/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.tuningfork; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Time; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Inline; import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Untraced; import com.ibm.tuningfork.tracegen.chunk.EventChunk; import com.ibm.tuningfork.tracegen.types.EventType; /** * <p>A Feedlet is a entity that is a unit of trace generation * for TuningFork. In Jikes RVM, a Feedlet is typically * associated with a VM_Thread.</p> * * <p>Note an important assumption that a Feedlet will only * be used by a single thread at a time. All operations are * unsynchronized. This invariant is usually met because only * the VM_Thread to which it is attached is allowed to perform * addEvent operations on the Feedlet. If a Feedlet is attached * to something other than a VM_Thread, then this invariant must be * established via external synchronization.</p> */ @Uninterruptible public final class Feedlet { private static final boolean CHECK_TYPES = VM.VerifyAssertions; private final TraceEngine engine; private final int feedletIndex; private int sequenceNumber; @Untraced /* NB: Assumes EventChunk is NonMoving and externally kept alive for GC */ private EventChunk events; /** * Enabled is true when TF engine is enabled, false otherwise. * This field is intentionally not made final to * (1) allow us to disable the boot thread's feedlet during VM booting * (2) allow us to dynamically enable/disable event generation (for eventual socket hookup) * (3) allow us to turn off event generation during VM shutdown */ boolean enabled; /** * Create a new Feedlet. * This method is only meant to be called from TraceEngine. * @param engine the TraceEngine instance to which this feedlet is attached. * @param feedletIndex the index to use for the Feedlet */ Feedlet(TraceEngine engine, int feedletIndex) { this.engine = engine; this.feedletIndex = feedletIndex; this.sequenceNumber = 0; this.events = null; /* defer actually acquiring an EventChunk until the feedlet emits its first event */ this.enabled = true; /* If tracing is not enabled, then TraceEngine will set this field to false. */ } /** * @return the feedlet's index */ int getFeedletIndex() { return feedletIndex; } void shutdown() { enabled = false; flushEventChunk(); } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param ival1 The first int data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int ival1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, ival1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int ival1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 1, 0, 0, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, ival1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param ival1 The first int data value * @param ival2 The second int data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, ival1, ival2); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 2, 0, 0, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, ival1, ival2)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param ival1 The first int data value * @param ival2 The second int data value * @param ival3 The third int data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2, int ival3) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, ival1, ival2, ival3); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2, int ival3) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 3, 0, 0, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, ival1, ival2, ival3)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param ival1 The first int data value * @param ival2 The second int data value * @param ival3 The third int data value * @param ival4 The fourth int data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2, int ival3, int ival4) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, ival1, ival2, ival3, ival4); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2, int ival3, int ival4) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 4, 0, 0, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, ival1, ival2, ival3, ival4)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param lval1 The first double data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, long lval1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, lval1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, long lval1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 0, 1, 0, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, lval1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param dval1 The first double data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, double dval1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, dval1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, double dval1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 0, 0, 1, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, dval1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param sval1 The first String data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, String sval1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, sval1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, String sval1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 0, 0, 0, 1)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, sval1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param ival1 The first int data value * @param dval1 The first double data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int ival1, double dval1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, ival1, dval1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int ival1, double dval1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 1, 0, 1, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, ival1, dval1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param ival1 The first int data value * @param ival2 The second int data value * @param dval1 The first double data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2, double dval1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, ival1, ival2, dval1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int ival1, int ival2, double dval1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 2, 0, 1, 0)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, ival1, ival2, dval1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et The type of event to add * @param dval1 The first double data value * @param sval1 The first String data value */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, double dval1, String sval1) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, dval1, sval1); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, double dval1, String sval1) { if (CHECK_TYPES && !checkTypes(et, 0, 0, 1, 1)) return; long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, dval1, sval1)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } /** * Add an event to the feedlet's generated event stream * @param et the event's type * @param idata an array of int data values (may be null if no such values for this event) * @param ldata an array of long data values (may be null if no such values for this event) * @param ddata an array of double data values (may be null if no such values for this event) * @param sdata an array of String data values (may be null if no such values for this event) */ @Inline public void addEvent(EventType et, int[] idata, long[] ldata, double[] ddata, String[] sdata) { if (!enabled) return; addEventInternal(et, idata, ldata, ddata, sdata); } @NoInline private void addEventInternal(EventType et, int[] idata, long[] ldata, double[] ddata, String[] sdata) { if (CHECK_TYPES) { int ilen = idata == null ? 0 : idata.length; int llen = ldata == null ? 0 : ldata.length; int dlen = ddata == null ? 0 : ddata.length; int slen = sdata == null ? 0 : sdata.length; if (!checkTypes(et, ilen, llen, dlen, slen)) return; } long timeStamp = getTimeStamp(); while (true) { if (events == null && !acquireEventChunk()) { return; /* failure */ } if (events.addEvent(timeStamp, et, idata, ldata, ddata, sdata)) { return; /* success */ } flushEventChunk(); /* events is full or stale; flush and try again */ } } private boolean checkTypes(EventType et, int numInts, int numLongs, int numDoubles, int numStrings) { if (et.getNumberOfInts() != numInts || et.getNumberOfLongs() != numLongs || et.getNumberOfDoubles() != numDoubles || et.getNumberOfStrings() != numStrings) { VM.sysWriteln("Feedlet: Dropping addEvent of ill-typed event ", et.getName()); return false; } else { return true; } } private long getTimeStamp() { return Time.nanoTime(); } @NoInline private boolean acquireEventChunk() { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(events == null); events = engine.getEventChunk(); if (events == null) { // TODO: here is where we would need to record in the Feedlet's // state that we had to drop an event. We would then later // (when we got an event chunk back again) emit an event // to indicate the number of events that were dropped due to // an inability to obtain an event chunk. return false; } events.reset(feedletIndex, sequenceNumber++); return true; } @NoInline private void flushEventChunk() { if (events != null) { events.close(); engine.returnFullEventChunk(events); events = null; } } }