/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.classloader; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.mm.mminterface.MemoryManager; import org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.TIB; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; /** * Data structures and code for fast dynamic type checking. * <p> * As a convention, we convert all dynamic type checking * operations into the following question: LHS :?= RHS * (i.e. can an instance of the RHS class be stored in a * variable of the LHS class or interface.) This question * arises for four bytecodes: instanceof, checkcast, aastore * and invokeinterface and entry into catch blocks. * This gives us a uniform terminology, but in some cases * (instanceof) can be somewhat counter-intuitive since despite * the fact that the Java source code is written as * <code>x instanceof C</code>, for the purposes of dynamic type checking * <code>x</code> is the RHS and <code>C</code> is the LHS! * <p> * The idea of the optimizations presented below is to treat * each context in which these queries arises as a special * case to be optimised in isolation. Consider the following * taxonomy of dynamic type checking conexts: * <p> * (1) Is the LHS unknown at compile time? True only for aastore? * If so, the following test will be fast in most instances: * is the runtime type of the LHS array the same as compile-time * type of the variable that contains it? If so, the Java-to-bytecode * compiler (and the verifier) guarantees that the test passes. * Unfortunately, this test can only be used in two of three cases: * when the LHS variable is a field or a parameter. When the LHS is * in a local variable the Java-to-bytecode compiler has thrown away * the necessary type information. * <p> * (2) Otherwise, is the LHS an array? * If so, there are three sub-cases * <ul> * <li>(2a) LHS is [^k primitive: * If so, the dimensionality of the RHS must be k * and the baseclass of the RHS must be the same primitive * <li>(2b) LHS is [^k class: * If so, the dimensionality of the RHS must be k * and the baseclass of the RHS must be assignable with class (see #3) * _OR_ the dimensionality of the RHS must be >k * and the baseclass of the LHS is java.lang.Cloneable or java.io.Serializable * <li>(2c) LHS is [^k Ljava.lang.Object: * If so, either the dimensionality of the RHS is greater than k * or, this dimensionality is k and the baseclass is NOT primitive * </ul> * <p> * (3) Otherwise, is the LHS unresolved? * If so, fall back to calling RuntimeEntrypoints.instanceOf at runtime which will * load/resolve the types and then call DynamicTypeCheck.instanceOf. * <p> * (4) Otherwise, is the LHS an interface? * If so, query the doesImplement array of the RHS's TIB at the entry * for the interface ID. If a class does not directly implement any * interfaces then it inherits the doesImplement array from its superclass. * <p> * (5) Otherwise, is the depth of the LHS greater than * MIN_SUPERCLASS_IDS_SIZE? If so, if LHS depth is greater that * RHS's superclassIds.length, the test fails. Else, see #6. * <p> * (6) Otherwise. If the LHS depth component of the RHS's superclassIds * array is the LHS class ID, the test succeeds. Else, it fails. * <p> * For details about the expansion of type checks in the optimizing compiler, see * the transformation from high level IR to low level IR. * * @see RVMType * @see RVMClass * @see RVMArray */ public class DynamicTypeCheck { /** * Minimum length of the superclassIds array in TIB. * Note: this array is padded to save a index out of * bounds test for classes with shallow class depth. */ public static final int MIN_SUPERCLASS_IDS_SIZE = 6; // a short[], so multiple of 2. /** * Minimum length of the doesImplements array in TIB. * Note: this array is padded to save a index out of * bounds test for the first 32 * MIN_DOES_IMPLEMENT_SIZE interfaces loaded. */ public static final int MIN_DOES_IMPLEMENT_SIZE = 5; // an int[] /** * Create the superclass Id vector for a RVMType. * * @param t a RVMType to create a superclass Id vector for * @return the superclass Id vector */ static short[] buildSuperclassIds(RVMType t) { int depth = t.getTypeDepth(); short[] tsi; if (t.isJavaLangObjectType()) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(depth == 0); tsi = MemoryManager.newNonMovingShortArray(1); } else { int size = MIN_SUPERCLASS_IDS_SIZE <= depth ? depth + 1 : MIN_SUPERCLASS_IDS_SIZE; tsi = MemoryManager.newNonMovingShortArray(size); RVMType p; if (t.isArrayType() || t.asClass().isInterface()) { p = RVMType.JavaLangObjectType; } else { p = t.asClass().getSuperClass(); } short[] psi = p.getSuperclassIds(); for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { tsi[i] = psi[i]; } } int id = t.getId(); if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(id <= 0xFFFF); // when this fails, make superclassIds int[] tsi[depth] = (short) id; return tsi; } private static int[] arrayDoesImplement; /** * Create the doesImplement vector for a RVMArray. * All arrays implement exactly java.io.Serializable and java.lang.Cloneable. * * @param t a RVMArray to create a doesImplement vector for * @return the doesImplement vector */ static int[] buildDoesImplement(RVMArray t) { if (arrayDoesImplement == null) { int cloneIdx = RVMType.JavaLangCloneableType.getDoesImplementIndex(); int serialIdx = RVMType.JavaIoSerializableType.getDoesImplementIndex(); int size = Math.max(cloneIdx, serialIdx); size = Math.max(MIN_DOES_IMPLEMENT_SIZE, size + 1); int[] tmp = MemoryManager.newNonMovingIntArray(size); tmp[cloneIdx] = RVMType.JavaLangCloneableType.getDoesImplementBitMask(); tmp[serialIdx] |= RVMType.JavaIoSerializableType.getDoesImplementBitMask(); arrayDoesImplement = tmp; } return arrayDoesImplement; } /** * Create the doesImplement vector for a RVMClass. * * @param t a RVMClass to create a doesImplement vector for * @return the doesImplement vector */ static int[] buildDoesImplement(RVMClass t) { if (t.isJavaLangObjectType()) { // object implements no interfaces. return MemoryManager.newNonMovingIntArray(MIN_DOES_IMPLEMENT_SIZE); } RVMClass[] superInterfaces = t.getDeclaredInterfaces(); if (!t.isInterface() && superInterfaces.length == 0) { // I add nothing new; share with parent. return t.getSuperClass().getDoesImplement(); } // I need one of my own; first figure out how big it needs to be. int size; if (t.isInterface()) { size = Math.max(MIN_DOES_IMPLEMENT_SIZE, t.getDoesImplementIndex() + 1); } else { size = t.getSuperClass().getDoesImplement().length; } for (RVMClass superInterface : superInterfaces) { size = Math.max(size, superInterface.getDoesImplement().length); } // then create and populate it int[] mine = MemoryManager.newNonMovingIntArray(size); if (t.isInterface()) { mine[t.getDoesImplementIndex()] = t.getDoesImplementBitMask(); } else { int[] parent = t.getSuperClass().getDoesImplement(); for (int j = 0; j < parent.length; j++) { mine[j] |= parent[j]; } } for (RVMClass superInterface : superInterfaces) { int[] parent = superInterface.getDoesImplement(); for (int j = 0; j < parent.length; j++) { mine[j] |= parent[j]; } } return mine; } /** * LHSclass is a fully loaded class or interface. * Is rhsTIB the TIB of an instanceof LHSclass? * * @param LHSclass a fully loaded class or interface class * @param rhsTIB the TIB of an object that might be an instance of LHSclass * @return <code>true</code> if the object is an instance of LHSClass * or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public static boolean instanceOfNonArray(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB) { if (LHSclass.isInterface()) { return instanceOfInterface(LHSclass, rhsTIB); } else { return instanceOfClass(LHSclass, rhsTIB); } } /** * LHSclass is a fully loaded class. * Is rhsTIB the TIB of a subclass of LHSclass? * * @param LHSclass a (fully loaded) class * @param rhsTIB the TIB of an object that might be an instance of LHSclass * @return <code>true</code> if the object is an instance of LHSClass * or <code>false</code> if it is not */ @Uninterruptible public static boolean instanceOfClass(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(rhsTIB != null); VM._assert(rhsTIB.getSuperclassIds() != null); } short[] superclassIds = Magic.objectAsShortArray(rhsTIB.getSuperclassIds()); int LHSDepth = LHSclass.getTypeDepth(); if (LHSDepth >= superclassIds.length) return false; int LHSId = LHSclass.getId(); return (superclassIds[LHSDepth] & 0xFFFF) == LHSId; } /** * LHSclass is a fully loaded interface. * Is rhsTIB the TIB of a class that implements LHSclass? * * @param LHSclass a class (that is a fully loaded interface) * @param rhsTIB the TIB of an object that might be an instance of LHSclass * @return <code>true</code> if the object is an instance of LHSClass * or <code>false</code> if it is not */ public static boolean instanceOfInterface(RVMClass LHSclass, TIB rhsTIB) { int[] doesImplement = rhsTIB.getDoesImplement(); int idx = LHSclass.getDoesImplementIndex(); int mask = LHSclass.getDoesImplementBitMask(); return idx < doesImplement.length && ((doesImplement[idx] & mask) != 0); } /** * Can we store an object of type RHSType in a variable of type LHSType? * Assumption. LHSType and RHSType are already resolved. * * @param LHSType the left-hand-side type * @param RHSType the right-hand-size type * @return <code>true</code> if we can store an object of * RHSType into a variable of type LSType * or <code>false</code> if we cannot. */ public static boolean instanceOfResolved(RVMType LHSType, RVMType RHSType) { int LHSDimension = LHSType.getDimensionality(); int RHSDimension = RHSType.getDimensionality(); if (LHSDimension < 0 || RHSDimension < 0) return false; if (LHSDimension == 0) { return instanceOfNonArray(LHSType.asClass(), RHSType.getTypeInformationBlock()); } RVMType LHSInnermostElementType = LHSType.asArray().getInnermostElementType(); if (LHSInnermostElementType == RVMType.JavaLangObjectType) { if (RHSDimension < LHSDimension) return false; if (RHSDimension > LHSDimension) return true; return RHSType.asArray().getInnermostElementType().isClassType(); // !primitive } else if (!(LHSInnermostElementType.isPrimitiveType() || LHSInnermostElementType.isUnboxedType())) { if (RHSDimension == LHSDimension) { RVMType RHSInnermostElementType = RHSType.asArray().getInnermostElementType(); if ((RHSInnermostElementType.isPrimitiveType() || RHSInnermostElementType.isUnboxedType())) return false; return instanceOfNonArray(LHSInnermostElementType.asClass(), RHSInnermostElementType.getTypeInformationBlock()); } else { // All array types implicitly implement java.lang.Cloneable and java.io.Serializable // so if LHS is if lesser dimensionality then this check must succeed if its innermost // element type is one of these special interfaces. return (LHSDimension < RHSDimension && (LHSInnermostElementType == RVMType.JavaLangCloneableType || LHSInnermostElementType == RVMType.JavaIoSerializableType)); } } else { return false; } } }