import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import net.minecraft.util.math.ChunkPos;
import rtg.api.util.TimedHashMap;
import rtg.api.util.noise.CellNoise;
import rtg.api.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise;
import rtg.util.TimeTracker;
* @author Zeno410
class LandscapeGenerator {
private final int sampleSize = 8;
private final int sampleArraySize;
private final int[] biomeData;
private float[] [] weightings;
private final RTGWorld rtgWorld;
private final OpenSimplexNoise simplex;
private final CellNoise cell;
private float [] weightedBiomes = new float [256];
private BiomeAnalyzer analyzer = new BiomeAnalyzer();
private TimedHashMap<ChunkPos,ChunkLandscape> storage = new TimedHashMap<>(60 * 1000);
private RealisticBiomePatcher biomePatcher = new RealisticBiomePatcher();
private final WeakHashMap<ChunkLandscape,float[]> cache = new WeakHashMap();
LandscapeGenerator(RTGWorld rtgWorld) {
this.rtgWorld = rtgWorld;
sampleArraySize = sampleSize * 2 + 5;
biomeData = new int[sampleArraySize * sampleArraySize];
this.simplex = rtgWorld.simplex;
this.cell = rtgWorld.cell;
private void setWeightings() {
weightings = new float [sampleArraySize * sampleArraySize][256];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<16; j++) {
float limit = (float)Math.pow((56f*56f),.7);
// float limit = 56f;
for (int mapX = 0 ; mapX < sampleArraySize; mapX ++) {
for (int mapZ = 0 ; mapZ < sampleArraySize; mapZ ++) {
float xDist = (i - chunkCoordinate(mapX));
float zDist = (j - chunkCoordinate(mapZ));
float distanceSquared = xDist*xDist + zDist*zDist;
//float distance = (float)Math.sqrt(distanceSquared);
float distance = (float)Math.pow(distanceSquared,.7);
float weight = 1f - distance/limit;
if (weight <0) weight = 0;
weightings[mapX*sampleArraySize + mapZ][i * 16 + j] = weight;
private int chunkCoordinate(int biomeMapCoordinate) {
return (biomeMapCoordinate - sampleSize)*8;
int getBiomeDataAt(IBiomeProviderRTG cmr, int cx, int cz) {
int cx2 = cx&15;
int cz2 = cz&15;
ChunkLandscape target = this.landscape(cmr, cx-cx2, cz-cz2);
return Biome.getIdForBiome(target.biome[cx2*16+cz2].baseBiome);
* All of the 'cx' and 'cz' parameters have been flipped when passing them.
* Prior to flipping, the terrain was being XZ-chunk-flipped. - WhichOnesPink
synchronized ChunkLandscape landscape(IBiomeProviderRTG cmr, int cx, int cz) {
ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(cx, cz);
ChunkLandscape preExisting =;
if (preExisting != null) return preExisting;
ChunkLandscape result = new ChunkLandscape();
getNewerNoise(cmr, cx, cz, result);
int [] biomeIndices= cmr.getBiomesGens(cx, cz,16,16);
analyzer.newRepair(biomeIndices, result.biome, this.biomeData, this.sampleSize, result.noise, result.river);
//-cmr.getRiverStrength(cx * 16 + 7, cy * 16 + 7));
storage.put(chunkPos, result);
return result;
private synchronized void getNewerNoise(IBiomeProviderRTG cmr, int cx, int cz, ChunkLandscape landscape) {
// get area biome map
TimeTracker.manager.start("RTG Noise");
TimeTracker.manager.start("Biome Layout");
for(int i = -sampleSize; i < sampleSize + 5; i++) {
for(int j = -sampleSize; j < sampleSize + 5; j++) {
biomeData[(i + sampleSize) * sampleArraySize + (j + sampleSize)] =
Biome.getIdForBiome(cmr.getBiomeDataAt(cx + ((i * 8)), cz + ((j * 8))).baseBiome);
TimeTracker.manager.stop("Biome Layout");
float river;
// fill the old smallRender
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<16; j++) {
float totalWeight = 0;
for (int mapX = 0 ; mapX < sampleArraySize; mapX ++) {
for (int mapZ = 0 ; mapZ < sampleArraySize; mapZ ++) {
float weight = weightings[mapX*sampleArraySize + mapZ][i * 16 +j];
if (weight > 0) {
totalWeight += weight;
weightedBiomes[biomeData[mapX*sampleArraySize + mapZ]] += weight;
// normalize biome weights
for (int biomeIndex = 0; biomeIndex < weightedBiomes.length; biomeIndex ++) {
weightedBiomes[biomeIndex] /= totalWeight;
landscape.noise[i * 16 + j] = 0f;
river = cmr.getRiverStrength(cx + i, cz + j);
landscape.river[i * 16 + j] = -river;
float totalBorder = 0f;
for(int k = 0; k < 256; k++)
if(weightedBiomes[k] > 0f)
totalBorder += weightedBiomes[k];
RealisticBiomeBase realisticBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(k);
// Do we need to patch the biome?
if (realisticBiome == null) {
realisticBiome = biomePatcher.getPatchedRealisticBiome(
"NULL biome (" + k + ") found when getting newer noise.");
landscape.noise[i * 16 + j] += realisticBiome.rNoise(this.rtgWorld, cx + i, cz + j, weightedBiomes[k], river + 1f) * weightedBiomes[k];
// 0 for the next column
weightedBiomes[k] = 0f;
if (totalBorder <.999||totalBorder>1.001) throw new RuntimeException("" + totalBorder);
//fill biomes array with biomeData
TimeTracker.manager.start("Biome Layout");
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<16; j++) {
landscape.biome[i*16+j] = cmr.getBiomeDataAt(cx + (((i-7) * 8+4)), cz + (((j-7) * 8+4)));
TimeTracker.manager.stop("Biome Layout");
public float [] noiseFor(IBiomeProviderRTG cmr, int worldX, int worldZ) {
ChunkPos location = new ChunkPos(worldX,worldZ);
ChunkLandscape landscape = storage.get(location);
float [] result = cache.get(landscape);
if (result != null) return result;
// not found; we have to make it;
result = new float[256];
final int adjust = 24;// seems off? but decorations aren't matching their chunks.
TimeTracker.manager.start("Biome Layout");
for (int bx = -4; bx <= 4; bx++) {
for (int bz = -4; bz <= 4; bz++) {
result[getBiomeDataAt(cmr, worldX + adjust + bx * 4, worldZ + adjust + bz * 4)] += 0.01234569f;
TimeTracker.manager.stop("Biome Layout");
cache.put(landscape, result);
return result;