/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package java.lang; import static java.lang.VMCommonLibrarySupport.stackSizeFromAPIToJikesRVM; import org.jikesrvm.scheduler.RVMThread; /** * Wrapper for Jikes RVM thread class */ final class VMThread { /** * Corresponding Thread accessed by JikesRVMSupport.getThread() */ final RVMThread vmdata; /** * Constructor, called by JikesRVMSupport.createThread and VMThread.create */ VMThread(RVMThread vmdata) { this.vmdata = vmdata; } /** * Creates the VM thread, sets this in the parent Thread and starts its * execution. */ static void create(Thread parent, long stacksize) { int boundedStackSize = stackSizeFromAPIToJikesRVM(stacksize); RVMThread vmd = new RVMThread(parent, boundedStackSize, parent.name, parent.daemon, parent.priority); parent.vmThread = new VMThread(vmd); vmd.start(); } /** * Sets the name of the thread * @param name the new name for the thread */ void setName(String name) { vmdata.setName(name); } /** * Gets the name of the thread */ String getName() { return vmdata.getName(); } /** * The current executing thread * @return the current executing java.lang.Thread */ static Thread currentThread() { return RVMThread.getCurrentThread().getJavaLangThread(); } /** * Does the currently running Thread hold the lock on an obj? * @param obj the object to check * @return whether the thread holds the lock */ static boolean holdsLock(Object obj) { return RVMThread.getCurrentThread().holdsLock(obj); } /** * Is this a daemon thread? * @return whether this thread is a daemon */ boolean isDaemon() { return vmdata.isDaemonThread(); } /** * Get the priority of the thread * @return the thread's priority */ int getPriority() { return vmdata.getPriority(); } /** * Set the priority of the thread * @param priority */ void setPriority(int priority) { vmdata.setPriority(priority); } /** * Get the state of the thread * @return thread state */ String getState() { return vmdata.getState().toString(); } /** * Wait for the thread to die or for the timeout to occur * @param ms milliseconds to wait * @param ns nanoseconds to wait */ void join(long ms, int ns) throws InterruptedException { vmdata.join(ms, ns); } /** * Yield control */ static void yield() { RVMThread.yieldNoHandshake(); } /** * Put the current thread to sleep * @param ms milliseconds to sleep * @param ns nanoseconds to sleep */ static void sleep(long ms, int ns) throws InterruptedException { RVMThread.sleep(ms, ns); } /** * Was the current thread interrupted and if it was clear the interrupted * status * @return whether the thread was interrupted */ static boolean interrupted() { RVMThread current = RVMThread.getCurrentThread(); if (current.isInterrupted()) { current.clearInterrupted(); return true; } return false; } /** * Has this thread been interrupted? * @return whether the thread was interrupted */ boolean isInterrupted() { return vmdata.isInterrupted(); } /** * Interrupt this thread */ void interrupt() { vmdata.interrupt(); } /** * Suspend execution of this thread */ void suspend() { vmdata.suspend(); } /** * Resume execution of this thread */ void resume() { vmdata.resume(); } /** * Stop the thread abnormally and throw the given exception * @param t the throwable thrown when the thread dies */ void stop(Throwable t) { vmdata.stop(t); } /** * Count the stack frames of this thread */ int countStackFrames() { return vmdata.countStackFrames(); } }