package; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.TerrainGen; import static net.minecraftforge.event.terraingen.DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate.EventType.TREE; import com.shinoow.abyssalcraft.api.block.ACBlocks; import; import; import; /** * @author WhichOnesPink */ public class DecoAbyssalCraftTree extends DecoTree { private TreeType treeType; public DecoAbyssalCraftTree() { super(); /** * Default values. * These can be overridden when configuring the Deco object in the realistic biome. */ this.setLoops(1); this.setStrengthFactorForLoops(0f); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorForLoops(false); this.setStrengthNoiseFactorXForLoops(false); this.setTreeType(TreeType.DARKWOOD); this.setDistribution(new DecoTree.Distribution(100f, 5f, 0.8f)); this.setTreeCondition(TreeCondition.NOISE_GREATER_AND_RANDOM_CHANCE); this.setTreeConditionNoise(0f); this.setTreeConditionChance(1); this.setMinY(63); // No underwater trees by default. this.setMaxY(230); // Sensible upper height limit by default. this.setLogBlock(Blocks.LOG.getDefaultState()); this.setLeavesBlock(Blocks.LEAVES.getDefaultState()); this.setMinSize(2); this.setMaxSize(4); this.addDecoTypes(DecoType.TREE); } @Override public boolean properlyDefined() { return true; } @Override public void generate(RealisticBiomeBase biome, RTGWorld rtgWorld, Random rand, int worldX, int worldZ, float strength, float river, boolean hasPlacedVillageBlocks) { if (this.allowed) { if (TerrainGen.decorate(, rand, new BlockPos(worldX, 0, worldZ), TREE)) { float noise = rtgWorld.simplex.noise2(worldX / this.distribution.noiseDivisor, worldZ / this.distribution.noiseDivisor) * this.distribution.noiseFactor + this.distribution.noiseAddend; int loopCount = this.loops; loopCount = (this.strengthFactorForLoops > 0f) ? (int) (this.strengthFactorForLoops * strength) : loopCount; loopCount = (this.strengthNoiseFactorForLoops) ? (int) (noise * strength) : loopCount; loopCount = (this.strengthNoiseFactorXForLoops) ? (int) (noise * this.strengthFactorForLoops * strength) : loopCount; for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) { int intX = worldX + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int intZ = worldZ + rand.nextInt(16) + 8; int intY = BlockPos(intX, 0, intZ)).getY(); switch (this.treeType) { case DARKWOOD: if (intY <= this.maxY && intY >= this.minY && isValidTreeCondition(noise, rand, strength)) { WorldGenerator worldgenerator = new WorldGenTreeACDarkwood(6 + rand.nextInt(6), 10 + rand.nextInt(10), ACBlocks.darklands_oak_wood.getDefaultState(), ACBlocks.darklands_oak_leaves.getDefaultState()); worldgenerator.generate(, rand, new BlockPos(intX, intY, intZ)); } break; default: break; } } } } } public enum TreeType { DARKWOOD; } public DecoAbyssalCraftTree setTreeType(TreeType treeType) { this.treeType = treeType; return this; } }