package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; import; import rtg.api.RTGAPI; import rtg.api.config.BiomeConfig; import rtg.api.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise; import; public class SurfaceRiverOasis extends SurfaceBase { // Cut-off noise size. The bigger, the larger the cut-off scale is private float cutOffScale; // Cut-off noise amplitude. The bigger, the more effect cut-off is going to have in the grass private float cutOffAmplitude; public SurfaceRiverOasis(BiomeConfig config) { super(config, Blocks.GRASS, (byte) 0, Blocks.DIRT, (byte) 0); this.cutOffScale = RTGAPI.config().RIVER_CUT_OFF_SCALE.get(); this.cutOffAmplitude = RTGAPI.config().RIVER_CUT_OFF_AMPLITUDE.get(); } @Override public void paintTerrain(ChunkPrimer primer, int i, int j, int x, int z, int depth, RTGWorld rtgWorld, float[] noise, float river, Biome[] base) { Random rand = rtgWorld.rand; OpenSimplexNoise simplex = rtgWorld.simplex; Block b; int highestY; for (highestY = 255; highestY > 0; highestY--) { b = primer.getBlockState(x, highestY, z).getBlock(); if(b != Blocks.AIR) break; } float amplitude = 0.25f; float noiseValue = (simplex.octave(0).noise2(i / 21f, j / 21f) * amplitude/1f); noiseValue += (simplex.octave(1).noise2(i / 12f, j / 12f) * amplitude/2f); // Large scale noise cut-off float noiseNeg = (simplex.octave(2).noise2(i / cutOffScale, j / cutOffScale) * cutOffAmplitude); noiseValue -= noiseNeg; // Height cut-off if(highestY > 62) noiseValue -= (highestY - 62) * (1 / 20f); if(river > 0.50 && river * 1.1 + noiseValue > 0.79) { for(int k = 255; k > -1; k--) { b = primer.getBlockState(x, k, z).getBlock(); if(b == Blocks.AIR) { depth = -1; } else if(b != Blocks.WATER) { depth++; if(depth == 0 && k > 61) { primer.setBlockState(x, k, z, Blocks.GRASS.getDefaultState()); } else if(depth < 4) { primer.setBlockState(x, k, z, Blocks.DIRT.getDefaultState()); } else if(depth > 4) { return; } } } } } }