package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import rtg.api.util.BlockUtil; import rtg.api.util.RandomUtil; import; import; import; /** * @author WhichOnesPink */ public class DecoSeaweed extends DecoBase { protected int loops; protected float strengthFactorForLoops; // If set, this overrides and dynamically calculates 'loops' based on the strength parameter. protected boolean strengthNoiseFactorForLoops; // If true, this overrides and dynamically calculates 'loops' based on (noise * strength) protected boolean strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops; // If true, this overrides and dynamically calculates 'loops' based on (noise * X * strength) protected DecoSeaweed.Distribution distribution; // Parameter object for noise calculations. protected Condition condition; // Enum for the various conditions/chances for seaweed gen. protected float conditionNoise; // Only applies to a noise-related Condition. protected float conditionNoise2; // Only applies to a noise-related Condition. protected int conditionChance; // Only applies to a chance-related Condition. protected float conditionFloat; // Multi-purpose float. protected int minY; // Lower height restriction. protected int maxY; // Upper height restriction. protected IBlockState seaweedBlock; protected int minHeight; // Min seaweed height (only used with certain seaweed presets) protected int maxHeight; // Max seaweed height (only used with certain seaweed presets) protected Scatter scatter; public DecoSeaweed() { super(); /** * Default values. * These can be overridden when configuring the Deco object in the realistic biome. */ this.setLoops(1); this.setStrengthFactorForLoops(0f); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops(false); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops(false); this.setDistribution(new DecoSeaweed.Distribution(100f, 5f, 0.8f)); this.setCondition(condition.NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE); this.setConditionNoise(0f); this.setConditionNoise2(0f); this.setConditionFloat(0f); this.setConditionChance(1); this.setMinY(15); // Few blocks below min ocean floor by default. this.setMaxY(58); // No seaweed sticking out of the water by default. this.setSeaweedBlock(BlockUtil.getStateLeaf(3)); this.setMinHeight(1); this.setMaxHeight(4); this.setScatter(new Scatter(16, 0)); this.addDecoTypes(DecoType.SEAWEED); } @Override public boolean properlyDefined() { return super.properlyDefined(); } @Override public void generate(RealisticBiomeBase biome, RTGWorld rtgWorld, Random rand, int worldX, int worldZ, float strength, float river, boolean hasPlacedVillageBlocks) { if (this.allowed) { /* * Determine how much seaweed we're going to try to generate (loopCount). * The actual amount of seaweed that ends up being generated could be *less* than this value, * depending on environmental conditions. */ float noise = rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(worldX / this.distribution.noiseDivisor, worldZ / this.distribution.noiseDivisor) * this.distribution.noiseFactor + this.distribution.noiseAddend; int loopCount = this.loops; loopCount = (this.strengthFactorForLoops > 0f) ? (int) (this.strengthFactorForLoops * strength) : loopCount; loopCount = (this.strengthNoiseFactorForLoops) ? (int) (noise * strength) : loopCount; loopCount = (this.strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops) ? (int) (noise * this.strengthFactorForLoops * strength) : loopCount; if (loopCount < 1) { return; } WorldGenerator worldGen = new WorldGenSeaweed(this.seaweedBlock, RandomUtil.getRandomInt(rand, this.minHeight, this.maxHeight)); for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) { int intX = scatter.get(rand, worldX); // + 8; int intZ = scatter.get(rand, worldZ); // + 8; int intY = RandomUtil.getRandomInt(rand, this.minY, this.maxY); //"noise = %f", noise); if (intY <= this.maxY && intY >= this.minY && isValidCondition(noise, rand, strength)) { worldGen.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } } } } public boolean isValidCondition(float noise, Random rand, float strength) { switch (this.condition) { case ALWAYS_GENERATE: return true; case NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE: return (noise > this.conditionNoise && rand.nextInt(this.conditionChance) == 0); case NOISE_LESSER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE: return (noise < this.conditionNoise && rand.nextInt(this.conditionChance) == 0); case NOISE_BETWEEN_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE: return (noise > this.conditionNoise && noise < this.conditionNoise2 && rand.nextInt(this.conditionChance) == 0); case RANDOM_CHANCE: return rand.nextInt(this.conditionChance) == 0; case X_DIVIDED_BY_STRENGTH: return rand.nextInt((int) (this.conditionFloat / strength)) == 0; default: return false; } } public enum Condition { ALWAYS_GENERATE, NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE, NOISE_LESSER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE, NOISE_BETWEEN_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE, RANDOM_CHANCE, X_DIVIDED_BY_STRENGTH; } public static class Scatter { int bound; int reach; public Scatter(int bound, int reach) { if (bound < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Scatter bound must be greater than 0."); }; this.bound = bound; this.reach = reach; } public int get(Random rand, int coord) { return coord + rand.nextInt(bound) + reach; } } /** * Parameter object for noise calculations. * <p> * simplex.noise2(chunkX / noiseDivisor, chunkZ / noiseDivisor) * noiseFactor + noiseAddend; * * @author WhichOnesPink * @author Zeno410 */ public static class Distribution { protected float noiseDivisor; protected float noiseFactor; protected float noiseAddend; public Distribution(float noiseDivisor, float noiseFactor, float noiseAddend) { this.noiseDivisor = noiseDivisor; this.noiseFactor = noiseFactor; this.noiseAddend = noiseAddend; } public float getNoiseDivisor() { return noiseDivisor; } public Distribution setNoiseDivisor(float noiseDivisor) { this.noiseDivisor = noiseDivisor; return this; } public float getNoiseFactor() { return noiseFactor; } public Distribution setNoiseFactor(float noiseFactor) { this.noiseFactor = noiseFactor; return this; } public float getNoiseAddend() { return noiseAddend; } public Distribution setNoiseAddend(float noiseAddend) { this.noiseAddend = noiseAddend; return this; } } public int getLoops() { return loops; } public DecoSeaweed setLoops(int loops) { this.loops = loops; return this; } public float getStrengthFactorForLoops() { return strengthFactorForLoops; } public DecoSeaweed setStrengthFactorForLoops(float strengthFactorForLoops) { this.strengthFactorForLoops = strengthFactorForLoops; return this; } public boolean isStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops() { return strengthNoiseFactorForLoops; } public DecoSeaweed setStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops(boolean strengthNoiseFactorForLoops) { this.strengthNoiseFactorForLoops = strengthNoiseFactorForLoops; return this; } public boolean isStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops() { return strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops; } public DecoSeaweed setStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops(boolean strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops) { this.strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops = strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops; return this; } public Distribution getDistribution() { return distribution; } public DecoSeaweed setDistribution(Distribution distribution) { this.distribution = distribution; return this; } public Condition getCondition() { return condition; } public DecoSeaweed setCondition(Condition condition) { this.condition = condition; return this; } public float getConditionNoise() { return conditionNoise; } public DecoSeaweed setConditionNoise(float conditionNoise) { this.conditionNoise = conditionNoise; return this; } public float getConditionNoise2() { return conditionNoise2; } public DecoSeaweed setConditionNoise2(float conditionNoise2) { this.conditionNoise2 = conditionNoise2; return this; } public int getConditionChance() { return conditionChance; } public DecoSeaweed setConditionChance(int conditionChance) { this.conditionChance = conditionChance; return this; } public float getConditionFloat() { return conditionFloat; } public DecoSeaweed setConditionFloat(float conditionFloat) { this.conditionFloat = conditionFloat; return this; } public int getMinY() { return minY; } public DecoSeaweed setMinY(int minY) { this.minY = minY; return this; } public int getMaxY() { return maxY; } public DecoSeaweed setMaxY(int maxY) { this.maxY = maxY; return this; } public IBlockState getSeaweedBlock() { return seaweedBlock; } public DecoSeaweed setSeaweedBlock(IBlockState seaweedBlock) { this.seaweedBlock = seaweedBlock; return this; } public int getMinHeight() { return minHeight; } public DecoSeaweed setMinHeight(int minHeight) { this.minHeight = minHeight; return this; } public int getMaxHeight() { return maxHeight; } public DecoSeaweed setMaxHeight(int maxHeight) { this.maxHeight = maxHeight; return this; } public Scatter getScatter() { return scatter; } public DecoSeaweed setScatter(Scatter scatter) { this.scatter = scatter; return this; } }