/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.NO; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptConstants.YES; import static org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operators.*; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.JavaSizeConstants.BITS_IN_INT; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.JavaSizeConstants.BITS_IN_LONG; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.UnboxedSizeConstants.BITS_IN_ADDRESS; import static org.jikesrvm.runtime.UnboxedSizeConstants.LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMField; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.common.CodeArray; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.inlining.InlineSequence; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.AbstractRegisterPool; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Binary; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BooleanCmp; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.BoundsCheck; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Call; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.CondMove; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Empty; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GetField; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GuardedBinary; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.GuardedUnary; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IRTools; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.InstanceOf; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Load; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Move; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.NullCheck; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Operator; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.StoreCheck; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Trap; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.TrapIf; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.TypeCheck; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Unary; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.ZeroCheck; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.AddressConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.BranchProfileOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.CodeConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ConditionOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.IntConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.LongConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.MethodOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.NullConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.ObjectConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TIBConstantOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TrapCodeOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TrueGuardOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.TypeOperand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.UnreachableOperand; import org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.TIB; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Entrypoints; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Address; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Offset; import org.vmmagic.unboxed.Word; /** * A constant folder, strength reducer and axiomatic simplifier. * * <p> This module performs no analysis, it simply attempts to * simplify the instruction as is. The intent is that * analysis modules can call this transformation engine, allowing us to * share the tedious simplification code among multiple analysis modules. * * <p> NOTE: For maintainability purposes, I've intentionally avoided being * clever about combining 'similar' operators together into a combined case * of the main switch switch statement. Also, operators are in sorted ordered * within each major grouping. Please maintain this coding style. * I'd rather have this module be 2000 lines of obviously correct code than * 500 lines of clever code. */ public abstract class Simplifier extends IRTools { /** * Effect of the simplification on Def-Use chains */ public enum DefUseEffect { /** * Enumeration value to indicate an operation is unchanged, * although the order of operands may have been canonicalized and * type information strengthened. */ UNCHANGED, /** * Enumeration value to indicate an operation has been replaced by * a move instruction with a constant right hand side. */ MOVE_FOLDED, /** * Enumeration value to indicate an operation has been replaced by * a move instruction with a non-constant right hand side. */ MOVE_REDUCED, /** * Enumeration value to indicate an operation has been replaced by * an unconditional trap instruction. */ TRAP_REDUCED, /** * Enumeration value to indicate an operation has been replaced by * a cheaper, but non-move instruction. */ REDUCED } /** * Given an instruction, attempt to simplify it. * The instruction will be mutated in place. * * <p> We don't deal with branching operations here -- * doing peephole optimizations of branches * is the job of a separate module. * * @param hir is this the HIR phase? * @param regpool register pool in case simplification requires a temporary register * @param opts options for this compilation * @param s the instruction to simplify * @return one of UNCHANGED, MOVE_FOLDED, MOVE_REDUCED, TRAP_REDUCED, REDUCED */ public static DefUseEffect simplify(boolean hir, AbstractRegisterPool regpool, OptOptions opts, Instruction s) { DefUseEffect result; char opcode = s.getOpcode(); switch (opcode) { //////////////////// // GUARD operations //////////////////// case GUARD_COMBINE_opcode: result = guardCombine(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // TRAP operations //////////////////// case TRAP_IF_opcode: result = trapIf(s, opts); break; case NULL_CHECK_opcode: result = nullCheck(s, opts); break; case INT_ZERO_CHECK_opcode: result = intZeroCheck(s, opts); break; case LONG_ZERO_CHECK_opcode: result = longZeroCheck(s, opts); break; case CHECKCAST_opcode: result = checkcast(s, opts); break; case CHECKCAST_UNRESOLVED_opcode: result = checkcast(s, opts); break; case CHECKCAST_NOTNULL_opcode: result = checkcastNotNull(s, opts); break; case INSTANCEOF_opcode: result = instanceOf(s, opts); break; case INSTANCEOF_NOTNULL_opcode: result = instanceOfNotNull(s, opts); break; case OBJARRAY_STORE_CHECK_opcode: result = objarrayStoreCheck(s, opts); break; case OBJARRAY_STORE_CHECK_NOTNULL_opcode: result = objarrayStoreCheckNotNull(s, opts); break; case MUST_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE_opcode: result = mustImplementInterface(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // Conditional moves //////////////////// case INT_COND_MOVE_opcode: result = intCondMove(s, opts); break; case LONG_COND_MOVE_opcode: result = longCondMove(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_COND_MOVE_opcode: result = floatCondMove(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_COND_MOVE_opcode: result = doubleCondMove(s, opts); break; case REF_COND_MOVE_opcode: result = refCondMove(s, opts); break; case GUARD_COND_MOVE_opcode: result = guardCondMove(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // INT ALU operations //////////////////// case BOOLEAN_NOT_opcode: result = booleanNot(s, opts); break; case BOOLEAN_CMP_INT_opcode: result = booleanCmpInt(s, opts); break; case BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR_opcode: result = booleanCmpAddr(s, opts); break; case INT_ADD_opcode: result = intAdd(s, opts); break; case INT_AND_opcode: result = intAnd(s, opts); break; case INT_DIV_opcode: result = intDiv(regpool, s, opts); break; case INT_MUL_opcode: result = intMul(regpool, s, opts); break; case INT_NEG_opcode: result = intNeg(s, opts); break; case INT_NOT_opcode: result = intNot(s, opts); break; case INT_OR_opcode: result = intOr(s, opts); break; case INT_REM_opcode: result = intRem(s, opts); break; case INT_SHL_opcode: result = intShl(s, opts); break; case INT_SHR_opcode: result = intShr(s, opts); break; case INT_SUB_opcode: result = intSub(s, opts); break; case INT_USHR_opcode: result = intUshr(s, opts); break; case INT_XOR_opcode: result = intXor(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // WORD ALU operations //////////////////// case REF_ADD_opcode: result = refAdd(s, opts); break; case REF_AND_opcode: result = refAnd(s, opts); break; case REF_SHL_opcode: result = refShl(s, opts); break; case REF_SHR_opcode: result = refShr(s, opts); break; case REF_NEG_opcode: result = refNeg(s, opts); break; case REF_NOT_opcode: result = refNot(s, opts); break; case REF_OR_opcode: result = refOr(s, opts); break; case REF_SUB_opcode: result = refSub(s, opts); break; case REF_USHR_opcode: result = refUshr(s, opts); break; case REF_XOR_opcode: result = refXor(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // LONG ALU operations //////////////////// case LONG_ADD_opcode: result = longAdd(s, opts); break; case LONG_AND_opcode: result = longAnd(s, opts); break; case LONG_CMP_opcode: result = longCmp(s, opts); break; case LONG_DIV_opcode: result = longDiv(s, opts); break; case LONG_MUL_opcode: result = longMul(regpool, s, opts); break; case LONG_NEG_opcode: result = longNeg(s, opts); break; case LONG_NOT_opcode: result = longNot(s, opts); break; case LONG_OR_opcode: result = longOr(s, opts); break; case LONG_REM_opcode: result = longRem(s, opts); break; case LONG_SHL_opcode: result = longShl(s, opts); break; case LONG_SHR_opcode: result = longShr(s, opts); break; case LONG_SUB_opcode: result = longSub(s, opts); break; case LONG_USHR_opcode: result = longUshr(s, opts); break; case LONG_XOR_opcode: result = longXor(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // FLOAT ALU operations //////////////////// case FLOAT_ADD_opcode: result = floatAdd(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_CMPG_opcode: result = floatCmpg(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_CMPL_opcode: result = floatCmpl(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_DIV_opcode: result = floatDiv(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_MUL_opcode: result = floatMul(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_NEG_opcode: result = floatNeg(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_REM_opcode: result = floatRem(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_SUB_opcode: result = floatSub(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_SQRT_opcode: result = floatSqrt(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // DOUBLE ALU operations //////////////////// case DOUBLE_ADD_opcode: result = doubleAdd(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_CMPG_opcode: result = doubleCmpg(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_CMPL_opcode: result = doubleCmpl(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_DIV_opcode: result = doubleDiv(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_MUL_opcode: result = doubleMul(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_NEG_opcode: result = doubleNeg(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_REM_opcode: result = doubleRem(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_SUB_opcode: result = doubleSub(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_SQRT_opcode: result = doubleSqrt(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // CONVERSION operations //////////////////// case DOUBLE_2FLOAT_opcode: result = double2Float(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_2INT_opcode: result = double2Int(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_2LONG_opcode: result = double2Long(s, opts); break; case DOUBLE_AS_LONG_BITS_opcode: result = doubleAsLongBits(s, opts); break; case INT_2DOUBLE_opcode: result = int2Double(s, opts); break; case INT_2BYTE_opcode: result = int2Byte(s, opts); break; case INT_2USHORT_opcode: result = int2UShort(s, opts); break; case INT_2FLOAT_opcode: result = int2Float(s, opts); break; case INT_2LONG_opcode: result = int2Long(s, opts); break; case INT_2ADDRSigExt_opcode: result = int2AddrSigExt(s, opts); break; case INT_2ADDRZerExt_opcode: result = int2AddrZerExt(s, opts); break; case LONG_2ADDR_opcode: result = long2Addr(s, opts); break; case INT_2SHORT_opcode: result = int2Short(s, opts); break; case INT_BITS_AS_FLOAT_opcode: result = intBitsAsFloat(s, opts); break; case ADDR_2INT_opcode: result = addr2Int(s, opts); break; case ADDR_2LONG_opcode: result = addr2Long(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_2DOUBLE_opcode: result = float2Double(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_2INT_opcode: result = float2Int(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_2LONG_opcode: result = float2Long(s, opts); break; case FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_opcode: result = floatAsIntBits(s, opts); break; case LONG_2FLOAT_opcode: result = long2Float(s, opts); break; case LONG_2INT_opcode: result = long2Int(s, opts); break; case LONG_2DOUBLE_opcode: result = long2Double(s, opts); break; case LONG_BITS_AS_DOUBLE_opcode: result = longBitsAsDouble(s, opts); break; //////////////////// // Field operations //////////////////// case ARRAYLENGTH_opcode: result = arrayLength(s, opts); break; case BOUNDS_CHECK_opcode: result = boundsCheck(s, opts); break; case CALL_opcode: result = call(hir, regpool, s, opts); break; case GETFIELD_opcode: result = getField(s, opts); break; case GET_OBJ_TIB_opcode: result = getObjTib(s, opts); break; case GET_CLASS_TIB_opcode: result = getClassTib(s, opts); break; case GET_TYPE_FROM_TIB_opcode: result = getTypeFromTib(s, opts); break; case GET_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TIB_FROM_TIB_opcode: result = getArrayElementTibFromTib(s, opts); break; case GET_SUPERCLASS_IDS_FROM_TIB_opcode: result = getSuperclassIdsFromTib(s, opts); break; case GET_DOES_IMPLEMENT_FROM_TIB_opcode: result = getDoesImplementFromTib(s, opts); break; case REF_LOAD_opcode: result = refLoad(s, opts); break; default: result = DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (VM.VerifyAssertions) { switch (result) { case MOVE_FOLDED: // Check move has constant RHS boolean moveHasConstantRHS = Move.conforms(s) && (Move.getVal(s) instanceof ConstantOperand); if (!moveHasConstantRHS) { String msg = "RHS of move " + s + " should be constant during simplification of " + s.operator(); VM._assert(VM.NOT_REACHED, msg); } break; case MOVE_REDUCED: // Check move has non-constant RHS boolean moveHasNonConstantRHS = Move.conforms(s) && !(Move.getVal(s) instanceof ConstantOperand); if (!moveHasNonConstantRHS) { String msg = "RHS of move " + s + " shouldn't be constant during simplification of " + s.operator(); VM._assert(moveHasNonConstantRHS, msg); } break; default: // Nothing to check } } return result; } private static DefUseEffect guardCombine(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2) || (op2 instanceof TrueGuardOperand)) { Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1); if (op1 instanceof TrueGuardOperand) { // BOTH true guards: FOLD return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS TrueGuard: MOVE REDUCE return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } else if (op1 instanceof TrueGuardOperand) { // ONLY OP1 IS TrueGuard: MOVE REDUCE Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op2); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } private static DefUseEffect trapIf(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand op1 = TrapIf.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = TrapIf.getVal2(s); if (op1.isConstant()) { if (op2.isConstant()) { int willTrap = TrapIf.getCond(s).evaluate(op1, op2); if (willTrap == ConditionOperand.TRUE) { Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, TrapIf.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapIf.getClearTCode(s)); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else if (willTrap == ConditionOperand.FALSE) { Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, TrapIf.getClearGuardResult(s), TG()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } else { // canonicalize TrapIf.mutate(s, TRAP_IF, TrapIf.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapIf.getClearVal2(s), TrapIf.getClearVal1(s), TrapIf.getClearCond(s).flipOperands(), TrapIf.getClearTCode(s)); } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect nullCheck(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand ref = NullCheck.getRef(s); if (ref.isNullConstant() || (ref.isAddressConstant() && ref.asAddressConstant().value.isZero())) { Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, NullCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.NullPtr()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else if (ref.isConstant()) { // object, string, class or non-null address constant // Make the slightly suspect assumption that all non-zero address // constants are actually valid pointers. Not necessarily true, // but unclear what else we can do. Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, NullCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TG()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } private static DefUseEffect intZeroCheck(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand op = ZeroCheck.getValue(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { int val = op.asIntConstant().value; if (val == 0) { Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, ZeroCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.DivByZero()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else { Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, ZeroCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TG()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longZeroCheck(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand op = ZeroCheck.getValue(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { long val = op.asLongConstant().value; if (val == 0L) { Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, ZeroCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.DivByZero()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else { Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, ZeroCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TG()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect checkcast(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand ref = TypeCheck.getRef(s); if (ref.isNullConstant()) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, TypeCheck.getResult(s), ref); if (ref.isConstant()) return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; else return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else if (ref.isConstant()) { s.changeOperatorTo(CHECKCAST_NOTNULL); return checkcastNotNull(s, opts); } else { TypeReference lhsType = TypeCheck.getType(s).getTypeRef(); TypeReference rhsType = ref.getType(); byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(lhsType, rhsType); if (ans == YES) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, TypeCheck.getResult(s), ref); if (ref.isConstant()) return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; else return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else { // NOTE: Constants.NO can't help us because (T)null always succeeds return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } private static DefUseEffect checkcastNotNull(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand ref = TypeCheck.getRef(s); TypeReference lhsType = TypeCheck.getType(s).getTypeRef(); TypeReference rhsType = ref.getType(); byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(lhsType, rhsType); if (ans == YES) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, TypeCheck.getResult(s), ref); if (ref.isConstant()) return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; else return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else if (ans == NO) { RVMType rType = rhsType.peekType(); if (rType != null && rType.isClassType() && rType.asClass().isFinal()) { // only final (or precise) rhs types can be optimized since rhsType may be conservative Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, null, TrapCodeOperand.CheckCast()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } private static DefUseEffect instanceOf(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand ref = InstanceOf.getRef(s); if (ref.isNullConstant()) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, InstanceOf.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else if (ref.isConstant()) { s.changeOperatorTo(INSTANCEOF_NOTNULL); return instanceOfNotNull(s, opts); } else { TypeReference lhsType = InstanceOf.getType(s).getTypeRef(); TypeReference rhsType = ref.getType(); byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(lhsType, rhsType); // NOTE: Constants.YES doesn't help because ref may be null and null instanceof T is false if (ans == NO) { RVMType rType = rhsType.peekType(); if (rType != null && rType.isClassType() && rType.asClass().isFinal()) { // only final (or precise) rhs types can be optimized since rhsType may be conservative Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, InstanceOf.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } private static DefUseEffect instanceOfNotNull(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand ref = InstanceOf.getRef(s); TypeReference lhsType = InstanceOf.getType(s).getTypeRef(); TypeReference rhsType = ref.getType(); byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(lhsType, rhsType); if (ans == YES) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, InstanceOf.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else if (ans == NO) { RVMType rType = rhsType.peekType(); if (rType != null && rType.isClassType() && rType.asClass().isFinal()) { // only final (or precise) rhs types can be optimized since rhsType may be conservative Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, InstanceOf.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect objarrayStoreCheck(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand val = StoreCheck.getVal(s); if (val.isNullConstant()) { // Writing null into an array is trivially safe Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else { Operand ref = StoreCheck.getRef(s); TypeReference arrayTypeRef = ref.getType(); if (!arrayTypeRef.isArrayType()) { // Caused by inlining new and type propogation return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } RVMType typeOfIMElem = arrayTypeRef.getInnermostElementType().peekType(); if (typeOfIMElem != null) { RVMType typeOfVal = val.getType().peekType(); if ((typeOfIMElem == typeOfVal) && (typeOfIMElem.isPrimitiveType() || typeOfIMElem.isUnboxedType() || typeOfIMElem.asClass().isFinal())) { // Writing something of a final type to an array of that // final type is safe Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } final boolean refIsPrecise = ref.isConstant() || (ref.isRegister() && ref.asRegister().isPreciseType()); if ((arrayTypeRef == TypeReference.JavaLangObjectArray) && refIsPrecise) { // We know this to be an array of objects so any store must // be safe Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } final boolean valIsPrecise = val.isConstant() || (val.isRegister() && val.asRegister().isPreciseType()); if (refIsPrecise && valIsPrecise) { // writing a known type of value into a known type of array byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(arrayTypeRef.getArrayElementType(), val.getType()); if (ans == YES) { // all stores should succeed Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else if (ans == NO) { // all stores will fail Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.StoreCheck()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } private static DefUseEffect objarrayStoreCheckNotNull(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand val = StoreCheck.getVal(s); Operand ref = StoreCheck.getRef(s); TypeReference arrayTypeRef = ref.getType(); if (!arrayTypeRef.isArrayType()) { // Caused by inlining new and type propogation return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } RVMType typeOfIMElem = arrayTypeRef.getInnermostElementType().peekType(); if (typeOfIMElem != null) { RVMType typeOfVal = val.getType().peekType(); if ((typeOfIMElem == typeOfVal) && (typeOfIMElem.isPrimitiveType() || typeOfIMElem.isUnboxedType() || typeOfIMElem.asClass().isFinal())) { // Writing something of a final type to an array of that // final type is safe Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } final boolean refIsPrecise = ref.isConstant() || (ref.isRegister() && ref.asRegister().isPreciseType()); if ((arrayTypeRef == TypeReference.JavaLangObjectArray) && refIsPrecise) { // We know this to be an array of objects so any store must // be safe Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } final boolean valIsPrecise = val.isConstant() || (val.isRegister() && val.asRegister().isPreciseType()); if (refIsPrecise && valIsPrecise) { // writing a known type of value into a known type of array byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(arrayTypeRef.getArrayElementType(), val.getType()); if (ans == YES) { // all stores should succeed Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), StoreCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else if (ans == NO) { // all stores will fail Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, StoreCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.StoreCheck()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect mustImplementInterface(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { Operand ref = TypeCheck.getRef(s); if (ref.isNullConstant()) { // Possible situation from constant propagation. This operation // is really a nop as a null_check should have happened already Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, null, TrapCodeOperand.NullPtr()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else { TypeReference lhsType = TypeCheck.getType(s).getTypeRef(); // the interface that must be implemented TypeReference rhsType = ref.getType(); // our type byte ans = ClassLoaderProxy.includesType(lhsType, rhsType); if (ans == YES) { RVMType rType = rhsType.peekType(); if (rType != null) { if (rType.isClassType() && rType.asClass().isInterface()) { /* This is exactly the kind of typing that could require us to raise an IncompatibleClassChangeError */ return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, TypeCheck.getResult(s), ref); if (ref.isConstant()) return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; else return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } else if (ans == NO) { RVMType rType = rhsType.peekType(); if (rType != null && rType.isClassType() && rType.asClass().isFinal()) { // only final (or precise) rhs types can be optimized since rhsType may be conservative Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, null, TrapCodeOperand.MustImplement()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } private static DefUseEffect intCondMove(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand val1 = CondMove.getVal1(s); Operand val2 = CondMove.getVal2(s); int cond = CondMove.getCond(s).evaluate(val1, val2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { // BOTH CONSTANTS OR SIMILAR: FOLD Operand val = (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s) : CondMove.getClearFalseValue(s); Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (val1.isConstant() && !val2.isConstant()) { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = CondMove.getClearVal1(s); CondMove.setVal1(s, CondMove.getClearVal2(s)); CondMove.setVal2(s, tmp); CondMove.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } Operand tv = CondMove.getTrueValue(s); Operand fv = CondMove.getFalseValue(s); if (tv.similar(fv)) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), tv); return tv.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (tv.isIntConstant() && fv.isIntConstant() && !CondMove.getCond(s).isFLOATINGPOINT()) { int itv = tv.asIntConstant().value; int ifv = fv.asIntConstant().value; Operator op = null; if (val1.isLong()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG; } else if (val1.isFloat()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_FLOAT; } else if (val1.isDouble()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_DOUBLE; } else if (val1.isRef()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_ADDR; } else { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_INT; } if (itv == 1 && ifv == 0) { BooleanCmp.mutate(s, op, CondMove.getClearResult(s), CondMove.getClearVal1(s), CondMove.getClearVal2(s), CondMove.getClearCond(s), new BranchProfileOperand()); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (itv == 0 && ifv == 1) { BooleanCmp.mutate(s, op, CondMove.getClearResult(s), CondMove.getClearVal1(s), CondMove.getClearVal2(s), CondMove.getClearCond(s).flipCode(), new BranchProfileOperand()); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longCondMove(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand val1 = CondMove.getVal1(s); Operand val2 = CondMove.getVal2(s); int cond = CondMove.getCond(s).evaluate(val1, val2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { // BOTH CONSTANTS OR SIMILAR: FOLD Operand val = (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s) : CondMove.getClearFalseValue(s); Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (val1.isConstant() && !val2.isConstant()) { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = CondMove.getClearVal1(s); CondMove.setVal1(s, CondMove.getClearVal2(s)); CondMove.setVal2(s, tmp); CondMove.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } Operand tv = CondMove.getTrueValue(s); Operand fv = CondMove.getFalseValue(s); if (tv.similar(fv)) { Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), tv); return tv.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (tv.isLongConstant() && fv.isLongConstant() && !CondMove.getCond(s).isFLOATINGPOINT()) { long itv = tv.asLongConstant().value; long ifv = fv.asLongConstant().value; Operator op = null; if (val1.isLong()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_LONG; } else if (val1.isFloat()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_FLOAT; } else if (val1.isDouble()) { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_DOUBLE; } else { op = BOOLEAN_CMP_INT; } if (itv == 1 && ifv == 0) { BooleanCmp.mutate(s, op, CondMove.getClearResult(s), CondMove.getClearVal1(s), CondMove.getClearVal2(s), CondMove.getClearCond(s), new BranchProfileOperand()); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (itv == 0 && ifv == 1) { BooleanCmp.mutate(s, op, CondMove.getClearResult(s), CondMove.getClearVal1(s), CondMove.getClearVal2(s), CondMove.getClearCond(s).flipCode(), new BranchProfileOperand()); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatCondMove(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand val1 = CondMove.getVal1(s); Operand val2 = CondMove.getVal2(s); int cond = CondMove.getCond(s).evaluate(val1, val2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { // BOTH CONSTANTS OR SIMILAR: FOLD Operand val = (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s) : CondMove.getClearFalseValue(s); Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (val1.isConstant() && !val2.isConstant()) { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = CondMove.getClearVal1(s); CondMove.setVal1(s, CondMove.getClearVal2(s)); CondMove.setVal2(s, tmp); CondMove.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } Operand tv = CondMove.getTrueValue(s); Operand fv = CondMove.getFalseValue(s); if (tv.similar(fv)) { Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), tv); return tv.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleCondMove(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand val1 = CondMove.getVal1(s); Operand val2 = CondMove.getVal2(s); int cond = CondMove.getCond(s).evaluate(val1, val2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { // BOTH CONSTANTS OR SIMILAR: FOLD Operand val = (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s) : CondMove.getClearFalseValue(s); Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (val1.isConstant() && !val2.isConstant()) { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = CondMove.getClearVal1(s); CondMove.setVal1(s, CondMove.getClearVal2(s)); CondMove.setVal2(s, tmp); CondMove.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } Operand tv = CondMove.getTrueValue(s); Operand fv = CondMove.getFalseValue(s); if (tv.similar(fv)) { Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), tv); return tv.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refCondMove(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand val1 = CondMove.getVal1(s); if (val1.isConstant()) { Operand val2 = CondMove.getVal2(s); if (val2.isConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int cond = CondMove.getCond(s).evaluate(val1, val2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { Operand val = (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s) : CondMove.getClearFalseValue(s); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } else { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = CondMove.getClearVal1(s); CondMove.setVal1(s, CondMove.getClearVal2(s)); CondMove.setVal2(s, tmp); CondMove.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } } if (CondMove.getTrueValue(s).similar(CondMove.getFalseValue(s))) { Operand val = CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect guardCondMove(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { { Operand val1 = CondMove.getVal1(s); if (val1.isConstant()) { Operand val2 = CondMove.getVal2(s); if (val2.isConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int cond = CondMove.getCond(s).evaluate(val1, val2); if (cond == ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { Operand val = (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s) : CondMove.getClearFalseValue(s); Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } else { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = CondMove.getClearVal1(s); CondMove.setVal1(s, CondMove.getClearVal2(s)); CondMove.setVal2(s, tmp); CondMove.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } } if (CondMove.getTrueValue(s).similar(CondMove.getFalseValue(s))) { Operand val = CondMove.getClearTrueValue(s); Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, CondMove.getClearResult(s), val); return val.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect booleanNot(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; if (val == 0) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); } else { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); } return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect booleanCmpInt(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op1 = BooleanCmp.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = BooleanCmp.getVal2(s); if (op1.isConstant()) { if (op2.isConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(s).evaluate(op1, op2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, BooleanCmp.getResult(s), (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? IC(1) : IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } else { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. BooleanCmp.setVal1(s, op2); BooleanCmp.setVal2(s, op1); BooleanCmp.getCond(s).flipOperands(); op2 = op1; op1 = BooleanCmp.getVal1(s); } } // try to fold boolean compares involving one boolean constant // e.g.: x = (y == true) ? true : false ==> x = y // or: x = (y == false) ? true : false ==> x = !y if (op1.getType().isBooleanType() && op2.isConstant()) { ConditionOperand cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(s); int op2value = op2.asIntConstant().value; if ((cond.isNOT_EQUAL() && (op2value == 0)) || (cond.isEQUAL() && (op2value == 1))) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, BooleanCmp.getResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else if ((cond.isEQUAL() && (op2value == 0)) || (cond.isNOT_EQUAL() && (op2value == 1))) { Unary.mutate(s, BOOLEAN_NOT, BooleanCmp.getResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect booleanCmpAddr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op1 = BooleanCmp.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = BooleanCmp.getVal2(s); if (op1.isConstant()) { if (op2.isConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int cond = BooleanCmp.getCond(s).evaluate(op1, op2); if (cond != ConditionOperand.UNKNOWN) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, BooleanCmp.getResult(s), (cond == ConditionOperand.TRUE) ? IC(1) : IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } else { // Canonicalize by switching operands and fliping code. Operand tmp = BooleanCmp.getClearVal1(s); BooleanCmp.setVal1(s, BooleanCmp.getClearVal2(s)); BooleanCmp.setVal2(s, tmp); BooleanCmp.getCond(s).flipOperands(); } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intAdd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 + val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } else { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // Adding something to itself is the same as a multiply by 2 so // canonicalize as a shift left Binary.mutate(s, INT_SHL, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1, IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intAnd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x & x == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 & val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x & 0 == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == -1) { // x & -1 == x & 0xffffffff == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intDiv(AbstractRegisterPool regpool, Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op1 = GuardedBinary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = GuardedBinary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x / x == 1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (val2 == 0) { // TODO: This instruction is actually unreachable. // There will be an INT_ZERO_CHECK // guarding this instruction that will result in an // ArithmeticException. We // should probabbly just remove the INT_DIV as dead code. return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 / val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 1) { // x / 1 == x; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), GuardedBinary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } // x / c == (x + (((1 << c) - 1) & (x >> 31))) >> c .. if c is power of 2 if (s.hasPrev()) { int power = PowerOf2(val2); if (power != -1) { RegisterOperand tempInt1 = regpool.makeTempInt(); RegisterOperand tempInt2 = regpool.makeTempInt(); RegisterOperand tempInt3 = regpool.makeTempInt(); Instruction sign = Binary.create(INT_SHR, tempInt1, GuardedBinary.getVal1(s).copy(), IC(31)); sign.copyPosition(s); s.insertBefore(sign); Instruction masked = Binary.create(INT_AND, tempInt2, tempInt1.copyRO(), IC((1 << power) - 1)); masked.copyPosition(s); s.insertBefore(masked); Instruction adjusted = Binary.create(INT_ADD, tempInt3, tempInt2.copyRO(), GuardedBinary.getClearVal1(s)); adjusted.copyPosition(s); s.insertBefore(adjusted); Binary.mutate(s, INT_SHR, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), tempInt3.copyRO(), IC(power)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intMul(AbstractRegisterPool regpool, Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 * val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT return multiplyByConstant(regpool, s, op1, op2, opts); } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect multiplyByConstant(AbstractRegisterPool regpool, Instruction s, Operand op1, Operand op2, OptOptions opts) { Operator addOperator, moveOperator, negateOperator, shiftLeftOperator; ConstantOperand zero; long val2; int numBits; if (op2.isIntConstant()) { val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; addOperator = INT_ADD; moveOperator = INT_MOVE; negateOperator = INT_NEG; shiftLeftOperator = INT_SHL; zero = IntConstantOperand.zero; numBits = 32; } else { val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; addOperator = LONG_ADD; moveOperator = LONG_MOVE; negateOperator = LONG_NEG; shiftLeftOperator = LONG_SHL; zero = LongConstantOperand.zero; numBits = 64; } // ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x * 0 == 0 Move.mutate(s, moveOperator, Binary.getClearResult(s), zero.copy()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else if (numBits == 32 && ((int)val2 == ((int)-val2))) { // x * MIN_INT == x << 31 Binary.mutate(s, INT_SHL, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1, IC(31)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } else if (numBits == 64 && val2 == -val2) { // x * MIN_LONG == x << 63 Binary.mutate(s, LONG_SHL, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1, IC(63)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } // Try to reduce x*c into shift and adds, but only if cost is cheap if (s.hasPrev()) { // don't attempt to reduce if this instruction isn't // part of a well-formed sequence // Cost of shift and add replacement int cost = 0; boolean negative = val2 < 0; if (negative) { val2 = -val2; cost++; } if (VM.BuildForIA32 && numBits <= BITS_IN_ADDRESS) { int lastShift = 0; boolean lastShiftWasShort = false; for (int i = 1; i < numBits; i++) { if ((val2 & (1L << i)) != 0) { // LEA shift and add uses 1 instruction, try to determine if we can // use in favour to separate shift and adds // NB LEA shift needs to be of size 1, 2 or 3 and if the last // shift used an LEA then the add can't be merged // (so we can allow better ILP by just using a regular shift of // the original operand) if (i < 4) { // can use LEA of operand cost++; } else if ((i - lastShift) < 4 && !lastShiftWasShort) { // can use LEA of last shift cost++; lastShiftWasShort = true; } else { // need separate shift and add cost += 2; lastShiftWasShort = false; } lastShift = i; } } } else if (numBits > BITS_IN_ADDRESS) { for (int i = 1; i < BITS_IN_ADDRESS; i++) { if ((val2 & (1L << i)) != 0) { // each 1 requires a shift and add cost += 2; } } for (int i = BITS_IN_ADDRESS; i < numBits; i++) { if ((val2 & (1L << i)) != 0) { // when the shift is > than the bits in the address we can just 0 // the bottom word, make the cost cheaper cost++; } } } else { for (int i = 1; i < numBits; i++) { if ((val2 & (1L << i)) != 0) { // each 1 requires a shift and add cost += 2; } } } int targetCost; if (VM.BuildForIA32) { targetCost = numBits == 64 ? 6 : 4; } else { targetCost = 2; } if (cost <= targetCost) { // generate shift and adds RegisterOperand val1Operand = op1.copy().asRegister(); RegisterOperand resultOperand = numBits == 32 ? regpool.makeTempInt() : regpool.makeTempLong(); Instruction move; if ((val2 & 1) == 1) { // result = val1 * 1 move = Move.create(moveOperator, resultOperand, val1Operand); } else { // result = 0 move = Move.create(moveOperator, resultOperand, zero.copy()); } move.copyPosition(s); s.insertBefore(move); int lastShift = 0; RegisterOperand lastShiftResult = null; boolean lastShiftWasShort = false; for (int i = 1; i < numBits; i++) { if ((val2 & (1L << i)) != 0) { Instruction shift; RegisterOperand shiftResult = numBits == 32 ? regpool.makeTempInt() : regpool.makeTempLong(); if (VM.BuildForIA32 && numBits <= BITS_IN_ADDRESS && lastShiftResult != null && ((i - lastShift) <= 3) && (i > 3) && !lastShiftWasShort) { // We can produce a short shift (1, 2 or 3) using the result of the last shift shift = Binary.create(shiftLeftOperator, shiftResult, lastShiftResult.copyRO(), IC(i - lastShift)); lastShiftWasShort = true; } else { shift = Binary.create(shiftLeftOperator, shiftResult, val1Operand.copyRO(), IC(i)); lastShiftWasShort = false; } shift.copyPosition(s); s.insertBefore(shift); lastShiftResult = shiftResult; lastShift = i; RegisterOperand addResult = numBits == 32 ? regpool.makeTempInt() : regpool.makeTempLong(); Instruction add = Binary.create(addOperator, addResult, resultOperand.copyRO(), shiftResult.copyRO()); add.copyPosition(s); s.insertBefore(add); resultOperand = addResult; } } if (negative) { Unary.mutate(s, negateOperator, Binary.getClearResult(s), resultOperand.copyRO()); } else { Move.mutate(s, moveOperator, Binary.getClearResult(s), resultOperand.copyRO()); } return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intNeg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC(-val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intNot(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC(~val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intOr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x | x == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 | val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == -1) { // x | -1 == x | 0xffffffff == 0xffffffff == -1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(-1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 0) { // x | 0 == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intRem(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op1 = GuardedBinary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = GuardedBinary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x % x == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (val2 == 0) { // TODO: This instruction is actually unreachable. // There will be an INT_ZERO_CHECK // guarding this instruction that will result in an // ArithmeticException. We // should probably just remove the INT_REM as dead code. return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 % val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if ((val2 == 1) || (val2 == -1)) { // x % 1 == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intShl(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 << val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x << 0 == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_INT) || (val2 < 0)) { // x << 32 == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } else if (op1.isIntConstant()) { int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val1 == 0) { // 0 << x == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intShr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 >> val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x >> 0 == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_INT) || (val2 < 0)) { // x >> 32 == x >> 31 Binary.setVal2(s, IC(31)); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } else if (op1.isIntConstant()) { int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if ((val1 == -1) || (val1 == 0)) { // -1 >> x == -1,0 >> x == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intSub(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x - x == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 - val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x - 0 == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } // x - c = x + -c // prefer adds, since some architectures have addi but not subi, also // add is commutative and gives greater flexibility to LIR/MIR phases // without possibly introducing temporary variables Binary.mutate(s, INT_ADD, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s), IC(-val2)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } else if (op1.isIntConstant() && (op1.asIntConstant().value == 0)) { Unary.mutate(s, INT_NEG, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal2(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intUshr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 >>> val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x >>> 0 == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_INT) || (val2 < 0)) { // x >>> 32 == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } else if (op1.isIntConstant()) { int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val1 == 0) { // 0 >>> x == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intXor(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x ^ x == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isIntConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD int val1 = op1.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(val1 ^ val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == -1) { // x ^ -1 == x ^ 0xffffffff = ~x Unary.mutate(s, INT_NOT, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (val2 == 0) { // x ^ 0 == x Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refAdd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isConstant() && !op2.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Address val2 = getAddressValue(op2); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Address val1 = getAddressValue(op1); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.plus(val2.toWord().toOffset()))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2.isZero()) { // x + 0 == x if (op1.isIntLike()) { Unary.mutate(s, INT_2ADDRSigExt, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } else { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } else { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // Adding something to itself is the same as a multiply by 2 so // canonicalize as a shift left Binary.mutate(s, REF_SHL, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1, IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refAnd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x & x == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (op2.isConstant() && !op2.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Word val2 = getAddressValue(op2).toWord(); if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.and(val2).toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2.isZero()) { // x & 0 == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.zero())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2.isMax()) { // x & -1 == x & 0xffffffff == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refShl(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.lsh(val2).toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x << 0 == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_ADDRESS) || (val2 < 0)) { // x << 32 == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } else if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val1.isZero()) { // 0 << x == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.zero())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refShr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.rsha(val2).toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x >> 0 == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_ADDRESS) || (val2 < 0)) { // x >> 32 == x >> 31 Binary.setVal2(s, IC(BITS_IN_ADDRESS - 1)); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } else if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS // -1 >> x == -1, 0 >> x == 0 if (val1.EQ(Word.zero()) || val1.EQ(Word.zero().minus(Word.one()))) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refNeg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isConstant() && !op.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD Word val = getAddressValue(op).toWord(); Word negVal = Word.zero().minus(val); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), AC(negVal.toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refNot(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isConstant() && !op.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD Word val = getAddressValue(op).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), AC(val.not().toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refOr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x | x == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (op2.isConstant() && !op2.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Word val2 = getAddressValue(op2).toWord(); if (op1.isAddressConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.or(val2).toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2.isMax()) { // x | -1 == x | 0xffffffff == 0xffffffff == -1 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.max())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2.isZero()) { // x | 0 == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refSub(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x - x == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isConstant() && !op2.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Address val2 = getAddressValue(op2); if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Address val1 = getAddressValue(op1); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.minus(val2.toWord().toOffset()))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2.isZero()) { // x - 0 == x if (op1.isIntLike()) { Unary.mutate(s, INT_2ADDRSigExt, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } else { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } // x - c = x + -c // prefer adds, since some architectures have addi but not subi Binary.mutate(s, REF_ADD, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s), AC(Address.zero().minus(val2.toWord().toOffset()))); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } else if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Address val1 = getAddressValue(op1); if (val1.EQ(Address.zero())) { Unary.mutate(s, REF_NEG, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal2(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refUshr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.rshl(val2).toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x >>> 0 == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_ADDRESS) || (val2 < 0)) { // x >>> 32 == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } else if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val1.EQ(Word.zero())) { // 0 >>> x == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.zero())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refXor(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x ^ x == 0 Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isConstant() && !op2.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Word val2 = getAddressValue(op2).toWord(); if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD Word val1 = getAddressValue(op1).toWord(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), AC(val1.xor(val2).toAddress())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2.isMax()) { // x ^ -1 == x ^ 0xffffffff = ~x Unary.mutate(s, REF_NOT, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (val2.isZero()) { // x ^ 0 == x Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longAdd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 + val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0L) { // x + 0 == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } else { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // Adding something to itself is the same as a multiply by 2 so // canonicalize as a shift left Binary.mutate(s, LONG_SHL, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1, IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longAnd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x & x == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 & val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0L) { // x & 0L == 0L Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(0L)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == -1) { // x & -1L == x & 0xff...ff == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longCmp(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: op1 == op2 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; int result = (val1 > val2) ? 1 : ((val1 == val2) ? 0 : -1); Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(result)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longDiv(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op1 = GuardedBinary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = GuardedBinary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x / x == 1 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), LC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; if (val2 == 0L) { // TODO: This instruction is actually unreachable. // There will be a LONG_ZERO_CHECK // guarding this instruction that will result in an // ArithmeticException. We // should probably just remove the LONG_DIV as dead code. return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 / val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 1L) { // x / 1L == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), GuardedBinary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longMul(AbstractRegisterPool regpool, Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isLongConstant()) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 * val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT return multiplyByConstant(regpool, s, op1, op2, opts); } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longNeg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD long val = op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC(-val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longNot(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { long val = op.asLongConstant().value; // CONSTANT: FOLD Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC(~val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longOr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x | x == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return op1.isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 | val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0L) { // x | 0L == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (val2 == -1L) { // x | -1L == x | 0xff..ff == 0xff..ff == -1L Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(-1L)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longRem(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op1 = GuardedBinary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = GuardedBinary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x % x == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), LC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; if (val2 == 0L) { // TODO: This instruction is actually unreachable. // There will be a LONG_ZERO_CHECK // guarding this instruction that will result in an // ArithmeticException. We // should probably just remove the LONG_REM as dead code. return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 % val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if ((val2 == 1L) || (val2 == -1L)) { // x % 1L == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, GuardedBinary.getClearResult(s), LC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longShl(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 << val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x << 0 == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_LONG) || (val2 < 0)) { // x << 64 == 0 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } else if (op1.isLongConstant()) { long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val1 == 0L) { // 0 << x == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longShr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 >> val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x >> 0L == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_LONG) || (val2 < 0)) { // x >> 64 == x >> 63 Binary.setVal2(s, LC(63)); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } else if (op1.isLongConstant()) { long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if ((val1 == -1L) || (val1 == 0L)) { // -1 >> x == -1, 0 >> x == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longSub(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x - x == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 - val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0L) { // x - 0 == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } // x - c = x + -c // prefer adds, since some architectures have addi but not subi, also // add is commutative and gives greater flexibility to LIR/MIR phases // without possibly introducing temporary variables Binary.mutate(s, LONG_ADD, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s), LC(-val2)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } else if (op1.isLongConstant() && (op1.asLongConstant().value == 0)) { Unary.mutate(s, LONG_NEG, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal2(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longUshr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op2.isIntConstant()) { int val2 = op2.asIntConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 >>> val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == 0) { // x >>> 0L == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if ((val2 >= BITS_IN_LONG) || (val2 < 0)) { // x >>> 64 == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } else if (op1.isLongConstant()) { long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; // ONLY OP1 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val1 == 0L) { // 0 >>> x == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), op1); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longXor(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op1.similar(op2)) { // THE SAME OPERAND: x ^ x == 0 Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(0)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (op2.isLongConstant()) { long val2 = op2.asLongConstant().value; if (op1.isLongConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD long val1 = op1.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), LC(val1 ^ val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // ONLY OP2 IS CONSTANT: ATTEMPT TO APPLY AXIOMS if (val2 == -1L) { // x ^ -1L == x ^ 0xff..ff = ~x Unary.mutate(s, LONG_NOT, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (val2 == 0L) { // x ^ 0L == x Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatAdd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(val1 + val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 0.0f) { // x + 0.0 is x (even is x is a NaN). Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // x + NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatCmpg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; int result = (val1 < val2) ? -1 : ((val1 == val2) ? 0 : 1); Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(result)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // result is unordered => 1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; if (Float.isNaN(val1)) { // result is unordered => 1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatCmpl(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; int result = (val1 > val2) ? 1 : ((val1 == val2) ? 0 : -1); Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(result)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // result is unordered => -1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(-1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; if (Float.isNaN(val1)) { // result is unordered => -1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(-1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatDiv(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(val1 / val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // x / NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; if (Float.isNaN(val1)) { // NaN / x is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatMul(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(val1 * val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 1.0f) { // x * 1.0 is x, even if x is a NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // x * NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatNeg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isFloatConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD float val = op.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), FC(-val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatRem(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(val1 % val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // x % NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; if (Float.isNaN(val1)) { // NaN % x is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatSub(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isFloatConstant()) { float val2 = op2.asFloatConstant().value; if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(val1 - val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 0.0f) { // x - 0.0 is x, even if x is a NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (Float.isNaN(val2)) { // x - NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isFloatConstant()) { float val1 = op1.asFloatConstant().value; if (val1 == 0.0f) { // 0.0 - x is -x Unary.mutate(s, FLOAT_NEG, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal2(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (Float.isNaN(val1)) { // x - NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatSqrt(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isFloatConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD float val = op.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), FC((float)Math.sqrt(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleAdd(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(val1 + val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 0.0) { // x + 0.0 is x, even if x is a NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // x + NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleCmpg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; int result = (val1 < val2) ? -1 : ((val1 == val2) ? 0 : 1); Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(result)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // result is unordered => 1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; if (Double.isNaN(val1)) { // result is unordered => 1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleCmpl(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; int result = (val1 > val2) ? 1 : ((val1 == val2) ? 0 : -1); Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(result)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // result is unordered => -1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(-1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; if (Double.isNaN(val1)) { // result is unordered => -1 Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), IC(-1)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleDiv(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(val1 / val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // x / NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; if (Double.isNaN(val1)) { // x / NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleMul(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(val1 * val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 1.0) { // x * 1.0 is x even if x is a NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // x * NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleNeg(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD double val = op.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), DC(-val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleRem(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(val1 % val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // x % NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; if (Double.isNaN(val1)) { // x % NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleSub(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(s); Operand op2 = Binary.getVal2(s); if (op2.isDoubleConstant()) { double val2 = op2.asDoubleConstant().value; if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { // BOTH CONSTANTS: FOLD double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(val1 - val2)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } if (val2 == 0.0) { // x - 0.0 is x, even if x is a NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal1(s)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } if (Double.isNaN(val2)) { // x - NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } if (op1.isDoubleConstant()) { double val1 = op1.asDoubleConstant().value; if (val1 == 0.0) { // 0.0 - x is -x Unary.mutate(s, DOUBLE_NEG, Binary.getClearResult(s), Binary.getClearVal2(s)); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } if (Double.isNaN(val1)) { // x - NaN is NaN Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Binary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.NaN)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleSqrt(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD double val = op.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), DC(Math.sqrt(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect double2Float(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD double val = op.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), FC((float) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect double2Int(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD double val = op.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC((int) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect double2Long(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD double val = op.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC((long) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect doubleAsLongBits(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD double val = op.asDoubleConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC(Double.doubleToLongBits(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2Double(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), DC(val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2Byte(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC((byte) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2UShort(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC((char) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2Float(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), FC(val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2Long(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC(val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2AddrSigExt(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.fromIntSignExtend(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2AddrZerExt(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.fromIntZeroExtend(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect long2Addr(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_REF_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { // CONSTANT: FOLD long val = op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.fromLong(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = (int) op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), AC(Address.fromIntZeroExtend(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect int2Short(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC((short) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect intBitsAsFloat(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isIntConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD int val = op.asIntConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), FC(Float.intBitsToFloat(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect addr2Int(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isConstant() && !op.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD Address val = getAddressValue(op); Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC(val.toInt())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect addr2Long(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isConstant() && !op.isMovableObjectConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD Address val = getAddressValue(op); Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC(val.toLong())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect float2Double(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isFloatConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD float val = op.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), DC(val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect float2Int(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isFloatConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD float val = op.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC((int) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect float2Long(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_LONG_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isFloatConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD float val = op.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, LONG_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), LC((long) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect floatAsIntBits(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isFloatConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD float val = op.asFloatConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC(Float.floatToIntBits(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect long2Float(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FLOAT_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD long val = op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, FLOAT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), FC(val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect long2Int(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_INTEGER_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD long val = op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), IC((int) val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect long2Double(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD long val = op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), DC(val)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect longBitsAsDouble(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_DOUBLE_OPS) { Operand op = Unary.getVal(s); if (op.isLongConstant()) { // CONSTANT: FOLD long val = op.asLongConstant().value; Move.mutate(s, DOUBLE_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), DC(Double.longBitsToDouble(val))); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect arrayLength(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FIELD_OPS) { Operand op = GuardedUnary.getVal(s); if (op.isObjectConstant()) { int length = 0; if (op.getType().getArrayElementType().isCodeType()) { length = ((CodeArray)(op.asObjectConstant().value)).length(); } else { length = Array.getLength(op.asObjectConstant().value); } Move.mutate(s, INT_MOVE, GuardedUnary.getClearResult(s), IC(length)); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else if (op.isNullConstant()) { // TODO: this arraylength operation is junk so destroy return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect boundsCheck(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FIELD_OPS) { Operand ref = BoundsCheck.getRef(s); Operand index = BoundsCheck.getIndex(s); if (ref.isNullConstant()) { // Should already be caught by nullcheck simplification return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } else if (index.isIntConstant()) { int indexAsInt = index.asIntConstant().value; if (indexAsInt < 0) { Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, BoundsCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.ArrayBounds()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } else if (ref.isConstant()) { if (ref.isObjectConstant()) { int refLength = Array.getLength(ref.asObjectConstant().value); if (indexAsInt < refLength) { Move.mutate(s, GUARD_MOVE, BoundsCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), BoundsCheck.getClearGuard(s)); return Move.getVal(s).isConstant() ? DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED : DefUseEffect.MOVE_REDUCED; } else { Trap.mutate(s, TRAP, BoundsCheck.getClearGuardResult(s), TrapCodeOperand.ArrayBounds()); return DefUseEffect.TRAP_REDUCED; } } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect call(boolean HIR, AbstractRegisterPool regpool, Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FIELD_OPS) { MethodOperand methOp = Call.getMethod(s); if (methOp == null) { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (methOp.isVirtual() && !methOp.hasPreciseTarget()) { Operand calleeThis = Call.getParam(s, 0); if (calleeThis.isNullConstant()) { // Should already be caught by nullcheck simplification return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } else if (calleeThis.isConstant() || calleeThis.asRegister().isPreciseType()) { TypeReference calleeClass = calleeThis.getType(); if (calleeClass.isResolved()) { methOp.refine(calleeClass.peekType()); return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } } else if (methOp.isStatic() && methOp.hasPreciseTarget() && HIR) { RVMMethod method = methOp.getTarget(); // Can we remove the need for RVMClass.getClass...FromStackFrame to walk the stack? if (method == Entrypoints.getClassLoaderFromStackFrame || method == Entrypoints.getClassFromStackFrame) { Operand frameOp = Call.getParam(s, 0); if (frameOp.isIntConstant()) { int frame = frameOp.asIntConstant().value; InlineSequence currentFrame = s.position(); while (frame > 0 && currentFrame != null) { currentFrame = currentFrame.caller; frame--; } if (currentFrame != null) { // we found the caller ObjectConstantOperand cop; if (method == Entrypoints.getClassLoaderFromStackFrame) { cop = new ObjectConstantOperand(currentFrame.method.getDeclaringClass().getTypeRef().getClassLoader(), Offset.zero()); } else { cop = new ObjectConstantOperand(currentFrame.method.getDeclaringClass(), Offset.zero()); } Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Call.getClearResult(s), cop); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } } if (!VM.runningVM && methOp.hasPreciseTarget() && methOp.getTarget().isRuntimePure()) { RVMMethod method = methOp.getTarget(); switch(method.getAnnotation(org.vmmagic.pragma.RuntimePure.class).value()) { case Unavailable: // not available at boot image write time return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; default: throw new Error("Unhandled RuntimePure value: " + method.getAnnotation(org.vmmagic.pragma.RuntimePure.class).value()); } } else if (methOp.hasPreciseTarget() && methOp.getTarget().isPure()) { // Look for a precise method call to a pure method with all constant arguments RVMMethod method = methOp.getTarget(); int n = Call.getNumberOfParams(s); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Operand param = Call.getParam(s,i); if (!param.isConstant() || param.isNullConstant()) { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } // Pure method with all constant arguments. Perform reflective method call Object thisArg = null; TypeReference[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); Object[] otherArgs; Object result = null; if (!methOp.isStatic()) { thisArg = boxConstantOperand((ConstantOperand)Call.getParam(s,0), method.getDeclaringClass().getTypeRef()); n--; otherArgs = new Object[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { otherArgs[i] = boxConstantOperand((ConstantOperand)Call.getParam(s,i + 1),paramTypes[i]); } } else { otherArgs = new Object[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { otherArgs[i] = boxConstantOperand((ConstantOperand)Call.getParam(s,i),paramTypes[i]); } } Throwable t = null; Method m = null; try { if (VM.runningVM) { result = Reflection.invoke(method, null, thisArg, otherArgs, false); } else { Class<?>[] argTypes = new Class<?>[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { argTypes[i] = Call.getParam(s,i).getType().resolve().getClassForType(); } m = method.getDeclaringClass().getClassForType().getDeclaredMethod(method.getName().toString(), argTypes); result = m.invoke(thisArg, otherArgs); } } catch (Throwable e) { t = e; } if (t != null) { // Call threw exception so leave in to generate at execution time return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } if (result == null) throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Method " + m + "/" + method + " returned null"); if (method.getReturnType().isVoidType()) { Empty.mutate(s, NOP); return DefUseEffect.REDUCED; } else { Operator moveOp = IRTools.getMoveOp(method.getReturnType()); Move.mutate(s,moveOp, Call.getClearResult(s), boxConstantObjectAsOperand(result, method.getReturnType())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } /** * Package up a constant operand as an object * @param op the constant operand to package * @param t the type of the object (needed to differentiate primitive from numeric types..) * @return the object */ private static Object boxConstantOperand(ConstantOperand op, TypeReference t) { if (op.isObjectConstant()) { return op.asObjectConstant().value; } else if (op.isLongConstant()) { return op.asLongConstant().value; } else if (op.isFloatConstant()) { return op.asFloatConstant().value; } else if (op.isDoubleConstant()) { return op.asDoubleConstant().value; } else if (t.isIntType()) { return op.asIntConstant().value; } else if (t.isBooleanType()) { return op.asIntConstant().value == 1; } else if (t.isByteType()) { return (byte)op.asIntConstant().value; } else if (t.isCharType()) { return (char)op.asIntConstant().value; } else if (t.isShortType()) { return (short)op.asIntConstant().value; } else { throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Trying to box an VM magic unboxed type (" + op + ")for a pure method call is not possible:\n" + op.instruction + "\n at " + op.instruction.position()); } } /** * Package up an object as a constant operand * @param x the object to package * @param t the type of the object (needed to differentiate primitive from numeric types..) * @return the constant operand */ private static ConstantOperand boxConstantObjectAsOperand(Object x, TypeReference t) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(!t.isUnboxedType()); if (x == null) { throw new Error("Field of type: " + t + " is null"); } if (t.isIntType()) { return IC((Integer)x); } else if (t.isBooleanType()) { return IC((Boolean)x ? 1 : 0); } else if (t.isByteType()) { return IC((Byte)x); } else if (t.isCharType()) { return IC((Character)x); } else if (t.isShortType()) { return IC((Short)x); } else if (t.isLongType()) { return LC((Long)x); } else if (t.isFloatType()) { return FC((Float)x); } else if (t.isDoubleType()) { return DC((Double)x); } else if (x instanceof String) { // Handle as object constant but make sure to use interned String x = ((String)x).intern(); return new ObjectConstantOperand(x, Offset.zero()); } else if (x instanceof Class) { // Handle as object constant return new ObjectConstantOperand(x, Offset.zero()); } else { return new ObjectConstantOperand(x, Offset.zero()); } } private static DefUseEffect getField(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_FIELD_OPS) { Operand ref = GetField.getRef(s); if (VM.VerifyAssertions && ref.isNullConstant()) { // Simplify to an unreachable operand, this instruction is dead code // guarded by a nullcheck that should already have been simplified RegisterOperand result = GetField.getClearResult(s); Move.mutate(s, IRTools.getMoveOp(result.getType()), result, new UnreachableOperand()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else if (opts.SIMPLIFY_CHASE_FINAL_FIELDS && ref.isObjectConstant()) { // A constant object references this field which is // final. As the reference is final the constructor // of the referred object MUST have already completed. // This also implies that the type MUST have been resolved. RVMField field = GetField.getLocation(s).getFieldRef().resolve(); if (field.isFinal() && field.getDeclaringClass().isInitialized()) { try { ConstantOperand op = StaticFieldReader.getFieldValueAsConstant(field, ref.asObjectConstant().value); Move.mutate(s, IRTools.getMoveOp(field.getType()), GetField.getClearResult(s), op); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { if (VM.runningVM) { // this is unexpected throw new Error("Unexpected exception", e); } else { // Field not found during bootstrap due to chasing a field // only valid in the bootstrap JVM } } } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect getObjTib(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { Operand op = GuardedUnary.getVal(s); if (op.isNullConstant()) { // Simplify to an unreachable operand, this instruction is dead code // guarded by a nullcheck that should already have been simplified RegisterOperand result = GetField.getClearResult(s); Move.mutate(s, IRTools.getMoveOp(result.getType()), result, new UnreachableOperand()); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } else if (op.isConstant()) { final TypeReference typeRef = op.getType(); if (typeRef.isResolved()) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, GuardedUnary.getClearResult(s), new TIBConstantOperand(op.getType().peekType())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } else { RegisterOperand rop = op.asRegister(); TypeReference typeRef = rop.getType(); // Is the type of this register only one possible type? if (typeRef.isResolved() && rop.isPreciseType() && typeRef.resolve().isInstantiated()) { // before simplifying ensure that the type is instantiated, this stops // constant propagation potentially moving the TIB constant before the // runtime call that instantiates it Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, GuardedUnary.getClearResult(s), new TIBConstantOperand(typeRef.peekType())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect getClassTib(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { TypeOperand typeOp = Unary.getVal(s).asType(); if (typeOp.getTypeRef().isResolved()) { Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), new TIBConstantOperand(typeOp.getTypeRef().peekType())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect getTypeFromTib(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { Operand tibOp = Unary.getVal(s); if (tibOp.isTIBConstant()) { TIBConstantOperand tib = tibOp.asTIBConstant(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), new ObjectConstantOperand(tib.value, Offset.zero())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect getArrayElementTibFromTib(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { Operand tibOp = Unary.getVal(s); if (tibOp.isTIBConstant()) { TIBConstantOperand tib = tibOp.asTIBConstant(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), new TIBConstantOperand(tib.value.asArray().getElementType())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect getSuperclassIdsFromTib(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { Operand tibOp = Unary.getVal(s); if (tibOp.isTIBConstant()) { TIBConstantOperand tib = tibOp.asTIBConstant(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), new ObjectConstantOperand(tib.value.getSuperclassIds(), Offset.zero())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect getDoesImplementFromTib(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { Operand tibOp = Unary.getVal(s); if (tibOp.isTIBConstant()) { TIBConstantOperand tib = tibOp.asTIBConstant(); Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Unary.getClearResult(s), new ObjectConstantOperand(tib.value.getDoesImplement(), Offset.zero())); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } private static DefUseEffect refLoad(Instruction s, OptOptions opts) { if (opts.SIMPLIFY_TIB_OPS) { Operand base = Load.getAddress(s); if (base.isTIBConstant()) { TIBConstantOperand tib = base.asTIBConstant(); Operand offset = Load.getOffset(s); if (tib.value.isInstantiated() && offset.isConstant()) { // Reading from a fixed offset from an effectively // constant array int intOffset; if (offset.isIntConstant()) { intOffset = offset.asIntConstant().value; } else { intOffset = offset.asAddressConstant().value.toInt(); } int intSlot = intOffset >> LOG_BYTES_IN_ADDRESS; // Create appropriate constant operand for TIB slot ConstantOperand result; TIB tibArray = tib.value.getTypeInformationBlock(); if (tibArray.slotContainsTib(intSlot)) { RVMType typeOfTIB = ((TIB)tibArray.get(intSlot)).getType(); result = new TIBConstantOperand(typeOfTIB); } else if (tibArray.slotContainsCode(intSlot)) { // Only generate code constants when we want to make // some virtual calls go via the JTOC if (opts.H2L_CALL_VIA_JTOC) { RVMMethod method = tib.value.getTIBMethodAtSlot(intSlot); result = new CodeConstantOperand(method); } else { return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } } else { if (tibArray.get(intSlot) == null) { result = new NullConstantOperand(); } else { result = new ObjectConstantOperand(tibArray.get(intSlot), Offset.zero()); } } Move.mutate(s, REF_MOVE, Load.getClearResult(s), result); return DefUseEffect.MOVE_FOLDED; } } } return DefUseEffect.UNCHANGED; } /** * To reduce the number of conditions to consider, we transform all commutative * operators to a canoncial form. The following forms are considered * canonical: * <ul> * <li> <code> Reg = Reg <op> Reg </code> * <li> <code> Reg = Reg <op> Constant </code> * <li> <code> Reg = Constant <op> Constant </code> * </ul> * For object constant operands we treat movable objects like registers. * @param instr the instruction to consider */ private static void canonicalizeCommutativeOperator(Instruction instr) { Operand op1 = Binary.getVal1(instr); if (op1.isConstant() && !op1.isMovableObjectConstant()) { Operand tmp = Binary.getClearVal1(instr); Binary.setVal1(instr, Binary.getClearVal2(instr)); Binary.setVal2(instr, tmp); } } private static int PowerOf2(int v) { int i = 31; int power = -1; for (; v != 0; v = v << 1, i--) { if (v < 0) { if (power == -1) { power = i; } else { return -1; } } } return power; } /** * Turns the given operand encoding an address constant into an Address. * * @param op the operand * @return the address that was extracted from the operand */ private static Address getAddressValue(Operand op) { if (op instanceof NullConstantOperand) { return Address.zero(); } if (op instanceof AddressConstantOperand) { return op.asAddressConstant().value; } if (op instanceof IntConstantOperand) { return Address.fromIntSignExtend(op.asIntConstant().value); } if (op instanceof LongConstantOperand) { if (VM.BuildFor64Addr) { return Address.fromLong(op.asLongConstant().value); } else { return Address.fromIntZeroExtend((int)op.asLongConstant().value); } } if (op instanceof ObjectConstantOperand) { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(!op.isMovableObjectConstant()); return Magic.objectAsAddress(op.asObjectConstant().value); } throw new OptimizingCompilerException("Cannot getAddressValue from this operand " + op); } }