package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen; import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate.EventType.GRASS; import; import; import; /** * @author WhichOnesPink */ public class DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass extends DecoBase { private final int GRASS_META = 2; private final int FERN_META = 3; public float strengthFactor; public int maxY; public int loops; public int grassChance; public int fernChance; public DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass() { super(); /* * Default values. * These can be overridden when configuring the Deco object in the realistic biome. */ this.setMaxY(255); // No height limit by default. this.setStrengthFactor(0f); // Not sure why it was done like this, but... the higher the value, the more there will be. this.setLoops(1); this.grassChance = 0; // 50% chance for both grass & ferns by default. this.fernChance = 0; // 50% chance for both grass & ferns by default. (If set, overrides grass chance.) this.addDecoTypes(DecoType.GRASS_DOUBLE, DecoType.FERN_DOUBLE); } @Override public void generate(RealisticBiomeBase biome, RTGWorld rtgWorld, Random rand, int worldX, int worldZ, float strength, float river, boolean hasPlacedVillageBlocks) { if (this.allowed) { if (TerrainGen.decorate(, rand, new BlockPos(worldX, 0, worldZ), GRASS)) { WorldGenerator worldgeneratorDoubleTallgrass = new WorldGenGrass(Blocks.DOUBLE_PLANT.getStateFromMeta(GRASS_META), GRASS_META); WorldGenerator worldgeneratorLargeFern = new WorldGenGrass(Blocks.DOUBLE_PLANT.getStateFromMeta(FERN_META), FERN_META); this.setLoops((this.strengthFactor > 0f) ? (int) (this.strengthFactor * strength) : this.loops); for (int i = 0; i < this.loops; i++) { int intX = worldX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int intY = rand.nextInt(this.maxY); int intZ = worldZ + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; if (intY <= this.maxY) { if (this.fernChance > 0) { if (rand.nextInt(this.fernChance) == 0) { worldgeneratorLargeFern.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } else { worldgeneratorDoubleTallgrass.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } } else if (this.grassChance > 0) { if (rand.nextInt(this.grassChance) == 0) { worldgeneratorDoubleTallgrass.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } else { worldgeneratorLargeFern.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } } else { if (rand.nextBoolean()) { worldgeneratorDoubleTallgrass.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } else { worldgeneratorLargeFern.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } } } } } } } public float getStrengthFactor() { return strengthFactor; } public DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass setStrengthFactor(float strengthFactor) { this.strengthFactor = strengthFactor; return this; } public int getMaxY() { return maxY; } public DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass setMaxY(int maxY) { this.maxY = maxY; return this; } public int getLoops() { return loops; } public DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass setLoops(int loops) { this.loops = loops; return this; } public int getGrassChance() { return grassChance; } public DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass setGrassChance(int grassChance) { this.grassChance = grassChance; return this; } public int getFernChance() { return fernChance; } public DecoLargeFernDoubleTallgrass setFernChance(int fernChance) { this.fernChance = fernChance; return this; } }