if (!reachableNormalBlocks.get(j) && !reachableExceptionBlocks.get(j)) {
hasUnreachableBlocks = true;
if (basicBlockMap[j] != null) {
unreachablesString.append(" BB").append(j);
if (hasUnreachableBlocks) {
verror(where, "Unreachable blocks in the CFG which will confuse dominators:" + unreachablesString);
* Verify that every block in the CFG is reachable as failing to do
* so will cause EnterSSA.insertPhiFunctions to possibly access
* elements in DominanceFrontier.getIteratedDominanceFrontier
* and then DominanceFrontier.getDominanceFrontier that aren't
* defined. Also verify that blocks reached over an exception out
* edge are not also reachable on normal out edges as this will
* confuse liveness analysis.
* @param where location of verify in compilation
* @param curBB the current BB to work on
* @param visitedNormalBBs the blocks already visited (to avoid cycles) on normal out edges
* @param visitedExceptionalBBs the blocks already visited (to avoid cycles) on exceptional out edges
* @param fromExceptionEdge should paths from exceptions be validated?
private void verifyAllBlocksAreReachable(String where, BasicBlock curBB, BitVector visitedNormalBBs,
BitVector visitedExceptionalBBs, boolean fromExceptionEdge) {
// Set visited information
if (fromExceptionEdge) {
} else {
// Recurse to next BBs
Enumeration<BasicBlock> outBlocks = curBB.getNormalOut();
while (outBlocks.hasMoreElements()) {
BasicBlock out = outBlocks.nextElement();
if (!visitedNormalBBs.get(out.getNumber())) {
verifyAllBlocksAreReachable(where, out, visitedNormalBBs, visitedExceptionalBBs, false);
outBlocks = curBB.getExceptionalOut();
while (outBlocks.hasMoreElements()) {
BasicBlock out = outBlocks.nextElement();
if (!visitedExceptionalBBs.get(out.getNumber())) {
verifyAllBlocksAreReachable(where, out, visitedNormalBBs, visitedExceptionalBBs, true);
if (visitedNormalBBs.get(out.getNumber())) {
"Basic block " +
curBB +
" reaches " +
out +
" by normal and exceptional out edges thereby breaking a liveness analysis assumption.");
if (curBB.mayThrowUncaughtException()) {
if (!cfg.exit().isExit()) {
verror(where, "The exit block is reachable by an exception edge and contains instructions.");
* Verify that every non-physical, non-parameter symbolic register
* that has a use also has at least one def
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
private void verifyRegisterDefs(String where) {
//TODO: (SJF)I hate the register list interface. Re-do it.
for (Register r = regpool.getFirstSymbolicRegister(); r != null; r = r.getNext()) {
if (r.isPhysical()) continue;
if (r.useList != null) {
if (r.defList == null) {
verror(where, "verifyRegisterDefs: " + r + " has use but no defs");
* Verify that no register is used as a long type and an int type
* PRECONDITION: register lists computed
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
private void verifyRegisterTypes(String where) {
for (Register r = regpool.getFirstSymbolicRegister(); r != null; r = r.getNext()) {
// don't worry about physical registers
if (r.isPhysical()) continue;
int types = 0;
if (r.isLong()) types++;
if (r.isDouble()) types++;
if (r.isInteger()) types++;
if (r.isAddress()) types++;
if (r.isFloat()) types++;
if (types > 1) {
verror(where, "Register " + r + " has incompatible types.");
* Checks whether uses follow definitions and that in SSA form
* variables aren't multiply defined
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
private void verifyUseFollowsDef(String where) {
// Create set of defined variables and add registers that will be
// defined before entry to the IR
HashSet<Object> definedVariables = new HashSet<Object>();
// NB the last two args determine how thorough we're going to test
// things
new BitVector(cfg.numberOfNodes()),
new ArrayList<BasicBlock>(),
// <-- maximum number of basic blocks followed
// <-- follow exception as well as normal out edges?
* Check whether uses follow definitions and in SSA form that
* variables aren't multiply defined
* @param where location of verify in compilation
* @param definedVariables variables already defined on this path
* @param curBB the current BB to work on
* @param visitedBBs the blocks already visited (to avoid cycles)
* @param path a record of the path taken to reach this basic block
* @param maxPathLength the maximum number of basic blocks that will be followed
* @param traceExceptionEdges should paths from exceptions be validated?
private void verifyUseFollowsDef(String where, HashSet<Object> definedVariables, BasicBlock curBB,
BitVector visitedBBs, ArrayList<BasicBlock> path, int maxPathLength,
boolean traceExceptionEdges) {
if (path.size() > maxPathLength) {
// Process instructions in block
IREnumeration.AllInstructionsEnum instructions = new IREnumeration.AllInstructionsEnum(this, curBB);
while (instructions.hasMoreElements()) {
Instruction instruction = instructions.nextElement();
// Special phi handling case
if (Phi.conforms(instruction)) {
if ((!inSSAForm()) && (!inSSAFormAwaitingReEntry())) {
verror(where, "Phi node encountered but SSA not computed");
// Find predecessors that we have already visited
for (int i = 0; i < Phi.getNumberOfPreds(instruction); i++) {
BasicBlock phi_pred = Phi.getPred(instruction, i).block;
if (phi_pred.getNumber() > basicBlockMap.length) {
verror(where, "Phi predecessor not a valid basic block " + phi_pred);
if ((curBB != phi_pred) && path.contains(phi_pred)) {
// This predecessor has been visited on this path so the
// variable should be defined
Object variable = getVariableUse(where, Phi.getValue(instruction, i));
if ((variable != null) && (!definedVariables.contains(variable))) {
StringBuilder pathString = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < path.size(); j++) {
if (j < (path.size() - 1)) {
verror(where, "Use of " + variable + " before definition: " + instruction + "\npath: " + pathString);
} else {
// General use follows def test
IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum useOperands = new IREnumeration.AllUsesEnum(this, instruction);
while (useOperands.hasMoreElements()) {
Object variable = getVariableUse(where, useOperands.nextElement());
if ((variable != null) && (!definedVariables.contains(variable))) {
if (instruction.operator().toString().indexOf("xor") != -1)
StringBuilder pathString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
if (i < (path.size() - 1)) {
verror(where, "Use of " + variable + " before definition: " + instruction + "\npath: " + pathString);
// Add definitions to defined variables
IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum defOperands = new IREnumeration.AllDefsEnum(this, instruction);
while (defOperands.hasMoreElements()) {
Object variable = getVariableDef(where, defOperands.nextElement());
// Check that a variable isn't defined twice when we believe we're in SSA form
if (variable != null) {
if ((inSSAForm()) && (!inSSAFormAwaitingReEntry())) {
if (definedVariables.contains(variable)) {
verror(where, "Single assignment broken - multiple definitions of " + variable);
// Recurse to next BBs
Enumeration<BasicBlock> outBlocks;
if (traceExceptionEdges) {
outBlocks = curBB.getOut(); // <-- very slow
} else {
outBlocks = curBB.getNormalOut();
while (outBlocks.hasMoreElements()) {
BasicBlock out = outBlocks.nextElement();
if (!visitedBBs.get(out.getNumber())) {
new HashSet<Object>(definedVariables),
new BitVector(visitedBBs),
new ArrayList<BasicBlock>(path),
* Get the variable used by this operand
* @param where the verification location
* @param operand the operand to pull a variable from
* @return {@code null} if the variable should be ignored otherwise the variable
private Object getVariableUse(String where, Operand operand) {
if (operand.isConstant() ||
(operand instanceof ConditionOperand) ||
operand.isStringConstant() ||
operand.isType() ||
operand.isMethod() ||
operand.isBranch() ||
(operand instanceof BranchProfileOperand) ||
operand.isLocation() ||
operand.isStackLocation() ||
operand.isMemory() ||
(operand instanceof TrapCodeOperand) ||
(operand instanceof InlinedOsrTypeInfoOperand) ||
(VM.BuildForIA32 && operand instanceof IA32ConditionOperand) ||
(VM.BuildForPowerPC && operand instanceof PowerPCConditionOperand) ||
(VM.BuildForIA32 && operand instanceof BURSManagedFPROperand) ||
(VM.BuildForPowerPC && operand instanceof PowerPCTrapOperand)) {
return null;
} else if (operand.isRegister()) {
Register register = operand.asRegister().getRegister();
// ignore physical registers
return (register.isPhysical()) ? null : register;
} else if (operand.isBlock()) {
Enumeration<BasicBlock> blocks = cfg.basicBlocks();
while (blocks.hasMoreElements()) {
if (operand.asBlock().block == blocks.nextElement()) {
return null;
verror(where, "Basic block not found in CFG for BasicBlockOperand: " + operand);
return null;
} else if (operand instanceof HeapOperand) {
if (!actualSSAOptions.getHeapValid()) {
return null;
HeapVariable<?> variable = ((HeapOperand<?>) operand).getHeapVariable();
if (variable.getNumber() > 0) {
return variable;
} else {
// definition 0 comes in from outside the IR
return null;
} else {
verror(where, "Use: Unknown variable of " + operand.getClass() + " with operand: " + operand);
return null;
* Get the variable defined by this operand
* @param where the verification location
* @param operand the operand to pull a variable from
* @return {@code null} if the variable should be ignored otherwise the variable
private Object getVariableDef(String where, Operand operand) {
if (operand.isRegister()) {
Register register = operand.asRegister().getRegister();
// ignore physical registers
return (register.isPhysical()) ? null : register;
} else if (operand instanceof HeapOperand) {
if (!actualSSAOptions.getHeapValid()) {
return null;
return ((HeapOperand<?>) operand).getHeapVariable();
} else if (VM.BuildForIA32 && operand instanceof BURSManagedFPROperand) {
return ((BURSManagedFPROperand) operand).regNum;
} else if (operand.isStackLocation() || operand.isMemory()) {
// it would be nice to handle these but they have multiple
// constituent parts :-(
return null;
} else {
verror(where, "Def: Unknown variable of " + operand.getClass() + " with operand: " + operand);
return null;
* Generate error
* @param where phrase identifying invoking compilation phase
* @param msg error message
private void verror(String where, String msg) {
dumpIR(this, "Verify: " + where + ": " + method, true);
VM.sysWriteln("VERIFY: " + where + " " + msg);
throw new OptimizingCompilerException("VERIFY: " + where, msg);
public GenerationContext getGc() {
return gc;