import rtg.api.RTGAPI;
import rtg.api.config.RTGConfig;
import rtg.api.util.noise.CellNoise;
import rtg.api.util.noise.OpenSimplexNoise;
public abstract class TerrainBase {
public static final float minimumOceanFloor = 20.01f; // The lowest Y coord an ocean floor is allowed to be.
public static final float minimumDuneHeight = 21f; // The strength factor to which the dune height config option is added.
protected final float minOceanFloor; // The lowest Y coord an ocean floor is allowed to be.
protected final float minDuneHeight; // The strength factor to which the dune height config option is added.
protected final float groundNoiseAmplitudeHills;
protected final float groundVariation;
protected final float rollingHillsMaxHeight;
protected float base; // added as most terrains have this;
protected float groundNoise;
protected RTGConfig rtgConfig = RTGAPI.config();
protected static RTGConfig configRTG = RTGAPI.config();
public TerrainBase() {
this(68f);// default to marginally above sea level;
public TerrainBase(float base) {
this.base = base;
this.minOceanFloor = minimumOceanFloor;
this.minDuneHeight = minimumDuneHeight;
this.groundVariation = 2f;
this.groundNoise = this.base;
this.groundNoiseAmplitudeHills = 6f;
this.rollingHillsMaxHeight = 80f;
public static final float blendedHillHeight(float simplex) {
// this takes a simplex supposed to vary from -1 to 1
// and produces an output which varies from 0 to 1 non-linearly
// with the value of 0 mapped to about 0.15 and smooth transition
// the purpose is to make hills above plains without significant deadvalleys
float result = simplex + 1;
result = result * result * result + 10;
result = (float) Math.pow(result, .33333333333333);
result = result / 0.46631f;// this is the different between the values for -1 and 1,
//so normalizing to a distance of 1
result = result - 4.62021f;// subtracting the result for input -1 so we actually get 0 to 1
return result;
public static final float blendedHillHeight(float simplex, float turnAt) {
// like blendedHillHeight, but the effect of zero occurs at the turnAt parameter instead
float adjusted = (1f - (1f - simplex) / (1f - turnAt));
return blendedHillHeight(adjusted);
public static final float borderAdjusted(float effect, float border, float allAbove, float noneBelow) {
// this routine adjusts an effect to ignore the border variable above allAbove
// and interpolated down to 0 at noneBelow
if (border < noneBelow) {
return 0;
if (border >= 1f) {
return effect;
// adjust effect for border
float adjusted = effect / border;
if (border > allAbove) {
return adjusted;
// return interpolated value
return adjusted * (border - noneBelow) / (allAbove - noneBelow);
public static final float above(float limited, float limit) {
if (limited > limit) {
return limited - limit;
return 0f;
public static final float stretched(float toStretch) {
if (toStretch > 0) {
return (float) Math.sqrt(toStretch);
return (-1f) * (float) Math.sqrt((-1f) * toStretch);
public static final float unsignedPower(float number, float power) {
if (number > 0) {
return (float) Math.pow(number, power);
return (-1f) * (float) Math.pow((-1f) * number, power);
public static float hills(float x, float y, float hillStrength, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river) {
float m = simplex.noise2(x / 150f, y / 150f);
m = blendedHillHeight(m, 0.2f);
float sm = simplex.octave(2).noise2(x / 55, y / 55);// there are artifacts if this is close to a multiple of 16
sm = blendedHillHeight(sm, 0.2f);
//sm = sm*0.8f;
sm *= sm * m;
m += sm / 3f;
return m * hillStrength;
public static float groundNoise(int x, int y, float amplitude, OpenSimplexNoise simplex) {
float h = blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2((float) x / 49f, (float) y / 49f), 0.2f) * amplitude;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.octave(1).noise2((float) x / 23f, (float) y / 23f), 0.2f) * amplitude / 2f;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.octave(2).noise2((float) x / 11f, (float) y / 11f), 0.2f) * amplitude / 4f;
return h;
public static float groundNoise(float x, float y, float amplitude, OpenSimplexNoise simplex) {
float h = blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 49f, y / 49f), 0.2f) * amplitude;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.octave(1).noise2(x / 23f, y / 23f), 0.2f) * amplitude / 2f;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.octave(2).noise2(x / 11f, y / 11f), 0.2f) * amplitude / 4f;
return h;
public static float getTerrainBase() {
return 68f;
public static float getTerrainBase(float river) {
return 62f + 6f * river;
public static float mountainCap(float m) {
// heights can "blow through the ceiling" so pull more extreme values down a bit
if (m > 160) {
m = 160 + (m - 160) * .75f;
if (m > 180) {
m = 180 + (m - 180f) * .75f;
return m;
public static float riverized(float height, float river) {
if (height < 62.95f) {
return height;
return 62.95f + (height - 62.95f) * river;
public static float terrainBeach(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float pitch1, float pitch2, float baseHeight) {
return riverized(baseHeight + TerrainBase.groundNoise(x, y, 4f, simplex),river);
public static float terrainBryce(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float height, float border) {
float b = 0;
float n;
float sn = simplex.noise2(x / 2f, y / 2f) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
sn += simplex.noise2(x, y) * 0.2 + 0.2;
sn += simplex.noise2(x / 4f, y / 4f) * 4f + 4f;
sn += simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f) * 2f + 2f;
n = height / sn * 2;
n += simplex.noise2(x / 64f, y / 64f) * 4f;
n = (sn < 6) ? n : 0f;
b += n;
return riverized(getTerrainBase() + b, river);
public static float terrainCanyon(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float[] height, float border, float strength, int heightLength, boolean booRiver) {
//float b = simplex.noise2(x / cWidth, y / cWidth) * cHeigth * river;
//b *= b / cStrength;
//river *= 1.3f;
//river = river > 1f ? 1f : river;
float r = simplex.noise2(x / 100f, y / 100f) * 50f * river;
r = r < -7.4f ? -7.4f : r > 7.4f ? 7.4f : r;
float b = (17f + r) * river;
float hn = simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f) * 0.5f;
float sb = 0f;
if (b > 0f) {
sb = b;
sb = sb < 0f ? 0f : sb > 7f ? 7f : sb;
sb = hn * sb * river;
b += sb;
float cTotal = 0f;
float cTemp = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < heightLength; i += 2) {
cTemp = 0;
if (b > height[i] && border > 0.6f + (height[i] * 0.015f) + hn * 0.2f) {
cTemp = b > height[i] + height[i + 1] ? height[i + 1] : b - height[i];
cTemp *= strength;
cTotal += cTemp;
float bn = 0f;
if (booRiver) {
if (b < 5f) {
bn = 5f - b;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bn *= bn / 4.5f;
else if (b < 5f) {
bn = (simplex.noise2(x / 7f, y / 7f) * 1.3f + simplex.noise2(x / 15f, y / 15f) * 2f) * (5f - b) * 0.2f;
b += cTotal - bn;
return getTerrainBase(river) + b;
public static float terrainDunes(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river) {
float st = (simplex.noise2(x / 160f, y / 160f) + 0.38f) * (minimumDuneHeight + (float) configRTG.DUNE_HEIGHT.get());
st = st < 0.2f ? 0.2f : st;
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 60f, y / 60f) * st * 2f;
h = h > 0f ? -h : h;
h += st;
h *= h / 50f;
h += st;
if (h < 10f) {
float d = (h - 10f) / 2f;
d = d > 4f ? 4f : d;
h += cell.noise(x / 25D, y / 25D, 1D) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 14f, y / 14f) * d * 0.5f;
return 70f + (h * river);
public static float terrainDuneValley(float x, float y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float valley, float hFactor, float baseHeight) {
float h = (simplex.noise2(x / valley, y / valley) + 0.25f) * hFactor * river;
h = h < 1f ? 1f : h;
float r = (float) simplex.noise(x / 50D, y / 50D, 1D);
r += blendedHillHeight(r);
r = r * h * 2; // so, 0 to 3 times h
h += r;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 40f, y / 40f)) * 8;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 14f, y / 14f)) * 2;
h = h * river;
if (river < 1) {
return (63f + (baseHeight - 63f) * river) + h;
return baseHeight + h;
public static float terrainFlatLakes(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float hMax, float baseHeight) {
/*float h = simplex.noise2(x / 300f, y / 300f) * 40f * river;
h = h > hMax ? hMax : h;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 50f, y / 50f) * (12f - h) * 0.4f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 15f, y / 15f) * (12f - h) * 0.15f;*/
float ruggedNoise = simplex.octave(1).noise2(x / VariableRuggednessEffect.STANDARD_RUGGEDNESS_WAVELENGTH
, y / VariableRuggednessEffect.STANDARD_RUGGEDNESS_WAVELENGTH);
ruggedNoise = blendedHillHeight(ruggedNoise);
float h = groundNoise(x, y, 2f * (ruggedNoise + 1f), simplex);// ground noise
float hillNoise = (float) simplex.noise(x / 60f, y / 60f);
hillNoise *= hillNoise * hMax * ruggedNoise;
return riverized(baseHeight + h, river);
public static float terrainForest(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float baseHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 100f, y / 100f) * 8;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f) * 4;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 15f, y / 15f) * 2;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 7f, y / 7f);
return riverized(baseHeight + 20f + h, river);
public static float terrainGrasslandFlats(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float mPitch, float lPitch, float baseHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 100f, y / 100f) * 7;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f) * 2;
float m = simplex.noise2(x / 180f, y / 180f) * 35f * river;
m *= m / mPitch;
float sm = blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f)) * 8f;
sm *= m / 20f > 3.75f ? 3.75f : m / 20f;
m += sm;
return riverized(baseHeight + h + m, river);
public static float terrainGrasslandHills(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float vWidth, float vHeight, float hWidth, float hHeight, float bHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / vWidth, y / vWidth);
h = blendedHillHeight(h, 0.3f);
float m = simplex.octave(1).noise2(x / hWidth, y / hWidth);
m = blendedHillHeight(m, 0.3f) * h;
m *= m;
h *= vHeight * river;
m *= hHeight * river;
h += TerrainBase.groundNoise(x, y, 4f, simplex);
return riverized(bHeight, river) + h + m;
public static float terrainGrasslandMountains(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float hFactor, float mFactor, float baseHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 100f, y / 100f) * hFactor;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f) * 2;
float m = simplex.noise2(x / 230f, y / 230f) * mFactor * river;
m *= m / 35f;
m = m > 70f ? 70f + (m - 70f) / 2.5f : m;
float c = (float) simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 30f, y / 30f, 1D) * (m * 0.30f);
float sm = simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f) * 8f + simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f);
sm *= m / 20f > 2.5f ? 2.5f : m / 20f;
m += sm;
m += c;
return riverized(baseHeight + h + m, river);
public static float terrainHighland(float x, float y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float start, float width, float height, float baseAdjust) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / width, y / width) * height * river; //-140 to 140
h = h < start ? start + ((h - start) / 4.5f) : h;
if (h < 0f) {
h = 0;//0 to 140
if (h > 0f) {
float st = h * 1.5f > 15f ? 15f : h * 1.5f;// 0 to 15
h += simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 70D, y / 70D, 1D) * st;// 0 to 155
h = h * river;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f), 0f) * 4f;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f), 0f) * 2f;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 5f, y / 5f), 0f) * 1f;
if (h < 0) {
h = h / 2f;
if (h < -3) {
h = (h + 3f) / 2f - 3f;
return getTerrainBase(river) + (h + baseAdjust) * river;
public static float terrainLonelyMountain(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float strength, float width, float terrainHeight) {
float h = blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f), 0) * 3;
h += blendedHillHeight(simplex.noise2(x / 7f, y / 7f), 0) * 1.3f;
float m = simplex.noise2(x / width, y / width) * strength * river;
m *= m / 35f;
m = m > 70f ? 70f + (m - 70f) / 2.5f : m;
float st = m * 0.7f;
st = st > 20f ? 20f : st;
float c = (float) simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 30f, y / 30f, 1D) * (5f + st);
float sm = simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f) * 8f + simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f);
sm *= (m + 10f) / 20f > 2.5f ? 2.5f : (m + 10f) / 20f;
m += sm;
m += c;
// the parameters can "blow through the ceiling" so pull more extreme values down a bit
// this should allow a height parameter up to about 120
if (m > 90) {
m = 90f + (m - 90f) * .75f;
if (m > 110) {
m = 110f + (m - 110f) * .75f;
return riverized(terrainHeight + h + m, river);
public static float terrainMarsh(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float baseHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 130f, y / 130f) * 20f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f) * 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 18f, y / 18f) * 4f;
h = h < 8f ? 0f : h - 8f;
if (h == 0f) {
h += simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f) + simplex.noise2(x / 5f, y / 5f);
h *= 2f;
return baseHeight + h;
public static float terrainMesa(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float border) {
float b = simplex.noise2(x / 130f, y / 130f) * 50f * river;
b *= b / 40f;
float hn = simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f);
float sb = 0f;
if (b > 2f) {
sb = (b - 2f) / 2f;
sb = sb < 0f ? 0f : sb > 5.5f ? 5.5f : sb;
sb = hn * sb;
b += sb;
b = b < 0.1f ? 0.1f : b;
float c1 = 0f;
if (b > 1f) {
c1 = b > 5.5f ? 4.5f : b - 1f;
c1 *= 3;
float c2 = 0f;
if (b > 5.5f && border > 0.95f + hn * 0.09f) {
c2 = b > 6f ? 0.5f : b - 5.5f;
c2 *= 35;
float bn = 0f;
if (b < 7f) {
float bnh = 5f - b;
bn += simplex.noise2(x / 70f, y / 70f) * (bnh * 0.4f);
bn += simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f) * (bnh * 0.3f);
float w = simplex.noise2(x / 80f, y / 80f) * 25f;
w *= w / 25f;
b += c1 + c2 + bn - w;
return 74f + b;
public static float terrainMountainRiver(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float hPitch, float baseHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / hPitch, y / hPitch) * 135f * river;
h *= h / 32f;
h = h > 150f ? 150f : h;
/*float bn = 0f;
if(h < 1f)
bn = 1f - h;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
bn *= bn * 1.25f;
bn = bn > 3f ? 3f : bn;
if (h < 10f) {
h += simplex.noise2(x / 14f, y / 14f) * (10f - h) * 0.2f;
if (h > 10f) {
float d = (h - 10f) / 2f > 8f ? 8f : (h - 10f) / 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 35f, y / 35f) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 60f, y / 60f) * d * 0.5f;
if (h > 35f) {
float d2 = (h - 35f) / 1.5f > 30f ? 30f : (h - 35f) / 1.5f;
h += simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 25D, y / 25D, 1D) * d2;
if (h > 2f) {
float d = (h - 2f) / 2f > 4f ? 4f : (h - 2f) / 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 28f, y / 28f) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 18f, y / 18f) * (d / 2f);
h += simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f) * (d / 2f);
return riverized(h + baseHeight, river);// - bn;
public static float terrainMountainSpikes(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river) {
float b = (12f + (simplex.noise2(x / 300f, y / 300f) * 6f));
float h = (float) simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 200D, y / 200D, 1D) * b * river;
h *= h * 1.5f;
h = h > 155f ? 155f : h;
if (h > 2f) {
float d = (h - 2f) / 2f > 8f ? 8f : (h - 2f) / 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 50f, y / 50f) * d * 0.5f;
if (h > 35f) {
float d2 = (h - 35f) / 1.5f > 30f ? 30f : (h - 35f) / 1.5f;
h += simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 25D, y / 25D, 1D) * d2;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 18f, y / 18f) * 3;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f) * 2;
return 45f + h + (b * 2);
public static float terrainOcean(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float averageFloor) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 300f, y / 300f) * 8f * river;
//h = h > 3f ? 3f : h;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 50f, y / 50f) * 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 15f, y / 15f) * 1f;
float floNoise = averageFloor + h;
floNoise = floNoise < minimumOceanFloor ? minimumOceanFloor : floNoise;
return floNoise;
public static float terrainOceanCanyon(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float[] height, float border, float strength, int heightLength, boolean booRiver) {
//float b = simplex.noise2(x / cWidth, y / cWidth) * cHeigth * river;
//b *= b / cStrength;
river *= 1.3f;
river = river > 1f ? 1f : river;
float r = simplex.noise2(x / 100f, y / 100f) * 50f;
r = r < -7.4f ? -7.4f : r > 7.4f ? 7.4f : r;
float b = (17f + r) * river;
float hn = simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f) * 0.5f;
float sb = 0f;
if (b > 0f) {
sb = b;
sb = sb < 0f ? 0f : sb > 7f ? 7f : sb;
sb = hn * sb;
b += sb;
float cTotal = 0f;
float cTemp = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < heightLength; i += 2) {
cTemp = 0;
if (b > height[i] && border > 0.6f + (height[i] * 0.015f) + hn * 0.2f) {
cTemp = b > height[i] + height[i + 1] ? height[i + 1] : b - height[i];
cTemp *= strength;
cTotal += cTemp;
float bn = 0f;
if (booRiver) {
if (b < 5f) {
bn = 5f - b;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
bn *= bn / 4.5f;
else if (b < 5f) {
bn = (simplex.noise2(x / 7f, y / 7f) * 1.3f + simplex.noise2(x / 15f, y / 15f) * 2f) * (5f - b) * 0.2f;
b += cTotal - bn;
float floNoise = 30f + b;
floNoise = floNoise < minimumOceanFloor ? minimumOceanFloor : floNoise;
return floNoise;
public static float terrainPlains(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float stPitch, float stFactor, float hPitch, float hDivisor, float baseHeight) {
float floNoise;
float st = (simplex.noise2(x / stPitch, y / stPitch) + 0.38f) * stFactor * river;
st = st < 0.2f ? 0.2f : st;
float h = simplex.noise2(x / hPitch, y / hPitch) * st * 2f;
h = h > 0f ? -h : h;
h += st;
h *= h / hDivisor;
h += st;
floNoise = riverized(baseHeight + h, river);
return floNoise;
public static float terrainPlateau(float x, float y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float[] height, float border, float strength, int heightLength, float selectorWaveLength, boolean isM) {
river = river > 1f ? 1f : river;
float border2 = border * 4 - 2.5f;
border2 = border2 > 1f ? 1f : (border2 < 0f) ? 0f : border2;
float b = simplex.noise2(x / 40f, y / 40f) * 1.5f;
float sn = simplex.noise2(x / selectorWaveLength, y / selectorWaveLength) * 0.5f + 0.5f;
sn *= border2;
sn *= river;
sn += simplex.noise2(x / 4f, y / 4f) * 0.01f + 0.01f;
sn += simplex.noise2(x / 2f, y / 2f) * 0.01f + 0.01f;
float n, hn, stepUp;
for (int i = 0; i < heightLength; i += 2) {
n = (sn - height[i + 1]) / (1 - height[i + 1]);
n = n * strength;
n = (n < 0f) ? 0f : (n > 1f) ? 1f : n;
hn = height[i] * 0.5f * ((sn * 2f) - 0.4f);
hn = (hn < 0) ? 0f : hn;
stepUp = 0f;
if (sn > height[i + 1]) {
stepUp += (height[i] * n);
if (isM) {
stepUp += simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f) * 3f * n;
stepUp += simplex.noise2(x / 12f, y / 12f) * 2f * n;
stepUp += simplex.noise2(x / 5f, y / 5f) * 1f * n;
if (i == 0 && stepUp < hn) {
b += hn;
stepUp = (stepUp < 0) ? 0f : stepUp;
b += stepUp;
if (isM) {
b += simplex.noise2(x / 12, y / 12) * sn;
//Counteracts smoothing
b /= border;
return riverized(getTerrainBase(), river) + b;
public static float terrainPolar(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river) {
float st = (simplex.noise2(x / 160f, y / 160f) + 0.38f) * (minimumDuneHeight + (float) configRTG.DUNE_HEIGHT.get()) * river;
st = st < 0.2f ? 0.2f : st;
float h = simplex.noise2(x / 60f, y / 60f) * st * 2f;
h = h > 0f ? -h : h;
h += st;
h *= h / 50f;
h += st;
if (river < 1) {
return 62f + (8f * river) + h;
return 70f + h;
public static float terrainPolar(float x, float y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float stPitch, float stFactor, float hPitch, float hDivisor, float baseHeight) {
float floNoise;
float st = (simplex.noise2(x / stPitch, y / stPitch) + 0.38f) * stFactor * river;
st = st < 0.1f ? 0.1f : st;
float h = simplex.noise2(x / hPitch, y / hPitch) * st * 2f;
h = h > 0f ? -h : h;
h += st;
h *= h / hDivisor;
h += st;
floNoise = riverized(baseHeight + h, river);
return floNoise;
public static float terrainRollingHills(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float hillStrength, float addedHeight, float groundNoise, float groundNoiseAmplitudeHills, float lift) {
groundNoise = groundNoise(x, y, groundNoiseAmplitudeHills, simplex);
float m = hills(x, y, hillStrength, simplex, river);
float floNoise = addedHeight + groundNoise + m;
return riverized(floNoise + lift, river);
public static float terrainRollingHills(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, float river, float hillStrength, float groundNoise, float groundNoiseAmplitudeHills, float baseHeight) {
groundNoise = groundNoise(x, y, groundNoiseAmplitudeHills, simplex);
float m = hills(x, y, hillStrength, simplex, river);
float floNoise = groundNoise + m;
return riverized(floNoise + baseHeight, river);
public static float terrainSwampMountain(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float river, float width, float heigth, float hMax, float hDivisor, float baseHeight) {
float h = simplex.noise2(x / width, y / width) * heigth * river;
h *= h / hDivisor;
h = h > hMax ? hMax : h;
if (h < 14f) {
h += simplex.noise2(x / 25f, y / 25f) * (14f - h) * 0.8f;
if (h < 6) {
h = 6f - ((6f - h) * 0.07f) + simplex.noise2(x / 20f, y / 20f) + simplex.noise2(x / 5f, y / 5f);
if (h > 10f) {
float d = (h - 10f) / 2f > 8f ? 8f : (h - 10f) / 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 35f, y / 35f) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 60f, y / 60f) * d * 0.5f;
if (h > 35f) {
float d2 = (h - 35f) / 1.5f > 30f ? 30f : (h - 35f) / 1.5f;
h += simplex.octave(4).noise(x / 25D, y / 25D, 1D) * d2;
if (h > 2f) {
float d = (h - 2f) / 2f > 4f ? 4f : (h - 2f) / 2f;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 28f, y / 28f) * d;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 18f, y / 18f) * (d / 2f);
h += simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f) * (d / 2f);
return riverized(h + baseHeight, river);
public static float terrainVolcano(int x, int y, OpenSimplexNoise simplex, CellNoise cell, float border, float baseHeight) {
float st = 15f - ((cell.noise(x / 500D, y / 500D, 1D) * 42f) + (simplex.noise2(x / 30f, y / 30f) * 2f));
st = st < 0f ? 0f : st;
float h = st;
h = h < 0f ? 0f : h;
h += (h * 0.4f) * ((h * 0.4f) * 2f);
if (h > 10f) {
float d2 = (h - 10f) / 1.5f > 30f ? 30f : (h - 10f) / 1.5f;
h += cell.noise(x / 25D, y / 25D, 1D) * d2;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 18f, y / 18f) * 3;
h += simplex.noise2(x / 8f, y / 8f) * 2;
return baseHeight + h * border;
public abstract float generateNoise(RTGWorld rtgWorld, int x, int y, float border, float river);