/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.BYTE_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.BYTE_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.DOUBLE_COND_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.DOUBLE_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.DOUBLE_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.DOUBLE_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.FLOAT_COND_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.FLOAT_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.FLOAT_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.FLOAT_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GOTO; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GUARD_COND_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GUARD_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_COND_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.INT_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LONG_COND_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LONG_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LONG_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.LONG_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.REF_COND_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.REF_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.REF_MOVE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.REF_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.SHORT_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.SHORT_STORE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.UBYTE_LOAD; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.USHORT_LOAD; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.jikesrvm.Configuration; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.FieldReference; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.AddressConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.BranchOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.DoubleConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.FloatConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.IntConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.LongConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.NullConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TrueGuardOperand; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * This abstract class contains a bunch of useful static methods for * performing operations on IR. */ public abstract class IRTools { /** * Create an integer register operand for a given register. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ... Load.create(INT_LOAD, I(r2), A(r1), IC(4)) ... * </pre> * * @param reg the given register * @return integer register operand */ public static RegisterOperand A(Register reg) { return new RegisterOperand(reg, TypeReference.Address); } /** * Create an integer register operand for a given register. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ... Load.create(INT_LOAD, I(r2), A(r1), IC(4)) ... * </pre> * @param reg the given register * @return integer register operand */ public static RegisterOperand I(Register reg) { return new RegisterOperand(reg, TypeReference.Int); } /** * Create a float register operand for a given register. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ... Load.create(FLOAT_LOAD, F(r2), A(r1), IC(4)) ... * </pre> * * @param reg the given register * @return float register operand */ public static RegisterOperand F(Register reg) { return new RegisterOperand(reg, TypeReference.Float); } /** * Create a double register operand for a given register. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ... Load.create(DOUBLE_LOAD, D(r2), A(r1), IC(4)) ... * </pre> * * @param reg the given register * @return double register operand */ public static RegisterOperand D(Register reg) { return new RegisterOperand(reg, TypeReference.Double); } /** * Create a long register operand for a given register. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ... Binary.create(LONG_LOAD, L(r2), A(r1), IC(4)) ... * </pre> * * @param reg the given register * @return long register operand */ public static RegisterOperand L(Register reg) { return new RegisterOperand(reg, TypeReference.Long); } /** * Create a condition register operand for a given register. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ... Binary.create(INT_CMP, CR(c2), I(r1), IC(4)) ... * </pre> * * @param reg the given register * @return condition register operand */ public static RegisterOperand CR(Register reg) { return new RegisterOperand(reg, TypeReference.Int); } /** * Create an address constant operand with a given value. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ...<op>.create(...., AC(Address.zero()) ... * </pre> * * @param value The address constant * @return address constant operand */ public static AddressConstantOperand AC(Address value) { return new AddressConstantOperand(value); } public static AddressConstantOperand AC(Offset value) { return new AddressConstantOperand(value); } /** * Create an integer constant operand with a given value. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ...<op>.create(...., IC(0) ... * </pre> * * @param value The int constant * @return integer constant operand */ public static IntConstantOperand IC(int value) { return new IntConstantOperand(value); } /** * Create a long constant operand with a given value. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ...<op>.create(...., LC(0L) ... * </pre> * * @param value the long value * @return long constant operand */ public static LongConstantOperand LC(long value) { return new LongConstantOperand(value); } /** * Create a long constant operand with a given value. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ...<op>.create(...., FC(0L) ... * </pre> * * @param value the float value * @return float constant operand */ public static FloatConstantOperand FC(float value) { return new FloatConstantOperand(value); } /** * Create a long constant operand with a given value. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ...<op>.create(...., DC(0L) ... * </pre> * * @param value the double value * @return double constant operand */ public static DoubleConstantOperand DC(double value) { return new DoubleConstantOperand(value); } /** * Create a new TrueGuardOperand. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * ...<op>.create(...., TG() ... * </pre> * * @return true guard operand */ public static TrueGuardOperand TG() { return new TrueGuardOperand(); } /** * Generates appropriately sized constant operand for a given Offset. * * @param o an offset * @return an instance of {@link IntConstantOperand} (32-bit) * or {@link LongConstantOperand} (64-bit) */ public static Operand offsetOperand(Offset o) { if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { return new LongConstantOperand(o.toLong()); } else { return new IntConstantOperand(o.toInt()); } } /** * Copy the position information from the source instruction to * the destination instruction, returning the source instruction. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * instr.insertBack(CPOS(instr, Load.create(...))); * </pre> * * @param src the instruction to copy position information from * @param dst the instruction to copy position information to * @return dest */ public static Instruction CPOS(Instruction src, Instruction dst) { dst.copyPosition(src); return dst; } /** * Returns a constant operand with a default value for a given type * * @param type desired type * @return a constant operand with the default value for type */ public static Operand getDefaultOperand(TypeReference type) { if (type.isBooleanType()) return new IntConstantOperand(0); if (type.isByteType()) return new IntConstantOperand(0); if (type.isCharType()) return new IntConstantOperand(0); if (type.isIntType()) return new IntConstantOperand(0); if (type.isShortType()) return new IntConstantOperand(0); if (type.isLongType()) return new LongConstantOperand(0); if (type.isFloatType()) return new FloatConstantOperand(0f); if (type.isDoubleType()) return new DoubleConstantOperand(0.0); return new NullConstantOperand(); } /** * Returns the correct operator for moving the given data type. * * @param type desired type to move * @return the Operator to use for moving a value of the given type */ public static Operator getMoveOp(TypeReference type) { if (type.isLongType()) return LONG_MOVE; if (type.isFloatType()) return FLOAT_MOVE; if (type.isDoubleType()) return DOUBLE_MOVE; if (type == TypeReference.VALIDATION_TYPE) return GUARD_MOVE; if (type.isReferenceType() || type.isWordLikeType()) return REF_MOVE; return INT_MOVE; } /** * Returns the correct operator for a conditional move with the given data * type. * * @param type desired type to move * @return the Operator to use for moving a value of the given type */ public static Operator getCondMoveOp(TypeReference type) { if (type.isLongType()) return LONG_COND_MOVE; if (type.isFloatType()) return FLOAT_COND_MOVE; if (type.isDoubleType()) return DOUBLE_COND_MOVE; if (type == TypeReference.VALIDATION_TYPE) return GUARD_COND_MOVE; if (type.isReferenceType() || type.isWordLikeType()) return REF_COND_MOVE; return INT_COND_MOVE; } /** * Returns the correct operator for loading from the given field * * @param field field to load from * @param isStatic is the field static * @return the Operator to use when loading the given field */ public static Operator getLoadOp(FieldReference field, boolean isStatic) { return getLoadOp(field.getFieldContentsType(), isStatic); } /** * Returns the correct operator for loading a value of the given type * * @param type type of value to load * @param isStatic is the field static * @return the Operator to use when loading the given field */ public static Operator getLoadOp(TypeReference type, boolean isStatic) { if (!Configuration.LittleEndian && isStatic) { // Handle the statics table hold subword values in ints if (type.isByteType()) return INT_LOAD; if (type.isBooleanType()) return INT_LOAD; if (type.isCharType()) return INT_LOAD; if (type.isShortType()) return INT_LOAD; } if (type.isByteType()) return BYTE_LOAD; if (type.isBooleanType()) return UBYTE_LOAD; if (type.isCharType()) return USHORT_LOAD; if (type.isShortType()) return SHORT_LOAD; if (type.isLongType()) return LONG_LOAD; if (type.isFloatType()) return FLOAT_LOAD; if (type.isDoubleType()) return DOUBLE_LOAD; if (type.isReferenceType()) return REF_LOAD; if (type.isWordLikeType()) return REF_LOAD; return INT_LOAD; } /** * Returns the correct operator for storing to the given field. * * @param field The field we're asking about * @param isStatic is the field static * @return the Operator to use when storing to the given field */ public static Operator getStoreOp(FieldReference field, boolean isStatic) { return getStoreOp(field.getFieldContentsType(), isStatic); } /** * Returns the correct operator for storing a value of the given type * * @param type desired type to store * @param isStatic is the field static * @return the Operator to use when storing to the given field */ public static Operator getStoreOp(TypeReference type, boolean isStatic) { if (!Configuration.LittleEndian && isStatic) { // Handle the statics table hold subword values in ints if (type.isByteType()) return INT_STORE; if (type.isBooleanType()) return INT_STORE; if (type.isCharType()) return INT_STORE; if (type.isShortType()) return INT_STORE; } if (type.isByteType()) return BYTE_STORE; if (type.isBooleanType()) return BYTE_STORE; if (type.isCharType()) return SHORT_STORE; if (type.isShortType()) return SHORT_STORE; if (type.isLongType()) return LONG_STORE; if (type.isFloatType()) return FLOAT_STORE; if (type.isDoubleType()) return DOUBLE_STORE; if (type.isReferenceType()) return REF_STORE; if (type.isWordLikeType()) return REF_STORE; return INT_STORE; } /** * Generates an instruction to move the given operand into a register, and * inserts it before the given instruction. * * @param pool register pool to allocate from * @param s instruction to insert before * @param op operand to copy to a register * @return register operand that we copied into */ public static RegisterOperand moveIntoRegister(GenericRegisterPool pool, Instruction s, Operand op) { if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) { return (RegisterOperand) op; } TypeReference type = op.getType(); Operator move_op = IRTools.getMoveOp(type); return moveIntoRegister(type, move_op, pool, s, op); } /** * Generates an instruction to move the given operand into a register, and * inserts it before the given instruction. * * @param type type to move * @param move_op move operator to use * @param pool register pool to allocate from * @param s instruction to insert before * @param op operand to copy to a register * @return last use register operand that we copied into */ public static RegisterOperand moveIntoRegister(TypeReference type, Operator move_op, GenericRegisterPool pool, Instruction s, Operand op) { RegisterOperand rop = pool.makeTemp(type); s.insertBefore(Move.create(move_op, rop, op)); rop = rop.copyD2U(); return rop; } /** * Moves the 'from' instruction to immediately before the 'to' instruction. * * @param from instruction to move * @param to instruction after where you want it moved */ public static void moveInstruction(Instruction from, Instruction to) { from.remove(); to.insertBefore(from); } /** * Inserts the instructions in the given basic block after the given * instruction. * * @param after instruction after where you want it inserted * @param temp basic block which contains the instructions to be inserted. */ public static void insertInstructionsAfter(Instruction after, BasicBlock temp) { if (temp.isEmpty()) return; Instruction after_after = after.getNext(); after.linkWithNext(temp.firstRealInstruction()); if (after_after == null) { temp.lastRealInstruction().setNext(null); } else { temp.lastRealInstruction().linkWithNext(after_after); } } /** * Make an empty basic block on an edge in the control flow graph, * and fix up the control flow graph and IR instructions accordingly. * * This routine will create the control struture * <pre> * in -> bb -> out. * </pre> * <em> Precondition </em>: There is an edge in the control flow graph * from * in -> out. * * @param in the source of the control flow edge * @param out the sink of the control flow edge * @param ir the governing IR * @return the new basic block bb */ public static BasicBlock makeBlockOnEdge(BasicBlock in, BasicBlock out, IR ir) { // 1. Create the new basic block BasicBlock bb = in.createSubBlock(out.firstInstruction().getBytecodeIndex(), ir); // 2. Splice the new basic block into the code order BasicBlock next = in.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); if (next == null) { ir.cfg.addLastInCodeOrder(bb); } else { ir.cfg.breakCodeOrder(in, next); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(in, bb); ir.cfg.linkInCodeOrder(bb, next); } // 3. update in's branch instructions boolean foundGoto = false; BranchOperand target = bb.makeJumpTarget(); BranchOperand outTarget = out.makeJumpTarget(); for (Enumeration<Instruction> e = in.reverseRealInstrEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Instruction s = e.nextElement(); if (IfCmp2.conforms(s)) { if (IfCmp2.getTarget1(s).similar(outTarget)) { IfCmp2.setTarget1(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } if (IfCmp2.getTarget2(s).similar(outTarget)) { IfCmp2.setTarget2(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } else if (IfCmp.conforms(s)) { if (IfCmp.getTarget(s).similar(outTarget)) { IfCmp.setTarget(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } else if (InlineGuard.conforms(s)) { if (InlineGuard.getTarget(s).similar(outTarget)) { InlineGuard.setTarget(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } else if (Goto.conforms(s)) { foundGoto = true; if (Goto.getTarget(s).similar(outTarget)) { Goto.setTarget(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } else if (TableSwitch.conforms(s)) { foundGoto = true; if (TableSwitch.getDefault(s).similar(outTarget)) { TableSwitch.setDefault(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } for (int i = 0; i < TableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(s); i++) { if (TableSwitch.getTarget(s, i).similar(outTarget)) { TableSwitch.setTarget(s, i, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } } else if (LowTableSwitch.conforms(s)) { foundGoto = true; for (int i = 0; i < LowTableSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(s); i++) { if (LowTableSwitch.getTarget(s, i).similar(outTarget)) { LowTableSwitch.setTarget(s, i, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } } else if (LookupSwitch.conforms(s)) { foundGoto = true; if (LookupSwitch.getDefault(s).similar(outTarget)) { LookupSwitch.setDefault(s, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } for (int i = 0; i < LookupSwitch.getNumberOfTargets(s); i++) { if (LookupSwitch.getTarget(s, i).similar(outTarget)) { LookupSwitch.setTarget(s, i, (BranchOperand) target.copy()); } } } else { // done processing all branches break; } } // 4. Add a goto bb->out Instruction s = Goto.create(GOTO, out.makeJumpTarget()); bb.appendInstruction(s); // add goto in->next // if out was not the fallthrough, add a GOTO to preserve this // control flow if (out != next) { // if there's already a GOTO, there's no fall through if (!foundGoto) { /* * TODO: come up with a better fix (?). * * This is a fix to a particular problem in dacapo xalan. * * We have a loop inside an exception handler, and the exception handler * is empty. The loop termination condition simply falls through the * exception handler to the next block. This works fine until LeaveSSA, * when we split the final block and insert a GOTO to the exception handler * block. When we reassemble the IR afterwards, kaboom. * * I would have though it better not to fall through empty exception handlers * at all, and explicitly GOTO past them from the get go. RJG 4/2/7 */ BasicBlock jumpTarget = next; while (jumpTarget.isEmpty() && jumpTarget.isExceptionHandlerBasicBlock()) { jumpTarget = jumpTarget.nextBasicBlockInCodeOrder(); } s = Goto.create(GOTO, jumpTarget.makeJumpTarget()); in.appendInstruction(s); } } // 5. Update the CFG in.recomputeNormalOut(ir); bb.recomputeNormalOut(ir); return bb; } /** * Is the operand u, which is a use in instruction s, also a def * in instruction s? That is, is this operand defined as a DU operand * in InstructionFormatList.dat. * <p> * TODO!!: This implementation is slow. Think about adding * some IR support for this functionality; possibly add methods like * enumeratePureDefs(), enumerateImpureUses(), etc ..., and restructure * the caller to avoid having to call this function. Not going * to put effort into this now, as the whole scratch register * architecture has a questionable future. * * @param u the operand that's a use * @param s the instruction that u is a use in * @return {@code true} if the operand is both a use and a def */ public static boolean useDoublesAsDef(Operand u, Instruction s) { for (Enumeration<Operand> d = s.getDefs(); d.hasMoreElements();) { Operand def = d.nextElement(); if (def != null) { if (def == u) return true; } } return false; } /** * Is the operand d, which is a def in instruction s, also a use * in instruction s? That is, is this operand defined as a DU operand * in InstructionFormatList.dat. * <p> * TODO!!: This implementation is slow. Think about adding * some IR support for this functionality; possibly add methods like * enumeratePureDefs(), enumerateImpureUses(), etc ..., and restructure * the caller to avoid having to call this function. Not going * to put effort into this now, as the whole scratch register * architecture has a questionable future. * * @param d the operand that's a def * @param s the instruction that d is a def in * @return {@code true} if the operand is both a use and a def */ public static boolean defDoublesAsUse(Operand d, Instruction s) { for (Enumeration<Operand> u = s.getUses(); u.hasMoreElements();) { Operand use = u.nextElement(); if (use != null) { if (use.similar(d)) return true; } } return false; } public static boolean definedIn(Register r, Instruction s) { for (Enumeration<Operand> e = s.getDefs(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Operand op = e.nextElement(); if (op != null && op.isRegister()) { if (op.asRegister().getRegister().number == r.number) { return true; } } } return false; } public static boolean usedIn(Register r, Instruction s) { for (Enumeration<Operand> e = s.getUses(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Operand op = e.nextElement(); if (op != null && op.isRegister()) { if (op.asRegister().getRegister().number == r.number) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Mark the parameter as nonGC and nonPEI and return it. * To be used in passthrough expressions like * <pre> * instr.insertBack(notPEIGC(Load.create(...))); * </pre> * * @param instr the given instruction * @return the given instruction */ public static Instruction nonPEIGC(Instruction instr) { instr.markAsNonPEINonGCPoint(); return instr; } /** * Might this instruction be a load from a field that is declared * to be volatile? * * @param s the insruction to check * @return <code>true</code> if the instruction might be a load * from a volatile field or <code>false</code> if it * cannot be a load from a volatile field */ public static boolean mayBeVolatileFieldLoad(Instruction s) { return s.mayBeVolatileFieldLoad(); } /** * Replaces a prologue instruction with another prologue instruction * that has no definitions. This is used by the classes that expand * the calling convention. * * @param oldPrologue the old prologue instruction */ public static void removeDefsFromPrologue(Instruction oldPrologue) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) Prologue.conforms(oldPrologue); // Now that we've made the calling convention explicit in the prologue, // set IR_PROLOGUE to have no defs. oldPrologue.replace(createNewPrologueInst(oldPrologue, 0)); } /** * Replaces a prologue instruction with another prologue instruction * that has a different number of variable operands. * * @param oldPrologue the old prologue instruction * @param newNumVarOps the new number of variable operands */ public static Instruction createNewPrologueInst(Instruction oldPrologue, int newNumVarOps) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) Prologue.conforms(oldPrologue); Instruction newPrologue = Prologue.create(oldPrologue.operator(), newNumVarOps); newPrologue.copyPosition(oldPrologue); return newPrologue; } }