* This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org).
* This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL);
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
* may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.
package org.jikesrvm.adaptive.measurements.instrumentation;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.jikesrvm.VM;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.InstrumentedEventCounterManager;
import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction;
* This class provides the basic functionality for instrumented data
* that use counters allocated from a InstrumentedEventCounterManager.
* It provides the basic interface to access counters, forwarding
* those requests to the counter manager.
public class ManagedCounterData {
* @param counterManager The counterManager that will provide the counter space
ManagedCounterData(InstrumentedEventCounterManager counterManager) {
// Basic block instrumentation is performed using a common counter
// allocation for the whole method. It requests that space here.
this.counterManager = counterManager;
* This method must be called before creating any counters for this
* data. It registers this data with the counter manager and gets a
* "handle" that is coded into the counter instruction. If you need
* to change the number of counters in this data AFTER you have
* created counters, use void
* ManagerdCounterData.resizeCounters(int) instead.
* @param countersNeeded How many counters are needed by this data
public void initializeCounters(int countersNeeded) {
// Confirm that this method is called only once. Once a handle is
// assigned, it should not be changed. Use resizeCounters(int) to
// change the size of the data.
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
VM._assert(handle == -1);
this.numCounters = countersNeeded;
// Register this many counters with the counter manager
this.handle = counterManager.registerCounterSpace(countersNeeded);
* Tell the data to automatically expand the counters if there is a
* request to count an event that is greater than the current size.
* @param autoGrow Whether the counters should grow automatically.
public void automaticallyGrowCounters(boolean autoGrow) {
final int INITIAL_COUNTER_SIZE = 20;
automaticallyGrowCounters = autoGrow;
if (automaticallyGrowCounters) {
* Used to reset the number of counters for this data
* @param countersNeeded The number of counters needed
public void resizeCounters(int countersNeeded) {
// Confirm that counters have been initialized (using initializeCounters(int))
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
VM._assert(handle != -1);
counterManager.resizeCounterSpace(this.getHandle(), countersNeeded);
numCounters = countersNeeded;
* Return the count for the given (relative) index
* @param counterNumber The event number within the data
* @return The count associated with this counter
public double getCounter(int counterNumber) {
// Confirm that counters have been initialized
// (using initializeCounters(int))
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
VM._assert(handle != -1);
return counterManager.getCounter(this.getHandle(), counterNumber);
* Set the count for the given index
* @param counterNumber The event number within the data
* @param value The new value of the counter
public void setCounter(int counterNumber, double value) {
// Confirm that counters have been initialized (using initializeCounters(int))
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
VM._assert(handle != -1);
if (counterNumber >= getNumCounters()) {
if (automaticallyGrowCounters) {
while (counterNumber >= getNumCounters()) {
resizeCounters(getNumCounters() * 2);
} else {
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED);
counterManager.setCounter(this.getHandle(), counterNumber, value);
* Return the number of counters currently allocated for this data
* @return the number of counters
public int getNumCounters() {
// Confirm that counters have been initialized (using initializeCounters(int))
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
VM._assert(handle != -1);
return numCounters;
* Counter Managers give id's that identify the counter space they
* have given to each data. This method returns that ID.
* @return The handle given to this data object by the counter manager.
public int getHandle() {
return handle;
* Return the counter manager for this data.
* @return the counter manager object
public InstrumentedEventCounterManager getCounterManager() {
return counterManager;
* Create a place holder instruction to represent an increment of a
* particular counted event. Simply forwards the request to the
* counter manager.
* @param counterNumber The number of the counter to increment
* @return The instruction that will update the given counter
public Instruction createEventCounterInstruction(int counterNumber) {
return createEventCounterInstruction(counterNumber, 1.0);
* Create a place holder instruction to represent the counted event.
* Simply forwards the request to the counter manager.
* @param counterNumber The number of the counter to increment
* @param incrementValue The value to add to the given counter
* @return The instruction that will update the given counter
Instruction createEventCounterInstruction(int counterNumber, double incrementValue) {
// Confirm that counters have been initialized
if (VM.VerifyAssertions) {
VM._assert(handle != -1);
// If we automatically growing counters, see if we need to.
if (counterNumber >= numCounters) {
if (automaticallyGrowCounters) {
while (counterNumber >= numCounters) {
resizeCounters(getNumCounters() * 2);
} else {
// Should we put a warning here?? Not sure.
return getCounterManager().createEventCounterInstruction(getHandle(), counterNumber, incrementValue);
* This method prints the (sorted) nonzero elements a counter
* array.
* @param f a function that gets the "name" for each counter
final void report(CounterNameFunction f) {
double sum = 0;
Vector<Counter> vec = new Vector<Counter>();
// set up a vector of non-zero counts
for (int i = 0; i < getNumCounters(); i++) {
double count = getCounter(i);
if (count > 0.0) {
sum += count;
String s = f.getName(i);
vec.add(new Counter(s, count));
// sort the vector in decreasing order
// print
for (Enumeration<Counter> e = vec.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Counter c = e.nextElement();
String s = c.name;
double count = c.count;
double percent = (100 * count) / sum;
VM.sysWriteln(count + "/" + sum + " = " + percent + "% " + s);
* Sorts a {@code Vector<Counter>} by decreasing count.
* (code borrowed from InstructionSampler.java)
* <p>
* Shell sort
* <p>
* Reference: "The C Programming Language", Kernighan & Ritchie, p. 116
* @param v the vector to sort
private void sort(Vector<?> v) {
int n = v.size();
for (int gap = n / 2; gap > 0; gap /= 2) {
for (int i = gap; i < n; ++i) {
for (int j = i - gap; j >= 0; j -= gap) {
double a = ((Counter) v.get(j)).count;
double b = ((Counter) v.get(j + gap)).count;
if (a >= b) break;
swap(v, j, j + gap);
// Interchange vec[i] with vec[j]
private <T> void swap(Vector<T> vec, int i, int j) {
T t = vec.get(i);
vec.set(i, vec.get(j));
vec.set(j, t);
/* ----- Implementation ---- */
* How many counters are needed by this data?
protected int numCounters = 0;
* When a data object is registered with a counter manager, it is
* given an id, which is stored here.
protected int handle = -1;
* Basic block instrumentation stores its counters using an
* abstracted counter allocation technique (a counterManager)
protected InstrumentedEventCounterManager counterManager = null;
protected boolean automaticallyGrowCounters = false;
* Auxiliary class
static final class Counter {
final String name;
final double count;
Counter(String s, double c) {
name = s;
count = c;