/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package java.lang.reflect; import org.jikesrvm.VM; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMArray; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMClass; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMField; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMember; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMMethod; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.TypeReference; import org.jikesrvm.classloader.RVMType; import org.jikesrvm.objectmodel.ObjectModel; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.RuntimeEntrypoints; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Magic; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.Reflection; import org.jikesrvm.runtime.ReflectionBase; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Inline; import org.vmmagic.pragma.NoInline; import org.vmmagic.pragma.Pure; /** * Common utilities for Jikes RVM implementations of the java.lang.reflect API */ final class VMCommonLibrarySupport { /* ---- Non-inlined Exception Throwing Methods --- */ /** * Method just to throw an illegal argument exception without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewIllegalArgumentException() { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } /** * Method just to throw an illegal argument exception without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewIllegalArgumentException(String str) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } /** * Method just to throw an illegal access exception without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewIllegalAccessException() throws IllegalAccessException { throw new IllegalAccessException(); } /** * Method just to throw an illegal access exception without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewIllegalAccessException(RVMMember member, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException { throw new IllegalAccessException("Access to " + member + " is denied to " + accessingClass); } /** * Method just to throw an InstantiationException without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewInstantiationException(String str) throws InstantiationException { throw new InstantiationException(str); } /** * Method just to throw a NegativeArraySizeException without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewNegativeArraySizeException() { throw new NegativeArraySizeException(); } /** * Method just to throw an NullPointerException without being inlined */ @NoInline private static void throwNewNullPointerException() { throw new NullPointerException(); } /* ---- Array Methods ---- */ /** * Dynamically create an array of objects. * * @param cls guaranteed to be a valid object type * @param length the length of the array * @return the new array * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if dim is negative * @throws OutOfMemoryError if memory allocation fails */ static Object createArray(Class<?> cls, int length) throws OutOfMemoryError, NegativeArraySizeException { if (cls == Void.TYPE) throwNewIllegalArgumentException("Cannot create new array instance for the specified arguments"); // will raise NPE RVMArray arrayType = java.lang.JikesRVMSupport.getTypeForClass(cls).getArrayTypeForElementType(); if (!arrayType.isInitialized()) { arrayType.resolve(); arrayType.instantiate(); arrayType.initialize(); } // will check -ve array size return RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewArray(length, arrayType); } /** * Dynamically create a multi-dimensional array of objects. * * @param cls guaranteed to be a valid object type * @param dimensions the lengths for the dimensions of the array * @return the new array * @throws NegativeArraySizeException if any dimensions is negative * @throws OutOfMemoryError if memory allocation fails */ static Object createArray(Class<?> cls, int[] dimensions) throws OutOfMemoryError, NegativeArraySizeException { if (dimensions.length == 0 || cls == Void.TYPE) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("Cannot create new array instance for the specified arguments"); } // will raise NPE RVMArray arrayType = java.lang.JikesRVMSupport.getTypeForClass(cls).getArrayTypeForElementType(); for (int i = 1; i < dimensions.length; i++) { arrayType = arrayType.getArrayTypeForElementType(); } // will check -ve array sizes return RuntimeEntrypoints.buildMDAHelper(null, dimensions, 0, arrayType); } /* ---- General Reflection Support ---- */ /** * Check to see if a method declared by the accessingClass * should be allowed to access the argument RVMMember. * Assumption: member is not public. This trivial case should * be approved by the caller without needing to call this method. */ private static void checkAccess(RVMMember member, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException { RVMClass declaringClass = member.getDeclaringClass(); if (member.isPrivate()) { // access from the declaringClass is allowed if (accessingClass == declaringClass) return; } else if (member.isProtected()) { // access within the package is allowed. if (declaringClass.getClassLoader() == accessingClass.getClassLoader() && declaringClass.getPackageName().equals(accessingClass.getPackageName())) return; // access by subclasses is allowed. for (RVMClass cls = accessingClass; cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperClass()) { if (accessingClass == declaringClass) return; } } else { // default: access within package is allowed if (declaringClass.getClassLoader() == accessingClass.getClassLoader() && declaringClass.getPackageName().equals(accessingClass.getPackageName())) return; } throwNewIllegalAccessException(member, accessingClass); } /* ---- Reflective Method Invocation Support ---- */ @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static Object invoke(Object receiver, Object[] args, RVMMethod method, Method jlrMethod, RVMClass accessingClass, ReflectionBase invoker) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, ExceptionInInitializerError, InvocationTargetException { // validate number and types of arguments if (!Reflection.needsCheckArgs(invoker) || checkArguments(args, method)) { if (method.isStatic()) { return invokeStatic(receiver, args, method, jlrMethod, accessingClass, invoker); } else { return invokeVirtual(receiver, args, method, jlrMethod, accessingClass, invoker); } } else { Object[] compatibleArgs = makeArgumentsCompatible(args, method); if (method.isStatic()) { return invokeStatic(receiver, compatibleArgs, method, jlrMethod, accessingClass, invoker); } else { return invokeVirtual(receiver, compatibleArgs, method, jlrMethod, accessingClass, invoker); } } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static Object invokeStatic(Object receiver, Object[] args, RVMMethod method, Method jlrMethod, RVMClass accessingClass, ReflectionBase invoker) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, ExceptionInInitializerError, InvocationTargetException { // Accessibility checks if (!method.isPublic() && !jlrMethod.isAccessible()) { checkAccess(method, accessingClass); } // Forces initialization of declaring class RVMClass declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); if (!declaringClass.isInitialized()) { runClassInitializer(declaringClass); } // Invoke method try { return Reflection.invoke(method, invoker, receiver, args, true); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new InvocationTargetException(t); } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static Object invokeVirtual(Object receiver, Object[] args, RVMMethod method, Method jlrMethod, RVMClass accessingClass, ReflectionBase invoker) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, ExceptionInInitializerError, InvocationTargetException { // validate "this" argument if (receiver == null) { throwNewNullPointerException(); } RVMClass declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass(); if (!isArgumentCompatible(declaringClass, receiver)) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException(); } // Accessibility checks if (!method.isPublic() && !jlrMethod.isAccessible()) { checkAccess(method, accessingClass); } // find the right method to call RVMClass C = Magic.getObjectType(receiver).asClass(); method = C.findVirtualMethod(method.getName(), method.getDescriptor()); // Invoke method try { return Reflection.invoke(method, invoker, receiver, args, false); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new InvocationTargetException(t); } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) private static boolean checkArguments(Object[] args, RVMMethod method) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (((args == null) && (parameterTypes.length != 0)) || ((args != null) && (args.length != parameterTypes.length))) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("argument count mismatch"); } switch (parameterTypes.length) { case 6: if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[5].resolve(), args[5])) { return false; } case 5: if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[4].resolve(), args[4])) { return false; } case 4: if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[3].resolve(), args[3])) { return false; } case 3: if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[2].resolve(), args[2])) { return false; } case 2: if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[1].resolve(), args[1])) { return false; } case 1: if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[0].resolve(), args[0])) { return false; } case 0: return true; default: for (int i = 0, n = parameterTypes.length; i < n; ++i) { if (!isArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[i].resolve(), args[i])) { return false; } } return true; } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) private static Object[] makeArgumentsCompatible(Object[] args, RVMMethod method) { TypeReference[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); int length = parameterTypes.length; Object[] newArgs = new Object[length]; switch(length) { case 6: newArgs[5] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[5].peekType(), args[5]); case 5: newArgs[4] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[4].peekType(), args[4]); case 4: newArgs[3] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[3].peekType(), args[3]); case 3: newArgs[2] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[2].peekType(), args[2]); case 2: newArgs[1] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[1].peekType(), args[1]); case 1: newArgs[0] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[0].peekType(), args[0]); case 0: break; default: { for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { newArgs[i] = makeArgumentCompatible(parameterTypes[i].peekType(), args[i]); } break; } } return newArgs; } @NoInline private static void runClassInitializer(RVMClass declaringClass) throws ExceptionInInitializerError { try { RuntimeEntrypoints.initializeClassForDynamicLink(declaringClass); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } /** * Make possibly wrapped method argument compatible with expected type */ @SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing","PMD.IntegerInstantiation"}) @NoInline @Pure private static Object makeArgumentCompatible(RVMType expectedType, Object arg) { if (expectedType.isPrimitiveType()) { if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) { if (expectedType.isByteType()) return arg; if (expectedType.isShortType()) return Short.valueOf((Byte) arg); if (expectedType.isIntType()) return Integer.valueOf((Byte) arg); if (expectedType.isLongType()) return Long.valueOf((Byte) arg); } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) { if (expectedType.isShortType()) return arg; if (expectedType.isIntType()) return Integer.valueOf((Short) arg); if (expectedType.isLongType()) return Long.valueOf((Short) arg); } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) { if (expectedType.isCharType()) return arg; if (expectedType.isIntType()) return Integer.valueOf((Character) arg); if (expectedType.isLongType()) return Long.valueOf((Character) arg); } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) { if (expectedType.isIntType()) return arg; if (expectedType.isLongType()) return Long.valueOf((Integer) arg); } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) { if (expectedType.isDoubleType()) return Double.valueOf((Float) arg); } } return arg; } /** * Are the 2 arguments compatible? Throw IllegalArgumentException if they * can't be made compatible. */ @Pure @Inline private static boolean isArgumentCompatible(RVMType expectedType, Object arg) { if (expectedType.isPrimitiveType()) { return isPrimitiveArgumentCompatible(expectedType, arg); } else { if (arg == null) return true; // null is always ok RVMType actualType = ObjectModel.getObjectType(arg); if (expectedType == actualType || expectedType == RVMType.JavaLangObjectType || RuntimeEntrypoints.isAssignableWith(expectedType, actualType)) { return true; } else { throwNewIllegalArgumentException(); return false; } } } /** * Is a boxed primitive argument compatible with the expected type */ @Pure @Inline private static boolean isPrimitiveArgumentCompatible(RVMType expectedType, Object arg) { if (arg instanceof java.lang.Void) { if (expectedType.isVoidType()) return true; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Boolean) { if (expectedType.isBooleanType()) return true; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) { if (expectedType.isByteType()) return true; if (expectedType.isShortType()) return false; if (expectedType.isIntType()) return false; if (expectedType.isLongType()) return false; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) { if (expectedType.isShortType()) return true; if (expectedType.isIntType()) return false; if (expectedType.isLongType()) return false; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) { if (expectedType.isCharType()) return true; if (expectedType.isIntType()) return false; if (expectedType.isLongType()) return false; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) { if (expectedType.isIntType()) return true; if (expectedType.isLongType()) return false; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) { if (expectedType.isLongType()) return true; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) { if (expectedType.isFloatType()) return true; if (expectedType.isDoubleType()) return false; } else if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) { if (expectedType.isDoubleType()) return true; } throwNewIllegalArgumentException(); return false; } /* ---- Constructor Support ---- */ /** * Construct an object from the given constructor args, called from the accessing class */ @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {0}) static Object construct(RVMMethod constructor, Constructor<?> cons, Object[] args, RVMClass accessingClass, ReflectionBase invoker) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { // Check accessibility if (!constructor.isPublic() && !cons.isAccessible()) { checkAccess(constructor, accessingClass); } // validate number and types of arguments to constructor if (Reflection.needsCheckArgs(invoker) && !checkArguments(args, constructor)) { args = makeArgumentsCompatible(args, constructor); } RVMClass cls = constructor.getDeclaringClass(); if (cls.isAbstract()) { throwNewInstantiationException("Abstract class"); } // Ensure that the class is initialized if (!cls.isInitialized()) { runClassInitializer(cls); } // Allocate an uninitialized instance; Object obj = RuntimeEntrypoints.resolvedNewScalar(cls); // Run the constructor on the instance. try { Reflection.invoke(constructor, invoker, obj, args, true); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new InvocationTargetException(e); } return obj; } /* ---- Constructor/Method Support ---- */ /** * Convert from "VM" type system to "JDK" type system. */ static Class<?>[] typesToClasses(TypeReference[] types) { Class<?>[] classes = new Class[types.length]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { classes[i] = types[i].resolve().getClassForType(); } return classes; } /* ---- Field Support ---- */ /** * Check the field in the given object can be read */ @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) private static void checkReadAccess(Object obj, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, ExceptionInInitializerError { RVMClass declaringClass = field.getDeclaringClass(); if (!field.isStatic()) { if (obj == null) { throwNewNullPointerException(); } RVMType objType = ObjectModel.getObjectType(obj); if (objType != declaringClass && !RuntimeEntrypoints.isAssignableWith(declaringClass, objType)) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException(); } } if (!field.isPublic() && !jlrField.isAccessible()) { checkAccess(field, accessingClass); } if (field.isStatic() && !declaringClass.isInitialized()) { runClassInitializer(declaringClass); } } /** * Check the field in the given object can be written to */ @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) private static void checkWriteAccess(Object obj, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, ExceptionInInitializerError { RVMClass declaringClass = field.getDeclaringClass(); if (!field.isStatic()) { if (obj == null) { throwNewNullPointerException(); } RVMType objType = ObjectModel.getObjectType(obj); if (objType != declaringClass && !RuntimeEntrypoints.isAssignableWith(declaringClass, objType)) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException(); } } if (!field.isPublic() && !jlrField.isAccessible()) { checkAccess(field, accessingClass); } if (field.isFinal() && (!jlrField.isAccessible() || field.isStatic())) throwNewIllegalAccessException(); if (field.isStatic() && !declaringClass.isInitialized()) { runClassInitializer(declaringClass); } } /** * Read a field from an object * @param object to read from * @param field to be read * @param jlrField API version of field * @param accessingClass class performing access * @return the field's value * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static Object get(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); if (field.isReferenceType()) { return field.getObjectValueUnchecked(object); } TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isIntType()) { return field.getIntValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isCharType()) { return field.getCharValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isShortType()) { return field.getShortValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isLongType()) { return field.getLongValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isByteType()) { return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isBooleanType()) { return field.getBooleanValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isDoubleType()) { return field.getDoubleValueUnchecked(object); } else { if (VM.VerifyAssertions) VM._assert(type.isFloatType()); return field.getFloatValueUnchecked(object); } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static boolean getBoolean(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (!type.isBooleanType()) throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return field.getBooleanValueUnchecked(object); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static byte getByte(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (!type.isByteType()) throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static char getChar(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (!type.isCharType()) throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return field.getCharValueUnchecked(object); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static double getDouble(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isDoubleType()) { return field.getDoubleValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isFloatType()) { return field.getFloatValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isLongType()) { return field.getLongValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isIntType()) { return field.getIntValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isShortType()) { return field.getShortValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isCharType()) { return field.getCharValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isByteType()) { return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } else { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return 0.0d; } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static float getFloat(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isFloatType()) { return field.getFloatValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isLongType()) { return field.getLongValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isIntType()) { return field.getIntValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isShortType()) { return field.getShortValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isCharType()) { return field.getCharValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isByteType()) { return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } else { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return 0.0f; } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static int getInt(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isIntType()) { return field.getIntValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isShortType()) { return field.getShortValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isCharType()) { return field.getCharValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isByteType()) { return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } else { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return 0; } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static long getLong(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isLongType()) { return field.getLongValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isIntType()) { return field.getIntValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isShortType()) { return field.getShortValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isCharType()) { return field.getCharValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isByteType()) { return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } else { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return 0L; } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {1}) static short getShort(Object object, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkReadAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isShortType()) { return field.getShortValueUnchecked(object); } else if (type.isByteType()) { return field.getByteValueUnchecked(object); } else { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); return 0; } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void set(Object object, Object value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); if (field.isReferenceType()) { if (value != null) { RVMType valueType = ObjectModel.getObjectType(value); RVMType fieldType = null; try { fieldType = field.getType().resolve(); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } if (fieldType != valueType && !RuntimeEntrypoints.isAssignableWith(fieldType, valueType)) { throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } } field.setObjectValueUnchecked(object, value); } else if (value instanceof Character) { setCharInternal(object, (Character) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Double) { setDoubleInternal(object, (Double) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Float) { setFloatInternal(object, (Float) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Long) { setLongInternal(object, (Long) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { setIntInternal(object, (Integer) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Short) { setShortInternal(object, (Short) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Byte) { setByteInternal(object, (Byte) value, field); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { setBooleanInternal(object, (Boolean) value, field); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setBoolean(Object object, boolean value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setBooleanInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setByte(Object object, byte value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setByteInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setChar(Object object, char value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setCharInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setDouble(Object object, double value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setDoubleInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setFloat(Object object, float value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setFloatInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setInt(Object object, int value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setIntInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setLong(Object object, long value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setLongInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) static void setShort(Object object, short value, RVMField field, Field jlrField, RVMClass accessingClass) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException { checkWriteAccess(object, field, jlrField, accessingClass); setShortInternal(object, value, field); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setBooleanInternal(Object object, boolean value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isBooleanType()) field.setBooleanValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setByteInternal(Object object, byte value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isByteType()) field.setByteValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isLongType()) field.setLongValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isIntType()) field.setIntValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isShortType()) field.setShortValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isCharType()) field.setCharValueUnchecked(object, (char)value); else if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isFloatType()) field.setFloatValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setCharInternal(Object object, char value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isCharType()) field.setCharValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isLongType()) field.setLongValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isIntType()) field.setIntValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isShortType()) field.setShortValueUnchecked(object, (short)value); else if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isFloatType()) field.setFloatValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setDoubleInternal(Object object, double value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setFloatInternal(Object object, float value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isFloatType()) field.setFloatValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setIntInternal(Object object, int value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isIntType()) field.setIntValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isLongType()) field.setLongValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isFloatType()) field.setFloatValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } @Inline(value = Inline.When.ArgumentsAreConstant, arguments = {2}) private static void setLongInternal(Object object, long value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isLongType()) field.setLongValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isFloatType()) field.setFloatValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } private static void setShortInternal(Object object, short value, RVMField field) throws IllegalArgumentException { TypeReference type = field.getType(); if (type.isShortType()) field.setShortValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isLongType()) field.setLongValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isIntType()) field.setIntValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isDoubleType()) field.setDoubleValueUnchecked(object, value); else if (type.isFloatType()) field.setFloatValueUnchecked(object, value); else throwNewIllegalArgumentException("field type mismatch"); } }