* This creates a spiky multiplier going from 0 to 1
* @author Zeno410
public class SpikeEverywhereEffect extends HeightEffect {
// not going to bother to set up a creator shell to make sure everything is set
// set defaults to absurd values to crash if they're not set
// a trio of parameters frequently used together
public float wavelength = 0;
public float minimumSimplex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;// normal range is -1 to 1;
//usually numbers above 0 are often preferred to avoid dead basins
public int octave;
public float power = 1.6f;// usually a range of 1 to 2
public HeightEffect spiked;
public final float added(RTGWorld rtgWorld, float x, float y) {
float noise = rtgWorld.simplex.octave(octave).noise2((float) x / wavelength, (float) y / wavelength);
noise = Math.abs(noise);
noise = TerrainBase.blendedHillHeight(noise, minimumSimplex);
noise = TerrainBase.unsignedPower(noise, power);
return noise*spiked.added(rtgWorld, x, y);