/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.CONTROL; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.EXCEPTION_E; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.EXCEPTION_MS; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.EXCEPTION_R; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.GUARD_ANTI; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.GUARD_OUTPUT; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.GUARD_TRUE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.MEM_ANTI; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.MEM_OUTPUT; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.MEM_READS_KILL; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.MEM_TRUE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.REG_ANTI; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.REG_MAY_DEF; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.REG_OUTPUT; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.depgraph.DepGraphConstants.REG_TRUE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.GET_TIME_BASE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.IR_PROLOGUE; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.UNINT_BEGIN; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.UNINT_END; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BasicBlock; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GenericPhysicalDefUse; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.LocationCarrier; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operator; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Register; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.LocationOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.liveness.LiveSet; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.util.SpaceEffGraph; /** * Dependence Graph for a single basic block in the program. */ public class DepGraph extends SpaceEffGraph { /** * Set of variables that are live on entry to at least one catch block that * is reachable via a PEI in currentBlock. * This is an approximation of the more precise set, but can be done in * linear time; doing the most precise thing (computing the set for * every PEI and using each individual set to create the necessary * dependences) is quadratic, and probably doesn't help very much anyways. */ private final LiveSet handlerLiveSet; /** * The basic block we are processing */ private final BasicBlock currentBlock; /** * The IR we are processing */ private final IR ir; private final DepGraphNode[] depGraphNodes; /** * Constructor (computes the dependence graph!). * * @param ir the IR to compute the dependence graph for * @param start instruction to start computation from * @param end instruction to end computation at * @param currentBlock the basic block that the instructions are living in */ public DepGraph(IR ir, Instruction start, Instruction end, BasicBlock currentBlock) { this.currentBlock = currentBlock; this.ir = ir; this.depGraphNodes = new DepGraphNode[ir.regpool.getTotalNumberOfRegisters()]; handlerLiveSet = new LiveSet(); computeHandlerLiveSet(); createNodes(start, end); computeForwardDependences(start, end); computeBackwardDependences(start, end); computeControlAndBarrierDependences(start, end); } private DepGraphNode getDepGraphNode(Register r) { return depGraphNodes[r.number]; } private void setDepGraphNodeForRegister(DepGraphNode dNode, Register r) { depGraphNodes[r.number] = dNode; } private void clearDepGraphNodeForRegister(Register r) { setDepGraphNodeForRegister(null, r); } /** * Determine the set of variables live on entry to any handler * block that is reachable from currentBlock */ private void computeHandlerLiveSet() { if (ir.getHandlerLivenessComputed() && currentBlock.hasExceptionHandlers()) { Enumeration<BasicBlock> e = currentBlock.getExceptionalOut(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock handlerBlock = (ExceptionHandlerBasicBlock) e.nextElement(); handlerLiveSet.add(handlerBlock.getLiveSet()); } } } private void createNodes(Instruction start, Instruction end) { for (Instruction p = start; ; p = p.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) { DepGraphNode pnode = createDepGraphNode(p); addGraphNode(pnode); if (p == end) { break; } } } protected DepGraphNode createDepGraphNode(Instruction p) { return new DepGraphNode(p); } /** * Computes flow and output dependences by doing a forward * traversal of the instructions from start to end. * * @param start start instruction * @param end end instruction */ private void computeForwardDependences(Instruction start, Instruction end) { boolean readsKill = ir.options.READS_KILL; DepGraphNode lastStoreNode = null; DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode = null; DepGraphNode lastLoadNode = null; // only used if reads kill clearRegisters(start, end); for (DepGraphNode pnode = (DepGraphNode) firstNode(); pnode != null; pnode = (DepGraphNode) pnode.getNext()) { Instruction p = pnode.instruction(); // (1) Add edges due to registers int useMask = p.operator().implicitUses; int defMask = p.operator().implicitDefs; if (p.isTSPoint()) { useMask |= GenericPhysicalDefUse.getMaskTSPUses(); defMask |= GenericPhysicalDefUse.getMaskTSPDefs(); } for (Enumeration<Operand> uses = p.getUses(); uses.hasMoreElements();) { computeForwardDependencesUse(uses.nextElement(), pnode, lastExceptionNode); } for (Enumeration<Register> uses = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerate(useMask, ir); uses.hasMoreElements();) { Register r = uses.nextElement(); computeImplicitForwardDependencesUse(r, pnode); } for (Enumeration<Operand> defs = p.getDefs(); defs.hasMoreElements();) { computeForwardDependencesDef(defs.nextElement(), pnode, lastExceptionNode); } for (Enumeration<Register> defs = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerate(defMask, ir); defs.hasMoreElements();) { Register r = defs.nextElement(); computeImplicitForwardDependencesDef(r, pnode); } // (2) Add edges due to memory boolean isStore = p.isImplicitStore(); boolean isLoad = p.isImplicitLoad(); if (isStore || isLoad) { // If readsKill then add memory model memory dependence from prior load // NOTE: In general alias relationships are not transitive and therefore // we cannot exit this loop early. if (readsKill && isLoad) { for (DepGraphNode lnode = lastLoadNode; lnode != null; lnode = (DepGraphNode) lnode.getPrev()) { if (lnode.instruction().isImplicitLoad() && LocationOperand.mayBeAliased(getLocation(p), getLocation(lnode.instruction()))) { lnode.insertOutEdge(pnode, MEM_READS_KILL); } } lastLoadNode = pnode; } // Add output/flow memory dependence from prior potentially aliased stores. // NOTE: In general alias relationships are not transitive and therefore // we cannot exit this loop early. for (DepGraphNode snode = lastStoreNode; snode != null; snode = (DepGraphNode) snode.getPrev()) { if (snode.instruction().isImplicitStore() && LocationOperand.mayBeAliased(getLocation(p), getLocation(snode.instruction()))) { snode.insertOutEdge(pnode, isStore ? MEM_OUTPUT : MEM_TRUE); } } if (isStore) { lastStoreNode = pnode; if (lastExceptionNode != null) { lastExceptionNode.insertOutEdge(pnode, EXCEPTION_MS); } } } // (3) Add edges due to exception state/exceptional control flow. if (p.isPEI()) { if (lastExceptionNode != null) { lastExceptionNode.insertOutEdge(pnode, EXCEPTION_E); } lastExceptionNode = pnode; } } } /** * Computes anti dependences by doing a backwards * traversal of the instructions from start to end. * * @param start start instruction * @param end end instruction */ private void computeBackwardDependences(Instruction start, Instruction end) { clearRegisters(start, end); DepGraphNode lastStoreNode = null; DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode = null; for (DepGraphNode pnode = (DepGraphNode) lastNode(); pnode != null; pnode = (DepGraphNode) pnode.getPrev()) { Instruction p = pnode.instruction(); // (1) Add edges due to registers int useMask = p.operator().implicitUses; int defMask = p.operator().implicitDefs; if (p.isTSPoint()) { useMask |= GenericPhysicalDefUse.getMaskTSPUses(); defMask |= GenericPhysicalDefUse.getMaskTSPDefs(); } for (Enumeration<Operand> uses = p.getUses(); uses.hasMoreElements();) { computeBackwardDependencesUse(uses.nextElement(), pnode, lastExceptionNode); } for (Enumeration<Register> uses = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerate(useMask, ir); uses.hasMoreElements();) { Register r = uses.nextElement(); computeImplicitBackwardDependencesUse(r, pnode); } for (Enumeration<Operand> defs = p.getDefs(); defs.hasMoreElements();) { computeBackwardDependencesDef(defs.nextElement(), pnode, lastExceptionNode); } for (Enumeration<Register> defs = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerate(defMask, ir); defs.hasMoreElements();) { Register r = defs.nextElement(); computeImplicitBackwardDependencesDef(r, pnode); } // (2) Add edges due to memory boolean isStore = p.isImplicitStore(); boolean isLoad = p.isImplicitLoad(); if (isStore) { if (lastExceptionNode != null) { pnode.insertOutEdge(lastExceptionNode, EXCEPTION_MS); } lastStoreNode = pnode; } else if (isLoad) { // NOTE: In general alias relationships are not transitive and therefore // we cannot exit this loop early. for (DepGraphNode snode = lastStoreNode; snode != null; snode = (DepGraphNode) snode.getNext()) { if (snode.instruction().isImplicitStore() && LocationOperand.mayBeAliased(getLocation(p), getLocation(snode.instruction()))) { pnode.insertOutEdge(snode, MEM_ANTI); } } } if (p.isPEI()) { lastExceptionNode = pnode; } } } /** * Compute control and barrier (acquire/release) dependences * in two passes (one forward, one reverse over the instructions * from start to end. * * @param start start instruction * @param end end instruction */ private void computeControlAndBarrierDependences(Instruction start, Instruction end) { // (1) In a forward pass, we add the following dependences: // a) No load instruction may rise above an acquire // b) No instruction may rise above an UNINT_BEGIN (conservative), // a yieldpoint (we placed the yieldpoints where we wanted them), // a GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION, or an IR_PROLOGUE. // c) No GC point may rise above an UNINT_END DepGraphNode lastTotalBarrier = null; DepGraphNode lastGCBarrier = null; DepGraphNode lastAcquire = null; for (DepGraphNode pnode = (DepGraphNode) firstNode(); pnode != null; pnode = (DepGraphNode) pnode.getNext()) { Instruction p = pnode.instruction(); if (lastTotalBarrier != null) { lastTotalBarrier.insertOutEdge(pnode, CONTROL); } if (lastGCBarrier != null) { lastGCBarrier.insertOutEdge(pnode, CONTROL); } if (lastAcquire != null && p.isImplicitLoad()) { lastAcquire.insertOutEdge(pnode, CONTROL); } Operator pop = p.operator(); if (p.isYieldPoint() || pop == IR_PROLOGUE || pop == UNINT_BEGIN || pop == GET_TIME_BASE || pop == GET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION) { lastTotalBarrier = pnode; } if (pop == UNINT_END) { lastGCBarrier = pnode; } if (p.isAcquire() || p.isDynamicLinkingPoint()) { lastAcquire = pnode; } } // (2) In a backward pass we add the following dependences: // a) No store instruction may sink below a release. // b) No instruction may sink below an UNINT_END (conservative), // a branch/return, a SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION, or a yieldpoint // (again want to pin yieldpoints). // c) No GC point may sink below an UNINT_BEGIN lastTotalBarrier = null; lastGCBarrier = null; DepGraphNode lastRelease = null; for (DepGraphNode pnode = (DepGraphNode) lastNode(); pnode != null; pnode = (DepGraphNode) pnode.getPrev()) { Instruction p = pnode.instruction(); if (lastTotalBarrier != null) { pnode.insertOutEdge(lastTotalBarrier, CONTROL); } if (lastGCBarrier != null) { pnode.insertOutEdge(lastGCBarrier, CONTROL); } if (lastRelease != null && p.isImplicitStore()) { pnode.insertOutEdge(lastRelease, CONTROL); } Operator pop = p.operator(); if (p.isBranch() || p.isReturn() || p.isYieldPoint() || pop == UNINT_END || pop == GET_TIME_BASE || pop == SET_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION) { lastTotalBarrier = pnode; } if (pop == UNINT_BEGIN) { lastGCBarrier = pnode; } if (p.isRelease() || p.isDynamicLinkingPoint()) { lastRelease = pnode; } } } /** * Compute forward dependences from a given use to a given node. * @param op source operand * @param destNode destination node * @param lastExceptionNode node representing the last PEI */ private void computeForwardDependencesUse(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode) { if (!(op instanceof RegisterOperand)) return; RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) op; DepGraphNode sourceNode = getDepGraphNode(regOp.getRegister()); // if there is an element in the regTableDef[regNum] slot, set // the flow dependence edge. if (sourceNode != null) { if (regOp.getRegister().isValidation()) { sourceNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, GUARD_TRUE); } else { for (Enumeration<Register> e = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerate(GenericPhysicalDefUse.getMaskTSPDefs(), ir); e.hasMoreElements();) { Register r = e.nextElement(); if (regOp.getRegister() == r) { sourceNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, REG_MAY_DEF); return; } } sourceNode.insertRegTrueOutEdge(destNode, regOp); } } } /** * Compute forward dependences from a given def to a given node. * @param op source operand * @param destNode destination node * @param lastExceptionNode node representing the last PEI */ private void computeForwardDependencesDef(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode) { if (!(op instanceof RegisterOperand)) return; RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand)op; DepGraphNode sourceNode = getDepGraphNode(regOp.getRegister()); if (sourceNode != null) { // create output dependence edge from sourceNode to destNode. int type = regOp.getRegister().isValidation() ? GUARD_OUTPUT : REG_OUTPUT; sourceNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, type); } // pin the def below the previous exception node if the register // being defined may be live in some reachable catch block if (lastExceptionNode != null && regOp.getRegister().spansBasicBlock() && currentBlock.hasExceptionHandlers()) { if (!ir.getHandlerLivenessComputed() || handlerLiveSet.contains(regOp.getRegister())) { lastExceptionNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, EXCEPTION_R); } } setDepGraphNodeForRegister(destNode, regOp.getRegister()); } /** * Compute backward dependences from a given use to a given node. * @param op source operand * @param destNode destination node * @param lastExceptionNode node representing the last PEI */ private void computeBackwardDependencesUse(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode) { if (!(op instanceof RegisterOperand)) return; RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) op; DepGraphNode sourceNode = getDepGraphNode(regOp.getRegister()); if (sourceNode != null) { int type = regOp.getRegister().isValidation() ? GUARD_ANTI : REG_ANTI; // create antidependence edge. // NOTE: sourceNode contains the def and destNode contains the use. destNode.insertOutEdge(sourceNode, type); } } /** * Compute backward dependences from a given def to a given node. * @param op source operand * @param destNode destination node * @param lastExceptionNode node representing the last PEI */ private void computeBackwardDependencesDef(Operand op, DepGraphNode destNode, DepGraphNode lastExceptionNode) { if (!(op instanceof RegisterOperand)) return; RegisterOperand regOp = (RegisterOperand) op; // pin the def above the next exception node if the register // being defined may be live in some reachable catch block if (lastExceptionNode != null && regOp.getRegister().spansBasicBlock() && currentBlock.hasExceptionHandlers()) { if (!ir.getHandlerLivenessComputed() || handlerLiveSet.contains(regOp.getRegister())) { destNode.insertOutEdge(lastExceptionNode, EXCEPTION_R); } } setDepGraphNodeForRegister(destNode, regOp.getRegister()); } /** * Compute implicit forward dependences from a given register use * to a given node. * @param r source register * @param destNode destination node */ private void computeImplicitForwardDependencesUse(Register r, DepGraphNode destNode) { DepGraphNode sourceNode = getDepGraphNode(r); if (sourceNode != null) { for (Enumeration<Register> e = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerate(GenericPhysicalDefUse.getMaskTSPDefs(), ir); e.hasMoreElements();) { Register r2 = e.nextElement(); if (r == r2) { sourceNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, REG_MAY_DEF); return; } } sourceNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, REG_TRUE); } } /** * Compute implicit forward dependences from a given register def * to a given node. * @param r source register * @param destNode destination node */ private void computeImplicitForwardDependencesDef(Register r, DepGraphNode destNode) { DepGraphNode sourceNode = getDepGraphNode(r); if (sourceNode != null) { sourceNode.insertOutEdge(destNode, REG_OUTPUT); } setDepGraphNodeForRegister(destNode, r); } /** * Compute implicit backward dependences from a given register use * to a given node. * @param r source register * @param destNode destination node */ private void computeImplicitBackwardDependencesUse(Register r, DepGraphNode destNode) { DepGraphNode sourceNode = getDepGraphNode(r); if (sourceNode != null) { // create antidependence edge. // NOTE: sourceNode contains the def and destNode contains the use. destNode.insertOutEdge(sourceNode, REG_ANTI); } } /** * Compute implicit backward dependences from a given register def * to a given node. * @param r source register * @param destNode destination node */ private void computeImplicitBackwardDependencesDef(Register r, DepGraphNode destNode) { setDepGraphNodeForRegister(destNode, r); } /** * Get the location of a given load or store instruction. * @param s the instruction to get the location from. * * @return a location or {@code null} */ private LocationOperand getLocation(Instruction s) { // This extra conforms check wouldn't be necessary if the DepGraph // code was distinguishing between explict load/stores which have // locations and implicit load/stores which don't. return LocationCarrier.conforms(s) ? LocationCarrier.getLocation(s) : null; } /** * Initialize (clear) the dNode field in Register for all registers * in this basic block by setting them to null. * Handles both explicit and implict use/defs. * @param start the first opt instruction in the region * @param end the last opt instruction in the region */ private void clearRegisters(Instruction start, Instruction end) { for (Instruction p = start; ; p = p.nextInstructionInCodeOrder()) { for (Enumeration<Operand> ops = p.getOperands(); ops.hasMoreElements();) { Operand op = ops.nextElement(); if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) { RegisterOperand rOp = (RegisterOperand) op; clearDepGraphNodeForRegister(rOp.getRegister()); } } if (p == end) break; } for (Enumeration<Register> e = GenericPhysicalDefUse.enumerateAllImplicitDefUses(ir); e.hasMoreElements();) { Register r = e.nextElement(); clearDepGraphNodeForRegister(r); } } /** * Print the dependence graph to standard out. */ public void printDepGraph() { System.out.println(toString()); System.out.println("-----------------------------------"); } }