/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * Depth First Spanning Tree, builds topological sort of a graph consisting of SortedGraphNode. */ public final class TopSort extends Stack<SortedGraphNode> { /** * the "visited" marker to use */ private int sortMarker; /** * the next "number" to give out */ private int sortNumber; /** * the last node to get a number */ private SortedGraphNode lastNumberedNode; /** * are we processing the graph in forward order? */ private boolean forward; /** * Prevent instantiation */ private TopSort() { } /** * @param graph the graph * @param forward should we treat edges as forward? * This is the second version of the implementation * (see CVS file for older one) * @return the last sorted node */ public static SortedGraphNode buildTopological(TopSortInterface graph, boolean forward) { SortedGraphNode start = graph.startNode(forward); TopSort sorter = new TopSort(); sorter.sortMarker = SortedGraphNode.getNewSortMarker(start); sorter.forward = forward; sorter.DFS(start, graph.numberOfNodes()); return sorter.lastNumberedNode; } /** * Depth-first numbering in a non-recursive manner * @param node the root node * @param numNodes the number of nodes in this graph */ private void DFS(SortedGraphNode node, int numNodes) { // push node on to the emulated activation stack push(node); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // the java generic array problem Enumeration<? extends SortedGraphNode>[] nodeEnum = new Enumeration[numNodes]; recurse: while (!empty()) { node = peek(); // check if we were already processing this node, if so we would have // saved the state of the enumeration in the loop below Enumeration<? extends SortedGraphNode> _enum = nodeEnum[node.getNumber()]; if (_enum == null) { // mark node as visited node.setSortMarker(sortMarker); if (forward) { _enum = node.getOutNodes(); } else { _enum = node.getInNodes(); } } while (_enum.hasMoreElements()) { SortedGraphNode target = _enum.nextElement(); // have we visited target? if (target.getSortMarker() != sortMarker) { // simulate a recursive call // but first save the enumeration state for resumption later nodeEnum[node.getNumber()] = _enum; push(target); continue recurse; } } // give node the next smallest number node.setSortNumber(sortNumber--, forward); // link it to the previous smallest node, even if that node is null node.setSortedNext(lastNumberedNode, forward); // update the smallest node lastNumberedNode = node; // "Pop" from the emulated activiation stack pop(); } } }