/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements; import java.util.Vector; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.controller.Controller; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.listeners.ContextListener; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.listeners.MethodListener; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.listeners.NullListener; import org.jikesrvm.adaptive.util.AOSLogging; import org.jikesrvm.architecture.StackFrameLayout; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethod; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CompiledMethods; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; /** * RuntimeMeasurements manages listeners, decayable objects, and * reportable objects.<p> * * A listener is installed by an organizer, and activated at thread * switch time by Thread. Depending on the update method that the * listener supports, it can be either a method, context, or a null * listener. Currently we have different registries for different * listeners. An alternative design is to have one register with where * entries are tagged.<p> * * A decayable object implements the Decayable interface. * Anyone can register a decayable object, * The DecayOrganizer periodically decays all objects that have * been registers.<p> * * A reportable object implements the Reportable interface, and * is typically registered and used by the instrumentation subsystem. * A Reporable can be reset and reported. */ public abstract class RuntimeMeasurements { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support for gathering profile data on timer ticks ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * listeners on timer ticks for methods */ private static MethodListener[] timerMethodListeners = new MethodListener[0]; /** * listeners on timer ticks for contexts */ private static ContextListener[] timerContextListeners = new ContextListener[0]; /** * listeners on timer ticks for nulls */ private static NullListener[] timerNullListeners = new NullListener[0]; /** * Install a method listener on timer ticks * @param s method listener to be installed */ public static synchronized void installTimerMethodListener(MethodListener s) { int numListeners = timerMethodListeners.length; MethodListener[] tmp = new MethodListener[numListeners + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { tmp[i] = timerMethodListeners[i]; } tmp[numListeners] = s; timerMethodListeners = tmp; } /** * Install a context listener on timer ticks * @param s context listener to be installed */ public static synchronized void installTimerContextListener(ContextListener s) { int numListeners = timerContextListeners.length; ContextListener[] tmp = new ContextListener[numListeners + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { tmp[i] = timerContextListeners[i]; } tmp[numListeners] = s; timerContextListeners = tmp; } /** * Install a null listener on timer ticks * @param s null listener to be installed */ public static synchronized void installTimerNullListener(NullListener s) { int numListeners = timerNullListeners.length; NullListener[] tmp = new NullListener[numListeners + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { tmp[i] = timerNullListeners[i]; } tmp[numListeners] = s; timerNullListeners = tmp; } /** * Called from Thread.yieldpoint every time it is invoked due to * a timer interrupt. * * @param whereFrom source of the yieldpoint (e.g. backedge) * @param yieldpointServiceMethodFP the frame pointer of the service * method that is responsible for handling the yieldpoint */ @Uninterruptible public static void takeTimerSample(int whereFrom, Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP) { // We use timer ticks as a rough approximation of time. // TODO: kill controller clock in favor of reportedTimerTicks // PNT: huh? Controller.controllerClock++; Address ypTakenInFP = Magic.getCallerFramePointer(yieldpointServiceMethodFP); // method that took yieldpoint // Get the cmid for the method in which the yieldpoint was taken. int ypTakenInCMID = Magic.getCompiledMethodID(ypTakenInFP); // Get the cmid for that method's caller. Address ypTakenInCallerFP = Magic.getCallerFramePointer(ypTakenInFP); int ypTakenInCallerCMID = Magic.getCompiledMethodID(ypTakenInCallerFP); // Determine if ypTakenInCallerCMID corresponds to a real Java stackframe. // If one of the following conditions is detected, set ypTakenInCallerCMID to -1 // Caller is out-of-line assembly (no RVMMethod object) or top-of-stack psuedo-frame // Caller is a native method CompiledMethod ypTakenInCM = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(ypTakenInCMID); if (ypTakenInCallerCMID == StackFrameLayout.getInvisibleMethodID() || ypTakenInCM.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation()) { ypTakenInCallerCMID = -1; } // Notify all registered listeners for (NullListener aNl : timerNullListeners) { if (aNl.isActive()) { aNl.update(whereFrom); } } for (MethodListener aMl : timerMethodListeners) { if (aMl.isActive()) { aMl.update(ypTakenInCMID, ypTakenInCallerCMID, whereFrom); } } if (ypTakenInCallerCMID != -1) { for (ContextListener aCl : timerContextListeners) { if (aCl.isActive()) { aCl.update(ypTakenInFP, whereFrom); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support for gathering profile data on CBS samples ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * method listeners that trigger on CBS Method yieldpoints */ private static MethodListener[] cbsMethodListeners = new MethodListener[0]; /** * context listeners that trigger on CBS call yieldpoints */ private static ContextListener[] cbsContextListeners = new ContextListener[0]; /** * Install a method listener on CBS ticks * @param s method listener to be installed */ public static synchronized void installCBSMethodListener(MethodListener s) { int numListeners = cbsMethodListeners.length; MethodListener[] tmp = new MethodListener[numListeners + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { tmp[i] = cbsMethodListeners[i]; } tmp[numListeners] = s; cbsMethodListeners = tmp; } /** * Install a context listener on CBS ticks * @param s context listener to be installed */ public static synchronized void installCBSContextListener(ContextListener s) { int numListeners = cbsContextListeners.length; ContextListener[] tmp = new ContextListener[numListeners + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; i++) { tmp[i] = cbsContextListeners[i]; } tmp[numListeners] = s; cbsContextListeners = tmp; } /** * Called from Thread.yieldpoint when it is time to take a CBS method sample. * * @param whereFrom source of the yieldpoint (e.g. backedge) * @param yieldpointServiceMethodFP the frame pointer of the service * method that is responsible for handling the yieldpoint */ @Uninterruptible public static void takeCBSMethodSample(int whereFrom, Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP) { Address ypTakenInFP = Magic.getCallerFramePointer(yieldpointServiceMethodFP); // method that took yieldpoint // Get the cmid for the method in which the yieldpoint was taken. int ypTakenInCMID = Magic.getCompiledMethodID(ypTakenInFP); // Get the cmid for that method's caller. Address ypTakenInCallerFP = Magic.getCallerFramePointer(ypTakenInFP); int ypTakenInCallerCMID = Magic.getCompiledMethodID(ypTakenInCallerFP); // Determine if ypTakenInCallerCMID corresponds to a real Java stackframe. // If one of the following conditions is detected, set ypTakenInCallerCMID to -1 // Caller is out-of-line assembly (no RVMMethod object) or top-of-stack psuedo-frame // Caller is a native method CompiledMethod ypTakenInCM = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(ypTakenInCMID); if (ypTakenInCallerCMID == StackFrameLayout.getInvisibleMethodID() || ypTakenInCM.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation()) { ypTakenInCallerCMID = -1; } // Notify all registered listeners for (MethodListener methodListener : cbsMethodListeners) { if (methodListener.isActive()) { methodListener.update(ypTakenInCMID, ypTakenInCallerCMID, whereFrom); } } } /** * Called from Thread.yieldpoint when it is time to take a CBS call sample. * * @param whereFrom source of the yieldpoint (e.g. backedge) * @param yieldpointServiceMethodFP the frame pointer of the service * method that is responsible for handling the yieldpoint */ @Uninterruptible public static void takeCBSCallSample(int whereFrom, Address yieldpointServiceMethodFP) { Address ypTakenInFP = Magic.getCallerFramePointer(yieldpointServiceMethodFP); // method that took yieldpoint // Get the cmid for the method in which the yieldpoint was taken. int ypTakenInCMID = Magic.getCompiledMethodID(ypTakenInFP); // Get the cmid for that method's caller. Address ypTakenInCallerFP = Magic.getCallerFramePointer(ypTakenInFP); int ypTakenInCallerCMID = Magic.getCompiledMethodID(ypTakenInCallerFP); // Determine if ypTakenInCallerCMID corresponds to a real Java stackframe. // If one of the following conditions is detected, set ypTakenInCallerCMID to -1 // Caller is out-of-line assembly (no RVMMethod object) or top-of-stack psuedo-frame // Caller is a native method CompiledMethod ypTakenInCM = CompiledMethods.getCompiledMethod(ypTakenInCMID); if (ypTakenInCallerCMID == StackFrameLayout.getInvisibleMethodID() || ypTakenInCM.getMethod().getDeclaringClass().hasBridgeFromNativeAnnotation()) { // drop sample } else { // Notify all registered listeners for (ContextListener listener : cbsContextListeners) { if (listener.isActive()) { listener.update(ypTakenInFP, whereFrom); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support for decay ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The currently registered decayable objects */ static final Vector<Decayable> decayObjects = new Vector<Decayable>(); /** * Counts the number of decay events */ static int decayEventCounter = 0; /** * Registers an object that should be decayed. * The passed object will have its decay method called when the * decaying thread decides it is time for the system to decay. * * @param obj the object to decay */ public static void registerDecayableObject(Decayable obj) { decayObjects.add(obj); } /** * Decays all registered decayable objects. */ public static void decayDecayableObjects() { decayEventCounter++; AOSLogging.logger.decayingCounters(); for (Decayable obj : decayObjects) { obj.decay(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Support for reportable objects ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The currently registered reportable objects */ static Vector<Reportable> reportObjects = new Vector<Reportable>(); /** * Registers an object that wants to have its report method called * whenever RuntimeMeasurements.report is called. * * @param obj the object to report about */ public static void registerReportableObject(Reportable obj) { reportObjects.add(obj); } /** * Calls {@link Reportable#reset()} on all registered reportable * objects. */ public static void resetReportableObjects() { for (Reportable obj : reportObjects) { obj.reset(); } } /** * Calls {@link Reportable#report()} on all registered reportable * objects. */ private static void reportReportableObjects() { for (Reportable obj : reportObjects) { obj.report(); } } /** * Reports the current state of runtime measurements. */ public static void report() { reportReportableObjects(); AOSLogging.logger.decayStatistics(decayEventCounter); } /** * Stop the runtime measurement subsystem */ public static synchronized void stop() { timerMethodListeners = new MethodListener[0]; timerContextListeners = new ContextListener[0]; timerNullListeners = new NullListener[0]; cbsMethodListeners = new MethodListener[0]; cbsContextListeners = new ContextListener[0]; } /** * Called when the VM is booting */ public static void boot() { } }