package net.minecraft.server; // CraftBukkit start import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftEntity; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent; // CraftBukkit end public class PathfinderGoalFollowOwner extends PathfinderGoal { private final EntityTameableAnimal d; private EntityLiving e; World a; private final double f; private final NavigationAbstract g; private int h; float b; float c; private float i; public PathfinderGoalFollowOwner(EntityTameableAnimal entitytameableanimal, double d0, float f, float f1) { this.d = entitytameableanimal; this.a =; this.f = d0; this.g = entitytameableanimal.getNavigation(); this.c = f; this.b = f1; this.a(3); if (!(entitytameableanimal.getNavigation() instanceof Navigation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported mob type for FollowOwnerGoal"); } } public boolean a() { EntityLiving entityliving = this.d.getOwner(); if (entityliving == null) { return false; } else if (entityliving instanceof EntityHuman && ((EntityHuman) entityliving).isSpectator()) { return false; } else if (this.d.isSitting()) { return false; } else if (this.d.h(entityliving) < (double) (this.c * this.c)) { return false; } else { this.e = entityliving; return true; } } public boolean b() { return !this.g.n() && this.d.h(this.e) > (double) (this.b * this.b) && !this.d.isSitting(); } public void c() { this.h = 0; this.i = this.d.a(PathType.WATER); this.d.a(PathType.WATER, 0.0F); } public void d() { this.e = null; this.g.o(); this.d.a(PathType.WATER, this.i); } private boolean a(BlockPosition blockposition) { IBlockData iblockdata = this.a.getType(blockposition); return iblockdata.getMaterial() == Material.AIR ? true : !iblockdata.h(); } public void e() { this.d.getControllerLook().a(this.e, 10.0F, (float) this.d.N()); if (!this.d.isSitting()) { if (--this.h <= 0) { this.h = 10; if (!this.g.a((Entity) this.e, this.f)) { if (!this.d.isLeashed()) { if (this.d.h(this.e) >= 144.0D) { int i = MathHelper.floor(this.e.locX) - 2; int j = MathHelper.floor(this.e.locZ) - 2; int k = MathHelper.floor(this.e.getBoundingBox().b); for (int l = 0; l <= 4; ++l) { for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= 4; ++i1) { if ((l < 1 || i1 < 1 || l > 3 || i1 > 3) && this.a.getType(new BlockPosition(i + l, k - 1, j + i1)).r() && this.a(new BlockPosition(i + l, k, j + i1)) && this.a(new BlockPosition(i + l, k + 1, j + i1))) { // CraftBukkit start CraftEntity entity = this.d.getBukkitEntity(); Location to = new Location(entity.getWorld(), (double) ((float) (i + l) + 0.5F), (double) k, (double) ((float) (j + i1) + 0.5F), this.d.yaw, this.d.pitch); EntityTeleportEvent event = new EntityTeleportEvent(entity, entity.getLocation(), to);; if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } to = event.getTo(); this.d.setPositionRotation(to.getX(), to.getY(), to.getZ(), to.getYaw(), to.getPitch()); // CraftBukkit end this.g.o(); return; } } } } } } } } } }