* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.jikesrvm.scheduler;
import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.SysCall.sysCall;
import org.jikesrvm.VM;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.Unpreemptible;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.NonMoving;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoOptCompile;
import org.vmmagic.pragma.BaselineSaveLSRegisters;
import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word;
* Implementation of a heavy lock and condition variable implemented using
* the primitives available from the operating system. Currently we use
* a pthread_mutex_t and pthread_cond_it. When instantiated, the mutex
* and cond are allocated. There is currently no way to destroy either
* (thus, pool and reuse accordingly).
* <p>
* It is perfectly safe to use this throughout the VM for locking. It is
* meant to provide roughly the same functionality as Java monitors,
* except:
* <ul>
* <li>This class provides a faster slow path than Java monitors.</li>
* <li>This class provides a slower fast path than Java monitors.</li>
* <li>This class does not have any interaction with Thread.interrupt()
* or Thread.stop(). Thus, if you block on a lock or a wait and the
* calling thread is stopped or interrupted, nothing will happen
* until the lock is acquired or the wait is notified.</li>
* <li>This class will work in the inner guts of the RVM runtime because
* it gives you the ability to lock and unlock, as well as wait and
* notify, without using any other VM runtime functionality.</li>
* <li>This class allows you to optionally block without letting the thread
* system know that you are blocked. The benefit is that you can
* perform synchronization without depending on RVM thread subsystem functionality.
* However, most of the time, you should use the methods that inform
* the thread system that you are blocking. Methods that have the
* "WithHandshake" suffix will inform the thread system if you are blocked,
* while methods that do not have the suffix will either not block
* (as is the case with {@link #unlock()} and {@link #broadcast()})
* or will block without letting anyone know (like {@link #lockNoHandshake()}
* and {@link #waitNoHandshake()}). Not letting the threading
* system know that you are blocked may cause things like GC to stall
* until you unblock.</li>
* </ul>
public class Monitor {
Word monitor;
int holderSlot = -1; // use the slot so that we're even more GC safe
int recCount;
public int acquireCount;
* Allocate a heavy condition variable and lock. This involves
* allocating stuff in C that gets deallocated only when the finalizer
* is run. Thus, don't instantiate too many of these.
public Monitor() {
monitor = sysCall.sysMonitorCreate();
* Frees the data structures that were allocated in C code
* when the object was created.
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
* Wait until it is possible to acquire the lock and then acquire it.
* There is no bound on how long you might wait, if someone else is
* holding the lock and there is no bound on how long they will hold it.
* As well, even if there is a bound on how long a thread might hold a
* lock but there are multiple threads contending on its acquisition,
* there will not necessarily be a bound on how long any particular
* thread will wait until it gets its turn.
* <p>
* This blocking method method does not notify the threading subsystem
* that it is blocking. Thus, if someone (like, say, the GC) requests
* that the thread is blocked then their request will block until this
* method unblocks. If this sounds like it might be undesirable, call
* {@link #lockWithHandshake()} instead.
public void lockNoHandshake() {
int mySlot = RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot();
if (mySlot != holderSlot) {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(holderSlot == -1);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(recCount == 0);
holderSlot = mySlot;
* Relocks the mutex after using {@link #unlockCompletely()}.
* @param recCount the recursion count
public void relockNoHandshake(int recCount) {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(holderSlot == -1);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(this.recCount == 0);
holderSlot = RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot();
this.recCount = recCount;
* Wait until it is possible to acquire the lock and then acquire it.
* There is no bound on how long you might wait, if someone else is
* holding the lock and there is no bound on how long they will hold it.
* As well, even if there is a bound on how long a thread might hold a
* lock but there are multiple threads contending on its acquisition,
* there will not necessarily be a bound on how long any particular
* thread will wait until it gets its turn.
* <p>
* This blocking method method notifies the threading subsystem that it
* is blocking. Thus, it may be safer than calling lock. But,
* its reliance on threading subsystem accounting methods may mean that
* it cannot be used in certain contexts (say, the threading subsystem
* itself).
* <p>
* This method will ensure that if it blocks, it does so with the
* mutex not held. This is useful for cases where the subsystem that
* requested you to block needs to acquire the lock you were trying to
* acquire when the blocking request came.
* <p>
* It is usually not necessary to call this method instead of
* {@link #lockNoHandshake()} since most VM locks are held for short
* periods of time.
@Unpreemptible("If the lock cannot be acquired, this method will allow the thread to be asynchronously blocked")
public void lockWithHandshake() {
int mySlot = RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot();
if (mySlot != holderSlot) {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(holderSlot == -1);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(recCount == 0);
holderSlot = mySlot;
private void lockWithHandshakeNoRec() {
private void lockWithHandshakeNoRecImpl() {
for (;;) {
if (RVMThread.attemptLeaveNativeNoBlock()) {
} else {
* Relocks the mutex after using {@link #unlockCompletely()} and notify
* the threading subsystem.
* @param recCount the recursion count
@Unpreemptible("If the lock cannot be reacquired, this method may allow the thread to be asynchronously blocked")
public void relockWithHandshake(int recCount) {
private void relockWithHandshakeImpl(int recCount) {
for (;;) {
if (RVMThread.attemptLeaveNativeNoBlock()) {
} else {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(holderSlot == -1);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(this.recCount == 0);
holderSlot = RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot();
this.recCount = recCount;
* Release the lock. This method should (in principle) be non-blocking,
* and, as such, it does not notify the threading subsystem that it is
* blocking.
public void unlock() {
if (--recCount == 0) {
holderSlot = -1;
* Completely releases the lock, ignoring recursion.
* @return the recursion count
public int unlockCompletely() {
int result = recCount;
recCount = 0;
holderSlot = -1;
return result;
* Wait until someone calls {@link #broadcast()}.
* <p>
* This blocking method method does not notify the threading subsystem
* that it is blocking. Thus, if someone (like, say, the GC) requests
* that the thread is blocked then their request will block until this
* method unblocks. If this sounds like it might be undesirable, call
* {@link #waitWithHandshake()} instead.
public void waitNoHandshake() {
int recCount = this.recCount;
this.recCount = 0;
holderSlot = -1;
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(holderSlot == -1);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(this.recCount == 0);
this.recCount = recCount;
holderSlot = RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot();
* Wait until someone calls {@link #broadcast()}, or until the clock
* reaches the given time.
* <p>
* This blocking method method does not notify the threading subsystem
* that it is blocking. Thus, if someone (like, say, the GC) requests
* that the thread is blocked then their request will block until this
* method unblocks. If this sounds like it might be undesirable, call
* {@link #timedWaitAbsoluteWithHandshake(long)} instead.
* @param whenWakeupNanos the absolute time point that must be reached
* before the wait is over when no call to {@link #broadcast()} occurs
* in the meantime
public void timedWaitAbsoluteNoHandshake(long whenWakeupNanos) {
int recCount = this.recCount;
this.recCount = 0;
holderSlot = -1;
sysCall.sysMonitorTimedWaitAbsolute(monitor, whenWakeupNanos);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(holderSlot == -1);
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(this.recCount == 0);
this.recCount = recCount;
holderSlot = RVMThread.getCurrentThreadSlot();
* Wait until someone calls {@link #broadcast()}, or until at least
* the given number of nanoseconds pass.
* <p>
* This blocking method method does not notify the threading subsystem
* that it is blocking. Thus, if someone (like, say, the GC) requests
* that the thread is blocked then their request will block until this
* method unblocks. If this sounds like it might be undesirable, call
* {@link #timedWaitRelativeWithHandshake(long)} instead.
* @param delayNanos the number of nanoseconds that need to pass
* from the call of this method until the wait is over when no call
* to {@link #broadcast()} occurs in the meantime
public void timedWaitRelativeNoHandshake(long delayNanos) {
long now = sysCall.sysNanoTime();
timedWaitAbsoluteNoHandshake(now + delayNanos);
* Wait until someone calls {@link #broadcast()}.
* <p>
* This blocking method notifies the threading subsystem that it
* is blocking. Thus, it is generally safer than calling
* {@link #waitNoHandshake()}. But, its reliance on threading subsystem
* accounting methods may mean that it cannot be used in certain contexts
* (say, the threading subsystem itself).
* <p>
* This method will ensure that if it blocks, it does so with the
* mutex not held. This is useful for cases where the subsystem that
* requested you to block needs to acquire the lock you were trying to
* acquire when the blocking request came.
@Unpreemptible("While the thread is waiting, this method may allow the thread to be asynchronously blocked")
public void waitWithHandshake() {
private void waitWithHandshakeImpl() {
int recCount = unlockCompletely();
* Wait until someone calls {@link #broadcast()}, or until the clock
* reaches the given time.
* <p>
* This blocking method method notifies the threading subsystem that it
* is blocking. Thus, it is generally safer than calling
* {@link #timedWaitAbsoluteNoHandshake(long)}. But, its reliance on
* threading subsystem accounting methods may mean that it cannot be
* used in certain contexts (say, the threading subsystem itself).
* <p>
* This method will ensure that if it blocks, it does so with the
* mutex not held. This is useful for cases where the subsystem that
* requested you to block needs to acquire the lock you were trying to
* acquire when the blocking request came.
* @param whenWakeupNanos the absolute time point that must be reached
* before the wait is over when no call to {@link #broadcast()} occurs
* in the meantime
@Unpreemptible("While the thread is waiting, this method may allow the thread to be asynchronously blocked")
public void timedWaitAbsoluteWithHandshake(long whenWakeupNanos) {
private void timedWaitAbsoluteWithHandshakeImpl(long whenWakeupNanos) {
int recCount = unlockCompletely();
* Wait until someone calls {@link #broadcast()}, or until at least the given
* number of nanoseconds pass.
* <p>
* This blocking method method notifies the threading subsystem that it
* is blocking. Thus, it is generally safer than calling
* {@link #timedWaitRelativeWithHandshake(long)}. But, its reliance on
* threading subsystem accounting methods may mean that it cannot be used
* in certain contexts (say, the threading subsystem itself).
* <p>
* This method will ensure that if it blocks, it does so with the
* mutex not held. This is useful for cases where the subsystem that
* requested you to block needs to acquire the lock you were trying to
* acquire when the blocking request came.
* @param delayNanos the number of nanoseconds that need to pass
* from the call of this method until the wait is over when no call
* to {@link #broadcast()} occurs in the meantime
@Unpreemptible("While the thread is waiting, this method may allow the thread to be asynchronously blocked")
public void timedWaitRelativeWithHandshake(long delayNanos) {
private void timedWaitRelativeWithHandshakeImpl(long delayNanos) {
int recCount = unlockCompletely();
* Send a broadcast, which should awaken anyone who is currently blocked
* in any of the wait methods. This method should (in principle) be
* non-blocking, and, as such, it does not notify the threading subsystem
* that it is blocking.
public void broadcast() {
* Send a broadcast after first acquiring the lock. Release the lock
* after sending the broadcast. In most cases where you want to send
* a broadcast but you don't need to acquire the lock to set the
* condition that the other thread(s) are waiting on, you want to call
* this method instead of {@link #broadcast()}.
public void lockedBroadcastNoHandshake() {
public static boolean lockNoHandshake(Monitor l) {
if (l == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
public static void unlock(boolean b, Monitor l) {
if (b) l.unlock();
public static void lockWithHandshake(Monitor m1,Word priority1,
Monitor m2,Word priority2) {
if (priority1.LE(priority2)) {
} else {