package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.Event; import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate.EventType.TREE; import rtg.api.util.RandomUtil; import rtg.api.util.WorldUtil; import; import rtg.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEventRTG; import rtg.util.DecoUtil; import; import; /** * @author WhichOnesPink */ public class DecoTree extends DecoBase { protected int loops; protected float strengthFactorForLoops; // If set, this overrides and dynamically calculates 'loops' based on the strength parameter. protected boolean strengthNoiseFactorForLoops; // If true, this overrides and dynamically calculates 'loops' based on (noise * strength) protected boolean strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops; // If true, this overrides and dynamically calculates 'loops' based on (noise * X * strength) protected TreeType treeType; // Enum for the various tree presets. protected TreeRTG tree; protected WorldGenerator worldGen; protected DecoTree.Distribution distribution; // Parameter object for noise calculations. protected TreeCondition treeCondition; // Enum for the various conditions/chances for tree gen. protected float treeConditionNoise; // Only applies to a noise-related TreeCondition. protected float treeConditionNoise2; // Only applies to a noise-related TreeCondition. protected int treeConditionChance; // Only applies to a chance-related TreeCondition. protected float treeConditionFloat; // Multi-purpose float. protected int minY; // Lower height restriction. protected int maxY; // Upper height restriction. protected IBlockState logBlock; protected IBlockState leavesBlock; protected int minSize; // Min tree height (only used with certain tree presets) protected int maxSize; // Max tree height (only used with certain tree presets) protected int minTrunkSize; // Min tree height (only used with certain tree presets) protected int maxTrunkSize; // Max tree height (only used with certain tree presets) protected int minCrownSize; // Min tree height (only used with certain tree presets) protected int maxCrownSize; // Max tree height (only used with certain tree presets) protected boolean noLeaves; protected Scatter scatter; public DecoTree() { super(); /** * Default values. * These can be overridden when configuring the Deco object in the realistic biome. */ this.setLoops(1); this.setStrengthFactorForLoops(0f); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops(false); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops(false); this.setTreeType(TreeType.RTG_TREE); this.tree = null; this.worldGen = null; this.setDistribution(new DecoTree.Distribution(100f, 5f, 0.8f)); this.setTreeCondition(TreeCondition.NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE); this.setTreeConditionNoise(0f); this.setTreeConditionNoise2(0f); this.setTreeConditionFloat(0f); this.setTreeConditionChance(1); this.setMinY(63); // No underwater trees by default. this.setMaxY(230); // Sensible upper height limit by default. this.setLogBlock(Blocks.LOG.getDefaultState()); this.setLeavesBlock(Blocks.LEAVES.getDefaultState()); this.setMinSize(2); this.setMaxSize(4); this.setMinTrunkSize(2); this.setMaxTrunkSize(4); this.setMinCrownSize(2); this.setMaxCrownSize(4); this.setNoLeaves(false); this.setScatter(new Scatter(16, 0)); this.addDecoTypes(DecoType.TREE); } public DecoTree(DecoTree source) { this(); this.setLoops(source.loops); this.setStrengthFactorForLoops(source.strengthFactorForLoops); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops(source.strengthNoiseFactorForLoops); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops(source.strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops); this.setTreeType(source.treeType); this.tree = source.tree; this.worldGen = source.worldGen; this.setDistribution(source.distribution); this.setTreeCondition(source.treeCondition); this.setTreeConditionNoise(source.treeConditionNoise); this.setTreeConditionNoise2(source.treeConditionNoise2); this.setTreeConditionFloat(source.treeConditionFloat); this.setTreeConditionChance(source.treeConditionChance); this.setMinY(source.minY); this.setMaxY(source.maxY); this.setLogBlock(source.logBlock); this.setLeavesBlock(source.leavesBlock); this.setMinSize(source.minSize); this.setMaxSize(source.maxSize); this.setMinTrunkSize(source.minTrunkSize); this.setMaxTrunkSize(source.maxTrunkSize); this.setMinCrownSize(source.minCrownSize); this.setMaxCrownSize(source.maxCrownSize); this.setNoLeaves(source.noLeaves); this.setScatter(source.scatter); } public DecoTree(TreeRTG tree) { this(); this.tree = tree; this.setLogBlock(tree.getLogBlock()); this.setLeavesBlock(tree.getLeavesBlock()); this.setMinTrunkSize(tree.getMinTrunkSize()); this.setMaxTrunkSize(tree.getMaxTrunkSize()); this.setMinCrownSize(tree.getMinCrownSize()); this.setMaxCrownSize(tree.getMaxCrownSize()); this.setNoLeaves(tree.getNoLeaves()); } public DecoTree(WorldGenerator worldGen) { this(); this.worldGen = worldGen; } public boolean properlyDefined() { if (this.treeType == TreeType.RTG_TREE) { if (this.tree == null) { return false; } } return super.properlyDefined(); } @Override public void generate(RealisticBiomeBase biome, RTGWorld rtgWorld, Random rand, int worldX, int worldZ, float strength, float river, boolean hasPlacedVillageBlocks) { if (this.allowed) { /* * Determine how many trees we're going to try to generate (loopCount). * The actual number of trees that end up being generated could be *less* than this value, * depending on environmental conditions. */ float noise = rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(worldX / this.distribution.noiseDivisor, worldZ / this.distribution.noiseDivisor) * this.distribution.noiseFactor + this.distribution.noiseAddend; int loopCount = this.loops; loopCount = (this.strengthFactorForLoops > 0f) ? (int) (this.strengthFactorForLoops * strength) : loopCount; loopCount = (this.strengthNoiseFactorForLoops) ? (int) (noise * strength) : loopCount; loopCount = (this.strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops) ? (int) (noise * this.strengthFactorForLoops * strength) : loopCount; if (loopCount < 1) { return; } // Now let's check the configs to see if we should increase/decrease this value. DecoUtil decoUtil = new DecoUtil(this); loopCount = decoUtil.calculateLoopCountFromTreeDensity(loopCount, biome); if (loopCount < 1) { return; } /* * Since RTG posts a TREE event for each batch of trees it tries to generate (instead of one event per chunk), * we post this custom event so that we can pass the number of trees RTG expects to generate in each batch. * * This provides more contextual information to mods like Recurrent Complex, which can use the info to better * determine how to handle each batch of trees. * * Because the custom event extends DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate, it still works with mods that don't need * the additional context. */ DecorateBiomeEventRTG.DecorateRTG event = new DecorateBiomeEventRTG.DecorateRTG(, rand, new BlockPos(worldX, 0, worldZ), TREE, loopCount );; if (event.getResult() != Event.Result.DENY) { loopCount = event.getModifiedAmount(); if (loopCount < 1) { return; } WorldUtil worldUtil = new WorldUtil(; DecoBase.tweakTreeLeaves(this, false, true); for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) { int intX = scatter.get(rand, worldX); // + 8; int intZ = scatter.get(rand, worldZ); // + 8; int intY = BlockPos(intX, 0, intZ)).getY(); //"noise = %f", noise); if (intY <= this.maxY && intY >= this.minY && isValidTreeCondition(noise, rand, strength)) { // If we're in a village, check to make sure the tree has extra room to grow to avoid corrupting the village. if (hasPlacedVillageBlocks) { if (!worldUtil.isSurroundedByBlock(Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState(), 2, WorldUtil.SurroundCheckType.CARDINAL, rand, intX, intY, intZ)) { return; } } switch (this.treeType) { case RTG_TREE: //this.setLogBlock(strength < 0.2f ? BlockUtil.getStateLog(2) : this.logBlock); this.tree.setLogBlock(this.logBlock); this.tree.setLeavesBlock(this.leavesBlock); this.tree.setTrunkSize(RandomUtil.getRandomInt(rand, this.minTrunkSize, this.maxTrunkSize)); this.tree.setCrownSize(RandomUtil.getRandomInt(rand, this.minCrownSize, this.maxCrownSize)); this.tree.setNoLeaves(this.noLeaves); this.tree.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); break; case WORLDGEN: WorldGenerator worldgenerator = this.worldGen; worldgenerator.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); break; default: break; } } } } else { //"Tree generation was cancelled."); } } } public boolean isValidTreeCondition(float noise, Random rand, float strength) { switch (this.treeCondition) { case ALWAYS_GENERATE: return true; case NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE: return (noise > this.treeConditionNoise && rand.nextInt(this.treeConditionChance) == 0); case NOISE_LESSER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE: return (noise < this.treeConditionNoise && rand.nextInt(this.treeConditionChance) == 0); case NOISE_BETWEEN_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE: return (noise > this.treeConditionNoise && noise < this.treeConditionNoise2 && rand.nextInt(this.treeConditionChance) == 0); case RANDOM_CHANCE: return rand.nextInt(this.treeConditionChance) == 0; case X_DIVIDED_BY_STRENGTH: return rand.nextInt((int) (this.treeConditionFloat / strength)) == 0; default: return false; } } public enum TreeType { RTG_TREE, WORLDGEN; } public enum TreeCondition { ALWAYS_GENERATE, NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE, NOISE_LESSER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE, NOISE_BETWEEN_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE, RANDOM_CHANCE, X_DIVIDED_BY_STRENGTH; } public static class Scatter { int bound; int reach; public Scatter(int bound, int reach) { if (bound < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Scatter bound must be greater than 0."); }; this.bound = bound; this.reach = reach; } public int get(Random rand, int coord) { return coord + rand.nextInt(bound) + reach; } } /** * Parameter object for noise calculations. * <p> * simplex.noise2(chunkX / noiseDivisor, chunkZ / noiseDivisor) * noiseFactor + noiseAddend; * * @author WhichOnesPink * @author Zeno410 */ public static class Distribution { protected float noiseDivisor; protected float noiseFactor; protected float noiseAddend; public Distribution(float noiseDivisor, float noiseFactor, float noiseAddend) { this.noiseDivisor = noiseDivisor; this.noiseFactor = noiseFactor; this.noiseAddend = noiseAddend; } public float getNoiseDivisor() { return noiseDivisor; } public Distribution setNoiseDivisor(float noiseDivisor) { this.noiseDivisor = noiseDivisor; return this; } public float getNoiseFactor() { return noiseFactor; } public Distribution setNoiseFactor(float noiseFactor) { this.noiseFactor = noiseFactor; return this; } public float getNoiseAddend() { return noiseAddend; } public Distribution setNoiseAddend(float noiseAddend) { this.noiseAddend = noiseAddend; return this; } } public int getLoops() { return loops; } public DecoTree setLoops(int loops) { this.loops = loops; return this; } public float getStrengthFactorForLoops() { return strengthFactorForLoops; } public DecoTree setStrengthFactorForLoops(float strengthFactorForLoops) { this.strengthFactorForLoops = strengthFactorForLoops; return this; } public boolean isStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops() { return strengthNoiseFactorForLoops; } public DecoTree setStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops(boolean strengthNoiseFactorForLoops) { this.strengthNoiseFactorForLoops = strengthNoiseFactorForLoops; return this; } public boolean isStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops() { return strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops; } public DecoTree setStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops(boolean strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops) { this.strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops = strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops; return this; } public TreeType getTreeType() { return treeType; } public DecoTree setTreeType(TreeType treeType) { this.treeType = treeType; return this; } public TreeRTG getTree() { return tree; } public DecoTree setTree(TreeRTG tree) { this.tree = tree; return this; } public WorldGenerator getWorldGen() { return worldGen; } public DecoTree setWorldGen(WorldGenerator worldGen) { this.worldGen = worldGen; return this; } public Distribution getDistribution() { return distribution; } public DecoTree setDistribution(Distribution distribution) { this.distribution = distribution; return this; } public TreeCondition getTreeCondition() { return treeCondition; } public DecoTree setTreeCondition(TreeCondition treeCondition) { this.treeCondition = treeCondition; return this; } public float getTreeConditionNoise() { return treeConditionNoise; } public DecoTree setTreeConditionNoise(float treeConditionNoise) { this.treeConditionNoise = treeConditionNoise; return this; } public float getTreeConditionNoise2() { return treeConditionNoise2; } public DecoTree setTreeConditionNoise2(float treeConditionNoise2) { this.treeConditionNoise2 = treeConditionNoise2; return this; } public int getTreeConditionChance() { return treeConditionChance; } public DecoTree setTreeConditionChance(int treeConditionChance) { this.treeConditionChance = treeConditionChance; return this; } public float getTreeConditionFloat() { return treeConditionFloat; } public DecoTree setTreeConditionFloat(float treeConditionFloat) { this.treeConditionFloat = treeConditionFloat; return this; } public int getMinY() { return minY; } public DecoTree setMinY(int minY) { this.minY = minY; return this; } public int getMaxY() { return maxY; } public DecoTree setMaxY(int maxY) { this.maxY = maxY; return this; } public IBlockState getLogBlock() { return logBlock; } public DecoTree setLogBlock(IBlockState logBlock) { this.logBlock = logBlock; return this; } public IBlockState getLeavesBlock() { return leavesBlock; } public DecoTree setLeavesBlock(IBlockState leavesBlock) { this.leavesBlock = leavesBlock; return this; } public int getMinSize() { return minSize; } public DecoTree setMinSize(int minSize) { this.minSize = minSize; return this; } public int getMaxSize() { return maxSize; } public DecoTree setMaxSize(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; return this; } public int getMinTrunkSize() { return minTrunkSize; } public DecoTree setMinTrunkSize(int minTrunkSize) { this.minTrunkSize = minTrunkSize; return this; } public int getMaxTrunkSize() { return maxTrunkSize; } public DecoTree setMaxTrunkSize(int maxTrunkSize) { this.maxTrunkSize = maxTrunkSize; return this; } public int getMinCrownSize() { return minCrownSize; } public DecoTree setMinCrownSize(int minCrownSize) { this.minCrownSize = minCrownSize; return this; } public int getMaxCrownSize() { return maxCrownSize; } public DecoTree setMaxCrownSize(int maxCrownSize) { this.maxCrownSize = maxCrownSize; return this; } public boolean isNoLeaves() { return noLeaves; } public DecoTree setNoLeaves(boolean noLeaves) { this.noLeaves = noLeaves; return this; } public Scatter getScatter() { return scatter; } public DecoTree setScatter(Scatter scatter) { this.scatter = scatter; return this; } }