/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.mmtk.utility.deque; import static org.mmtk.utility.Constants.*; import org.mmtk.policy.RawPageSpace; import org.mmtk.policy.Space; import org.mmtk.utility.Log; import org.mmtk.vm.Lock; import org.mmtk.vm.VM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Entrypoint; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Inline; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; /** * This supports <i>unsynchronized</i> enqueuing and dequeuing of buffers * for shared use. The data can be added to and removed from either end * of the deque. */ @Uninterruptible public class SharedDeque extends Deque { private static final boolean DISABLE_WAITING = true; private static final Offset NEXT_OFFSET = Offset.zero(); private static final Offset PREV_OFFSET = Offset.fromIntSignExtend(BYTES_IN_ADDRESS); private static final boolean TRACE = false; private static final boolean TRACE_DETAIL = false; private static final boolean TRACE_BLOCKERS = false; /**************************************************************************** * * Public instance methods */ /** * @param name the queue's human-readable name * @param rps the space to get pages from * @param arity the arity (number of words per entry) of this queue */ public SharedDeque(String name, RawPageSpace rps, int arity) { this.rps = rps; this.arity = arity; this.name = name; lock = VM.newLock("SharedDeque"); clearCompletionFlag(); head = HEAD_INITIAL_VALUE; tail = TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE; } /** @return the arity (words per entry) of this queue */ @Inline final int getArity() { return arity; } /** * Enqueue a block on the head or tail of the shared queue * * @param buf the block to enqueue * @param arity the arity of this queue * @param toTail whether to enqueue to the tail of the shared queue */ final void enqueue(Address buf, int arity, boolean toTail) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(arity == this.arity); lock(); if (toTail) { // Add to the tail of the queue setNext(buf, Address.zero()); if (tail.EQ(TAIL_INITIAL_VALUE)) head = buf; else setNext(tail, buf); setPrev(buf, tail); tail = buf; } else { // Add to the head of the queue setPrev(buf, Address.zero()); if (head.EQ(HEAD_INITIAL_VALUE)) tail = buf; else setPrev(head, buf); setNext(buf, head); head = buf; } bufsenqueued++; if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(checkDequeLength(bufsenqueued)); unlock(); } public final void clearDeque(int arity) { Address buf = dequeue(arity); while (!buf.isZero()) { free(bufferStart(buf)); buf = dequeue(arity); } setCompletionFlag(); } @Inline final Address dequeue(int arity) { return dequeue(arity, false); } final Address dequeue(int arity, boolean fromTail) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(arity == this.arity); return dequeue(false, fromTail); } @Inline final Address dequeueAndWait(int arity) { return dequeueAndWait(arity, false); } final Address dequeueAndWait(int arity, boolean fromTail) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(arity == this.arity); Address buf = dequeue(false, fromTail); if (buf.isZero() && (!complete())) { buf = dequeue(true, fromTail); // Wait inside dequeue } return buf; } /** * Prepare for parallel processing. All active GC threads will * participate, and pop operations will block until all work * is complete. */ public final void prepare() { if (DISABLE_WAITING) { prepareNonBlocking(); } else { /* This should be the normal mode of operation once performance is fixed */ prepare(VM.activePlan.collector().parallelWorkerCount()); } } /** * Prepare for processing where pop operations on the deques * will never block. */ public final void prepareNonBlocking() { prepare(1); } /** * Prepare for parallel processing where a specific number * of threads take part. * * @param consumers # threads taking part. */ private void prepare(int consumers) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(numConsumersWaiting == 0); setNumConsumers(consumers); clearCompletionFlag(); } public final void reset() { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(numConsumersWaiting == 0); clearCompletionFlag(); setNumConsumersWaiting(0); assertExhausted(); } public final void assertExhausted() { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(head.isZero() && tail.isZero()); } @Inline final Address alloc() { Address rtn = rps.acquire(PAGES_PER_BUFFER); if (rtn.isZero()) { Space.printUsageMB(); VM.assertions.fail("Failed to allocate space for queue. Is metadata virtual memory exhausted?"); } if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(rtn.EQ(bufferStart(rtn))); return rtn; } @Inline final void free(Address buf) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(buf.EQ(bufferStart(buf)) && !buf.isZero()); rps.release(buf); } @Inline public final int enqueuedPages() { return bufsenqueued * PAGES_PER_BUFFER; } /**************************************************************************** * * Private instance methods and fields */ /** The name of this shared deque - for diagnostics */ private final String name; /** Raw page space from which to allocate */ private final RawPageSpace rps; /** Number of words per entry */ private final int arity; /** Completion flag - set when all consumers have arrived at the barrier */ @Entrypoint private volatile int completionFlag; /** # active threads - processing is complete when # waiting == this */ @Entrypoint private volatile int numConsumers; /** # threads waiting */ @Entrypoint private volatile int numConsumersWaiting; /** Head of the shared deque */ @Entrypoint protected volatile Address head; /** Tail of the shared deque */ @Entrypoint protected volatile Address tail; @Entrypoint private volatile int bufsenqueued; private final Lock lock; private static final long WARN_PERIOD = (long)(2 * 1E9); private static final long TIMEOUT_PERIOD = 10 * WARN_PERIOD; /** * Dequeue a block from the shared pool. If 'waiting' is true, and the * queue is empty, wait for either a new block to show up or all the * other consumers to join us. * * @param waiting whether to wait to dequeue a block if none is present * @param fromTail whether to dequeue from the tail * @return the Address of the block */ private Address dequeue(boolean waiting, boolean fromTail) { lock(); Address rtn = ((fromTail) ? tail : head); if (rtn.isZero()) { if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(tail.isZero() && head.isZero()); // no buffers available if (waiting) { int ordinal = TRACE ? 0 : VM.activePlan.collector().getId(); setNumConsumersWaiting(numConsumersWaiting + 1); while (rtn.isZero()) { if (numConsumersWaiting == numConsumers) setCompletionFlag(); if (TRACE) { Log.write("-- (", ordinal); Log.write(") joining wait queue of SharedDeque("); Log.write(name); Log.write(") ", numConsumersWaiting); Log.write("/", numConsumers); Log.write(" consumers waiting"); if (complete()) Log.write(" WAIT COMPLETE"); Log.writeln(); if (TRACE_BLOCKERS) VM.assertions.dumpStack(); } unlock(); // Spin and wait spinWait(fromTail); if (complete()) { if (TRACE) { Log.write("-- (", ordinal); Log.writeln(") EXITING"); } lock(); setNumConsumersWaiting(numConsumersWaiting - 1); unlock(); return Address.zero(); } lock(); // Re-get the list head/tail while holding the lock rtn = ((fromTail) ? tail : head); } setNumConsumersWaiting(numConsumersWaiting - 1); if (TRACE) { Log.write("-- (", ordinal); Log.write(") resuming work "); Log.writeln(" n=", numConsumersWaiting); } } else { unlock(); return Address.zero(); } } if (fromTail) { // dequeue the tail buffer setTail(getPrev(tail)); if (head.EQ(rtn)) { setHead(Address.zero()); if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(tail.isZero()); } else { setNext(tail, Address.zero()); } } else { // dequeue the head buffer setHead(getNext(head)); if (tail.EQ(rtn)) { setTail(Address.zero()); if (VM.VERIFY_ASSERTIONS) VM.assertions._assert(head.isZero()); } else { setPrev(head, Address.zero()); } } bufsenqueued--; unlock(); return rtn; } /** * Spinwait for GC work to arrive * * @param fromTail Check the head or the tail ? */ private void spinWait(boolean fromTail) { long startNano = 0; long lastElapsedNano = 0; while (true) { long startCycles = VM.statistics.cycles(); long endCycles = startCycles + ((long) 1e9); // a few hundred milliseconds more or less. long nowCycles; do { VM.memory.isync(); Address rtn = ((fromTail) ? tail : head); if (!rtn.isZero() || complete()) return; nowCycles = VM.statistics.cycles(); } while (startCycles < nowCycles && nowCycles < endCycles); /* check against both ends to guard against CPU migration */ /* * According to the cycle counter, we've been spinning for a while. * Time to check nanoTime and see if we should print a warning and/or fail. * We lock the deque while doing this to avoid interleaved messages from multiple threads. */ lock(); if (startNano == 0) { startNano = VM.statistics.nanoTime(); } else { long nowNano = VM.statistics.nanoTime(); long elapsedNano = nowNano - startNano; if (elapsedNano - lastElapsedNano > WARN_PERIOD) { Log.write("GC Warning: SharedDeque("); Log.write(name); Log.write(") wait has reached "); Log.write(VM.statistics.nanosToSecs(elapsedNano)); Log.write(", ", numConsumersWaiting); Log.write("/" , numConsumers); Log.writeln(" threads waiting"); lastElapsedNano = elapsedNano; } if (elapsedNano > TIMEOUT_PERIOD) { unlock(); // To allow other GC threads to die in turn VM.assertions.fail("GC Error: SharedDeque Timeout"); } } unlock(); } } /** * Set the "next" pointer in a buffer forming the linked buffer chain. * * @param buf The buffer whose next field is to be set. * @param next The reference to which next should point. */ private static void setNext(Address buf, Address next) { buf.store(next, NEXT_OFFSET); } /** * Get the "next" pointer in a buffer forming the linked buffer chain. * * @param buf The buffer whose next field is to be returned. * @return The next field for this buffer. */ protected final Address getNext(Address buf) { return buf.loadAddress(NEXT_OFFSET); } /** * Set the "prev" pointer in a buffer forming the linked buffer chain. * * @param buf The buffer whose next field is to be set. * @param prev The reference to which prev should point. */ private void setPrev(Address buf, Address prev) { buf.store(prev, PREV_OFFSET); } /** * Get the "next" pointer in a buffer forming the linked buffer chain. * * @param buf The buffer whose next field is to be returned. * @return The next field for this buffer. */ protected final Address getPrev(Address buf) { return buf.loadAddress(PREV_OFFSET); } /** * Check the number of buffers in the work queue (for debugging * purposes). * * @param length The number of buffers believed to be in the queue. * @return True if the length of the queue matches length. */ private boolean checkDequeLength(int length) { Address top = head; int l = 0; while (!top.isZero() && l <= length) { top = getNext(top); l++; } return l == length; } /** * Lock this shared queue. We use one simple low-level lock to * synchronize access to the shared queue of buffers. */ private void lock() { lock.acquire(); } /** * Release the lock. We use one simple low-level lock to synchronize * access to the shared queue of buffers. */ private void unlock() { lock.release(); } /** * @return whether the current round of processing is complete */ private boolean complete() { return completionFlag == 1; } /** * Set the completion flag. */ @Inline private void setCompletionFlag() { if (TRACE_DETAIL) { Log.writeln("# setCompletionFlag: "); } completionFlag = 1; } /** * Clear the completion flag. */ @Inline private void clearCompletionFlag() { if (TRACE_DETAIL) { Log.writeln("# clearCompletionFlag: "); } completionFlag = 0; } @Inline private void setNumConsumers(int newNumConsumers) { if (TRACE_DETAIL) { Log.writeln("# Num consumers ", newNumConsumers); } numConsumers = newNumConsumers; } @Inline private void setNumConsumersWaiting(int newNCW) { if (TRACE_DETAIL) { Log.writeln("# Num consumers waiting ", newNCW); } numConsumersWaiting = newNCW; } @Inline private void setHead(Address newHead) { head = newHead; VM.memory.sync(); } @Inline private void setTail(Address newTail) { tail = newTail; VM.memory.sync(); } }