package net.minecraft.server; import com.destroystokyo.paper.event.server.ServerExceptionEvent; import com.destroystokyo.paper.exception.ServerInternalException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.CraftMagicNumbers; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockCanBuildEvent; import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPhysicsEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason; import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator; // Paper start import java.util.Set; import; import; // Paper end import; import; import com.koloboke.collect.set.hash.HashObjSets; public abstract class World implements IBlockAccess { private int a = 63; protected boolean d; // Spigot start - guard entity list from removals public final List<Entity> entityList = new java.util.ArrayList<Entity>() { @Override public Entity remove(int index) { guard(); return super.remove( index ); } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { guard(); return super.remove( o ); } private void guard() { if ( guardEntityList ) { throw new java.util.ConcurrentModificationException(); } } }; // Spigot end protected final Set<Entity> f = HashObjSets.newMutableSet(); // Paper //public final List<TileEntity> tileEntityList = Lists.newArrayList(); // Paper - remove unused list public final List<TileEntity> tileEntityListTick = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<TileEntity> b = Lists.newArrayList(); private final Set<TileEntity> tileEntityListUnload = HashObjSets.newMutableSet(); // Paper public final List<EntityHuman> players = Lists.newArrayList(); public final List<Entity> j = Lists.newArrayList(); protected final IntHashMap<Entity> entitiesById = new IntHashMap<Entity>(); private final long I = 16777215L; private int J; protected int l = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(); protected final int m = 1013904223; protected float n; public float o; protected float p; public float q; private int K; public final Random random = new Random(); public WorldProvider worldProvider; protected NavigationListener t = new NavigationListener(); protected List<IWorldAccess> u; protected IChunkProvider chunkProvider; protected final IDataManager dataManager; public WorldData worldData; protected boolean isLoading; public PersistentCollection worldMaps; protected PersistentVillage villages; protected LootTableRegistry B; public final MethodProfiler methodProfiler; private final Calendar L; public Scoreboard scoreboard; public final boolean isClientSide; public boolean allowMonsters; public boolean allowAnimals; private boolean M; private final WorldBorder N; int[] H; // CraftBukkit start Added the following private final CraftWorld world; public boolean pvpMode; public boolean keepSpawnInMemory = true; public ChunkGenerator generator; public boolean captureBlockStates = false; public boolean captureTreeGeneration = false; public ArrayList<BlockState> capturedBlockStates= new ArrayList<BlockState>(){ @Override public boolean add( BlockState blockState ) { Iterator<BlockState> blockStateIterator = this.iterator(); while( blockStateIterator.hasNext() ) { BlockState blockState1 =; if ( blockState1.getLocation().equals( blockState.getLocation() ) ) { return false; } } return super.add( blockState ); } }; public long ticksPerAnimalSpawns; public long ticksPerMonsterSpawns; public boolean populating; private int tickPosition; public final org.spigotmc.SpigotWorldConfig spigotConfig; // Spigot public final com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperWorldConfig paperConfig; // Paper public final co.aikar.timings.WorldTimingsHandler timings; // Paper private boolean guardEntityList; // Spigot public static boolean haveWeSilencedAPhysicsCrash; public static String blockLocation; private org.spigotmc.TickLimiter entityLimiter; private org.spigotmc.TickLimiter tileLimiter; private int tileTickPosition; public final Map<Explosion.CacheKey, Float> explosionDensityCache = HashObjFloatMaps.newMutableMap(); // Paper - Optimize explosions public CraftWorld getWorld() { return; } public CraftServer getServer() { return (CraftServer) Bukkit.getServer(); } // Paper start public Chunk getChunkIfLoaded(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.chunkProvider.getLoadedChunkAt(blockposition.getX() >> 4, blockposition.getZ() >> 4); } // Paper end public Chunk getChunkIfLoaded(int x, int z) { return ((ChunkProviderServer) this.chunkProvider).getChunkIfLoaded(x, z); } protected World(IDataManager idatamanager, WorldData worlddata, WorldProvider worldprovider, MethodProfiler methodprofiler, boolean flag, ChunkGenerator gen, org.bukkit.World.Environment env) { this.spigotConfig = new org.spigotmc.SpigotWorldConfig( worlddata.getName() ); // Spigot this.paperConfig = new com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperWorldConfig(worlddata.getName(), this.spigotConfig); // Paper this.generator = gen; = new CraftWorld((WorldServer) this, gen, env); this.ticksPerAnimalSpawns = this.getServer().getTicksPerAnimalSpawns(); // CraftBukkit this.ticksPerMonsterSpawns = this.getServer().getTicksPerMonsterSpawns(); // CraftBukkit // CraftBukkit end this.u = Lists.newArrayList(new IWorldAccess[] { this.t}); this.L = Calendar.getInstance(); this.scoreboard = new Scoreboard(); this.allowMonsters = true; this.allowAnimals = true; this.H = new int['\u8000']; this.dataManager = idatamanager; this.methodProfiler = methodprofiler; this.worldData = worlddata; this.worldProvider = worldprovider; this.isClientSide = flag; this.N = worldprovider.getWorldBorder(); // CraftBukkit start getWorldBorder().world = (WorldServer) this; // From PlayerList.setPlayerFileData getWorldBorder().a(new IWorldBorderListener() { @Override public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) { getServer().getHandle().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_SIZE),; } @Override public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0, double d1, long i) { getServer().getHandle().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.LERP_SIZE),; } @Override public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0, double d1) { getServer().getHandle().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_CENTER),; } @Override public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, int i) { getServer().getHandle().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_TIME),; } @Override public void b(WorldBorder worldborder, int i) { getServer().getHandle().sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_BLOCKS),; } @Override public void b(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) {} @Override public void c(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) {} }); this.getServer().addWorld(; // CraftBukkit end timings = new co.aikar.timings.WorldTimingsHandler(this); // Paper - code below can generate new world and access timings this.keepSpawnInMemory = this.paperConfig.keepSpawnInMemory; // Paper this.entityLimiter = new org.spigotmc.TickLimiter(spigotConfig.entityMaxTickTime); this.tileLimiter = new org.spigotmc.TickLimiter(spigotConfig.tileMaxTickTime); } public World b() { return this; } public BiomeBase getBiome(final BlockPosition blockposition) { if (this.isLoaded(blockposition)) { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); try { return chunk.getBiome(blockposition, this.worldProvider.k()); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Getting biome"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Coordinates of biome request"); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Location", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { return CrashReportSystemDetails.a(blockposition); } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } else { return this.worldProvider.k().getBiome(blockposition, Biomes.c); } } public WorldChunkManager getWorldChunkManager() { return this.worldProvider.k(); } protected abstract IChunkProvider n(); public void a(WorldSettings worldsettings) { this.worldData.d(true); } @Nullable public MinecraftServer getMinecraftServer() { return null; } public IBlockData c(BlockPosition blockposition) { BlockPosition blockposition1; for (blockposition1 = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), this.K(), blockposition.getZ()); !this.isEmpty(blockposition1.up()); blockposition1 = blockposition1.up()) { ; } return this.getType(blockposition1); } private static boolean isValidLocation(BlockPosition blockposition) { // Paper - unused but incase reflection / future uses return blockposition.isValidLocation(); // Paper } private static boolean E(BlockPosition blockposition) { // Paper - unused but incase reflection / future uses return blockposition.isInvalidYLocation(); // Paper } @Override public boolean isEmpty(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.getType(blockposition).getMaterial() == Material.AIR; } public boolean isLoaded(BlockPosition blockposition) { return getChunkIfLoaded(blockposition.getX() >> 4, blockposition.getZ() >> 4) != null; // Paper } public boolean a(BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { return this.isChunkLoaded(blockposition.getX() >> 4, blockposition.getZ() >> 4, flag); } public boolean areChunksLoaded(BlockPosition blockposition, int i) { return this.areChunksLoaded(blockposition, i, true); } public boolean areChunksLoaded(BlockPosition blockposition, int i, boolean flag) { return this.isAreaLoaded(blockposition.getX() - i, blockposition.getY() - i, blockposition.getZ() - i, blockposition.getX() + i, blockposition.getY() + i, blockposition.getZ() + i, flag); } public boolean areChunksLoadedBetween(BlockPosition blockposition, BlockPosition blockposition1) { return this.areChunksLoadedBetween(blockposition, blockposition1, true); } public boolean areChunksLoadedBetween(BlockPosition blockposition, BlockPosition blockposition1, boolean flag) { return this.isAreaLoaded(blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ(), blockposition1.getX(), blockposition1.getY(), blockposition1.getZ(), flag); } public boolean a(StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox) { return this.b(structureboundingbox, true); } public boolean b(StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox, boolean flag) { return this.isAreaLoaded(structureboundingbox.a, structureboundingbox.b, structureboundingbox.c, structureboundingbox.d, structureboundingbox.e, structureboundingbox.f, flag); } private boolean isAreaLoaded(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1, int j1, boolean flag) { if (i1 >= 0 && j < 256) { i >>= 4; k >>= 4; l >>= 4; j1 >>= 4; for (int k1 = i; k1 <= l; ++k1) { for (int l1 = k; l1 <= j1; ++l1) { if (!this.isChunkLoaded(k1, l1, flag)) { return false; } } } return true; } else { return false; } } protected abstract boolean isChunkLoaded(int i, int j, boolean flag); public Chunk getChunkAtWorldCoords(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.getChunkAt(blockposition.getX() >> 4, blockposition.getZ() >> 4); } public Chunk getChunkAt(int i, int j) { return this.chunkProvider.getChunkAt(i, j); } public boolean b(int i, int j) { return this.isChunkLoaded(i, j, false) ? true : this.chunkProvider.e(i, j); } /** * Sets the block state at a given location, flags can be added together. * Flag 1 will cause a block update. * Flag 2 will send the change to clients (you almost always want this). * Flag 4 prevents the block from being re-rendered, if this is a client world. */ public boolean setTypeAndData(BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata, int flags) { // CraftBukkit start - tree generation if (this.captureTreeGeneration) { BlockState blockstate = null; Iterator<BlockState> it = capturedBlockStates.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BlockState previous =; if (previous.getX() == blockposition.getX() && previous.getY() == blockposition.getY() && previous.getZ() == blockposition.getZ()) { blockstate = previous; it.remove(); break; } } if (blockstate == null) { blockstate = org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState.getBlockState(this, blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ(), flags); } blockstate.setTypeId(CraftMagicNumbers.getId(iblockdata.getBlock())); blockstate.setRawData((byte) iblockdata.getBlock().toLegacyData(iblockdata)); this.capturedBlockStates.add(blockstate); return true; } // CraftBukkit end if (blockposition.isInvalidYLocation()) { // Paper return false; } else if (!this.isClientSide && this.worldData.getType() == WorldType.DEBUG_ALL_BLOCK_STATES) { return false; } else { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); Block block = iblockdata.getBlock(); // CraftBukkit start - capture blockstates BlockState blockstate = null; if (this.captureBlockStates) { blockstate = org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState.getBlockState(this, blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ(), flags); this.capturedBlockStates.add(blockstate); } // CraftBukkit end IBlockData iblockdata1 = chunk.a(blockposition, iblockdata); if (iblockdata1 == null) { // CraftBukkit start - remove blockstate if failed if (this.captureBlockStates) { this.capturedBlockStates.remove(blockstate); } // CraftBukkit end return false; } else { if (iblockdata.c() != iblockdata1.c() || iblockdata.d() != iblockdata1.d()) { this.methodProfiler.a("checkLight"); chunk.lightingQueue.add(() -> this.w(blockposition)); // Paper - Queue light update } /* if ((i & 2) != 0 && (!this.isClientSide || (i & 4) == 0) && chunk.isReady()) { this.notify(blockposition, iblockdata1, iblockdata, i); } if (!this.isClientSide && (i & 1) != 0) { this.update(blockposition, iblockdata1.getBlock(), true); if (iblockdata.o()) { this.updateAdjacentComparators(blockposition, block); } } else if (!this.isClientSide && (i & 16) == 0) { this.c(blockposition, block); } */ // CraftBukkit start if (!this.captureBlockStates) { // Don't notify clients or update physics while capturing blockstates // Modularize client and physic updates notifyAndUpdatePhysics(blockposition, chunk, iblockdata1, iblockdata, flags); } // CraftBukkit end return true; } } } // CraftBukkit start - Split off from above in order to directly send client and physic updates public void notifyAndUpdatePhysics(BlockPosition blockposition, Chunk chunk, IBlockData oldBlock, IBlockData newBlock, int i) { if ((i & 2) != 0 && (!this.isClientSide || (i & 4) == 0) && (chunk == null || chunk.isReady())) { // allow chunk to be null here as chunk.isReady() is false when we send our notification during block placement this.notify(blockposition, oldBlock, newBlock, i); } if (!this.isClientSide && (i & 1) != 0) { this.update(blockposition, oldBlock.getBlock(), true); if (newBlock.o()) { this.updateAdjacentComparators(blockposition, newBlock.getBlock()); } } else if (!this.isClientSide && (i & 16) == 0) { this.c(blockposition, newBlock.getBlock()); } } // CraftBukkit end public boolean setAir(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.setTypeAndData(blockposition, Blocks.AIR.getBlockData(), 3); } public boolean setAir(BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); Block block = iblockdata.getBlock(); if (iblockdata.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) { return false; } else { this.triggerEffect(2001, blockposition, Block.getCombinedId(iblockdata)); if (flag) { block.b(this, blockposition, iblockdata, 0); } return this.setTypeAndData(blockposition, Blocks.AIR.getBlockData(), 3); } } public boolean setTypeUpdate(BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata) { return this.setTypeAndData(blockposition, iblockdata, 3); } public void notify(BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata, IBlockData iblockdata1, int i) { for (int j = 0; j < this.u.size(); ++j) { this.u.get(j).a(this, blockposition, iblockdata, iblockdata1, i); } } public void update(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, boolean flag) { if (this.worldData.getType() != WorldType.DEBUG_ALL_BLOCK_STATES) { // CraftBukkit start if (populating) { return; } // CraftBukkit end this.applyPhysics(blockposition, block, flag); } } public void a(int i, int j, int k, int l) { int i1; if (k > l) { i1 = l; l = k; k = i1; } if (this.worldProvider.m()) { for (i1 = k; i1 <= l; ++i1) { this.c(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, new BlockPosition(i, i1, j)); } } this.b(i, k, j, i, l, j); } public void b(BlockPosition blockposition, BlockPosition blockposition1) { this.b(blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ(), blockposition1.getX(), blockposition1.getY(), blockposition1.getZ()); } public void b(int i, int j, int k, int l, int i1, int j1) { for (int k1 = 0; k1 < this.u.size(); ++k1) { this.u.get(k1).a(i, j, k, l, i1, j1); } } public void c(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block) { this.b(blockposition.west(), block, blockposition); this.b(blockposition.east(), block, blockposition); this.b(blockposition.down(), block, blockposition); this.b(blockposition.up(), block, blockposition); this.b(blockposition.north(), block, blockposition); this.b(blockposition.south(), block, blockposition); } public void applyPhysics(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, boolean flag) { if (captureBlockStates) { return; } // Paper - Cancel all physics during placement this.a(blockposition.west(), block, blockposition); this.a(blockposition.east(), block, blockposition); this.a(blockposition.down(), block, blockposition); this.a(blockposition.up(), block, blockposition); this.a(blockposition.north(), block, blockposition); this.a(blockposition.south(), block, blockposition); if (flag) { this.c(blockposition, block); } } public void a(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, EnumDirection enumdirection) { if (enumdirection != EnumDirection.WEST) { this.a(blockposition.west(), block, blockposition); } if (enumdirection != EnumDirection.EAST) { this.a(blockposition.east(), block, blockposition); } if (enumdirection != EnumDirection.DOWN) { this.a(blockposition.down(), block, blockposition); } if (enumdirection != EnumDirection.UP) { this.a(blockposition.up(), block, blockposition); } if (enumdirection != EnumDirection.NORTH) { this.a(blockposition.north(), block, blockposition); } if (enumdirection != EnumDirection.SOUTH) { this.a(blockposition.south(), block, blockposition); } } /** PAIL: neighborChanged */ public void a(BlockPosition blockposition, final Block block, BlockPosition blockposition1) { if (!this.isClientSide) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); try { // CraftBukkit start CraftWorld world = ((WorldServer) this).getWorld(); if (world != null && !((WorldServer)this).stopPhysicsEvent) { // Paper BlockPhysicsEvent event = new BlockPhysicsEvent(world.getBlockAt(blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ()), CraftMagicNumbers.getId(block)); this.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } } // CraftBukkit end iblockdata.doPhysics(this, blockposition, block, blockposition1); } catch (StackOverflowError stackoverflowerror) { // Spigot Start haveWeSilencedAPhysicsCrash = true; blockLocation = blockposition.getX() + ", " + blockposition.getY() + ", " + blockposition.getZ(); // Spigot End } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Exception while updating neighbours"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Block being updated"); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Source block type", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { try { return String.format("ID #%d (%s // %s)", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(Block.getId(block)), block.a(), block.getClass().getCanonicalName()}); } catch (Throwable throwable) { return "ID #" + Block.getId(block); } } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); CrashReportSystemDetails.a(crashreportsystemdetails, blockposition, iblockdata); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } } public void b(BlockPosition blockposition, final Block block, BlockPosition blockposition1) { if (!this.isClientSide) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); if (iblockdata.getBlock() == { try { ((BlockObserver) iblockdata.getBlock()).b(iblockdata, this, blockposition, block, blockposition1); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Exception while updating neighbours"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Block being updated"); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Source block type", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { try { return String.format("ID #%d (%s // %s)", new Object[] { Integer.valueOf(Block.getId(block)), block.a(), block.getClass().getCanonicalName()}); } catch (Throwable throwable) { return "ID #" + Block.getId(block); } } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); CrashReportSystemDetails.a(crashreportsystemdetails, blockposition, iblockdata); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } } } public boolean a(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block) { return false; } public boolean h(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).c(blockposition); } public boolean i(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (blockposition.getY() >= this.K()) { return this.h(blockposition); } else { BlockPosition blockposition1 = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), this.K(), blockposition.getZ()); if (!this.h(blockposition1)) { return false; } else { for (blockposition1 = blockposition1.down(); blockposition1.getY() > blockposition.getY(); blockposition1 = blockposition1.down()) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition1); if (iblockdata.c() > 0 && !iblockdata.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { return false; } } return true; } } } public int j(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (blockposition.getY() < 0) { return 0; } else { if (blockposition.getY() >= 256) { blockposition = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), 255, blockposition.getZ()); } return this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).a(blockposition, 0); } } // Paper start - test if meets light level, return faster // logic copied from below public boolean isLightLevel(BlockPosition blockposition, int level) { if (blockposition.isValidLocation()) { if (this.getType(blockposition).f()) { if (this.c(blockposition.up(), false) >= level) { return true; } if (this.c(blockposition.east(), false) >= level) { return true; } if (this.c(blockposition.west(), false) >= level) { return true; } if (this.c(blockposition.south(), false) >= level) { return true; } if (this.c(blockposition.north(), false) >= level) { return true; } return false; } else { if (blockposition.getY() >= 256) { blockposition = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), 255, blockposition.getZ()); } Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); return chunk.a(blockposition, this.J) >= level; } } else { return true; } } // Paper end public int getLightLevel(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.c(blockposition, true); } public int c(BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { if (blockposition.getX() >= -30000000 && blockposition.getZ() >= -30000000 && blockposition.getX() < 30000000 && blockposition.getZ() < 30000000) { if (flag && this.getType(blockposition).f()) { int i = this.c(blockposition.up(), false); int j = this.c(blockposition.east(), false); int k = this.c(blockposition.west(), false); int l = this.c(blockposition.south(), false); int i1 = this.c(blockposition.north(), false); if (j > i) { i = j; } if (k > i) { i = k; } if (l > i) { i = l; } if (i1 > i) { i = i1; } return i; } else if (blockposition.getY() < 0) { return 0; } else { if (blockposition.getY() >= 256) { blockposition = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), 255, blockposition.getZ()); } if (!this.isLoaded(blockposition)) return 0; // Paper Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); return chunk.a(blockposition, this.J); } } else { return 15; } } public BlockPosition getHighestBlockYAt(BlockPosition blockposition) { return new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), this.c(blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getZ()), blockposition.getZ()); } public int c(int i, int j) { int k; if (i >= -30000000 && j >= -30000000 && i < 30000000 && j < 30000000) { if (this.isChunkLoaded(i >> 4, j >> 4, true)) { k = this.getChunkAt(i >> 4, j >> 4).b(i & 15, j & 15); } else { k = 0; } } else { k = this.K() + 1; } return k; } @Deprecated public int d(int i, int j) { if (i >= -30000000 && j >= -30000000 && i < 30000000 && j < 30000000) { if (!this.isChunkLoaded(i >> 4, j >> 4, true)) { return 0; } else { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAt(i >> 4, j >> 4); return chunk.w(); } } else { return this.K() + 1; } } public int getBrightness(EnumSkyBlock enumskyblock, BlockPosition blockposition) { if (blockposition.getY() < 0) { blockposition = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), 0, blockposition.getZ()); } if (!blockposition.isValidLocation()) { // Paper return enumskyblock.c; } else if (!this.isLoaded(blockposition)) { return enumskyblock.c; } else { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); return chunk.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition); } } public void a(EnumSkyBlock enumskyblock, BlockPosition blockposition, int i) { if (blockposition.isValidLocation()) { // Paper if (this.isLoaded(blockposition)) { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); chunk.a(enumskyblock, blockposition, i); this.m(blockposition); } } } public void m(BlockPosition blockposition) { for (int i = 0; i < this.u.size(); ++i) { this.u.get(i).a(blockposition); } } public float n(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.worldProvider.o()[this.getLightLevel(blockposition)]; } // Paper start - reduces need to do isLoaded before getType public IBlockData getTypeIfLoaded(BlockPosition blockposition) { // CraftBukkit start - tree generation final int x = blockposition.getX(); final int y = blockposition.getY(); final int z = blockposition.getZ(); if (captureTreeGeneration) { final IBlockData previous = getCapturedBlockType(x, y, z); if (previous != null) { return previous; } } // CraftBukkit end Chunk chunk = ((ChunkProviderServer) this.chunkProvider).getChunkIfLoaded(x >> 4, z >> 4); if (chunk != null) { return chunk.getBlockData(x, y, z); } return null; } // Paper end @Override public IBlockData getType(BlockPosition blockposition) { // CraftBukkit start - tree generation // Paper start - optimize getType lookup to reduce instructions - getBlockData already enforces valid Y, move tree out final int x = blockposition.getX(); final int y = blockposition.getY(); final int z = blockposition.getZ(); if (captureTreeGeneration) { final IBlockData previous = getCapturedBlockType(x, y, z); if (previous != null) { return previous; } } // CraftBukkit end return this.chunkProvider.getChunkAt(x >> 4, z >> 4).getBlockData(x, y, z); // Paper end } // Paper start private IBlockData getCapturedBlockType(int x, int y, int z) { Iterator<BlockState> it = capturedBlockStates.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BlockState previous =; if (previous.getX() == x && previous.getY() == y && previous.getZ() == z) { return CraftMagicNumbers.getBlock(previous.getTypeId()).fromLegacyData(previous.getRawData()); } } return null; } // Paper end public boolean B() { return this.J < 4; } @Nullable public MovingObjectPosition rayTrace(Vec3D vec3d, Vec3D vec3d1) { return this.rayTrace(vec3d, vec3d1, false, false, false); } @Nullable public MovingObjectPosition rayTrace(Vec3D vec3d, Vec3D vec3d1, boolean flag) { return this.rayTrace(vec3d, vec3d1, flag, false, false); } @Nullable public MovingObjectPosition rayTrace(Vec3D vec3d, Vec3D vec3d1, boolean flag, boolean flag1, boolean flag2) { if (!Double.isNaN(vec3d.x) && !Double.isNaN(vec3d.y) && !Double.isNaN(vec3d.z)) { if (!Double.isNaN(vec3d1.x) && !Double.isNaN(vec3d1.y) && !Double.isNaN(vec3d1.z)) { int i = MathHelper.floor(vec3d1.x); int j = MathHelper.floor(vec3d1.y); int k = MathHelper.floor(vec3d1.z); int l = MathHelper.floor(vec3d.x); int i1 = MathHelper.floor(vec3d.y); int j1 = MathHelper.floor(vec3d.z); BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(l, i1, j1); IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); Block block = iblockdata.getBlock(); if ((!flag1 || iblockdata.c(this, blockposition) != Block.k) && block.a(iblockdata, flag)) { MovingObjectPosition movingobjectposition = iblockdata.a(this, blockposition, vec3d, vec3d1); if (movingobjectposition != null) { return movingobjectposition; } } MovingObjectPosition movingobjectposition1 = null; int k1 = 200; while (k1-- >= 0) { if (Double.isNaN(vec3d.x) || Double.isNaN(vec3d.y) || Double.isNaN(vec3d.z)) { return null; } if (l == i && i1 == j && j1 == k) { return flag2 ? movingobjectposition1 : null; } boolean flag3 = true; boolean flag4 = true; boolean flag5 = true; double d0 = 999.0D; double d1 = 999.0D; double d2 = 999.0D; if (i > l) { d0 = l + 1.0D; } else if (i < l) { d0 = l + 0.0D; } else { flag3 = false; } if (j > i1) { d1 = i1 + 1.0D; } else if (j < i1) { d1 = i1 + 0.0D; } else { flag4 = false; } if (k > j1) { d2 = j1 + 1.0D; } else if (k < j1) { d2 = j1 + 0.0D; } else { flag5 = false; } double d3 = 999.0D; double d4 = 999.0D; double d5 = 999.0D; double d6 = vec3d1.x - vec3d.x; double d7 = vec3d1.y - vec3d.y; double d8 = vec3d1.z - vec3d.z; if (flag3) { d3 = (d0 - vec3d.x) / d6; } if (flag4) { d4 = (d1 - vec3d.y) / d7; } if (flag5) { d5 = (d2 - vec3d.z) / d8; } if (d3 == -0.0D) { d3 = -1.0E-4D; } if (d4 == -0.0D) { d4 = -1.0E-4D; } if (d5 == -0.0D) { d5 = -1.0E-4D; } EnumDirection enumdirection; if (d3 < d4 && d3 < d5) { enumdirection = i > l ? EnumDirection.WEST : EnumDirection.EAST; vec3d = new Vec3D(d0, vec3d.y + d7 * d3, vec3d.z + d8 * d3); } else if (d4 < d5) { enumdirection = j > i1 ? EnumDirection.DOWN : EnumDirection.UP; vec3d = new Vec3D(vec3d.x + d6 * d4, d1, vec3d.z + d8 * d4); } else { enumdirection = k > j1 ? EnumDirection.NORTH : EnumDirection.SOUTH; vec3d = new Vec3D(vec3d.x + d6 * d5, vec3d.y + d7 * d5, d2); } l = MathHelper.floor(vec3d.x) - (enumdirection == EnumDirection.EAST ? 1 : 0); i1 = MathHelper.floor(vec3d.y) - (enumdirection == EnumDirection.UP ? 1 : 0); j1 = MathHelper.floor(vec3d.z) - (enumdirection == EnumDirection.SOUTH ? 1 : 0); blockposition = new BlockPosition(l, i1, j1); IBlockData iblockdata1 = this.getType(blockposition); Block block1 = iblockdata1.getBlock(); if (!flag1 || iblockdata1.getMaterial() == Material.PORTAL || iblockdata1.c(this, blockposition) != Block.k) { if (block1.a(iblockdata1, flag)) { MovingObjectPosition movingobjectposition2 = iblockdata1.a(this, blockposition, vec3d, vec3d1); if (movingobjectposition2 != null) { return movingobjectposition2; } } else { movingobjectposition1 = new MovingObjectPosition(MovingObjectPosition.EnumMovingObjectType.MISS, vec3d, enumdirection, blockposition); } } } return flag2 ? movingobjectposition1 : null; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } public void a(@Nullable EntityHuman entityhuman, BlockPosition blockposition, SoundEffect soundeffect, SoundCategory soundcategory, float f, float f1) { this.a(entityhuman, blockposition.getX() + 0.5D, blockposition.getY() + 0.5D, blockposition.getZ() + 0.5D, soundeffect, soundcategory, f, f1); } public void a(@Nullable EntityHuman entityhuman, double d0, double d1, double d2, SoundEffect soundeffect, SoundCategory soundcategory, float f, float f1) { for (int i = 0; i < this.u.size(); ++i) { this.u.get(i).a(entityhuman, soundeffect, soundcategory, d0, d1, d2, f, f1); } } public void a(double d0, double d1, double d2, SoundEffect soundeffect, SoundCategory soundcategory, float f, float f1, boolean flag) {} public void a(BlockPosition blockposition, @Nullable SoundEffect soundeffect) { for (int i = 0; i < this.u.size(); ++i) { this.u.get(i).a(soundeffect, blockposition); } } public void addParticle(EnumParticle enumparticle, double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5, int... aint) { this.a(enumparticle.c(), enumparticle.e(), d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, aint); } public void a(int i, double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5, int... aint) { for (int j = 0; j < this.u.size(); ++j) { this.u.get(j).a(i, false, true, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, aint); } } private void a(int i, boolean flag, double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, double d5, int... aint) { for (int j = 0; j < this.u.size(); ++j) { this.u.get(j).a(i, flag, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, aint); } } public boolean strikeLightning(Entity entity) { this.j.add(entity); return true; } public boolean addEntity(Entity entity) { // CraftBukkit start - Used for entities other than creatures return addEntity(entity, SpawnReason.DEFAULT); } public boolean addEntity(Entity entity, SpawnReason spawnReason) { // Changed signature, added SpawnReason org.spigotmc.AsyncCatcher.catchOp( "entity add"); // Spigot if (entity == null) return false; if (entity.valid) { MinecraftServer.LOGGER.error("Attempted Double World add on " + entity, new Throwable()); return true; } // Paper // CraftBukkit end int i = MathHelper.floor(entity.locX / 16.0D); int j = MathHelper.floor(entity.locZ / 16.0D); boolean flag = entity.attachedToPlayer; // Paper start - Set origin location when the entity is being added to the world if (entity.origin == null) { entity.origin = entity.getBukkitEntity().getLocation(); } // Paper end if (entity instanceof EntityHuman) { flag = true; } // CraftBukkit start org.bukkit.event.Cancellable event = null; if (entity instanceof EntityLiving && !(entity instanceof EntityPlayer)) { boolean isAnimal = entity instanceof EntityAnimal || entity instanceof EntityWaterAnimal || entity instanceof EntityGolem; boolean isMonster = entity instanceof EntityMonster || entity instanceof EntityGhast || entity instanceof EntitySlime; boolean isNpc = entity instanceof NPC; if (spawnReason != SpawnReason.CUSTOM) { if (isAnimal && !allowAnimals || isMonster && !allowMonsters || isNpc && !getServer().getServer().getSpawnNPCs()) { entity.dead = true; return false; } } event = CraftEventFactory.callCreatureSpawnEvent((EntityLiving) entity, spawnReason); } else if (entity instanceof EntityItem) { event = CraftEventFactory.callItemSpawnEvent((EntityItem) entity); } else if (entity.getBukkitEntity() instanceof org.bukkit.entity.Projectile) { // Not all projectiles extend EntityProjectile, so check for Bukkit interface instead event = CraftEventFactory.callProjectileLaunchEvent(entity); } else if (entity.getBukkitEntity() instanceof org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle){ event = CraftEventFactory.callVehicleCreateEvent(entity); } // Spigot start else if (entity instanceof EntityExperienceOrb) { EntityExperienceOrb xp = (EntityExperienceOrb) entity; double radius = spigotConfig.expMerge; if (radius > 0) { List<Entity> entities = this.getEntities(entity, entity.getBoundingBox().grow(radius, radius, radius)); for (Entity e : entities) { if (e instanceof EntityExperienceOrb) { EntityExperienceOrb loopItem = (EntityExperienceOrb) e; if (!loopItem.dead) { xp.value += loopItem.value; loopItem.die(); } } } } } // Spigot end if (event != null && (event.isCancelled() || entity.dead)) { entity.dead = true; return false; } // CraftBukkit end if (!flag && !this.isChunkLoaded(i, j, false)) { return false; } else { if (entity instanceof EntityHuman) { EntityHuman entityhuman = (EntityHuman) entity; this.players.add(entityhuman); this.everyoneSleeping(); } this.getChunkAt(i, j).a(entity); this.entityList.add(entity); this.b(entity); return true; } } protected void b(Entity entity) { for (int i = 0; i < this.u.size(); ++i) { this.u.get(i).a(entity); } entity.valid = true; // CraftBukkit new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.EntityAddToWorldEvent(entity.getBukkitEntity()).callEvent(); // Paper - fire while valid } protected void c(Entity entity) { for (int i = 0; i < this.u.size(); ++i) { this.u.get(i).b(entity); } new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.EntityRemoveFromWorldEvent(entity.getBukkitEntity()).callEvent(); // Paper - fire while valid entity.valid = false; // CraftBukkit } public void kill(Entity entity) { if (entity.isVehicle()) {; } if (entity.isPassenger()) { entity.stopRiding(); } entity.die(); if (entity instanceof EntityHuman) { this.players.remove(entity); // Spigot start for ( Object o : worldMaps.c ) { if ( o instanceof WorldMap ) { WorldMap map = (WorldMap) o; map.k.remove( entity ); for ( Iterator<WorldMap.WorldMapHumanTracker> iter = map.i.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if ( == entity ) { map.decorations.remove(entity.getUniqueID()); // Paper iter.remove(); } } } } // Spigot end this.everyoneSleeping(); this.c(entity); } } public void removeEntity(Entity entity) { org.spigotmc.AsyncCatcher.catchOp( "entity remove"); // Spigot entity.b(false); entity.die(); if (entity instanceof EntityHuman) { this.players.remove(entity); this.everyoneSleeping(); } if (!guardEntityList) { // Spigot - It will get removed after the tick if we are ticking int i = entity.ab; int j =; if (entity.aa && this.isChunkLoaded(i, j, true)) { this.getChunkAt(i, j).b(entity); } // CraftBukkit start - Decrement loop variable field if we've already ticked this entity int index = this.entityList.indexOf(entity); if (index != -1) { if (index <= this.tickPosition) { this.tickPosition--; } this.entityList.remove(index); } // CraftBukkit end } // Spigot this.c(entity); } public void addIWorldAccess(IWorldAccess iworldaccess) { this.u.add(iworldaccess); } private boolean a(@Nullable Entity entity, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, boolean flag, @Nullable List<AxisAlignedBB> list) { int i = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.a) - 1; int j = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.d) + 1; int k = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.b) - 1; int l = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.e) + 1; int i1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.c) - 1; int j1 = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.f) + 1; WorldBorder worldborder = this.getWorldBorder(); boolean flag1 = entity != null &&; boolean flag2 = entity != null && this.g(entity); IBlockData iblockdata = Blocks.STONE.getBlockData(); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); try { for (int k1 = i; k1 < j; ++k1) { for (int l1 = i1; l1 < j1; ++l1) { boolean flag3 = k1 == i || k1 == j - 1; boolean flag4 = l1 == i1 || l1 == j1 - 1; if ((!flag3 || !flag4) && this.isLoaded(blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, 64, l1))) { for (int i2 = k; i2 < l; ++i2) { if (!flag3 && !flag4 || i2 != l - 1) { if (flag) { if (k1 < -30000000 || k1 >= 30000000 || l1 < -30000000 || l1 >= 30000000) { boolean flag5 = true; return flag5; } } else if (entity != null && flag1 == flag2) { entity.k(!flag2); } blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, i2, l1); IBlockData iblockdata1; if (!flag && !worldborder.a(blockposition_pooledblockposition) && flag2) { iblockdata1 = iblockdata; } else { iblockdata1 = this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition); } iblockdata1.a(this, blockposition_pooledblockposition, axisalignedbb, list, entity, false); if (flag && !list.isEmpty()) { boolean flag6 = true; return flag6; } } } } } } return !list.isEmpty(); } finally { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); } } public List<AxisAlignedBB> getCubes(@Nullable Entity entity, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); this.a(entity, axisalignedbb, false, arraylist); if (entity != null) { if (entity instanceof EntityArmorStand && ! return arraylist; // Paper List list = this.getEntities(entity, axisalignedbb.g(0.25D)); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { Entity entity1 = (Entity) list.get(i); if (!entity.x(entity1)) { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb1 =; if (axisalignedbb1 != null && axisalignedbb1.c(axisalignedbb)) { arraylist.add(axisalignedbb1); } axisalignedbb1 = entity.j(entity1); if (axisalignedbb1 != null && axisalignedbb1.c(axisalignedbb)) { arraylist.add(axisalignedbb1); } } } } return arraylist; } public boolean g(Entity entity) { double d0 = this.N.b(); double d1 = this.N.c(); double d2 = this.N.d(); double d3 = this.N.e(); if ( { ++d0; ++d1; --d2; --d3; } else { --d0; --d1; ++d2; ++d3; } return entity.locX > d0 && entity.locX < d2 && entity.locZ > d1 && entity.locZ < d3; } public boolean a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { return this.a((Entity) null, axisalignedbb, true, Lists.<AxisAlignedBB>newArrayList()); // CraftBukkit - decompile error } public int a(float f) { float f1 = this.c(f); float f2 = 1.0F - (MathHelper.cos(f1 * 6.2831855F) * 2.0F + 0.5F); f2 = MathHelper.a(f2, 0.0F, 1.0F); f2 = 1.0F - f2; f2 = (float) (f2 * (1.0D - this.j(f) * 5.0F / 16.0D)); f2 = (float) (f2 * (1.0D - this.h(f) * 5.0F / 16.0D)); f2 = 1.0F - f2; return (int) (f2 * 11.0F); } public float c(float f) { return this.worldProvider.a(this.worldData.getDayTime(), f); } public float E() { return WorldProvider.a[this.worldProvider.a(this.worldData.getDayTime())]; } public float d(float f) { float f1 = this.c(f); return f1 * 6.2831855F; } public BlockPosition p(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).f(blockposition); } public BlockPosition getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock(BlockPosition position) { return this.q(position); } // OBFHELPER public BlockPosition q(BlockPosition blockposition) { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition); BlockPosition blockposition1; BlockPosition blockposition2; for (blockposition1 = new BlockPosition(blockposition.getX(), chunk.g() + 16, blockposition.getZ()); blockposition1.getY() >= 0; blockposition1 = blockposition2) { blockposition2 = blockposition1.down(); Material material = chunk.getBlockData(blockposition2).getMaterial(); if (material.isSolid() && material != Material.LEAVES) { break; } } return blockposition1; } public boolean b(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block) { return true; } public void a(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, int i) {} public void a(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, int i, int j) {} public void b(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, int i, int j) {} public void tickEntities() { this.methodProfiler.a("entities"); this.methodProfiler.a("global"); int i; Entity entity; for (i = 0; i < this.j.size(); ++i) { entity = this.j.get(i); // CraftBukkit start - Fixed an NPE if (entity == null) { continue; } // CraftBukkit end try { ++entity.ticksLived; entity.A_(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Ticking entity"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being ticked"); if (entity == null) { crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity", "~~NULL~~"); } else { entity.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails); } throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } if (entity.dead) { this.j.remove(i--); } } this.methodProfiler.c("remove"); timings.entityRemoval.startTiming(); // Paper this.entityList.removeAll(this.f); int j; // Paper start - Set based removal lists for (Entity e : this.f) { j = e.getChunkZ(); int k = e.getChunkX(); if (e.isAddedToChunk() && this.isChunkLoaded(k, j, true)) { this.getChunkAt(k, j).b(e); } } for (Entity e : this.f) { this.c(e); } // Paper end this.f.clear(); this.l(); timings.entityRemoval.stopTiming(); // Paper this.methodProfiler.c("regular"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails1; CrashReport crashreport1; org.spigotmc.ActivationRange.activateEntities(this); // Spigot timings.entityTick.startTiming(); // Spigot guardEntityList = true; // Spigot // CraftBukkit start - Use field for loop variable co.aikar.timings.TimingHistory.entityTicks += this.entityList.size(); // Paper int entitiesThisCycle = 0; // Paper start - Disable tick limiters //if (tickPosition < 0) tickPosition = 0; for (tickPosition = 0; tickPosition < entityList.size(); tickPosition++) { // Paper end tickPosition = (tickPosition < entityList.size()) ? tickPosition : 0; entity = this.entityList.get(this.tickPosition); // CraftBukkit end Entity entity1 = entity.bB(); if (entity1 != null) { if (!entity1.dead && entity1.w(entity)) { continue; } entity.stopRiding(); } this.methodProfiler.a("tick"); if (!entity.dead && !(entity instanceof EntityPlayer)) { try { entity.tickTimer.startTiming(); // Paper this.h(entity); entity.tickTimer.stopTiming(); // Paper } catch (Throwable throwable1) { entity.tickTimer.stopTiming(); // Paper start - Prevent tile entity and entity crashes String msg = "Entity threw exception at " + + ":" + entity.locX + "," + entity.locY + "," + entity.locZ; System.err.println(msg); throwable1.printStackTrace(); getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new ServerExceptionEvent(new ServerInternalException(msg, throwable1))); entity.dead = true; continue; // Paper end } } this.methodProfiler.a("remove"); if (entity.dead) { j = entity.ab; int l =; if (entity.aa && this.isChunkLoaded(j, l, true)) { this.getChunkAt(j, l).b(entity); } guardEntityList = false; // Spigot this.entityList.remove(this.tickPosition--); // CraftBukkit - Use field for loop variable guardEntityList = true; // Spigot this.c(entity); } } guardEntityList = false; // Spigot timings.entityTick.stopTiming(); // Spigot this.methodProfiler.c("blockEntities"); this.M = true; timings.tileEntityTick.startTiming(); // Spigot // CraftBukkit start - From below, clean up tile entities before ticking them if (!this.tileEntityListUnload.isEmpty()) { this.tileEntityListTick.removeAll(this.tileEntityListUnload); //this.tileEntityList.removeAll(this.tileEntityListUnload); // Paper - remove unused list this.tileEntityListUnload.clear(); } // CraftBukkit end // Spigot start // Iterator iterator = this.tileEntityListTick.iterator(); int tilesThisCycle = 0; for (tileTickPosition = 0; tileTickPosition < tileEntityListTick.size(); tileTickPosition++) { // Paper - Disable tick limiters tileTickPosition = (tileTickPosition < tileEntityListTick.size()) ? tileTickPosition : 0; TileEntity tileentity = this.tileEntityListTick.get(tileTickPosition); // Spigot start if (tileentity == null) { getServer().getLogger().severe("Spigot has detected a null entity and has removed it, preventing a crash"); tilesThisCycle--; this.tileEntityListTick.remove(tileTickPosition--); continue; } // Spigot end if (!tileentity.y() && tileentity.u()) { BlockPosition blockposition = tileentity.getPosition(); if (this.isLoaded(blockposition) && this.N.a(blockposition)) { try { this.methodProfiler.a("ticking"/*tileentity.getClass().getSimpleName()*/); // CraftBukkit: SPIGOT-1900 tileentity.tickTimer.startTiming(); // Spigot ((ITickable) tileentity).F_(); } catch (Throwable throwable2) { // Paper start - Prevent tile entity and entity crashes String msg = "TileEntity threw exception at " + + ":" + tileentity.position.getX() + "," + tileentity.position.getY() + "," + tileentity.position.getZ(); System.err.println(msg); throwable2.printStackTrace(); getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new ServerExceptionEvent(new ServerInternalException(msg, throwable2))); tilesThisCycle--; this.tileEntityListTick.remove(tileTickPosition--); continue; // Paper end } // Spigot start finally { tileentity.tickTimer.stopTiming(); } // Spigot end } } if (tileentity.y()) { tilesThisCycle--; this.tileEntityListTick.remove(tileTickPosition--); //this.tileEntityList.remove(tileentity); // Paper - remove unused list if (this.isLoaded(tileentity.getPosition())) { this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(tileentity.getPosition()).d(tileentity.getPosition()); } } } timings.tileEntityTick.stopTiming(); // Spigot timings.tileEntityPending.startTiming(); // Spigot this.M = false; /* CraftBukkit start - Moved up if (!this.tileEntityListUnload.isEmpty()) { this.tileEntityListTick.removeAll(this.tileEntityListUnload); this.tileEntityList.removeAll(this.tileEntityListUnload); this.tileEntityListUnload.clear(); } // CraftBukkit end */ this.methodProfiler.c("pendingBlockEntities"); if (!this.b.isEmpty()) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 < this.b.size(); ++i1) { TileEntity tileentity1 = this.b.get(i1); if (!tileentity1.y()) { /* CraftBukkit start - Order matters, moved down if (!this.tileEntityList.contains(tileentity1)) { this.a(tileentity1); } // CraftBukkit end */ if (this.isLoaded(tileentity1.getPosition())) { Chunk chunk = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(tileentity1.getPosition()); IBlockData iblockdata = chunk.getBlockData(tileentity1.getPosition()); chunk.a(tileentity1.getPosition(), tileentity1); this.notify(tileentity1.getPosition(), iblockdata, iblockdata, 3); // CraftBukkit start // From above, don't screw this up - SPIGOT-1746 if (true) { // Paper - remove unused list this.a(tileentity1); } // CraftBukkit end } } } this.b.clear(); } timings.tileEntityPending.stopTiming(); // Spigot co.aikar.timings.TimingHistory.tileEntityTicks += this.tileEntityListTick.size(); // Paper } protected void l() {} public boolean a(TileEntity tileentity) { boolean flag = true; // Paper - remove unused list if (flag && tileentity instanceof ITickable && !this.tileEntityListTick.contains(tileentity)) { // Paper this.tileEntityListTick.add(tileentity); } if (this.isClientSide) { BlockPosition blockposition = tileentity.getPosition(); IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); this.notify(blockposition, iblockdata, iblockdata, 2); } return flag; } public void b(Collection<TileEntity> collection) { if (this.M) { this.b.addAll(collection); } else { Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TileEntity tileentity = (TileEntity); this.a(tileentity); } } } public void h(Entity entity) { this.entityJoinedWorld(entity, true); } public void entityJoinedWorld(Entity entity, boolean flag) { //int i = MathHelper.floor(entity.locX); //int j = MathHelper.floor(entity.locZ); //boolean flag1 = true; // Spigot start if (flag && !org.spigotmc.ActivationRange.checkIfActive(entity)) { entity.ticksLived++; entity.inactiveTick(); } else { // CraftBukkit end entity.M = entity.locX; entity.N = entity.locY; entity.O = entity.locZ; entity.lastYaw = entity.yaw; entity.lastPitch = entity.pitch; if (flag && entity.aa) { ++entity.ticksLived; ++co.aikar.timings.TimingHistory.activatedEntityTicks; // Paper if (entity.isPassenger()) {; } else { entity.A_(); entity.postTick(); // CraftBukkit } } this.methodProfiler.a("chunkCheck"); if (Double.isNaN(entity.locX) || Double.isInfinite(entity.locX)) { entity.locX = entity.M; } if (Double.isNaN(entity.locY) || Double.isInfinite(entity.locY)) { entity.locY = entity.N; } if (Double.isNaN(entity.locZ) || Double.isInfinite(entity.locZ)) { entity.locZ = entity.O; } if (Double.isNaN(entity.pitch) || Double.isInfinite(entity.pitch)) { entity.pitch = entity.lastPitch; } if (Double.isNaN(entity.yaw) || Double.isInfinite(entity.yaw)) { entity.yaw = entity.lastYaw; } int k = MathHelper.floor(entity.locX / 16.0D); int l = Math.min(15, Math.max(0, MathHelper.floor(entity.locY / 16.0D))); // Paper - stay consistent with chunk add/remove behavior int i1 = MathHelper.floor(entity.locZ / 16.0D); if (!entity.aa || entity.ab != k || != l || != i1) { if (entity.aa && this.isChunkLoaded(entity.ab,, true)) { this.getChunkAt(entity.ab,,; } if (! && !this.isChunkLoaded(k, i1, true)) { entity.aa = false; } else { this.getChunkAt(k, i1).a(entity); } } if (flag && entity.aa) { Iterator iterator = entity.bx().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity1 = (Entity); if (!entity1.dead && entity1.bB() == entity) { this.h(entity1); } else { entity1.stopRiding(); } } } } } public boolean b(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { return this.a(axisalignedbb, (Entity) null); } // Paper start - Based on method below /** * @param axisalignedbb area to search within * @param entity causing the action ex. block placer * @return if there are no visible players colliding */ public boolean checkNoVisiblePlayerCollisions(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, @Nullable Entity entity) { List list = this.getEntities((Entity) null, axisalignedbb); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { Entity entity1 = (Entity) list.get(i); if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer && entity1 instanceof EntityPlayer) { if (!((EntityPlayer) entity).getBukkitEntity().canSee(((EntityPlayer) entity1).getBukkitEntity())) { continue; } } if (!entity1.dead && entity1.blocksEntitySpawning()) { return false; } } return true; } // Paper end public boolean a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, @Nullable Entity entity) { List list = this.getEntities((Entity) null, axisalignedbb); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { Entity entity1 = (Entity) list.get(i); if (!entity1.dead && entity1.i && entity1 != entity && (entity == null || entity1.x(entity))) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean c(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { int i = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.a); int j = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.d); int k = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.b); int l = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.e); int i1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.c); int j1 = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.f); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); for (int k1 = i; k1 < j; ++k1) { for (int l1 = k; l1 < l; ++l1) { for (int i2 = i1; i2 < j1; ++i2) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, l1, i2)); if (iblockdata.getMaterial() != Material.AIR) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return true; } } } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return false; } public boolean containsLiquid(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { int i = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.a); int j = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.d); int k = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.b); int l = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.e); int i1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.c); int j1 = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.f); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); for (int k1 = i; k1 < j; ++k1) { for (int l1 = k; l1 < l; ++l1) { for (int i2 = i1; i2 < j1; ++i2) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, l1, i2)); if (iblockdata.getMaterial().isLiquid()) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return true; } } } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return false; } public boolean e(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { int i = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.a); int j = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.d); int k = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.b); int l = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.e); int i1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.c); int j1 = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.f); if (this.isAreaLoaded(i, k, i1, j, l, j1, true)) { BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); int k1 = i; while (true) { if (k1 >= j) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); break; } for (int l1 = k; l1 < l; ++l1) { for (int i2 = i1; i2 < j1; ++i2) { Block block = this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, l1, i2)).getBlock(); if (block == Blocks.FIRE || block == Blocks.FLOWING_LAVA || block == Blocks.LAVA) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return true; } } } ++k1; } } return false; } public boolean a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, Material material, Entity entity) { int i = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.a); int j = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.d); int k = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.b); int l = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.e); int i1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.c); int j1 = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.f); if (!this.isAreaLoaded(i, k, i1, j, l, j1, true)) { return false; } else { boolean flag = false; Vec3D vec3d = Vec3D.a; BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); for (int k1 = i; k1 < j; ++k1) { for (int l1 = k; l1 < l; ++l1) { for (int i2 = i1; i2 < j1; ++i2) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, l1, i2); IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition); Block block = iblockdata.getBlock(); if (iblockdata.getMaterial() == material) { double d0 = l1 + 1 - BlockFluids.e(iblockdata.get(BlockFluids.LEVEL).intValue()); if (l >= d0) { flag = true; vec3d = block.a(this, blockposition_pooledblockposition, entity, vec3d); } } } } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); if (vec3d.b() > 0.0D && { vec3d = vec3d.a(); double d1 = 0.014D; entity.motX += vec3d.x * 0.014D; entity.motY += vec3d.y * 0.014D; entity.motZ += vec3d.z * 0.014D; } return flag; } } public boolean a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, Material material) { int i = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.a); int j = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.d); int k = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.b); int l = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.e); int i1 = MathHelper.floor(axisalignedbb.c); int j1 = MathHelper.f(axisalignedbb.f); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); for (int k1 = i; k1 < j; ++k1) { for (int l1 = k; l1 < l; ++l1) { for (int i2 = i1; i2 < j1; ++i2) { if (this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k1, l1, i2)).getMaterial() == material) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return true; } } } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return false; } public Explosion explode(@Nullable Entity entity, double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, boolean flag) { return this.createExplosion(entity, d0, d1, d2, f, false, flag); } public Explosion createExplosion(@Nullable Entity entity, double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, boolean flag, boolean flag1) { Explosion explosion = new Explosion(this, entity, d0, d1, d2, f, flag, flag1); explosion.a(); explosion.a(true); return explosion; } public float a(Vec3D vec3d, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { double d0 = 1.0D / ((axisalignedbb.d - axisalignedbb.a) * 2.0D + 1.0D); double d1 = 1.0D / ((axisalignedbb.e - axisalignedbb.b) * 2.0D + 1.0D); double d2 = 1.0D / ((axisalignedbb.f - axisalignedbb.c) * 2.0D + 1.0D); double d3 = (1.0D - Math.floor(1.0D / d0) * d0) / 2.0D; double d4 = (1.0D - Math.floor(1.0D / d2) * d2) / 2.0D; if (d0 >= 0.0D && d1 >= 0.0D && d2 >= 0.0D) { int i = 0; int j = 0; for (float f = 0.0F; f <= 1.0F; f = (float) (f + d0)) { for (float f1 = 0.0F; f1 <= 1.0F; f1 = (float) (f1 + d1)) { for (float f2 = 0.0F; f2 <= 1.0F; f2 = (float) (f2 + d2)) { double d5 = axisalignedbb.a + (axisalignedbb.d - axisalignedbb.a) * f; double d6 = axisalignedbb.b + (axisalignedbb.e - axisalignedbb.b) * f1; double d7 = axisalignedbb.c + (axisalignedbb.f - axisalignedbb.c) * f2; if (this.rayTrace(new Vec3D(d5 + d3, d6, d7 + d4), vec3d) == null) { ++i; } ++j; } } } return (float) i / (float) j; } else { return 0.0F; } } public boolean douseFire(@Nullable EntityHuman entityhuman, BlockPosition blockposition, EnumDirection enumdirection) { blockposition = blockposition.shift(enumdirection); if (this.getType(blockposition).getBlock() == Blocks.FIRE) { this.a(entityhuman, 1009, blockposition, 0); this.setAir(blockposition); return true; } else { return false; } } public Map<BlockPosition, TileEntity> capturedTileEntities = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap(); @Override @Nullable public TileEntity getTileEntity(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (blockposition.isInvalidYLocation()) { // Paper return null; } else { // CraftBukkit start if (capturedTileEntities.containsKey(blockposition)) { return capturedTileEntities.get(blockposition); } // CraftBukkit end TileEntity tileentity = null; if (this.M) { tileentity = this.F(blockposition); } if (tileentity == null) { tileentity = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).a(blockposition, Chunk.EnumTileEntityState.IMMEDIATE); } if (tileentity == null) { tileentity = this.F(blockposition); } return tileentity; } } @Nullable private TileEntity F(BlockPosition blockposition) { for (int i = 0; i < this.b.size(); ++i) { TileEntity tileentity = this.b.get(i); if (!tileentity.y() && tileentity.getPosition().equals(blockposition)) { return tileentity; } } return null; } public void setTileEntity(BlockPosition blockposition, @Nullable TileEntity tileentity) { if (!blockposition.isInvalidYLocation()) { if (tileentity != null && !tileentity.y()) { // CraftBukkit start if (captureBlockStates) { tileentity.a(this); tileentity.setPosition(blockposition); capturedTileEntities.put(blockposition, tileentity); return; } // CraftBukkit end if (this.M) { tileentity.setPosition(blockposition); Iterator iterator = this.b.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TileEntity tileentity1 = (TileEntity); if (tileentity1.getPosition().equals(blockposition)) { tileentity1.z(); iterator.remove(); } } tileentity.a(this); // Spigot - No null worlds this.b.add(tileentity); } else { this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).a(blockposition, tileentity); this.a(tileentity); } } } } public void s(BlockPosition blockposition) { TileEntity tileentity = this.getTileEntity(blockposition); if (tileentity != null && this.M) { tileentity.z(); this.b.remove(tileentity); } else { if (tileentity != null) { this.b.remove(tileentity); //this.tileEntityList.remove(tileentity); // Paper - remove unused list this.tileEntityListTick.remove(tileentity); } this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).d(blockposition); } } public void b(TileEntity tileentity) { this.tileEntityListUnload.add(tileentity); } public boolean t(BlockPosition blockposition) { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.getType(blockposition).c(this, blockposition); return axisalignedbb != Block.k && axisalignedbb.a() >= 1.0D; } public boolean d(BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { if (blockposition.isInvalidYLocation()) { // Paper return false; } else { Chunk chunk = this.chunkProvider.getLoadedChunkAt(blockposition.getX() >> 4, blockposition.getZ() >> 4); if (chunk != null && !chunk.isEmpty()) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); return iblockdata.getMaterial().k() && iblockdata.h(); } else { return flag; } } } public void H() { int i = this.a(1.0F); if (i != this.J) { this.J = i; } } public void setSpawnFlags(boolean flag, boolean flag1) { this.allowMonsters = flag; this.allowAnimals = flag1; } public void doTick() { this.t(); } protected void I() { if (this.worldData.hasStorm()) { this.o = 1.0F; if (this.worldData.isThundering()) { this.q = 1.0F; } } } protected void t() { if (this.worldProvider.m()) { if (!this.isClientSide) { boolean flag = this.getGameRules().getBoolean("doWeatherCycle"); if (flag) { int i = this.worldData.z(); if (i > 0) { --i; this.worldData.i(i); this.worldData.setThunderDuration(this.worldData.isThundering() ? 1 : 2); this.worldData.setWeatherDuration(this.worldData.hasStorm() ? 1 : 2); } int j = this.worldData.getThunderDuration(); if (j <= 0) { if (this.worldData.isThundering()) { this.worldData.setThunderDuration(this.random.nextInt(12000) + 3600); } else { this.worldData.setThunderDuration(this.random.nextInt(168000) + 12000); } } else { --j; this.worldData.setThunderDuration(j); if (j <= 0) { this.worldData.setThundering(!this.worldData.isThundering()); } } int k = this.worldData.getWeatherDuration(); if (k <= 0) { if (this.worldData.hasStorm()) { this.worldData.setWeatherDuration(this.random.nextInt(12000) + 12000); } else { this.worldData.setWeatherDuration(this.random.nextInt(168000) + 12000); } } else { --k; this.worldData.setWeatherDuration(k); if (k <= 0) { this.worldData.setStorm(!this.worldData.hasStorm()); } } } this.p = this.q; if (this.worldData.isThundering()) { this.q = (float) (this.q + 0.01D); } else { this.q = (float) (this.q - 0.01D); } this.q = MathHelper.a(this.q, 0.0F, 1.0F); this.n = this.o; if (this.worldData.hasStorm()) { this.o = (float) (this.o + 0.01D); } else { this.o = (float) (this.o - 0.01D); } this.o = MathHelper.a(this.o, 0.0F, 1.0F); // CraftBukkit start for (int idx = 0; idx < this.players.size(); ++idx) { if (((EntityPlayer) this.players.get(idx)).world == this) { ((EntityPlayer) this.players.get(idx)).tickWeather(); } } // CraftBukkit end } } } protected void j() {} public void a(BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata, Random random) { this.d = true; iblockdata.getBlock().b(this, blockposition, iblockdata, random); this.d = false; } public boolean u(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.e(blockposition, false); } public boolean v(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.e(blockposition, true); } public boolean e(BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { BiomeBase biomebase = this.getBiome(blockposition); float f = biomebase.a(blockposition); if (f >= 0.15F) { return false; } else { if (blockposition.getY() >= 0 && blockposition.getY() < 256 && this.getBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, blockposition) < 10) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); Block block = iblockdata.getBlock(); if ((block == Blocks.WATER || block == Blocks.FLOWING_WATER) && iblockdata.get(BlockFluids.LEVEL).intValue() == 0) { if (!flag) { return true; } boolean flag1 = this.G(blockposition.west()) && this.G(blockposition.east()) && this.G(blockposition.north()) && this.G(blockposition.south()); if (!flag1) { return true; } } } return false; } } private boolean G(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.getType(blockposition).getMaterial() == Material.WATER; } public boolean f(BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { BiomeBase biomebase = this.getBiome(blockposition); float f = biomebase.a(blockposition); if (f >= 0.15F) { return false; } else if (!flag) { return true; } else { if (blockposition.getY() >= 0 && blockposition.getY() < 256 && this.getBrightness(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, blockposition) < 10) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); if (iblockdata.getMaterial() == Material.AIR && Blocks.SNOW_LAYER.canPlace(this, blockposition)) { return true; } } return false; } } public boolean w(BlockPosition blockposition) { boolean flag = false; if (this.worldProvider.m()) { flag |= this.c(EnumSkyBlock.SKY, blockposition); } flag |= this.c(EnumSkyBlock.BLOCK, blockposition); return flag; } private int a(BlockPosition blockposition, EnumSkyBlock enumskyblock) { if (enumskyblock == EnumSkyBlock.SKY && this.h(blockposition)) { return 15; } else { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); int i = enumskyblock == EnumSkyBlock.SKY ? 0 : iblockdata.d(); int j = iblockdata.c(); if (j >= 15 && iblockdata.d() > 0) { j = 1; } if (j < 1) { j = 1; } if (j >= 15) { return 0; } else if (i >= 14) { return i; } else { BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); EnumDirection[] aenumdirection = EnumDirection.values(); int k = aenumdirection.length; for (int l = 0; l < k; ++l) { EnumDirection enumdirection = aenumdirection[l]; blockposition_pooledblockposition.j(blockposition).d(enumdirection); int i1 = this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition_pooledblockposition) - j; if (i1 > i) { i = i1; } if (i >= 14) { return i; } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return i; } } } public boolean c(EnumSkyBlock enumskyblock, BlockPosition blockposition) { // CraftBukkit start - Use neighbor cache instead of looking up Chunk chunk = this.getChunkIfLoaded(blockposition.getX() >> 4, blockposition.getZ() >> 4); if (chunk == null || !chunk.areNeighborsLoaded(1) /*!this.areChunksLoaded(blockposition, 17, false)*/) { // CraftBukkit end return false; } else { int i = 0; int j = 0; this.methodProfiler.a("getBrightness"); int k = this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition); int l = this.a(blockposition, enumskyblock); int i1 = blockposition.getX(); int j1 = blockposition.getY(); int k1 = blockposition.getZ(); int l1; int i2; int j2; int k2; int l2; int i3; int j3; int k3; if (l > k) { this.H[j++] = 133152; } else if (l < k) { this.H[j++] = 133152 | k << 18; while (i < j) { l1 = this.H[i++]; i2 = (l1 & 63) - 32 + i1; j2 = (l1 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + j1; k2 = (l1 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + k1; int l3 = l1 >> 18 & 15; BlockPosition blockposition1 = new BlockPosition(i2, j2, k2); l2 = this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition1); if (l2 == l3) { this.a(enumskyblock, blockposition1, 0); if (l3 > 0) { i3 = MathHelper.a(i2 - i1); j3 = MathHelper.a(j2 - j1); k3 = MathHelper.a(k2 - k1); if (i3 + j3 + k3 < 17) { BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); EnumDirection[] aenumdirection = EnumDirection.values(); int i4 = aenumdirection.length; for (int j4 = 0; j4 < i4; ++j4) { EnumDirection enumdirection = aenumdirection[j4]; int k4 = i2 + enumdirection.getAdjacentX(); int l4 = j2 + enumdirection.getAdjacentY(); int i5 = k2 + enumdirection.getAdjacentZ(); blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k4, l4, i5); int j5 = Math.max(1, this.getType(blockposition_pooledblockposition).c()); l2 = this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition_pooledblockposition); if (l2 == l3 - j5 && j < this.H.length) { this.H[j++] = k4 - i1 + 32 | l4 - j1 + 32 << 6 | i5 - k1 + 32 << 12 | l3 - j5 << 18; } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); } } } } i = 0; } this.methodProfiler.a("checkedPosition < toCheckCount"); while (i < j) { l1 = this.H[i++]; i2 = (l1 & 63) - 32 + i1; j2 = (l1 >> 6 & 63) - 32 + j1; k2 = (l1 >> 12 & 63) - 32 + k1; BlockPosition blockposition2 = new BlockPosition(i2, j2, k2); int k5 = this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2); l2 = this.a(blockposition2, enumskyblock); if (l2 != k5) { this.a(enumskyblock, blockposition2, l2); if (l2 > k5) { i3 = Math.abs(i2 - i1); j3 = Math.abs(j2 - j1); k3 = Math.abs(k2 - k1); boolean flag = j < this.H.length - 6; if (i3 + j3 + k3 < 17 && flag) { if (this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2.west()) < l2) { this.H[j++] = i2 - 1 - i1 + 32 + (j2 - j1 + 32 << 6) + (k2 - k1 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2.east()) < l2) { this.H[j++] = i2 + 1 - i1 + 32 + (j2 - j1 + 32 << 6) + (k2 - k1 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2.down()) < l2) { this.H[j++] = i2 - i1 + 32 + (j2 - 1 - j1 + 32 << 6) + (k2 - k1 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2.up()) < l2) { this.H[j++] = i2 - i1 + 32 + (j2 + 1 - j1 + 32 << 6) + (k2 - k1 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2.north()) < l2) { this.H[j++] = i2 - i1 + 32 + (j2 - j1 + 32 << 6) + (k2 - 1 - k1 + 32 << 12); } if (this.getBrightness(enumskyblock, blockposition2.south()) < l2) { this.H[j++] = i2 - i1 + 32 + (j2 - j1 + 32 << 6) + (k2 + 1 - k1 + 32 << 12); } } } } } return true; } } public boolean a(boolean flag) { return false; } @Nullable public List<NextTickListEntry> a(Chunk chunk, boolean flag) { return null; } @Nullable public List<NextTickListEntry> a(StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox, boolean flag) { return null; } public List<Entity> getEntities(@Nullable Entity entity, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { return this.getEntities(entity, axisalignedbb, IEntitySelector.e); } public List<Entity> getEntities(@Nullable Entity entity, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, @Nullable Predicate<? super Entity> predicate) { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); int i = MathHelper.floor((axisalignedbb.a - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int j = MathHelper.floor((axisalignedbb.d + 2.0D) / 16.0D); int k = MathHelper.floor((axisalignedbb.c - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int l = MathHelper.floor((axisalignedbb.f + 2.0D) / 16.0D); for (int i1 = i; i1 <= j; ++i1) { for (int j1 = k; j1 <= l; ++j1) { if (this.isChunkLoaded(i1, j1, true)) { this.getChunkAt(i1, j1).a(entity, axisalignedbb, arraylist, predicate); } } } return arraylist; } public <T extends Entity> List<T> a(Class<? extends T> oclass, Predicate<? super T> predicate) { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator iterator = this.entityList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); if (oclass.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass()) && predicate.apply((T) entity)) { arraylist.add(entity); } } return arraylist; } public <T extends Entity> List<T> b(Class<? extends T> oclass, Predicate<? super T> predicate) { ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); Iterator iterator = this.players.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); if (oclass.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass()) && predicate.apply((T) entity)) { // CraftBukkit - fix decompile error arraylist.add(entity); } } return arraylist; } public <T extends Entity> List<T> a(Class<? extends T> oclass, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { return this.a(oclass, axisalignedbb, IEntitySelector.e); } public <T extends Entity> List<T> a(Class<? extends T> oclass, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, @Nullable Predicate<? super T> predicate) { int i = MathHelper.floor((axisalignedbb.a - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int j = MathHelper.f((axisalignedbb.d + 2.0D) / 16.0D); int k = MathHelper.floor((axisalignedbb.c - 2.0D) / 16.0D); int l = MathHelper.f((axisalignedbb.f + 2.0D) / 16.0D); ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i1 = i; i1 < j; ++i1) { for (int j1 = k; j1 < l; ++j1) { if (this.isChunkLoaded(i1, j1, true)) { this.getChunkAt(i1, j1).a(oclass, axisalignedbb, arraylist, predicate); } } } return arraylist; } @Nullable public <T extends Entity> T a(Class<? extends T> oclass, AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb, T t0) { List list = this.a(oclass, axisalignedbb); Entity entity = null; double d0 = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { Entity entity1 = (Entity) list.get(i); if (entity1 != t0 && IEntitySelector.e.apply(entity1)) { double d1 = t0.h(entity1); if (d1 <= d0) { entity = entity1; d0 = d1; } } } return (T) entity; // CraftBukkit fix decompile error } @Nullable public Entity getEntity(int i) { return this.entitiesById.get(i); } public void b(BlockPosition blockposition, TileEntity tileentity) { if (this.isLoaded(blockposition)) { this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).e(); } } public int a(Class<?> oclass) { int i = 0; Iterator iterator = this.entityList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); // CraftBukkit start - Split out persistent check, don't apply it to special persistent mobs if (entity instanceof EntityInsentient) { EntityInsentient entityinsentient = (EntityInsentient) entity; if (entityinsentient.isTypeNotPersistent() && entityinsentient.isPersistent()) { continue; } } if (oclass.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass())) { // if ((!(entity instanceof EntityInsentient) || !((EntityInsentient) entity).isPersistent()) && oclass.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass())) { // CraftBukkit end ++i; } } return i; } public void a(Collection<Entity> collection) { org.spigotmc.AsyncCatcher.catchOp( "entity world add"); // Spigot // CraftBukkit start // this.entityList.addAll(collection); Iterator iterator = collection.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); if (entity == null) { continue; } this.entityList.add(entity); // CraftBukkit end this.b(entity); } } public void c(Collection<Entity> collection) { this.f.addAll(collection); } public boolean a(Block block, BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag, EnumDirection enumdirection, @Nullable Entity entity) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = flag ? null : block.getBlockData().c(this, blockposition); // CraftBukkit start - store default return boolean defaultReturn = axisalignedbb != Block.k && !this.checkNoVisiblePlayerCollisions(axisalignedbb.a(blockposition), entity) ? false : (iblockdata.getMaterial() == Material.ORIENTABLE && block == Blocks.ANVIL ? true : iblockdata.getMaterial().isReplaceable() && block.canPlace(this, blockposition, enumdirection)); // Paper - Use our entity search BlockCanBuildEvent event = new BlockCanBuildEvent(this.getWorld().getBlockAt(blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ()), CraftMagicNumbers.getId(block), defaultReturn); this.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); return event.isBuildable(); // CraftBukkit end } public int K() { return this.a; } public void b(int i) { this.a = i; } @Override public int getBlockPower(BlockPosition blockposition, EnumDirection enumdirection) { return this.getType(blockposition).b(this, blockposition, enumdirection); } public WorldType L() { return this.worldData.getType(); } public int getBlockPower(BlockPosition blockposition) { byte b0 = 0; int i = Math.max(b0, this.getBlockPower(blockposition.down(), EnumDirection.DOWN)); if (i >= 15) { return i; } else { i = Math.max(i, this.getBlockPower(blockposition.up(), EnumDirection.UP)); if (i >= 15) { return i; } else { i = Math.max(i, this.getBlockPower(blockposition.north(), EnumDirection.NORTH)); if (i >= 15) { return i; } else { i = Math.max(i, this.getBlockPower(blockposition.south(), EnumDirection.SOUTH)); if (i >= 15) { return i; } else { i = Math.max(i, this.getBlockPower(blockposition.west(), EnumDirection.WEST)); if (i >= 15) { return i; } else { i = Math.max(i, this.getBlockPower(blockposition.east(), EnumDirection.EAST)); return i >= 15 ? i : i; } } } } } } public boolean isBlockFacePowered(BlockPosition blockposition, EnumDirection enumdirection) { return this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition, enumdirection) > 0; } public int getBlockFacePower(BlockPosition blockposition, EnumDirection enumdirection) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition); return iblockdata.m() ? this.getBlockPower(blockposition) : iblockdata.a(this, blockposition, enumdirection); } public boolean isBlockIndirectlyPowered(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.down(), EnumDirection.DOWN) > 0 ? true : (this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.up(), EnumDirection.UP) > 0 ? true : (this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.north(), EnumDirection.NORTH) > 0 ? true : (this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.south(), EnumDirection.SOUTH) > 0 ? true : (this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.west(), EnumDirection.WEST) > 0 ? true : this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.east(), EnumDirection.EAST) > 0)))); } public int z(BlockPosition blockposition) { int i = 0; EnumDirection[] aenumdirection = EnumDirection.values(); int j = aenumdirection.length; for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) { EnumDirection enumdirection = aenumdirection[k]; int l = this.getBlockFacePower(blockposition.shift(enumdirection), enumdirection); if (l >= 15) { return 15; } if (l > i) { i = l; } } return i; } @Nullable public EntityHuman findNearbyPlayer(Entity entity, double d0) { return this.a(entity.locX, entity.locY, entity.locZ, d0, false); } @Nullable public EntityHuman b(Entity entity, double d0) { return this.a(entity.locX, entity.locY, entity.locZ, d0, true); } @Nullable public EntityHuman a(double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, boolean flag) { Predicate predicate = flag ? IEntitySelector.d : IEntitySelector.e; return this.a(d0, d1, d2, d3, predicate); } @Nullable public EntityHuman a(double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, Predicate<Entity> predicate) { double d4 = -1.0D; EntityHuman entityhuman = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) { EntityHuman entityhuman1 = this.players.get(i); // CraftBukkit start - Fixed an NPE if (entityhuman1 == null || entityhuman1.dead) { continue; } // CraftBukkit end if (predicate.apply(entityhuman1)) { double d5 = entityhuman1.d(d0, d1, d2); if ((d3 < 0.0D || d5 < d3 * d3) && (d4 == -1.0D || d5 < d4)) { d4 = d5; entityhuman = entityhuman1; } } } return entityhuman; } public boolean isPlayerNearby(double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3) { for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) { EntityHuman entityhuman = this.players.get(i); if (IEntitySelector.e.apply(entityhuman) && entityhuman.affectsSpawning) { // Paper - Affects Spawning API double d4 = entityhuman.d(d0, d1, d2); if (d3 < 0.0D || d4 < d3 * d3) { return true; } } } return false; } @Nullable public EntityHuman a(Entity entity, double d0, double d1) { return this.a(entity.locX, entity.locY, entity.locZ, d0, d1, (Function) null, (Predicate) null); } @Nullable public EntityHuman a(BlockPosition blockposition, double d0, double d1) { return this.a(blockposition.getX() + 0.5F, blockposition.getY() + 0.5F, blockposition.getZ() + 0.5F, d0, d1, (Function) null, (Predicate) null); } @Nullable public EntityHuman a(double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, double d4, @Nullable Function<EntityHuman, Double> function, @Nullable Predicate<EntityHuman> predicate) { double d5 = -1.0D; EntityHuman entityhuman = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) { EntityHuman entityhuman1 = this.players.get(i); if (!entityhuman1.abilities.isInvulnerable && entityhuman1.isAlive() && !entityhuman1.isSpectator() && (predicate == null || predicate.apply(entityhuman1))) { double d6 = entityhuman1.d(d0, entityhuman1.locY, d2); double d7 = d3; if (entityhuman1.isSneaking()) { d7 = d3 * 0.800000011920929D; } if (entityhuman1.isInvisible()) { float f = entityhuman1.cO(); if (f < 0.1F) { f = 0.1F; } d7 *= 0.7F * f; } if (function != null) { d7 *= Objects.firstNonNull(function.apply(entityhuman1), Double.valueOf(1.0D)).doubleValue(); } if ((d4 < 0.0D || Math.abs(entityhuman1.locY - d1) < d4 * d4) && (d3 < 0.0D || d6 < d7 * d7) && (d5 == -1.0D || d6 < d5)) { d5 = d6; entityhuman = entityhuman1; } } } return entityhuman; } @Nullable public EntityHuman a(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) { EntityHuman entityhuman = this.players.get(i); if (s.equals(entityhuman.getName())) { return entityhuman; } } return null; } @Nullable public EntityHuman b(UUID uuid) { for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) { EntityHuman entityhuman = this.players.get(i); if (uuid.equals(entityhuman.getUniqueID())) { return entityhuman; } } return null; } public void checkSession() throws ExceptionWorldConflict { this.dataManager.checkSession(); } public long getSeed() { return this.worldData.getSeed(); } public long getTime() { return this.worldData.getTime(); } public long getDayTime() { return this.worldData.getDayTime(); } public void setDayTime(long i) { this.worldData.setDayTime(i); } public BlockPosition getSpawn() { BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(this.worldData.b(), this.worldData.c(), this.worldData.d()); if (!this.getWorldBorder().a(blockposition)) { blockposition = this.getHighestBlockYAt(new BlockPosition(this.getWorldBorder().getCenterX(), 0.0D, this.getWorldBorder().getCenterZ())); } return blockposition; } public void A(BlockPosition blockposition) { this.worldData.setSpawn(blockposition); } public boolean a(EntityHuman entityhuman, BlockPosition blockposition) { return true; } public void broadcastEntityEffect(Entity entity, byte b0) {} public IChunkProvider getChunkProvider() { return this.chunkProvider; } public void playBlockAction(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block, int i, int j) { this.getType(blockposition).a(this, blockposition, i, j); } public IDataManager getDataManager() { return this.dataManager; } public WorldData getWorldData() { return this.worldData; } public GameRules getGameRules() { return this.worldData.w(); } public void everyoneSleeping() {} // CraftBukkit start // Calls the method that checks to see if players are sleeping // Called by CraftPlayer.setPermanentSleeping() public void checkSleepStatus() { if (!this.isClientSide) { this.everyoneSleeping(); } } // CraftBukkit end public float h(float f) { return (this.p + (this.q - this.p) * f) * this.j(f); } public float j(float f) { return this.n + (this.o - this.n) * f; } public boolean V() { return this.h(1.0F) > 0.9D; } public boolean W() { return this.j(1.0F) > 0.2D; } public boolean isRainingAt(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (!this.W()) { return false; } else if (!this.h(blockposition)) { return false; } else if (this.p(blockposition).getY() > blockposition.getY()) { return false; } else { BiomeBase biomebase = this.getBiome(blockposition); return biomebase.c() ? false : (this.f(blockposition, false) ? false : biomebase.d()); } } public boolean C(BlockPosition blockposition) { BiomeBase biomebase = this.getBiome(blockposition); return biomebase.e(); } @Nullable public PersistentCollection X() { return this.worldMaps; } public void a(String s, PersistentBase persistentbase) { this.worldMaps.a(s, persistentbase); } @Nullable public PersistentBase a(Class<? extends PersistentBase> oclass, String s) { return this.worldMaps.get(oclass, s); } public int b(String s) { return this.worldMaps.a(s); } public void a(int i, BlockPosition blockposition, int j) { for (int k = 0; k < this.u.size(); ++k) { this.u.get(k).a(i, blockposition, j); } } public void triggerEffect(int i, BlockPosition blockposition, int j) { this.a((EntityHuman) null, i, blockposition, j); } public void a(@Nullable EntityHuman entityhuman, int i, BlockPosition blockposition, int j) { try { for (int k = 0; k < this.u.size(); ++k) { this.u.get(k).a(entityhuman, i, blockposition, j); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Playing level event"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Level event being played"); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Block coordinates", CrashReportSystemDetails.a(blockposition)); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Event source", entityhuman); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Event type", Integer.valueOf(i)); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Event data", Integer.valueOf(j)); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } public int getHeight() { return 256; } public int getActualWorldHeight() { return this.Z(); } // OBFHELPER public int Z() { return this.worldProvider.n() ? 128 : 256; } public Random a(int i, int j, int k) { long l = i * 341873128712L + j * 132897987541L + this.getWorldData().getSeed() + k; this.random.setSeed(l); return this.random; } public CrashReportSystemDetails a(CrashReport crashreport) { CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Affected level", 1); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Level name", this.worldData == null ? "????" : this.worldData.getName()); crashreportsystemdetails.a("All players", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() { return World.this.players.size() + " total; " + World.this.players; } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Chunk stats", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() { return World.this.chunkProvider.getName(); } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); try { this.worldData.a(crashreportsystemdetails); } catch (Throwable throwable) { crashreportsystemdetails.a("Level Data Unobtainable", throwable); } return crashreportsystemdetails; } public void c(int i, BlockPosition blockposition, int j) { for (int k = 0; k < this.u.size(); ++k) { IWorldAccess iworldaccess = this.u.get(k); iworldaccess.b(i, blockposition, j); } } public Calendar ac() { if (this.getTime() % 600L == 0L) { this.L.setTimeInMillis(; } return this.L; } public Scoreboard getScoreboard() { return this.scoreboard; } public void updateAdjacentComparators(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block) { Iterator iterator = EnumDirection.EnumDirectionLimit.HORIZONTAL.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EnumDirection enumdirection = (EnumDirection); BlockPosition blockposition1 = blockposition.shift(enumdirection); if (this.isLoaded(blockposition1)) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition1); if (Blocks.UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR.E(iblockdata)) { iblockdata.doPhysics(this, blockposition1, block, blockposition); } else if (iblockdata.m()) { blockposition1 = blockposition1.shift(enumdirection); iblockdata = this.getType(blockposition1); if (Blocks.UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR.E(iblockdata)) { iblockdata.doPhysics(this, blockposition1, block, blockposition); } } } } } public DifficultyDamageScaler createDamageScaler(BlockPosition position) { return this.D(position); } // OBFHELPER public DifficultyDamageScaler D(BlockPosition blockposition) { long i = 0L; float f = 0.0F; if (this.isLoaded(blockposition)) { f = this.E(); i = this.getChunkAtWorldCoords(blockposition).x(); } return new DifficultyDamageScaler(this.getDifficulty(), this.getDayTime(), i, f); } public EnumDifficulty getDifficulty() { return this.getWorldData().getDifficulty(); } public int af() { return this.J; } public void c(int i) { this.J = i; } public void d(int i) { this.K = i; } public PersistentVillage ai() { return this.villages; } public WorldBorder getWorldBorder() { return this.N; } public boolean shouldStayLoaded(int i, int j) { return e(i, j); } // Paper - OBFHELPER public boolean e(int i, int j) { BlockPosition blockposition = this.getSpawn(); int k = i * 16 + 8 - blockposition.getX(); int l = j * 16 + 8 - blockposition.getZ(); boolean flag = true; short keepLoadedRange = paperConfig.keepLoadedRange; // Paper return k >= -keepLoadedRange && k <= keepLoadedRange && l >= -keepLoadedRange && l <= keepLoadedRange && this.keepSpawnInMemory; // CraftBukkit - Added 'this.keepSpawnInMemory' // Paper - Re-add range var } public void a(Packet<?> packet) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can\'t send packets to server unless you\'re on the client."); } public LootTableRegistry ak() { return this.B; } @Nullable public BlockPosition a(String s, BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { return null; } }