/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ /** * Note: Support for AIX has been dropped but test cases for AIX * have been kept. */ class ArgumentPassing { static boolean verbose = true; // set to true to get messages for each test static boolean allTestPass = true; public static native void setVerboseOff(); // AIX frame can hold 6 integers in registers + 2 used for JNI /** * Static method: 6 ints fit in AIX registers */ public static native int integerFitStatic(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6); /** * Static method: 10 ints spill from AIX registers but fit in JVM register */ public static native int integerSpillAIXStatic(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6, int val7, int val8, int val9, int val10); /** * Static method: 12 ints spill from both AIX registers and JVM register */ public static native int integerSpillBothStatic(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6, int val7, int val8, int val9, int val10, int val11, int val12); /** * Static method: 6 floats fit in both AIX registers and JVM register */ public static native int floatFitStatic(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6); /** * Static method: 8 floats fit in both AIX registers and JVM register but have to be * saved in spill area because only 6 GPRs can be reserved */ public static native int floatFitStaticSave(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8); /** * Static method: 15 floats spill from AIX registers but fit in JVM registers */ public static native int floatSpillAIXStatic(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8, float fval9, float fval10, float fval11, float fval12, float fval13, float fval14, float fval15); /** * Static method: 17 floats spill from both AIX registers and JVM registers */ public static native int floatSpillBothStatic(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8, float fval9, float fval10, float fval11, float fval12, float fval13, float fval14, float fval15, float fval16, float fval17); /** * Static method: 3 double fit in both AIX registers and JVM register */ public static native int doubleFitStatic(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3); /** * Static method: 1 int and 3 double fit in both AIX registers and JVM register * but force the last double to be saved to spill */ public static native int doubleFitStaticStraddle(int val1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4); /** * Static method: 5 doubles fit in both AIX registers and JVM register but have to be * saved in spill area because only 6 GPRs can be reserved for the first * 3 doubles */ public static native int doubleFitStaticSave(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5); /** * Static method: 15 doubles spill from AIX registers but fit in JVM registers */ public static native int doubleSpillAIXStatic(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5, double fval6, double fval7, double fval8, double fval9, double fval10, double fval11, double fval12, double fval13, double fval14, double fval15); /** * Static method: 17 doubles spill from both AIX registers and JVM registers */ public static native int doubleSpillBothStatic(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5, double fval6, double fval7, double fval8, double fval9, double fval10, double fval11, double fval12, double fval13, double fval14, double fval15, double fval16, double fval17); /* * Scenarios for long: * split spill split spill * JVM AIX fit AIX AIX JVM JVM * r3 r3 * r4 r4 * r5 r5 * r6 r6 * r7 r7 * r8 r8 * r9 r9 L-hi * r10 r10 L-lo L-hi * r11 . . . . . . . . . . L-lo L-hi * r12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-lo L-hi * spill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-lo L-hi * spill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-lo */ /** * Static method: 3 long fit in both AIX registers and JVM register */ public static native int longFitStatic(long fval1, long fval2, long fval3); /** * Static method: 1 int and 3 long fit JVM registers but force the * last long to be straddled in AIX, the lower word saved to spill */ public static native int longFitStaticStraddle(int val1, long fval2, long fval3, long fval4); /** * Static method: 5 longs fit in JVM registers but spill in AIX registers */ public static native int longSpillAIXStatic(long val1, long val2, long val3, long val4, long val5); /** * Static method: 7 longs spill from both AIX registers and JVM registers */ public static native int longSpillBothStatic(long val1, long val2, long val3, long val4, long val5, long val6, long val7); /** * Static method: 3 ints + 3 floats fit both JVM and AIX registers */ public static native int integerFloatFitStatic(int val1, float fval2, int val3, float fval4, int val5, float fval6); /** * Static method: 4 ints + 4 floats fit both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th int and float are saved to AIX spill because * no more GPR is available */ public static native int integerFloatSpillStatic(float fval1, int val2, float fval3, int val4, float fval5, int val6, float fval7, int val8); /** * Static method: 2 ints + 2 double fit both JVM and AIX registers */ public static native int integerDoubleFitStatic(int val1, double fval2, int val3, double fval4); /** * Static method: 3 ints + 2 double fit both JVM and AIX registers * but the 3rd double is straddled between AIX register/spill */ public static native int integerDoubleFitStaticStraddle(double fval1, int val2, int val3, int val4, double fval5); /** * Static method: 3 ints + 3 double fit both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th int and double are saved to AIX spill */ public static native int integerDoubleSpillStatic(double fval1, int val2, double fval3, int val4, double fval5, int val6); /** * Static method: 2 ints + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public static native int integerLongFitStatic(int val1, long val2, int val3, long val4); /** * Static method: 3 ints + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 2nd long straddle the AIX register/spill */ public static native int integerLongFitStaticStraddle(int val1, long val2, int val3, int val4, long val5); /** * Static method: 3 ints + 3 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th int and long are saved to AIX spill * because no GPR is available. */ public static native int integerLongSpillStatic(long val1, int val2, long val3, int val4, long val5, int val6); /** * Static method: 2 floats + 2 doubles fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public static native int floatDoubleFitStatic(float fval1, double fval2, float fval3, double fval4); /** * Static method: 3 floats + 3 doubles fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th float and double are saved to AIX spill * because no GPR is available to reserve */ public static native int floatDoubleSpillStatic(double fval1, float fval2, double fval3, float fval4, double fval5, float fval6); /** * Static method: 2 floats + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public static native int floatLongFitStatic(float fval1, long val2, float fval3, long val4); /** * Static method: 2 floats + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th float and long are saved to AIX spill * because no GPR is available to reserve */ public static native int floatLongSpillStatic(long val1, float fval2, long val3, float fval4, long val5, float fval6); /** * Static method: 2 long + 1 double fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public static native int doubleLongFitStatic(long val1, double fval2, long val3); /** * Static method: 3 long + 2 double fit in JVM registers * but spill in AIX */ public static native int doubleLongSpillStatic(long val1, double fval2, long val3, double fval4, long val5); /** * Virtual method: 6 ints fit in AIX registers */ public native int integerFitVirtual(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6); /** * Virtual method: 9 ints + this spill from AIX registers but fit in JVM register */ public native int integerSpillAIXVirtual(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6, int val7, int val8, int val9); /** * Virtual method: 9 ints + this spill from both AIX registers and JVM register */ public native int integerSpillBothVirtual(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6, int val7, int val8, int val9, int val10, int val11); /** * Virtual method: 6 floats fit in both AIX registers and JVM register */ public native int floatFitVirtual(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6); /** * Virtual method: 8 floats fit in both AIX registers and JVM register but have to be * saved in spill area because only 6 GPRs can be reserved */ public native int floatFitVirtualSave(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8); /** * Virtual method: 15 floats spill from AIX registers but fit in JVM registers */ public native int floatSpillAIXVirtual(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8, float fval9, float fval10, float fval11, float fval12, float fval13, float fval14, float fval15); /** * Virtual method: 17 floats spill from both AIX registers and JVM registers */ public native int floatSpillBothVirtual(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8, float fval9, float fval10, float fval11, float fval12, float fval13, float fval14, float fval15, float fval16, float fval17); /** * Virtual method: 3 double fit in both AIX registers and JVM register */ public native int doubleFitVirtual(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3); /** * Virtual method: 1 int and 3 double fit in both AIX registers and JVM register * but force the last double to be saved to spill */ public native int doubleFitVirtualStraddle(int val1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4); /** * Virtual method: 5 doubles fit in both AIX registers and JVM register but have to be * saved in spill area because only 6 GPRs can be reserved for the first * 3 doubles */ public native int doubleFitVirtualSave(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5); /** * Virtual method: 15 doubles spill from AIX registers but fit in JVM registers */ public native int doubleSpillAIXVirtual(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5, double fval6, double fval7, double fval8, double fval9, double fval10, double fval11, double fval12, double fval13, double fval14, double fval15); /** * Virtual method: 17 doubles spill from both AIX registers and JVM registers */ public native int doubleSpillBothVirtual(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5, double fval6, double fval7, double fval8, double fval9, double fval10, double fval11, double fval12, double fval13, double fval14, double fval15, double fval16, double fval17); /** * Virtual method: 3 long fit in both AIX registers and JVM register */ public native int longFitVirtual(long fval1, long fval2, long fval3); /** * Virtual method: 1 int and 3 long fit JVM registers but force the * last long to be straddled in AIX, the lower word saved to spill */ public native int longFitVirtualStraddle(int val1, long fval2, long fval3, long fval4); /** * Virtual method: 5 longs fit in JVM registers but spill in AIX registers */ public native int longSpillAIXVirtual(long val1, long val2, long val3, long val4, long val5); /** * Virtual method: 7 longs spill from both AIX registers and JVM registers */ public native int longSpillBothVirtual(long val1, long val2, long val3, long val4, long val5, long val6, long val7); /** * Virtual method: 3 ints + 3 floats fit both JVM and AIX registers */ public native int integerFloatFitVirtual(int val1, float fval2, int val3, float fval4, int val5, float fval6); /** * Virtual method: 4 ints + 4 floats fit both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th int and float are saved to AIX spill because * no more GPR is available */ public native int integerFloatSpillVirtual(float fval1, int val2, float fval3, int val4, float fval5, int val6, float fval7, int val8); /** * Virtual method: 2 ints + 2 double fit both JVM and AIX registers */ public native int integerDoubleFitVirtual(int val1, double fval2, int val3, double fval4); /** * Virtual method: 3 ints + 2 double fit both JVM and AIX registers * but the 3rd double is straddled between AIX register/spill */ public native int integerDoubleFitVirtualStraddle(double fval1, int val2, int val3, int val4, double fval5); /** * Virtual method: 3 ints + 3 double fit both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th int and double are saved to AIX spill */ public native int integerDoubleSpillVirtual(double fval1, int val2, double fval3, int val4, double fval5, int val6); /** * Virtual method: 2 ints + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public native int integerLongFitVirtual(int val1, long val2, int val3, long val4); /** * Virtual method: 3 ints + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 2nd long straddle the AIX register/spill */ public native int integerLongFitVirtualStraddle(int val1, long val2, int val3, int val4, long val5); /** * Virtual method: 3 ints + 3 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th int and long are saved to AIX spill * because no GPR is available. */ public native int integerLongSpillVirtual(long val1, int val2, long val3, int val4, long val5, int val6); /** * Virtual method: 2 floats + 2 doubles fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public native int floatDoubleFitVirtual(float fval1, double fval2, float fval3, double fval4); /** * Virtual method: 3 floats + 3 doubles fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th float and double are saved to AIX spill * because no GPR is available to reserve */ public native int floatDoubleSpillVirtual(double fval1, float fval2, double fval3, float fval4, double fval5, float fval6); /** * Virtual method: 2 floats + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public native int floatLongFitVirtual(float fval1, long val2, float fval3, long val4); /** * Virtual method: 2 floats + 2 long fit in both JVM and AIX registers * but the 4th float and long are saved to AIX spill * because no GPR is available to reserve */ public native int floatLongSpillVirtual(long val1, float fval2, long val3, float fval4, long val5, float fval6); /** * Virtual method: 2 long + 1 double fit in both JVM and AIX registers */ public native int doubleLongFitVirtual(long val1, double fval2, long val3); /** * Virtual method: 3 long + 2 double fit in JVM registers * but spill in AIX */ public native int doubleLongSpillVirtual(long val1, double fval2, long val3, double fval4, long val5); // x64 tests /** * Virtual method for x64. On x64, 9 doubles exhausts all native parameter floating point * registers and need 1 stack slot. The additional parameters use general purpose * registers. */ public native int exhaustX64FPRsWithDoubleThenUseInt(double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4, double fval5, double fval6, double fval7, double fval8, double fval9, // shouldn't fit into floating point registers any more int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4); /** * Virtual method for x64. On x64, 9 floats exhausts all native parameter floating point * registers and need 1 stack slot. The additional parameters use general purpose * registers. */ public native int exhaustX64FPRsWithFloatThenUseInt(float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4, float fval5, float fval6, float fval7, float fval8, float fval9, // shouldn't fit into floating point registers any more int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4); /** * Virtual method for x64. On x64, 9 ints exhaust all general purpose registers * and require space on the stack. The additional parameters use floating point registers. */ public native int exhaustX64GPRsWithIntThenUseFloat(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6, int val7, int val8, int val9, // should exhaust general registers even if JNIEnv and the this parameter don't take any float fval1, float fval2, float fval3, float fval4); /** * Virtual method for x64. On x64, 9 ints exhaust all general purpose registers * and require space on the stack. The additional parameters use floating point registers. */ public native int exhaustX64GPRsWithIntThenUseDouble(int val1, int val2, int val3, int val4, int val5, int val6, int val7, int val8, int val9, // should exhaust general registers even if JNIEnv and the this parameter don't take any double fval1, double fval2, double fval3, double fval4); /** * Return value: check for 2 words returned */ public static native long returnLong(long val1); public static native float returnFloat(float val1); public static native double returnDouble(double val1); //****************************************************************** // Implementation: // // dummy constructor for test on virtual methods ArgumentPassing() { } public static void main(String[] args) { int returnValue; System.loadLibrary("ArgumentPassing"); if (args.length != 0) { if (args[0].equals("-quiet")) { verbose = false; setVerboseOff(); } } // // Static methods returnValue = integerFitStatic(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11); checkTest(returnValue, "integerFitStatic"); returnValue = integerSpillAIXStatic(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19); checkTest(returnValue, "integerSpillAIXStatic"); returnValue = integerSpillBothStatic(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23); checkTest(returnValue, "integerSpillBothStatic"); returnValue = floatFitStatic(0.1f, .25f, .50f, .75f, 1.0f, 1.25f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatFitStatic"); returnValue = floatFitStaticSave(0.1f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.50f, 1.75f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatFitStaticSave"); returnValue = floatSpillAIXStatic(0.1f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.50f, 1.75f, 2.0f, 2.25f, 2.50f, 2.75f, 3.0f, 3.25f, 3.50f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatSpillAIXStatic"); returnValue = floatSpillBothStatic(0.1f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.50f, 1.75f, 2.0f, 2.25f, 2.50f, 2.75f, 3.0f, 3.25f, 3.50f, 3.75f, 4.0f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatSpillBothStatic"); returnValue = doubleFitStatic(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleFitStatic"); returnValue = doubleFitStaticStraddle(3, 0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleFitStaticStraddle"); returnValue = doubleFitStaticSave(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d, .75d, 1.0d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleFitStaticSave"); returnValue = doubleSpillAIXStatic(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d, .75d, 1.0d, 1.25d, 1.50d, 1.75d, 2.0d, 2.25d, 2.50d, 2.75d, 3.0d, 3.25d, 3.50d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleSpillAIXStatic"); returnValue = doubleSpillBothStatic(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d, .75d, 1.0d, 1.25d, 1.50d, 1.75d, 2.0d, 2.25d, 2.50d, 2.75d, 3.0d, 3.25d, 3.50d, 3.75f, 4.0f); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleSpillBothStatic"); returnValue = longFitStatic(1L, 3L, 5L); checkTest(returnValue, "longFitStatic"); returnValue = longFitStaticStraddle(1, 3L, 5L, 7L); checkTest(returnValue, "longFitStaticStraddle"); returnValue = longSpillAIXStatic(1L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 9L); checkTest(returnValue, "longSpillAIXStatic"); returnValue = longSpillBothStatic(1L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 9L, 11L, 13L); checkTest(returnValue, "longSpillBothStatic"); returnValue = integerFloatFitStatic(1, 3.3f, 5, 7.7f, 9, 11.11f); checkTest(returnValue, "integerFloatFitStatic"); returnValue = integerFloatSpillStatic(1.1f, 3, 5.5f, 7, 9.9f, 11, 13.13f, 15); checkTest(returnValue, "integerFloatSpillStatic"); returnValue = integerDoubleFitStatic(1, 3.3d, 5, 7.7d); checkTest(returnValue, "integerDoubleFitStatic"); returnValue = integerDoubleFitStaticStraddle(1.1d, 3, 5, 7, 9.9d); checkTest(returnValue, "integerDoubleFitStaticStraddle"); returnValue = integerDoubleSpillStatic(1.1d, 3, 5.5d, 7, 9.9d, 11); checkTest(returnValue, "integerDoubleSpillStatic"); returnValue = integerLongFitStatic(1, 3L, 5, 7L); checkTest(returnValue, "integerLongFitStatic"); returnValue = integerLongFitStaticStraddle(1, 3L, 5, 7, 9L); checkTest(returnValue, "integerLongFitStaticStraddle"); returnValue = integerLongSpillStatic(1L, 3, 5L, 7, 9L, 11); checkTest(returnValue, "integerLongSpillStatic"); returnValue = floatDoubleFitStatic(1.1f, 3.3d, 5.5f, 7.7d); checkTest(returnValue, "floatDoubleFitStatic"); returnValue = floatDoubleSpillStatic(1.1d, 3.3f, 5.5d, 7.7f, 9.9d, 11.11f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatDoubleSpillStatic"); returnValue = floatLongFitStatic(1.1f, 3L, 5.5f, 7L); checkTest(returnValue, "floatLongFitStatic"); returnValue = floatLongSpillStatic(1L, 3.3f, 5L, 7.7f, 9L, 11.11f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatLongSpillStatic"); returnValue = doubleLongFitStatic(1L, 3.3d, 5L); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleLongFitStatic"); returnValue = doubleLongSpillStatic(1L, 3.3d, 5L, 7.7d, 9L); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleLongSpillStatic"); //******************************************************* // Virtual methods // ArgumentPassing testobj = new ArgumentPassing(); returnValue = testobj.integerFitVirtual(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12); checkTest(returnValue, "integerFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerSpillAIXVirtual(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18); checkTest(returnValue, "integerSpillAIXVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerSpillBothVirtual(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22); checkTest(returnValue, "integerSpillBothVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatFitVirtual(0.1f, .25f, .50f, .75f, 1.0f, 1.25f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatFitVirtualSave(0.1f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.50f, 1.75f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatFitVirtualSave"); returnValue = testobj.floatSpillAIXVirtual(0.1f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.50f, 1.75f, 2.0f, 2.25f, 2.50f, 2.75f, 3.0f, 3.25f, 3.50f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatSpillAIXVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatSpillBothVirtual(0.1f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.50f, 1.75f, 2.0f, 2.25f, 2.50f, 2.75f, 3.0f, 3.25f, 3.50f, 3.75f, 4.0f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatSpillBothVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.doubleFitVirtual(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.doubleFitVirtualStraddle(3, 0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleFitVirtualStraddle"); returnValue = testobj.doubleFitVirtualSave(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d, .75d, 1.0d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleFitVirtualSave"); returnValue = testobj.doubleSpillAIXVirtual(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d, .75d, 1.0d, 1.25d, 1.50d, 1.75d, 2.0d, 2.25d, 2.50d, 2.75d, 3.0d, 3.25d, 3.50d); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleSpillAIXVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.doubleSpillBothVirtual(0.1d, 0.25d, 0.50d, .75d, 1.0d, 1.25d, 1.50d, 1.75d, 2.0d, 2.25d, 2.50d, 2.75d, 3.0d, 3.25d, 3.50d, 3.75f, 4.0f); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleSpillBothVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.longFitVirtual(1L, 3L, 5L); checkTest(returnValue, "longFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.longFitVirtualStraddle(1, 3L, 5L, 7L); checkTest(returnValue, "longFitVirtualStraddle"); returnValue = testobj.longSpillAIXVirtual(1L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 9L); checkTest(returnValue, "longSpillAIXVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.longSpillBothVirtual(1L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 9L, 11L, 13L); checkTest(returnValue, "longSpillBothVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerFloatFitVirtual(1, 3.3f, 5, 7.7f, 9, 11.11f); checkTest(returnValue, "integerFloatFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerFloatSpillVirtual(1.1f, 3, 5.5f, 7, 9.9f, 11, 13.13f, 15); checkTest(returnValue, "integerFloatSpillVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerDoubleFitVirtual(1, 3.3d, 5, 7.7d); checkTest(returnValue, "integerDoubleFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerDoubleFitVirtualStraddle(1.1d, 3, 5, 7, 9.9d); checkTest(returnValue, "integerDoubleFitVirtualStraddle"); returnValue = testobj.integerDoubleSpillVirtual(1.1d, 3, 5.5d, 7, 9.9d, 11); checkTest(returnValue, "integerDoubleSpillVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerLongFitVirtual(1, 3L, 5, 7L); checkTest(returnValue, "integerLongFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.integerLongFitVirtualStraddle(1, 3L, 5, 7, 9L); checkTest(returnValue, "integerLongFitVirtualStraddle"); returnValue = testobj.integerLongSpillVirtual(1L, 3, 5L, 7, 9L, 11); checkTest(returnValue, "integerLongSpillVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatDoubleFitVirtual(1.1f, 3.3d, 5.5f, 7.7d); checkTest(returnValue, "floatDoubleFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatDoubleSpillVirtual(1.1d, 3.3f, 5.5d, 7.7f, 9.9d, 11.11f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatDoubleSpillVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatLongFitVirtual(1.1f, 3L, 5.5f, 7L); checkTest(returnValue, "floatLongFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.floatLongSpillVirtual(1L, 3.3f, 5L, 7.7f, 9L, 11.11f); checkTest(returnValue, "floatLongSpillVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.doubleLongFitVirtual(1L, 3.3d, 5L); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleLongFitVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.doubleLongSpillVirtual(1L, 3.3d, 5L, 7.7d, 9L); checkTest(returnValue, "doubleLongSpillVirtual"); returnValue = testobj.exhaustX64FPRsWithDoubleThenUseInt(1.1d, 3.3d, 5.5d, 7.7d, 9.9d, 11.11d, 13.13d, 15.15d, 17.17d, 1, 3, 5, 7); checkTest(returnValue, "exhaustX64FPRsWithDoubleThenUseInt"); returnValue = testobj.exhaustX64FPRsWithFloatThenUseInt(1.1f, 3.3f, 5.5f, 7.7f, 9.9f, 11.11f, 13.13f, 15.15f, 13.13f, 1, 3, 5, 7); checkTest(returnValue, "exhaustX64FPRsWithFloatThenUseInt"); returnValue = testobj.exhaustX64GPRsWithIntThenUseFloat(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 1.1f, 3.3f, 5.5f, 7.7f); checkTest(returnValue, "exhaustX64GPRsWithIntThenUseFloat"); returnValue = testobj.exhaustX64GPRsWithIntThenUseDouble(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 1.1d, 3.3d, 5.5d, 7.7d); checkTest(returnValue, "exhaustX64GPRsWithIntThenUseDouble"); long actualLong = returnLong(0x12345678); int hi = (int) (actualLong >> 32); int lo = (int) (actualLong); returnValue = ((hi == 0x00001234) && (lo == 0x56780000)) ? 0 : 1; checkTest(returnValue, "returnLong"); float actualFloat = returnFloat((float) (1.5)); returnValue = (actualFloat == ((float) 1.5)) ? 0 : 1; checkTest(returnValue, "returnFloat"); double actualDouble = returnDouble(3.5); returnValue = (actualDouble == 3.5) ? 0 : 1; checkTest(returnValue, "returnDouble"); // Summarize if (allTestPass) System.out.println("PASS: ArgumentPassing"); else System.out.println("FAIL: ArgumentPassing"); } static void printVerbose(String str) { if (verbose) System.out.println(str); } static void checkTest(int returnValue, String testName) { if (returnValue == 0) { printVerbose("PASS: " + testName); } else { allTestPass = false; printVerbose("FAIL: " + testName); } } }