/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.classloader; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.UnboxedSizeConstants.BYTES_IN_ADDRESS; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.ReflectionBase; import org.jikesrvm.util.ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible; /** * A class to represent the reference in a class file to some * type (class, primitive or array). * A type reference is uniquely defined by * <ul> * <li> an initiating class loader * <li> a type name * </ul> * Resolving a TypeReference to a RVMType can * be an expensive operation. Therefore we canonicalize * TypeReference instances and cache the result of resolution. */ public final class TypeReference { /** * The initiating class loader */ final ClassLoader classloader; /** * The type name. For example, the primitive type int is "I", the * class java.lang.String is "Ljava/lang/String;" */ final Atom name; /** * The id of this type reference. */ final int id; /** * The RVMType instance that this type reference resolves to. * Null if the reference has not yet been resolved. */ private RVMType type; /** * Used to canonicalize TypeReferences */ private static final ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<TypeReference> dictionary = new ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<TypeReference>(); private static final ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<ClassLoader> clDict = new ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<ClassLoader>(); /** * 2^LOG_ROW_SIZE is the number of elements per row */ private static final int LOG_ROW_SIZE = 10; /** * Mask to ascertain row from id number */ private static final int ROW_MASK = (1 << LOG_ROW_SIZE) - 1; /** * Dictionary of all TypeReference instances. */ private static TypeReference[][] types = new TypeReference[3][1 << LOG_ROW_SIZE]; /** * Used to assign Ids. Id 0 is not used. Ids are compressed and * stored in the constant pool (See {@link RVMClass}). */ private static int nextId = 1; public static final TypeReference Void = findOrCreate("V"); public static final TypeReference Boolean = findOrCreate("Z"); public static final TypeReference Byte = findOrCreate("B"); public static final TypeReference Char = findOrCreate("C"); public static final TypeReference Short = findOrCreate("S"); public static final TypeReference Int = findOrCreate("I"); public static final TypeReference Long = findOrCreate("J"); public static final TypeReference Float = findOrCreate("F"); public static final TypeReference Double = findOrCreate("D"); public static final TypeReference BooleanArray = findOrCreate("[Z"); public static final TypeReference ByteArray = findOrCreate("[B"); public static final TypeReference CharArray = findOrCreate("[C"); public static final TypeReference ShortArray = findOrCreate("[S"); public static final TypeReference IntArray = findOrCreate("[I"); public static final TypeReference LongArray = findOrCreate("[J"); public static final TypeReference FloatArray = findOrCreate("[F"); public static final TypeReference DoubleArray = findOrCreate("[D"); public static final TypeReference Word = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word.class); public static final TypeReference Address = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address.class); public static final TypeReference ObjectReference = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.ObjectReference.class); public static final TypeReference Offset = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset.class); public static final TypeReference Extent = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.Extent.class); public static final TypeReference Code = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.Code.class); public static final TypeReference WordArray = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.WordArray.class); public static final TypeReference AddressArray = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.AddressArray.class); public static final TypeReference ObjectReferenceArray = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.ObjectReferenceArray.class); public static final TypeReference OffsetArray = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.OffsetArray.class); public static final TypeReference ExtentArray = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.unboxed.ExtentArray.class); public static final TypeReference CodeArray = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CodeArray.class); public static final TypeReference Magic = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic.class); public static final TypeReference SysCall = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.SysCallNative.class); public static final TypeReference TIB = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.TIB.class); public static final TypeReference ITableArray = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.ITableArray.class); public static final TypeReference ITable = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.ITable.class); public static final TypeReference IMT = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.IMT.class); public static final TypeReference Thread = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread.class); public static final TypeReference FunctionTable = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.jni.FunctionTable.class); public static final TypeReference LinkageTripletTable = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.jni.LinkageTripletTable.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangObject = findOrCreate(java.lang.Object.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangClass = findOrCreate(java.lang.Class.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangString = findOrCreate(java.lang.String.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangCloneable = findOrCreate(java.lang.Cloneable.class); public static final TypeReference JavaIoSerializable = findOrCreate(java.io.Serializable.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangRefReference = findOrCreate(java.lang.ref.Reference.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangSystem = findOrCreate(java.lang.System.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangObjectArray = findOrCreate(java.lang.Object[].class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangThrowable = findOrCreate(java.lang.Throwable.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangError = findOrCreate(java.lang.Error.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangNullPointerException = findOrCreate(java.lang.NullPointerException.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException = findOrCreate(java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangArithmeticException = findOrCreate(java.lang.ArithmeticException.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangArrayStoreException = findOrCreate(java.lang.ArrayStoreException.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangClassCastException = findOrCreate(java.lang.ClassCastException.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangNegativeArraySizeException = findOrCreate(java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException.class); public static final TypeReference JavaLangIllegalMonitorStateException = findOrCreate(java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException.class); public static final TypeReference Type = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType.class); public static final TypeReference Class = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass.class); public static final TypeReference NativeBridge = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.NativeBridge.class); public static final TypeReference DynamicBridge = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.DynamicBridge.class); public static final TypeReference SaveVolatile = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.SaveVolatile.class); public static final TypeReference Interruptible = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.Interruptible.class); public static final TypeReference LogicallyUninterruptible = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.LogicallyUninterruptible.class); public static final TypeReference Preemptible = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.Preemptible.class); public static final TypeReference UninterruptibleNoWarn = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.UninterruptibleNoWarn.class); public static final TypeReference UnpreemptibleNoWarn = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.UnpreemptibleNoWarn.class); public static final TypeReference Uninterruptible = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.Uninterruptible.class); public static final TypeReference NoCheckStore = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.NoCheckStore.class); public static final TypeReference Unpreemptible = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.Unpreemptible.class); public static final TypeReference SpecializedMethodInvoke = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.SpecializedMethodInvoke.class); public static final TypeReference Untraced = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.Untraced.class); public static final TypeReference NonMoving = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.NonMoving.class); public static final TypeReference NonMovingAllocation = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.NonMovingAllocation.class); public static final TypeReference BaselineNoRegisters = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.BaselineNoRegisters.class); public static final TypeReference BaselineSaveLSRegisters = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.BaselineSaveLSRegisters.class); public static final TypeReference ReferenceFieldsVary = findOrCreate(org.vmmagic.pragma.ReferenceFieldsVary.class); public static final TypeReference ReferenceMaps = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.compilers.baseline.ReferenceMaps.class); public static final TypeReference JNIFunctions = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.jni.JNIFunctions.class); public static final TypeReference RVMArray = findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMArray.class); /** Abstract base of reflective method invoker classes */ static final TypeReference baseReflectionClass = TypeReference.findOrCreate(ReflectionBase.class); // Synthetic types used by the opt compiler public static final TypeReference NULL_TYPE = (VM.BuildForOptCompiler) ? findOrCreate("Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/TypeReference$NULL;") : null; public static final TypeReference VALIDATION_TYPE = (VM.BuildForOptCompiler) ? findOrCreate("Lorg/jikesrvm/classloader/TypeReference$VALIDATION;") : null; public static final TypeReference ExceptionTable = (VM.BuildForOptCompiler) ? findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.ExceptionTable.class) : null; public static final TypeReference OptimizationPlanner = (VM.BuildForAdaptiveSystem) ? findOrCreate(org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanner.class) : null; /** * Hash value based on name, used for canonical type dictionary */ @Override public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode(); } /** * Are two keys equivalent? Used for canonical type dictionary. * NB ignores id value */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof TypeReference) { TypeReference that = (TypeReference) other; return name == that.name && classloader.equals(that.classloader); } else { return false; } } /** * Find or create the canonical TypeReference instance for * the given pair. * * @param cl the classloader (defining/initiating depending on usage) * @param tn the name of the type * @return the canonical type reference * @throws IllegalArgumentException Needs to throw some kind of error in * the case of a Atom that does not represent a type name. */ public static synchronized TypeReference findOrCreate(ClassLoader cl, Atom tn) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeDescriptorParsing.validateAsTypeDescriptor(tn); // Primitives, arrays of primitives, system classes and arrays of system // classes must use the bootstrap classloader. Force that here so we don't // have to worry about it anywhere else in the VM. ClassLoader bootstrapCL = BootstrapClassLoader.getBootstrapClassLoader(); if (cl == null) { cl = bootstrapCL; } else if (cl != bootstrapCL) { if (tn.isClassDescriptor()) { if (tn.isBootstrapClassDescriptor()) { cl = bootstrapCL; } } else if (tn.isArrayDescriptor()) { Atom innermostElementType = tn.parseForInnermostArrayElementDescriptor(); if (innermostElementType.isClassDescriptor()) { if (innermostElementType.isBootstrapClassDescriptor()) { cl = bootstrapCL; } } else { cl = bootstrapCL; } } else { cl = bootstrapCL; } } return findOrCreateInternal(cl, tn); } /** * Shorthand for doing a find or create for a type reference that should * be created using the bootstrap classloader. * @return the canonical type reference * @param tn type name */ public static TypeReference findOrCreate(String tn) { return findOrCreate(BootstrapClassLoader.getBootstrapClassLoader(), Atom.findOrCreateAsciiAtom(tn)); } /** * Convert a java.lang.Class into a type reference the slow way. For * use in boot image writing * @param klass java.lang.Class to convert to type reference * @return the canonical type reference */ public static TypeReference findOrCreate(Class<?> klass) { if (VM.runningVM) { return java.lang.JikesRVMSupport.getTypeForClass(klass).getTypeRef(); } else { String className = klass.getName(); if (className.startsWith("[")) { // an array Atom classAtom = Atom.findOrCreateAsciiAtom(className.replace('.', '/')); return findOrCreate(BootstrapClassLoader.getBootstrapClassLoader(), classAtom); } else { // a class Atom classAtom; if (className.equals("int")) { return TypeReference.Int; } else if (className.equals("boolean")) { return TypeReference.Boolean; } else if (className.equals("byte")) { return TypeReference.Byte; } else if (className.equals("char")) { return TypeReference.Char; } else if (className.equals("double")) { return TypeReference.Double; } else if (className.equals("float")) { return TypeReference.Float; } else if (className.equals("long")) { return TypeReference.Long; } else if (className.equals("short")) { return TypeReference.Short; } else if (className.equals("void")) { return TypeReference.Void; } else { classAtom = Atom.findOrCreateAsciiAtom(className.replace('.', '/')); } Atom classDescriptor = classAtom.descriptorFromClassName(); return findOrCreate(BootstrapClassLoader.getBootstrapClassLoader(), classDescriptor); } } } /** * Find or create the canonical TypeReference instance for * the given pair without type descriptor parsing. * * @param cl the classloader (defining/initiating depending on usage) * @param tn the name of the type * @return the canonical type reference */ public static synchronized TypeReference findOrCreateInternal(ClassLoader cl, Atom tn) { // Next actually findOrCreate the type reference using the proper classloader. TypeReference key = new TypeReference(cl, tn, nextId); TypeReference val = dictionary.get(key); if (val == null) { // Create type reference val = key; nextId++; // id of val is the nextId, move it along int column = val.id >> LOG_ROW_SIZE; if (column == types.length) { // Grow the array of types if necessary TypeReference[][] tmp = new TypeReference[column + 1][]; for (int i = 0; i < column; i++) { tmp[i] = types[i]; } types = tmp; types[column] = new TypeReference[1 << LOG_ROW_SIZE]; } types[column][val.id & ROW_MASK] = val; dictionary.add(val); } return val; } private static void canonicalizeCL(ClassLoader cl) { clDict.add(cl); } public static ImmutableEntryHashSetRVM<ClassLoader> getCLDict() { return clDict; } /** * @param cl the classloader * @param tn the type name * @param id the numeric identifier */ private TypeReference(ClassLoader cl, Atom tn, int id) { canonicalizeCL(cl); classloader = cl; name = tn; this.id = id; } /** * Get the canonical type reference given its id. The unused id of 0 will return null. * @param id the type references id * @return the type reference */ @Uninterruptible public static TypeReference getTypeRef(int id) { return types[id >> LOG_ROW_SIZE][id & ROW_MASK]; } /** * @return the classloader component of this type reference */ @Uninterruptible public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classloader; } /** * @return the type name component of this type reference */ @Uninterruptible public Atom getName() { return name; } /** * @return the element type of for this array type */ public TypeReference getArrayElementType() { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(isArrayType()); if (isUnboxedArrayType()) { if (this == AddressArray) { return Address; } else if (this == ObjectReferenceArray) { return ObjectReference; } else if (this == WordArray) { return Word; } else if (this == OffsetArray) { return Offset; } else if (this == ExtentArray) { return Extent; } else if (this == CodeArray) { return Code; } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED, "Unexpected case of Magic arrays!"); return null; } } else { return findOrCreate(classloader, name.parseForArrayElementDescriptor()); } } /** * @return array type corresponding to "this" array element type */ public TypeReference getArrayTypeForElementType() { Atom arrayDescriptor = name.arrayDescriptorFromElementDescriptor(); return findOrCreate(classloader, arrayDescriptor); } /** * @return the dimensionality of the type. * By convention, class types have dimensionality 0, * primitives -1, and arrays the number of [ in their descriptor. */ public int getDimensionality() { if (isArrayType()) { TypeReference elem = getArrayElementType(); if (elem.isArrayType()) { // NOTE: we must recur instead of attempting to parse // the array descriptor for ['s so we correctly handle // [AddressArray etc. which actually has dimensionality 2! return 1 + elem.getDimensionality(); } else { return 1; } } else if (isUnboxedType()) { return -1; } else if (isClassType()) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } /** * @return the innermost element type reference for an array */ public TypeReference getInnermostElementType() { TypeReference elem = getArrayElementType(); if (elem.isArrayType()) { // NOTE: we must recur instead of attempting to parse // the array descriptor for ['s so we correctly handle // [AddressArray and similar evil VMMagic return elem.getInnermostElementType(); } else { return elem; } } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to a class */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isClassType() { return name.isClassDescriptor() && !(isUnboxedArrayType() || isUnboxedType()); } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to an array */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isArrayType() { return name.isArrayDescriptor() || isUnboxedArrayType(); } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to a primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isPrimitiveType() { return !(isArrayType() || isClassType()); } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to a reference type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isReferenceType() { return !isPrimitiveType(); } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Word, Address, Offset or Extent */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isWordLikeType() { return this == Word || this == Offset || this == Address || this == Extent; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Word */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isWordType() { return this == Word; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Address */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isAddressType() { return this == Address; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Offset */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isOffsetType() { return this == Offset; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Extent */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isExtentType() { return this == Extent; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to an unboxed type. */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isUnboxedType() { return isWordLikeType() || isCodeType(); } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Code */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isCodeType() { return this == Code; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to WordArray, AddressArray, OffsetArray or ExtentArray */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isWordArrayType() { return this == WordArray || this == OffsetArray || this == AddressArray || this == ExtentArray; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to WordArray, AddressArray, OffsetArray or ExtentArray */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isUnboxedArrayType() { return isWordArrayType() || isCodeArrayType() || this == ObjectReferenceArray; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to a runtime table type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isRuntimeTable() { return this == IMT || this == TIB || this == ITable || this == ITableArray || this == FunctionTable || this == LinkageTripletTable; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to CodeArray */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isCodeArrayType() { return this == CodeArray; } /** * @return {@code true} if 'this' refers to Magic */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isMagicType() { return this == Magic || isUnboxedType() || isUnboxedArrayType() || this == ObjectReference || isRuntimeTable(); } /** * @return number of java stack/local words that values of this type take */ @Uninterruptible public int getStackWords() { if (isLoaded()) { // all primitive and magic types are resolved immediately return type.getStackWords(); } else { // anything remaining must be a reference return 1; } } /** * @return number of bytes that values of this type take */ @Uninterruptible public int getMemoryBytes() { if (isLoaded()) { // all primitive and magic types are resolved immediately return type.getMemoryBytes(); } else { // anything remaining must be a reference return BYTES_IN_ADDRESS; } } /** * @return the id to use for this type */ @Uninterruptible public int getId() { return id; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the void primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isVoidType() { return this == Void; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the boolean primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isBooleanType() { return this == Boolean; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the byte primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isByteType() { return this == Byte; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the short primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isShortType() { return this == Short; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the char primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isCharType() { return this == Char; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the int primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isIntType() { return this == Int; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the long primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isLongType() { return this == Long; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the float primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isFloatType() { return this == Float; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type reference for the double primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isDoubleType() { return this == Double; } /** * @return {@code true} if this is the type for either the float primitive * type or the double primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isFloatingPointType() { return isFloatType() || isDoubleType(); } /** * @return {@code true} if {@code this} is the type reference for an * int-like (1, 8, 16, or 32 bit integral) primitive type */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isIntLikeType() { return isBooleanType() || isByteType() || isCharType() || isShortType() || isIntType(); } /** * Do this and that definitely refer to the different types? * * @param that other type * @return {@code true} if this and the other type are definitely * different, {@code false} if it's not known (e.g. because a * type reference is not yet resolved) */ public boolean definitelyDifferent(TypeReference that) { if (this == that) return false; if (name != that.name) return true; RVMType mine = peekType(); RVMType theirs = that.peekType(); if (mine == null || theirs == null) return false; return mine != theirs; } /** * Do {@code this} and that definitely refer to the same type? * * @param that other type * @return {@code true} if this and the other type are definitely * the same, {@code false} if it's not known (e.g. because a * type reference is not yet resolved) */ public boolean definitelySame(TypeReference that) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(that != null); if (this == that) return true; if (name != that.name) return false; RVMType mine = peekType(); RVMType theirs = that.peekType(); if (mine == null || theirs == null) return false; return mine == theirs; } /** * @return {@code true} if the type for type reference has been loaded. */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isLoaded() { return type != null; } /** * @return {@code true} if the type for type reference has been loaded and * it is resolved. */ @Uninterruptible public boolean isResolved() { return isLoaded() && type.isResolved(); } /** * @return the current value of resolvedType -- null if not yet resolved. */ @Uninterruptible public RVMType peekType() { return type; } void setType(RVMType rt) { type = rt; if (type.isClassType()) { type.asClass().setResolvedMembers(); } } /** * Force the resolution of the type reference. May cause class loading * if a required class file hasn't been loaded before. * * @return the RVMType instance that this references resolves to. * * @throws NoClassDefFoundError When it cannot resolve a class. * we go to the trouble of converting the class loader's * <code>ClassNotFoundException</code> into this error, * since we need to be able to throw * <code>NoClassDefFoundError</code> for classes * that we're loading whose existence was compile-time checked. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException In case of a malformed class name * (should never happen, since the right thing to do is probably to * validate them as soon as we insert them into a TypeReference. * This stinks. XXX) */ public RVMType resolve() throws NoClassDefFoundError, IllegalArgumentException { /* * Lock the classloader instead of this to avoid conflicting locking order. * Suppose we locked this, then one thread could call resolve(), locking this, * call classloader.loadClass(), trying to lock the classloader. Meanwhile, * another thread could call loadClass(), locking the classloader, then * try to resolve() the TypeReference, resulting in a deadlock */ synchronized (classloader) { return resolveInternal(); } } private RVMType resolveInternal() throws NoClassDefFoundError, IllegalArgumentException { if (type != null) return type; if (isClassType()) { RVMType ans; if (VM.runningVM) { Class<?> klass; String myName = name.classNameFromDescriptor(); try { klass = classloader.loadClass(myName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnf) { NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe = new NoClassDefFoundError("Could not find the class " + myName + ":\n\t" + cnf.getMessage()); ncdfe.initCause(cnf); // in dubious taste, but helps us debug Jikes RVM throw ncdfe; } ans = java.lang.JikesRVMSupport.getTypeForClass(klass); } else { // Use a special purpose backdoor to avoid creating java.lang.Class // objects when not running the VM (we get host JDK Class objects // and that just doesn't work). ans = ((BootstrapClassLoader) classloader).loadVMClass(name.classNameFromDescriptor()); } if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { VM._assert(type == null || type == ans); } setType(ans); } else if (isArrayType()) { if (isUnboxedArrayType()) { // Ensure that we only create one RVMArray object for each pair of // names for this type. // Do this by resolving AddressArray to [Address setType(getArrayElementType().getArrayTypeForElementType().resolve()); } else { RVMType elementType = getArrayElementType().resolve(); if (elementType.getClassLoader() != classloader) { // We aren't the canonical type reference because the element type // was loaded using a different classloader. // Find the canonical type reference and ask it to resolve itself. TypeReference canonical = TypeReference.findOrCreate(elementType.getClassLoader(), name); setType(canonical.resolve()); } else { setType(new RVMArray(this, elementType)); } } } else { if (isUnboxedType()) { setType(UnboxedType.createUnboxedType(this)); } else { setType(Primitive.createPrimitive(this)); } } return type; } @Override public String toString() { return "< " + classloader + ", " + name + " >"; } }