package; import; public class TerrainCanyon extends TerrainBase { private boolean booRiver; private float[] height; private int heightLength; private float strength; private float cWidth; private float cHeigth; private float cStrength; private float base; /* * Example parameters: * * allowed to generate rivers? * riverGen = true * * canyon jump heights * heightArray = new float[]{2.0f, 0.5f, 6.5f, 0.5f, 14.0f, 0.5f, 19.0f, 0.5f} * * strength of canyon jump heights * heightStrength = 35f * * canyon width (cliff to cliff) * canyonWidth = 160f * * canyon heigth (total heigth) * canyonHeight = 60f * * canyon strength * canyonStrength = 40f * */ public TerrainCanyon(boolean riverGen, float heightStrength, float canyonWidth, float canyonHeight, float canyonStrength, float baseHeight) { booRiver = riverGen; height = new float[]{5.0f, 0.5f, 12.5f, 0.5f, 18.0f, 0.5f}; strength = heightStrength; heightLength = height.length; cWidth = canyonWidth; cHeigth = canyonHeight; cStrength = canyonStrength; base = baseHeight; } @Override public float generateNoise(RTGWorld rtgWorld, int x, int y, float border, float river) { //float b = simplex.noise2(x / cWidth, y / cWidth) * cHeigth * river; //b *= b / cStrength; river *= 1.3f; river = river > 1f ? 1f : river; float r = rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(x / 100f, y / 100f) * 50f; r = r < -7.4f ? -7.4f : r > 7.4f ? 7.4f : r; float b = (17f + r) * river; float hn = rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f) * 0.5f; float sb = 0f; if (b > 0f) { sb = b; sb = sb < 0f ? 0f : sb > 7f ? 7f : sb; sb = hn * sb; } b += sb; float cTotal = 0f; float cTemp = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < heightLength; i += 2) { cTemp = 0; if (b > height[i] && border > 0.6f + (height[i] * 0.015f) + hn * 0.2f) { cTemp = b > height[i] + height[i + 1] ? height[i + 1] : b - height[i]; cTemp *= strength; } cTotal += cTemp; } float bn = 0f; if (booRiver) { if (b < 5f) { bn = 5f - b; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { bn *= bn / 4.5f; } } } else if (b < 5f) { bn = (rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(x / 7f, y / 7f) * 1.3f + rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(x / 15f, y / 15f) * 2f) * (5f - b) * 0.2f; } b += cTotal - bn; return base + b; } }