/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ssa; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.OptOptions; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.CompilerPhase; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanAtomicElement; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanCompositeElement; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.driver.OptimizationPlanElement; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.IR; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.Instruction; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.Operand; import org.jikesrvm.compilers.opt.ir.operand.RegisterOperand; /** * Global code placement comes in two flavours. The first is loop * invariant code motion (LICM), the second is global common sub * expression elimination (GCSE).<p> * * LICM is applied to HIR and LIR, GCSE only to LIR and before * LICM.<p> * * Both algorithms run on SSA and use the dominator tree to determine * positions for operations. That's why these operations are called * code placement instead of code motion. <p> * * There is no code yet to deal with partial redundancies. */ public final class GCP extends OptimizationPlanCompositeElement { /** * Makes sure we are in SSA and have global value numbers at hand. * Then execute the transformations. */ public GCP() { super("Global Code Placement", new OptimizationPlanElement[]{ // 1. Set up IR state to control SSA translation as needed new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new GCPPreparation()), // 2. Get the desired SSA form new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new EnterSSA()), // 3. Perform global CSE new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new GlobalCSE()), // 4. Repair SSA new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new EnterSSA()), // 5. Perform Loop Invariant Code Motion new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new LICM()), // 6. Finalize GCP new OptimizationPlanAtomicElement(new GCPFinalization())}); } /** * Redefine shouldPerform so that none of the subphases will occur * unless we pass through this test. */ @Override public boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) { if (options.getOptLevel() < 2) { return false; } return options.SSA_GCP || options.SSA_GCSE; } static boolean tooBig(IR ir) { boolean res = false; if (ir.getMaxBasicBlockNumber() > 1000) { //VM.sysWriteln (ir.method.toString() + " is too large"); res = true; } return res; } /** * This class sets up the IR state prior to entering SSA for GCP */ private static class GCPPreparation extends CompilerPhase { /** * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no * per-compilation instance fields. * @param ir not used * @return this */ @Override public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) { return this; } /** * Should this phase perform? * <p> * @return <code>true</code> if SSA-based global code placement * or SSA-based global common subexpression elimination are * enabled */ @Override public final boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) { return options.SSA_GCP || options.SSA_GCSE; } /** * Return the name of the phase */ @Override public final String getName() { return "GCP Preparation"; } @Override public final void perform(IR ir) { boolean dont = false; //VM.sysWrite("> " + ir.method + "\n"); if (ir.hasReachableExceptionHandlers()) { //VM.sysWriteln("has exceptionhandlers"); dont = true; } if (GCP.tooBig(ir)) { dont = true; } if (dont) { ir.options.SSA = false; return; } ir.desiredSSAOptions = new SSAOptions(); // register in the IR the SSA properties we need for GCP if (ir.isLIR()) { ir.desiredSSAOptions.setScalarsOnly(true); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setBackwards(false); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setInsertUsePhis(false); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setInsertPEIDeps(false); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setHeapTypes(null); } else { // HIR options if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(ir.isHIR()); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setScalarsOnly(false); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setBackwards(true); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setInsertUsePhis(true); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setInsertPEIDeps(!ir.options.SSA_LICM_IGNORE_PEI); ir.desiredSSAOptions.setHeapTypes(null); } } } /** * This class sets up the IR state prior to entering SSA for GCP */ private static class GCPFinalization extends CompilerPhase { /** * Return this instance of this phase. This phase contains no * per-compilation instance fields. * @param ir not used * @return this */ @Override public CompilerPhase newExecution(IR ir) { return this; } /** * Should this phase perform? * <p> * Perform only if global code placement * or global common subexpression elimination are performed. */ @Override public final boolean shouldPerform(OptOptions options) { return options.SSA_GCP || options.SSA_GCSE; } /** * Return the name of the phase */ @Override public final String getName() { return "GCP Finalization"; } @Override public final void perform(IR ir) { ir.options.SSA = true; //VM.sysWriteln("< " + ir.method); // register in the IR the SSA properties GCP preserves if (!GCP.tooBig(ir) && !ir.hasReachableExceptionHandlers() && ir.actualSSAOptions != null) { if (ir.isLIR()) { ir.actualSSAOptions.setScalarsOnly(true); ir.actualSSAOptions.setBackwards(false); ir.actualSSAOptions.setInsertUsePhis(false); ir.actualSSAOptions.setInsertPEIDeps(false); ir.actualSSAOptions.setHeapTypes(null); } else { // HIR options if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(ir.isHIR()); ir.actualSSAOptions.setScalarsOnly(false); ir.actualSSAOptions.setBackwards(true); ir.actualSSAOptions.setInsertUsePhis(true); ir.actualSSAOptions.setInsertPEIDeps(true); ir.actualSSAOptions.setHeapTypes(null); } } } } public static boolean usesOrDefsPhysicalRegisterOrAddressType(Instruction inst) { for (int i = inst.getNumberOfOperands() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Operand op = inst.getOperand(i); if (op instanceof RegisterOperand) { if (op.asRegister().getType().isWordLikeType() || op.asRegister().getRegister().isPhysical()) { return true; } } } return false; } }