package; import net.minecraft.init.Biomes; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.BiomeDictionary; import rtg.api.RTGAPI; import rtg.api.util.CircularSearchCreator; import; import; /** * @author Zeno410, Modified by srs_bsns 20160914 */ public class BiomeAnalyzer { private boolean [] riverBiome; private boolean [] oceanBiome; private boolean [] swampBiome; private boolean [] beachBiome; private boolean [] landBiome; private int [] preferredBeach; private RealisticBiomeBase [] savedJittered; private RealisticBiomeBase scenicLakeBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(RTGAPI.config().SCENIC_LAKE_BIOME_ID.get()); private RealisticBiomeBase scenicFrozenLakeBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(RTGAPI.config().SCENIC_FROZEN_LAKE_BIOME_ID.get()); private SmoothingSearchStatus beachSearch; private SmoothingSearchStatus landSearch; private SmoothingSearchStatus oceanSearch; private final static int NO_BIOME = -1; private RealisticBiomePatcher biomePatcher = new RealisticBiomePatcher(); public BiomeAnalyzer() { determineRiverBiomes(); determineOceanBiomes(); determineSwampBiomes(); determineBeachBiomes(); determineLandBiomes(); setupBeachesForBiomes(); prepareSearchPattern(); setSearches(); savedJittered = new RealisticBiomeBase[256]; } public int[] xyinverted() { int [] result = new int [256]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { result[i * 16 + j] = j * 16 + i; } } for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (result[result[i]] != i) throw new RuntimeException("" + i + " " + result[i] + " " + result[result[i]]); } return result; } /** * * @author Zeno410, Modified by srs_bsns 20160914 */ private class SmoothingSearchStatus { boolean absent = false; boolean notHunted; private int size() {return 3;} private int [] findings = new int [3*3]; // weightings is part of a system to generate some variability in repaired chunks weighting is // based on how long the search went on (so quasipsuedorandom, based on direction plus distance private float [] weightings = new float [3*3]; public int [] biomes = new int [256]; private boolean [] desired; private int arraySize; private int [] pattern; private final int upperLeftFinding = 0; private final int upperRightFinding = 3; private final int lowerLeftFinding = 1; private final int lowerRightFinding = 4; private final int [] quadrantBiome = new int[4]; private final float [] quadrantBiomeWeighting = new float [4]; private int biomeCount; // private int [] xyinverted = xyinverted(); //no longer used here SmoothingSearchStatus(boolean[] desired) { this.desired = desired; } void hunt(int[] biomeNeighborhood) { // 0,0 in the chunk is 9,9 int the array ; 8,8 is 10,10 and is treated as the center clear(); int oldArraySize = arraySize; arraySize = (int)Math.sqrt(biomeNeighborhood.length); if (arraySize*arraySize != biomeNeighborhood.length) throw new RuntimeException("non-square array"); if (arraySize != oldArraySize) pattern = new CircularSearchCreator().pattern(arraySize/2-1, arraySize); for (int xOffset = -1; xOffset<=1; xOffset++) for (int zOffset = -1; zOffset<=1; zOffset++) search(xOffset,zOffset, biomeNeighborhood); // calling a routine because it gets too indented otherwise smoothBiomes(); } private void search(int xOffset, int zOffset, int [] biomeNeighborhood) { int offset = xOffset*arraySize +zOffset; int location = (xOffset+1)*size()+zOffset+1; // set to failed search, which sticks if nothing is found findings[location] = NO_BIOME; weightings[location] = 2f; for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) { int biome = biomeNeighborhood[pattern[i]+offset]; if (desired[biome]) { findings[location]=biome; weightings[location] = (float)Math.sqrt(pattern.length) -(float)Math.sqrt(i) + 2f ; break; } } } private void smoothBiomes() { // more sophisticated version offsets into findings and biomes upperleft smoothQuadrant(biomeIndex(0,0),upperLeftFinding); smoothQuadrant(biomeIndex(8,0),upperRightFinding); smoothQuadrant(biomeIndex(0,8),lowerLeftFinding); smoothQuadrant(biomeIndex(8,8),lowerRightFinding); } private void smoothQuadrant(int biomesOffset, int findingsOffset) { int upperLeft = findings[upperLeftFinding+findingsOffset]; int upperRight = findings[upperRightFinding+findingsOffset]; int lowerLeft = findings[lowerLeftFinding+findingsOffset]; int lowerRight = findings[lowerRightFinding+findingsOffset]; // check for uniformity if ((upperLeft == upperRight)&&(upperLeft == lowerLeft)&&(upperLeft == lowerRight)){ // everythings the same; uniform fill; for (int x = 0; x<8;x++) for (int z =0; z<8;z++) biomes[biomeIndex(x,z)+biomesOffset] = upperLeft; return; } // not all the same; we have to work; biomeCount = 0; addBiome(upperLeft); addBiome(upperRight); addBiome(lowerLeft); addBiome(lowerRight); for (int x = 0; x<8; x++) { for (int z= 0; z<8; z++) { addBiome(lowerRight); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) quadrantBiomeWeighting[i] = 0; // weighting strategy: weights go down as you move away from the corner. // they go to 0 on the far edges so only the points on the edge have effects there // for continuity with the next quadrant addWeight(upperLeft,weightings[upperLeftFinding+findingsOffset]*(7-x)*(7-z)); addWeight(upperRight,weightings[upperRightFinding+findingsOffset]*x*(7-z)); addWeight(lowerLeft,weightings[lowerLeftFinding+findingsOffset]*(7-x)*z); addWeight(lowerRight,weightings[lowerRightFinding+findingsOffset]*x*z); biomes[biomeIndex(x,z)+biomesOffset] = preferredBiome(); } } } private void addBiome(int biome) { for (int i = 0; i < biomeCount; i++) if (biome == quadrantBiome[i]) return; // not there, add quadrantBiome[biomeCount++] = biome; } private void addWeight(int biome, float weight) { for (int i = 0; i <biomeCount ; i++) { if (biome == quadrantBiome[i]) { quadrantBiomeWeighting[i] += weight; return; } } } private int preferredBiome() { float bestWeight = 0; int result = -2; for (int i = 0; i <biomeCount ; i++) { if (quadrantBiomeWeighting[i]>bestWeight) { bestWeight =quadrantBiomeWeighting[i]; result = quadrantBiome[i]; } } return result; } private int biomeIndex(int x, int z) { return x*16+z; } private void clear() { for (int i = 0;i <findings.length; i++) findings[i] = -1; } } private void determineRiverBiomes() { riverBiome = new boolean[256]; for (int i = 0; i < riverBiome.length; i++) { Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(i); if (biome == null) continue; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("river")) riverBiome[i] = true; } } private void determineOceanBiomes() { oceanBiome = new boolean[256]; for (int i = 0; i < oceanBiome.length; i++) { Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(i); if (biome == null) continue; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("ocean")) oceanBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("kelp")) oceanBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("coral")) oceanBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("reef")) oceanBiome[i] = true; } oceanBiome[Biome.getIdForBiome(Biomes.DEEP_OCEAN)]=true;// not getting set? } private void determineSwampBiomes() { swampBiome = new boolean[256]; for (int i = 0; i < swampBiome.length; i++) { Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(i); if (biome == null) continue; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("swamp")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("bayou")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("bog")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("wetland")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("sludge")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("marsh")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("fen")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("moor")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("quagmire")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("ephemeral lake")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("rainforest valley")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("riparian zone")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("ice sheet")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("woodland lake")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("archipelago")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().equals("shield")) swampBiome[i] = true; if (Biome.getIdForBiome(biome) == Biome.getIdForBiome(Biomes.FROZEN_RIVER)) swampBiome[i] = true; } } private void determineLandBiomes() { landBiome = new boolean[256]; for (int i = 0; i < landBiome.length; i++) { if (!oceanBiome[i] && !riverBiome[i] && !beachBiome[i]) { Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(i); if (biome == null) continue; if (!biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().equals("lake")) landBiome[i] = true; } } } private void determineBeachBiomes() { beachBiome = new boolean[256]; for (int i = 0; i < beachBiome.length; i++) { Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(i); if (biome == null) continue; if (biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("beach") || biome.getBiomeName().toLowerCase().contains("mangrove")) beachBiome[i] = true; } } private void setupBeachesForBiomes() { preferredBeach = new int[256]; for (int i = 0; i < preferredBeach.length; i++) { // We need to work with the realistic biome, so let's try to get it from the base biome, aborting if necessary. Biome biome = Biome.getBiome(i); if (biome == null) continue; RealisticBiomeBase realisticBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(i); if (realisticBiome == null) continue; preferredBeach[i] = Biome.getIdForBiome(realisticBiome.beachBiome); // If stone beaches aren't allowed in this biome, then determine the best beach to use based on the biome's temperature. if (realisticBiome.disallowStoneBeaches) { if (Biome.getIdForBiome(realisticBiome.beachBiome) == Biome.getIdForBiome(Biomes.STONE_BEACH)) { preferredBeach[i] = Biome.getIdForBiome((biome.getTemperature() <= 0.05f) ? Biomes.COLD_BEACH : Biomes.BEACH); } } // If beaches aren't allowed in this biome, then use this biome as the beach. if (realisticBiome.disallowAllBeaches) { preferredBeach[i] = i; } } } public static Biome getPreferredBeachForBiome(Biome biome) { /* * Some of this code is from Climate Control, and it's still a bit crude. - Zeno * Some of this code is from Pink's brain, and it's also a bit crude. - Pink */ float height = biome.getBaseHeight() + (biome.getHeightVariation() * 2f); float temp = biome.getTemperature(); // Use a cold beach if the temperature is low enough; otherwise, just use a normal beach. Biome beach = (temp <= 0.05f) ? Biomes.COLD_BEACH : Biomes.BEACH; // If this is a mountainous biome or a Taiga variant, then let's use a stone beach. if ((height > (1.0f + 0.5f) && temp > 0.05f) || isTaigaBiome(biome)) { beach = Biomes.STONE_BEACH; } // Snowy biomes should always use cold beach; otherwise, the transition looks too abrupt. if (BiomeDictionary.hasType(biome, BiomeDictionary.Type.SNOWY)) { beach = Biomes.COLD_BEACH; } return beach; } private static boolean isTaigaBiome(Biome biome) { return BiomeDictionary.hasType(biome, BiomeDictionary.Type.COLD) && BiomeDictionary.hasType(biome, BiomeDictionary.Type.CONIFEROUS) && BiomeDictionary.hasType(biome, BiomeDictionary.Type.FOREST) && !BiomeDictionary.hasType(biome, BiomeDictionary.Type.SNOWY); } /* HUNTING * */ public void newRepair(int [] genLayerBiomes, RealisticBiomeBase [] jitteredBiomes, int [] biomeNeighborhood, int neighborhoodSize, float [] noise, float [] riverStrength) { int sampleSize = 8; RealisticBiomeBase realisticBiome; int realisticBiomeId; if (neighborhoodSize != sampleSize) throw new RuntimeException("mismatch between chunk and analyzer neighborhood sizes"); // currently just stuffs the genLayer into the jitter; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { realisticBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(genLayerBiomes[i]); // Do we need to patch the biome? if (realisticBiome == null) { realisticBiome = biomePatcher.getPatchedRealisticBiome( "NULL biome (" + i + ") found when performing new repair."); } realisticBiomeId = Biome.getIdForBiome(realisticBiome.baseBiome); boolean canBeRiver = riverStrength[i] > 0.7; // save what's there since the jitter keeps changing savedJittered[i] = jitteredBiomes[i]; //if (savedJittered[i]== null) throw new RuntimeException(); if (noise[i] > 61.5) { // replace jitteredBiomes[i] = realisticBiome; } else { // check for river if (canBeRiver && !oceanBiome[realisticBiomeId] && !swampBiome[realisticBiomeId]) { // make river int riverBiomeID = Biome.getIdForBiome(realisticBiome.riverBiome); jitteredBiomes[i] = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(riverBiomeID); } else { // replace jitteredBiomes[i] = realisticBiome; } } } // put beaches on shores beachSearch.notHunted = true; beachSearch.absent = false; float beachTop = 64.5f; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (beachSearch.absent) break; //no point float beachBottom = 61.5f; if (noise[i]< beachBottom ||noise[i]>riverAdjusted(beachTop,riverStrength[i])) continue;// this block isn't beach level int biomeID = Biome.getIdForBiome(jitteredBiomes[i].baseBiome); if (swampBiome[biomeID]) continue;// swamps are acceptable at beach level if (beachSearch.notHunted) { beachSearch.hunt(biomeNeighborhood); landSearch.hunt(biomeNeighborhood); } int foundBiome = beachSearch.biomes[i]; if (foundBiome != NO_BIOME) { int nearestLandBiome = landSearch.biomes[i]; if (nearestLandBiome>-1) { foundBiome = preferredBeach[nearestLandBiome]; } realisticBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(foundBiome); // Do we need to patch the biome? if (realisticBiome == null) { realisticBiome = biomePatcher.getPatchedRealisticBiome( "NULL biome (" + i + ") found when performing new repair."); } jitteredBiomes[i] = realisticBiome; } } // put land higher up; landSearch.absent = false; landSearch.notHunted = true; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (landSearch.absent&&beachSearch.absent) break; //no point // skip if this block isn't above beach level, adjusted for river effect to prevent abrupt beach stops if (noise[i] < riverAdjusted(beachTop, riverStrength[i])) continue; int biomeID = Biome.getIdForBiome(jitteredBiomes[i].baseBiome); // already land if (landBiome[biomeID]) continue; // swamps are acceptable above water if (swampBiome[biomeID]) continue; if (landSearch.notHunted) landSearch.hunt(biomeNeighborhood); int foundBiome = landSearch.biomes[i]; if (foundBiome == NO_BIOME) { // no land found; try for a beach if (beachSearch.notHunted) { beachSearch.hunt(biomeNeighborhood); } foundBiome = beachSearch.biomes[i]; } if (foundBiome != NO_BIOME) { realisticBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(foundBiome); // Do we need to patch the biome? if (realisticBiome == null) { realisticBiome = biomePatcher.getPatchedRealisticBiome( "NULL biome (" + i + ") found when performing new repair."); } jitteredBiomes[i] = realisticBiome; } } // put ocean below sea level oceanSearch.absent = false; oceanSearch.notHunted = true; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (oceanSearch.absent) break; //no point float oceanTop = 61.5f; if (noise[i]> oceanTop) continue;// too hight int biomeID = Biome.getIdForBiome(jitteredBiomes[i].baseBiome); if (oceanBiome[biomeID]) continue;// obviously ocean is OK if (swampBiome[biomeID]) continue;// swamps are acceptable if (riverBiome[biomeID]) continue;// rivers stay rivers if (oceanSearch.notHunted) oceanSearch.hunt(biomeNeighborhood); int foundBiome = oceanSearch.biomes[i]; if (foundBiome != NO_BIOME) { realisticBiome = RealisticBiomeBase.getBiome(foundBiome); // Do we need to patch the biome? if (realisticBiome == null) { realisticBiome = biomePatcher.getPatchedRealisticBiome( "NULL biome (" + i + ") found when performing new repair."); } jitteredBiomes[i] = realisticBiome; } } // convert remainder below sea level to lake biome for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int biomeID = Biome.getIdForBiome(jitteredBiomes[i].baseBiome); if (noise[i]<=61.5&&!riverBiome[biomeID]) { // check for river if (!oceanBiome[biomeID] && !swampBiome[biomeID] && !beachBiome[biomeID]) { int riverReplacement = Biome.getIdForBiome(jitteredBiomes[i].riverBiome); // make river if (riverReplacement == Biome.getIdForBiome(Biomes.FROZEN_RIVER)) jitteredBiomes[i] = scenicFrozenLakeBiome; else jitteredBiomes[i] = scenicLakeBiome; } } } } private void prepareSearchPattern() { /*if (searchPattern.length != 256) throw new RuntimeException();*/ } private void setSearches() { beachSearch = new SmoothingSearchStatus(this.beachBiome); landSearch = new SmoothingSearchStatus(this.landBiome); oceanSearch = new SmoothingSearchStatus(this.oceanBiome); } private float riverAdjusted (float top, float river) { if (river>=1) return top; float erodedRiver = river/RealisticBiomeBase.actualRiverProportion; if (erodedRiver <= 1f) top = top*(1-erodedRiver)+62f*erodedRiver; top = top*(1-river)+62f*river; return top; } }