package net.minecraft.server; import; import; import; import com.koloboke.collect.set.hash.HashObjSets; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; // CraftBukkit start import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.TravelAgent; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.entity.Hanging; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle; import co.aikar.timings.MinecraftTimings; // Paper import co.aikar.timings.Timing; // Paper import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleBlockCollisionEvent; import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEnterEvent; import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleExitEvent; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftEntity; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityAirChangeEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEvent; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import org.torch.util.random.LightRandom; public abstract class Entity implements ICommandListener { // CraftBukkit start private static final int CURRENT_LEVEL = 2; public static Random SHARED_RANDOM = new LightRandom(); // Paper static boolean isLevelAtLeast(NBTTagCompound tag, int level) { return tag.hasKey("Bukkit.updateLevel") && tag.getInt("Bukkit.updateLevel") >= level; } protected volatile CraftEntity bukkitEntity; EntityTrackerEntry tracker; // Paper public CraftEntity getBukkitEntity() { if (bukkitEntity == null) { bukkitEntity = CraftEntity.getEntity(world.getServer(), this); } return bukkitEntity; } // CraftBukikt end private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger(); private static final List<ItemStack> b = Collections.emptyList(); private static final AxisAlignedBB c = new AxisAlignedBB(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); private static double f = 1.0D; private static int entityCount; private int id; public boolean i; public boolean blocksEntitySpawning() { return i; } // Paper - OBFHELPER public final List<Entity> passengers; protected int j; private Entity au;public void setVehicle(Entity entity) { = entity; } // Paper // OBFHELPER public boolean attachedToPlayer; public World world; public double lastX; public double lastY; public double lastZ; public double locX; public double locY; public double locZ; // Paper start - getters to implement HopperPusher public double getX() { return locX; } public double getY() { return locY; } public double getZ() { return locZ; } // Paper end public double motX; public double motY; public double motZ; public float yaw; public float pitch; public float lastYaw; public float lastPitch; private AxisAlignedBB boundingBox; public boolean onGround; public boolean positionChanged; public boolean B; public boolean C; public boolean velocityChanged; protected boolean E; private boolean aw; public boolean dead; public float width; public float length; public float I; public float J; public float K; public float fallDistance; private int ax; public double M; public double N; public double O; public float P; public boolean noclip; public float R; protected Random random; public int ticksLived; public int fireTicks; public boolean inWater; // Spigot - protected -> public // PAIL public int noDamageTicks; protected boolean justCreated; protected boolean fireProof; protected DataWatcher datawatcher; protected static final DataWatcherObject<Byte> Z = DataWatcher.a(Entity.class, DataWatcherRegistry.a); private static final DataWatcherObject<Integer> az = DataWatcher.a(Entity.class, DataWatcherRegistry.b); private static final DataWatcherObject<String> aA = DataWatcher.a(Entity.class, DataWatcherRegistry.d); private static final DataWatcherObject<Boolean> aB = DataWatcher.a(Entity.class, DataWatcherRegistry.h); private static final DataWatcherObject<Boolean> aC = DataWatcher.a(Entity.class, DataWatcherRegistry.h); private static final DataWatcherObject<Boolean> aD = DataWatcher.a(Entity.class, DataWatcherRegistry.h); public boolean aa; public boolean isAddedToChunk() { return aa; } // Paper - OBFHELPER public int ab; public int getChunkX() { return ab; } // Paper - OBFHELPER public int ac; public int getChunkY() { return ac; } // Paper - OBFHELPER public int ad; public int getChunkZ() { return ad; } // Paper - OBFHELPER public boolean ah; public boolean impulse; public int portalCooldown; protected boolean ak; public boolean inPortal() { return ak; } // Paper - OBFHELPER protected int al; public int dimension; protected BlockPosition an; protected Vec3D ao; protected EnumDirection ap; private boolean invulnerable; protected UUID uniqueID; protected String ar; private final CommandObjectiveExecutor aF; public boolean glowing; private final Set<String> aG; private boolean aH; private double[] aI; private long aJ; public boolean valid; // CraftBukkit public org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource projectileSource; // CraftBukkit - For projectiles only public boolean forceExplosionKnockback; // CraftBukkit - SPIGOT-949 public Timing tickTimer = MinecraftTimings.getEntityTimings(this); // Paper public Location origin; // Paper // Spigot start public final byte activationType = org.spigotmc.ActivationRange.initializeEntityActivationType(this); public final boolean defaultActivationState; public long activatedTick = Integer.MIN_VALUE; public boolean fromMobSpawner; protected int numCollisions = 0; // Paper public void inactiveTick() { } // Spigot end private boolean isInLava; private int lastLavaCheck = MinecraftServer.currentTick; public Entity(World world) { = Entity.entityCount++; this.passengers = Lists.newArrayList(); this.boundingBox = Entity.c; this.width = 0.6F; this.length = 1.8F; = 1; this.random = SHARED_RANDOM; // Paper this.fireTicks = -this.getMaxFireTicks(); this.justCreated = true; this.uniqueID = MathHelper.a(this.random); = this.uniqueID.toString(); this.aF = new CommandObjectiveExecutor(); this.aG = HashObjSets.newMutableSet(); this.aI = new double[] { 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D}; = world; this.setPosition(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D); if (world != null) { this.dimension = world.worldProvider.getDimensionManager().getDimensionID(); // Spigot start this.defaultActivationState = org.spigotmc.ActivationRange.initializeEntityActivationState(this, world.spigotConfig); } else { this.defaultActivationState = false; } // Spigot end this.datawatcher = new DataWatcher(this); this.datawatcher.register(Entity.Z, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0)); this.datawatcher.register(, Integer.valueOf(300)); this.datawatcher.register(Entity.aB, Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.datawatcher.register(Entity.aA, ""); this.datawatcher.register(Entity.aC, Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.datawatcher.register(Entity.aD, Boolean.valueOf(false)); this.i(); } public int getId() { return; } public void h(int i) { = i; } public Set<String> P() { return this.aG; } public boolean a(String s) { if (this.aG.size() >= 1024) { return false; } else { this.aG.add(s); return true; } } public boolean b(String s) { return this.aG.remove(s); } public void Q() { this.die(); } protected abstract void i(); public DataWatcher getDataWatcher() { return this.datawatcher; } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { return object instanceof Entity ? ((Entity) object).id == : false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return; } public void die() { this.dead = true; } public void b(boolean flag) {} public void setSize(float f, float f1) { if (f != this.width || f1 != this.length) { float f2 = this.width; this.width = f; this.length = f1; if (this.width < f2) { double d0 = f / 2.0D; this.a(new AxisAlignedBB(this.locX - d0, this.locY, this.locZ - d0, this.locX + d0, this.locY + this.length, this.locZ + d0)); return; } AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.getBoundingBox(); this.a(new AxisAlignedBB(axisalignedbb.a, axisalignedbb.b, axisalignedbb.c, axisalignedbb.a + this.width, axisalignedbb.b + this.length, axisalignedbb.c + this.width)); if (this.width > f2 && !this.justCreated && ! { this.move(EnumMoveType.SELF, f2 - this.width, 0.0D, f2 - this.width); } } } public void setYawPitch(float f, float f1) { // CraftBukkit start - yaw was sometimes set to NaN, so we need to set it back to 0 if (Float.isNaN(f)) { f = 0; } if (f == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || f == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { if (this instanceof EntityPlayer) { + " was caught trying to crash the server with an invalid yaw"); ((CraftPlayer) this.getBukkitEntity()).kickPlayer("Infinite yaw (Hacking?)"); //Spigot "Nope" -> Descriptive reason } f = 0; } // pitch was sometimes set to NaN, so we need to set it back to 0 if (Float.isNaN(f1)) { f1 = 0; } if (f1 == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || f1 == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { if (this instanceof EntityPlayer) { + " was caught trying to crash the server with an invalid pitch"); ((CraftPlayer) this.getBukkitEntity()).kickPlayer("Infinite pitch (Hacking?)"); //Spigot "Nope" -> Descriptive reason } f1 = 0; } // CraftBukkit end this.yaw = f % 360.0F; this.pitch = f1 % 360.0F; } public void setPosition(double d0, double d1, double d2) { this.locX = d0; this.locY = d1; this.locZ = d2; float f = this.width / 2.0F; float f1 = this.length; this.a(new AxisAlignedBB(d0 - f, d1, d2 - f, d0 + f, d1 + f1, d2 + f)); } public void A_() { if (! { this.setFlag(6, this.aO()); } this.U(); } // CraftBukkit start public void postTick() { // No clean way to break out of ticking once the entity has been copied to a new world, so instead we move the portalling later in the tick cycle if (! && instanceof WorldServer) {"portal"); if (this.ak) { MinecraftServer minecraftserver =; if (true || minecraftserver.getAllowNether()) { // CraftBukkit if (!this.isPassenger()) { int i = this.V(); if ( >= i) { = i; this.portalCooldown = this.aE(); byte b0; if ( == -1) { b0 = 0; } else { b0 = -1; } this.c(b0); } } this.ak = false; } } else { if ( > 0) { -= 4; } if ( < 0) { = 0; } } this.H(); } } // CraftBukkit end public void U() {"entityBaseTick"); if (this.isPassenger() && this.bB().dead) { this.stopRiding(); } if (this.j > 0) { --this.j; } this.I = this.J; this.lastX = this.locX; this.lastY = this.locY; this.lastZ = this.locZ; this.lastPitch = this.pitch; this.lastYaw = this.yaw; // Moved up to postTick /* if (! && instanceof WorldServer) {"portal"); if (this.ak) { MinecraftServer minecraftserver =; if (true || minecraftserver.getAllowNether()) { // CraftBukkit if (!this.isPassenger()) { int i = this.V(); if ( >= i) { = i; this.portalCooldown = this.aE(); byte b0; if ( == -1) { b0 = 0; } else { b0 = -1; } this.c(b0); } } this.ak = false; } } else { if ( > 0) { -= 4; } if ( < 0) { = 0; } } this.H(); } */; this.ak(); if ( { this.extinguish(); } else if (this.fireTicks > 0) { if (this.fireProof) { this.fireTicks -= 4; if (this.fireTicks < 0) { this.extinguish(); } } else { if (this.fireTicks % 20 == 0) { this.damageEntity(DamageSource.BURN, 1.0F); } --this.fireTicks; } } if ( { this.burnFromLava(); this.fallDistance *= 0.5F; } // Paper start - Configurable nether ceiling damage // Extracted to own function /* if (this.locY < -64.0D) { this.Y(); } */ this.checkAndDoHeightDamage(); // Paper end if (! { this.setFlag(0, this.fireTicks > 0); } this.justCreated = false; } // Paper start - Configurable top of nether void damage private boolean paperNetherCheck() { return && == org.bukkit.World.Environment.NETHER && this.locY >= 128.0D; } protected void checkAndDoHeightDamage() { if (this.locY < -64.0D || paperNetherCheck()) { this.kill(); } } // Paper end protected void H() { if (this.portalCooldown > 0) { --this.portalCooldown; } } public int V() { return 1; } protected void burnFromLava() { if (!this.fireProof && !this.isInWater()) { this.damageEntity(DamageSource.LAVA, 4.0F); // CraftBukkit start - Fallen in lava TODO: this event spams! if (this instanceof EntityLiving) { if (fireTicks <= 0) { // not on fire yet // TODO: shouldn't be sending null for the block org.bukkit.block.Block damager = null; // ((WorldServer) this.l).getWorld().getBlockAt(i, j, k); org.bukkit.entity.Entity damagee = this.getBukkitEntity(); EntityCombustEvent combustEvent = new org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent(damager, damagee, 15);; if (!combustEvent.isCancelled()) { this.setOnFire(combustEvent.getDuration()); } } else { // This will be called every single tick the entity is in lava, so don't throw an event this.setOnFire(15); } return; } // CraftBukkit end - we also don't throw an event unless the object in lava is living, to save on some event calls this.setOnFire(15); } } public void setOnFire(int i) { int j = i * 20; if (this instanceof EntityLiving) { j = EnchantmentProtection.a((EntityLiving) this, j); } if (this.fireTicks < j) { this.fireTicks = j; } } public void extinguish() { this.fireTicks = 0; } protected final void kill() { this.Y(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER protected void Y() { this.die(); } public boolean c(double d0, double d1, double d2) { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.getBoundingBox().d(d0, d1, d2); return this.b(axisalignedbb); } private boolean b(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { return, axisalignedbb).isEmpty() && !; } public void move(EnumMoveType enummovetype, double d0, double d1, double d2) { if (this.noclip) { this.a(this.getBoundingBox().d(d0, d1, d2)); this.recalcPosition(); } else { // CraftBukkit start - Don't do anything if we aren't moving // We need to do this regardless of whether or not we are moving thanks to portals try { this.checkBlockCollisions(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Checking entity block collision"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being checked for collision"); this.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } // Check if we're moving if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0 && this.isVehicle() && this.isPassenger()) { return; } // CraftBukkit end if (enummovetype == EnumMoveType.PISTON) { long i =; if (i != this.aJ) { Arrays.fill(this.aI, 0.0D); this.aJ = i; } int j; double d3; if (d0 != 0.0D) { j = EnumDirection.EnumAxis.X.ordinal(); d3 = MathHelper.a(d0 + this.aI[j], -0.51D, 0.51D); d0 = d3 - this.aI[j]; this.aI[j] = d3; if (Math.abs(d0) <= 9.999999747378752E-6D) { return; } } else if (d1 != 0.0D) { j = EnumDirection.EnumAxis.Y.ordinal(); d3 = MathHelper.a(d1 + this.aI[j], -0.51D, 0.51D); d1 = d3 - this.aI[j]; this.aI[j] = d3; if (Math.abs(d1) <= 9.999999747378752E-6D) { return; } } else { if (d2 == 0.0D) { return; } j = EnumDirection.EnumAxis.Z.ordinal(); d3 = MathHelper.a(d2 + this.aI[j], -0.51D, 0.51D); d2 = d3 - this.aI[j]; this.aI[j] = d3; if (Math.abs(d2) <= 9.999999747378752E-6D) { return; } } }"move"); double d4 = this.locX; double d5 = this.locY; double d6 = this.locZ; if (this.E) { this.E = false; d0 *= 0.25D; d1 *= 0.05000000074505806D; d2 *= 0.25D; this.motX = 0.0D; this.motY = 0.0D; this.motZ = 0.0D; } double d7 = d0; double d8 = d1; double d9 = d2; if ((enummovetype == EnumMoveType.SELF || enummovetype == EnumMoveType.PLAYER) && this.onGround && this.isSneaking() && this instanceof EntityHuman) { for (double d10 = 0.05D; d0 != 0.0D &&, this.getBoundingBox().d(d0, (-this.P), 0.0D)).isEmpty(); d7 = d0) { if (d0 < 0.05D && d0 >= -0.05D) { d0 = 0.0D; } else if (d0 > 0.0D) { d0 -= 0.05D; } else { d0 += 0.05D; } } for (; d2 != 0.0D &&, this.getBoundingBox().d(0.0D, (-this.P), d2)).isEmpty(); d9 = d2) { if (d2 < 0.05D && d2 >= -0.05D) { d2 = 0.0D; } else if (d2 > 0.0D) { d2 -= 0.05D; } else { d2 += 0.05D; } } for (; d0 != 0.0D && d2 != 0.0D &&, this.getBoundingBox().d(d0, (-this.P), d2)).isEmpty(); d9 = d2) { if (d0 < 0.05D && d0 >= -0.05D) { d0 = 0.0D; } else if (d0 > 0.0D) { d0 -= 0.05D; } else { d0 += 0.05D; } d7 = d0; if (d2 < 0.05D && d2 >= -0.05D) { d2 = 0.0D; } else if (d2 > 0.0D) { d2 -= 0.05D; } else { d2 += 0.05D; } } } List list =, this.getBoundingBox().b(d0, d1, d2)); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.getBoundingBox(); int k; int l; if (d1 != 0.0D) { k = 0; for (l = list.size(); k < l; ++k) { d1 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).b(this.getBoundingBox(), d1); } this.a(this.getBoundingBox().d(0.0D, d1, 0.0D)); } if (d0 != 0.0D) { k = 0; for (l = list.size(); k < l; ++k) { d0 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).a(this.getBoundingBox(), d0); } if (d0 != 0.0D) { this.a(this.getBoundingBox().d(d0, 0.0D, 0.0D)); } } if (d2 != 0.0D) { k = 0; for (l = list.size(); k < l; ++k) { d2 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list.get(k)).c(this.getBoundingBox(), d2); } if (d2 != 0.0D) { this.a(this.getBoundingBox().d(0.0D, 0.0D, d2)); } } boolean flag = this.onGround || d1 != d8 && d1 < 0.0D; // CraftBukkit - decompile error double d11; if (this.P > 0.0F && flag && (d7 != d0 || d9 != d2)) { double d12 = d0; double d13 = d1; double d14 = d2; AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb1 = this.getBoundingBox(); this.a(axisalignedbb); d1 = this.P; List list1 =, this.getBoundingBox().b(d7, d1, d9)); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb2 = this.getBoundingBox(); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb3 = axisalignedbb2.b(d7, 0.0D, d9); d11 = d1; int i1 = 0; for (int j1 = list1.size(); i1 < j1; ++i1) { d11 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(i1)).b(axisalignedbb3, d11); } axisalignedbb2 = axisalignedbb2.d(0.0D, d11, 0.0D); double d15 = d7; int k1 = 0; for (int l1 = list1.size(); k1 < l1; ++k1) { d15 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(k1)).a(axisalignedbb2, d15); } axisalignedbb2 = axisalignedbb2.d(d15, 0.0D, 0.0D); double d16 = d9; int i2 = 0; for (int j2 = list1.size(); i2 < j2; ++i2) { d16 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(i2)).c(axisalignedbb2, d16); } axisalignedbb2 = axisalignedbb2.d(0.0D, 0.0D, d16); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb4 = this.getBoundingBox(); double d17 = d1; int k2 = 0; for (int l2 = list1.size(); k2 < l2; ++k2) { d17 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(k2)).b(axisalignedbb4, d17); } axisalignedbb4 = axisalignedbb4.d(0.0D, d17, 0.0D); double d18 = d7; int i3 = 0; for (int j3 = list1.size(); i3 < j3; ++i3) { d18 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(i3)).a(axisalignedbb4, d18); } axisalignedbb4 = axisalignedbb4.d(d18, 0.0D, 0.0D); double d19 = d9; int k3 = 0; for (int l3 = list1.size(); k3 < l3; ++k3) { d19 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(k3)).c(axisalignedbb4, d19); } axisalignedbb4 = axisalignedbb4.d(0.0D, 0.0D, d19); double d20 = d15 * d15 + d16 * d16; double d21 = d18 * d18 + d19 * d19; if (d20 > d21) { d0 = d15; d2 = d16; d1 = -d11; this.a(axisalignedbb2); } else { d0 = d18; d2 = d19; d1 = -d17; this.a(axisalignedbb4); } int i4 = 0; for (int j4 = list1.size(); i4 < j4; ++i4) { d1 = ((AxisAlignedBB) list1.get(i4)).b(this.getBoundingBox(), d1); } this.a(this.getBoundingBox().d(0.0D, d1, 0.0D)); if (d12 * d12 + d14 * d14 >= d0 * d0 + d2 * d2) { d0 = d12; d1 = d13; d2 = d14; this.a(axisalignedbb1); } }"rest"); this.recalcPosition(); this.positionChanged = d7 != d0 || d9 != d2; this.B = d1 != d8; // CraftBukkit - decompile error this.onGround = this.B && d8 < 0.0D; this.C = this.positionChanged || this.B; l = MathHelper.floor(this.locX); int k4 = MathHelper.floor(this.locY - 0.20000000298023224D); int l4 = MathHelper.floor(this.locZ); BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(l, k4, l4); IBlockData iblockdata =; if (iblockdata.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) { BlockPosition blockposition1 = blockposition.down(); IBlockData iblockdata1 =; Block block = iblockdata1.getBlock(); if (block instanceof BlockFence || block instanceof BlockCobbleWall || block instanceof BlockFenceGate) { iblockdata = iblockdata1; blockposition = blockposition1; } } this.a(d1, this.onGround, iblockdata, blockposition); if (d7 != d0) { this.motX = 0.0D; } if (d9 != d2) { this.motZ = 0.0D; } Block block1 = iblockdata.getBlock(); if (d8 != d1) { block1.a(, this); } // CraftBukkit start if (positionChanged && getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle) { Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle) this.getBukkitEntity(); org.bukkit.block.Block bl =, MathHelper.floor(this.locY), MathHelper.floor(this.locZ)); if (d6 > d0) { bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST); } else if (d6 < d0) { bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST); } else if (d8 > d2) { bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH); } else if (d8 < d2) { bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH); } if (bl.getType() != org.bukkit.Material.AIR) { VehicleBlockCollisionEvent event = new VehicleBlockCollisionEvent(vehicle, bl); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); } } // CraftBukkit end if (this.playStepSound() && (!this.onGround || !this.isSneaking() || !(this instanceof EntityHuman)) && !this.isPassenger()) { double d22 = this.locX - d4; double d23 = this.locY - d5; d11 = this.locZ - d6; if (block1 != Blocks.LADDER) { d23 = 0.0D; } if (block1 != null && this.onGround) { block1.stepOn(, blockposition, this); } this.J = (float) (this.J + MathHelper.sqrt(d22 * d22 + d11 * d11) * 0.6D); this.K = (float) (this.K + MathHelper.sqrt(d22 * d22 + d23 * d23 + d11 * d11) * 0.6D); if (this.K > && iblockdata.getMaterial() != Material.AIR) { = (int) this.K + 1; if (this.isInWater()) { Entity entity = this.isVehicle() && != null ? : this; float f = entity == this ? 0.35F : 0.4F; float f1 = MathHelper.sqrt(entity.motX * entity.motX * 0.20000000298023224D + entity.motY * entity.motY + entity.motZ * entity.motZ * 0.20000000298023224D) * f; if (f1 > 1.0F) { f1 = 1.0F; } this.a(this.aa(), f1, 1.0F + (this.random.nextFloat() - this.random.nextFloat()) * 0.4F); } else { this.a(blockposition, block1); } } } // CraftBukkit start - Move to the top of the method /* try { this.checkBlockCollisions(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Checking entity block collision"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being checked for collision"); this.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } */ // CraftBukkit end boolean flag1 =; if ( && !this.isInWater()) { this.burn(1); if (!flag1) { ++this.fireTicks; if (this.fireTicks == 0) { // CraftBukkit start EntityCombustEvent event = new org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent(null, getBukkitEntity(), 8); world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (!event.isCancelled()) { this.setOnFire(event.getDuration()); } // CraftBukkit end } } } else if (this.fireTicks <= 0) { this.fireTicks = -this.getMaxFireTicks(); } if (flag1 && this.isBurning()) { this.a(SoundEffects.bQ, 0.7F, 1.6F + (this.random.nextFloat() - this.random.nextFloat()) * 0.4F); this.fireTicks = -this.getMaxFireTicks(); } } } public void recalcPosition() { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.getBoundingBox(); this.locX = (axisalignedbb.a + axisalignedbb.d) / 2.0D; this.locY = axisalignedbb.b; this.locZ = (axisalignedbb.c + axisalignedbb.f) / 2.0D; } protected SoundEffect aa() { return SoundEffects.bU; } protected SoundEffect ab() { return SoundEffects.bT; } protected void checkBlockCollisions() { AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.getBoundingBox(); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.d(axisalignedbb.a + 0.001D, axisalignedbb.b + 0.001D, axisalignedbb.c + 0.001D); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition1 = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.d(axisalignedbb.d - 0.001D, axisalignedbb.e - 0.001D, axisalignedbb.f - 0.001D); BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition2 = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); if (, blockposition_pooledblockposition1)) { for (int i = blockposition_pooledblockposition.getX(); i <= blockposition_pooledblockposition1.getX(); ++i) { for (int j = blockposition_pooledblockposition.getY(); j <= blockposition_pooledblockposition1.getY(); ++j) { for (int k = blockposition_pooledblockposition.getZ(); k <= blockposition_pooledblockposition1.getZ(); ++k) { blockposition_pooledblockposition2.f(i, j, k); IBlockData iblockdata =; try { iblockdata.getBlock().a(, blockposition_pooledblockposition2, iblockdata, this); } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Colliding entity with block"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Block being collided with"); CrashReportSystemDetails.a(crashreportsystemdetails, blockposition_pooledblockposition2, iblockdata); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } } } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); blockposition_pooledblockposition1.t(); blockposition_pooledblockposition2.t(); } protected void a(BlockPosition blockposition, Block block) { SoundEffectType soundeffecttype = block.getStepSound(); if ( == Blocks.SNOW_LAYER) { soundeffecttype = Blocks.SNOW_LAYER.getStepSound(); this.a(soundeffecttype.d(), soundeffecttype.a() * 0.15F, soundeffecttype.b()); } else if (!block.getBlockData().getMaterial().isLiquid()) { this.a(soundeffecttype.d(), soundeffecttype.a() * 0.15F, soundeffecttype.b()); } } public void a(SoundEffect soundeffect, float f, float f1) { if (!this.isSilent()) { null, this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ, soundeffect, this.bC(), f, f1); } } public boolean isSilent() { return this.datawatcher.get(Entity.aC).booleanValue(); } public void setSilent(boolean flag) { this.datawatcher.set(Entity.aC, Boolean.valueOf(flag)); } public boolean isNoGravity() { return this.datawatcher.get(Entity.aD).booleanValue(); } public void setNoGravity(boolean flag) { this.datawatcher.set(Entity.aD, Boolean.valueOf(flag)); } protected boolean playStepSound() { return true; } protected void a(double d0, boolean flag, IBlockData iblockdata, BlockPosition blockposition) { if (flag) { if (this.fallDistance > 0.0F) { iblockdata.getBlock().fallOn(, blockposition, this, this.fallDistance); } this.fallDistance = 0.0F; } else if (d0 < 0.0D) { this.fallDistance = (float) (this.fallDistance - d0); } } @Nullable public AxisAlignedBB ag() { return null; } protected void burn(float i) { // CraftBukkit - int -> float if (!this.fireProof) { this.damageEntity(DamageSource.FIRE, i); } } public final boolean isFireProof() { return this.fireProof; } public void e(float f, float f1) { if (this.isVehicle()) { Iterator iterator = this.bx().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); entity.e(f, f1); } } } public boolean ai() { if (this.inWater) { return true; } else { BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.d(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); if (! && !, this.locY + this.length, this.locZ))) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return false; } else { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return true; } } } public boolean isInWater() { return this.inWater; } public boolean ak() { // Paper start - OBFHELPER return this.doWaterMovement(); } public boolean doWaterMovement() { // Paper end if (this.bB() instanceof EntityBoat) { this.inWater = false; } else if (, -0.4000000059604645D, 0.0D).shrink(0.001D), Material.WATER, this)) { if (!this.inWater && !this.justCreated) {; } this.fallDistance = 0.0F; this.inWater = true; this.extinguish(); } else { this.inWater = false; } return this.inWater; } protected void al() { Entity entity = this.isVehicle() && != null ? : this; float f = entity == this ? 0.2F : 0.9F; float f1 = MathHelper.sqrt(entity.motX * entity.motX * 0.20000000298023224D + entity.motY * entity.motY + entity.motZ * entity.motZ * 0.20000000298023224D) * f; if (f1 > 1.0F) { f1 = 1.0F; } this.a(this.ab(), f1, 1.0F + (this.random.nextFloat() - this.random.nextFloat()) * 0.4F); float f2 = MathHelper.floor(this.getBoundingBox().b); int i; float f3; float f4; for (i = 0; i < 1.0F + this.width * 20.0F; ++i) { f3 = (this.random.nextFloat() * 2.0F - 1.0F) * this.width; f4 = (this.random.nextFloat() * 2.0F - 1.0F) * this.width;, this.locX + f3, f2 + 1.0F, this.locZ + f4, this.motX, this.motY - this.random.nextFloat() * 0.2F, this.motZ, new int[0]); } for (i = 0; i < 1.0F + this.width * 20.0F; ++i) { f3 = (this.random.nextFloat() * 2.0F - 1.0F) * this.width; f4 = (this.random.nextFloat() * 2.0F - 1.0F) * this.width;, this.locX + f3, f2 + 1.0F, this.locZ + f4, this.motX, this.motY, this.motZ, new int[0]); } } public void am() { if (this.isSprinting() && !this.isInWater()) {; } } protected void an() { int i = MathHelper.floor(this.locX); int j = MathHelper.floor(this.locY - 0.20000000298023224D); int k = MathHelper.floor(this.locZ); BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(i, j, k); IBlockData iblockdata =; if (iblockdata.j() != EnumRenderType.INVISIBLE) {, this.locX + (this.random.nextFloat() - 0.5D) * this.width, this.getBoundingBox().b + 0.1D, this.locZ + (this.random.nextFloat() - 0.5D) * this.width, -this.motX * 4.0D, 1.5D, -this.motZ * 4.0D, new int[] { Block.getCombinedId(iblockdata)}); } } public boolean a(Material material) { if (this.bB() instanceof EntityBoat) { return false; } else { double d0 = this.locY + this.getHeadHeight(); BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(this.locX, d0, this.locZ); IBlockData iblockdata =; if (iblockdata.getMaterial() == material) { float f = BlockFluids.e(iblockdata.getBlock().toLegacyData(iblockdata)) - 0.11111111F; float f1 = blockposition.getY() + 1 - f; boolean flag = d0 < f1; return !flag && this instanceof EntityHuman ? false : flag; } else { return false; } } } public boolean isInLava() { return; } // OBFHELPER public boolean ao() { // Only check for lava once per tick if (this.lastLavaCheck != MinecraftServer.currentTick) { this.lastLavaCheck = MinecraftServer.currentTick; this.isInLava =, -0.4000000059604645D, -0.10000000149011612D), Material.LAVA); } return this.isInLava; } public void a(float f, float f1, float f2) { float f3 = f * f + f1 * f1; if (f3 >= 1.0E-4F) { f3 = MathHelper.c(f3); if (f3 < 1.0F) { f3 = 1.0F; } f3 = f2 / f3; f *= f3; f1 *= f3; float f4 = MathHelper.sin(this.yaw * 0.017453292F); float f5 = MathHelper.cos(this.yaw * 0.017453292F); this.motX += f * f5 - f1 * f4; this.motZ += f1 * f5 + f * f4; } } public float e(float f) { BlockPosition.MutableBlockPosition blockposition_mutableblockposition = new BlockPosition.MutableBlockPosition(MathHelper.floor(this.locX), 0, MathHelper.floor(this.locZ)); if ( { blockposition_mutableblockposition.p(MathHelper.floor(this.locY + this.getHeadHeight())); return; } else { return 0.0F; } } public void spawnIn(World world) { // CraftBukkit start if (world == null) { die(); = ((CraftWorld) Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds().get(0)).getHandle(); return; } // CraftBukkit end = world; } public void setLocation(double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, float f1) { this.locX = MathHelper.a(d0, -3.0E7D, 3.0E7D); this.locY = d1; this.locZ = MathHelper.a(d2, -3.0E7D, 3.0E7D); this.lastX = this.locX; this.lastY = this.locY; this.lastZ = this.locZ; f1 = MathHelper.a(f1, -90.0F, 90.0F); this.yaw = f; this.pitch = f1; this.lastYaw = this.yaw; this.lastPitch = this.pitch; double d3 = this.lastYaw - f; if (d3 < -180.0D) { this.lastYaw += 360.0F; } if (d3 >= 180.0D) { this.lastYaw -= 360.0F; } this.setPosition(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); this.setYawPitch(f, f1); } public void setPositionRotation(BlockPosition blockposition, float f, float f1) { this.setPositionRotation(blockposition.getX() + 0.5D, blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ() + 0.5D, f, f1); } public void setPositionRotation(double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, float f1) { this.locX = d0; this.locY = d1; this.locZ = d2; this.lastX = this.locX; this.lastY = this.locY; this.lastZ = this.locZ; this.M = this.locX; this.N = this.locY; this.O = this.locZ; this.yaw = f; this.pitch = f1; this.setPosition(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); } public float g(Entity entity) { float f = (float) (this.locX - entity.locX); float f1 = (float) (this.locY - entity.locY); float f2 = (float) (this.locZ - entity.locZ); return MathHelper.c(f * f + f1 * f1 + f2 * f2); } public double d(double d0, double d1, double d2) { double d3 = this.locX - d0; double d4 = this.locY - d1; double d5 = this.locZ - d2; return d3 * d3 + d4 * d4 + d5 * d5; } public double c(BlockPosition blockposition) { return blockposition.distanceSquared(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); } public double d(BlockPosition blockposition) { return blockposition.g(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); } public double e(double d0, double d1, double d2) { // Paper start - OBFHELPER return this.getDistance(d0, d1, d2); } public double getDistance(double d0, double d1, double d2) { // Paper end double d3 = this.locX - d0; double d4 = this.locY - d1; double d5 = this.locZ - d2; return MathHelper.sqrt(d3 * d3 + d4 * d4 + d5 * d5); } public double h(Entity entity) { double d0 = this.locX - entity.locX; double d1 = this.locY - entity.locY; double d2 = this.locZ - entity.locZ; return d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2; } public void d(EntityHuman entityhuman) {} public void collide(Entity entity) { if (!this.x(entity)) { if (!entity.noclip && !this.noclip) { double d0 = entity.locX - this.locX; double d1 = entity.locZ - this.locZ; double d2 = MathHelper.a(d0, d1); if (d2 >= 0.009999999776482582D) { d2 = MathHelper.sqrt(d2); d0 /= d2; d1 /= d2; double d3 = 1.0D / d2; if (d3 > 1.0D) { d3 = 1.0D; } d0 *= d3; d1 *= d3; d0 *= 0.05000000074505806D; d1 *= 0.05000000074505806D; d0 *= 1.0F - this.R; d1 *= 1.0F - this.R; if (!this.isVehicle()) { this.f(-d0, 0.0D, -d1); } if (!entity.isVehicle()) { entity.f(d0, 0.0D, d1); } } } } } public void f(double d0, double d1, double d2) { // Paper start - OBFHELPER this.addVelocity(d0, d1, d2); } public void addVelocity(double d0, double d1, double d2) { this.motX += d0; this.motY += d1; this.motZ += d2; this.impulse = true; } protected void ap() { this.velocityChanged = true; } public boolean damageEntity(DamageSource damagesource, float f) { if (this.isInvulnerable(damagesource)) { return false; } else { this.ap(); return false; } } public Vec3D f(float f) { if (f == 1.0F) { return this.f(this.pitch, this.yaw); } else { float f1 = this.lastPitch + (this.pitch - this.lastPitch) * f; float f2 = this.lastYaw + (this.yaw - this.lastYaw) * f; return this.f(f1, f2); } } protected final Vec3D f(float f, float f1) { float f2 = MathHelper.cos(-f1 * 0.017453292F - 3.1415927F); float f3 = MathHelper.sin(-f1 * 0.017453292F - 3.1415927F); float f4 = -MathHelper.cos(-f * 0.017453292F); float f5 = MathHelper.sin(-f * 0.017453292F); return new Vec3D(f3 * f4, f5, f2 * f4); } public Vec3D g(float f) { if (f == 1.0F) { return new Vec3D(this.locX, this.locY + this.getHeadHeight(), this.locZ); } else { double d0 = this.lastX + (this.locX - this.lastX) * f; double d1 = this.lastY + (this.locY - this.lastY) * f + this.getHeadHeight(); double d2 = this.lastZ + (this.locZ - this.lastZ) * f; return new Vec3D(d0, d1, d2); } } public boolean isInteractable() { return false; } public boolean isCollidable() { return false; } public void b(Entity entity, int i) {} public boolean c(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { String s =; if (!this.dead && s != null) { nbttagcompound.setString("id", s); this.e(nbttagcompound); return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean d(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { String s =; if (!this.dead && s != null && !this.isPassenger()) { nbttagcompound.setString("id", s); this.e(nbttagcompound); return true; } else { return false; } } public static void b(DataConverterManager dataconvertermanager) { dataconvertermanager.a(DataConverterTypes.ENTITY, new DataInspector() { @Override public NBTTagCompound a(DataConverter dataconverter, NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound, int i) { if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("Passengers", 9)) { NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound.getList("Passengers", 10); for (int j = 0; j < nbttaglist.size(); ++j) { nbttaglist.a(j, dataconverter.a(DataConverterTypes.ENTITY, nbttaglist.get(j), i)); } } return nbttagcompound; } }); } public NBTTagCompound e(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { try { nbttagcompound.set("Pos", this.a(new double[] { this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ})); nbttagcompound.set("Motion", this.a(new double[] { this.motX, this.motY, this.motZ})); // CraftBukkit start - Checking for NaN pitch/yaw and resetting to zero // TODO: make sure this is the best way to address this. if (Float.isNaN(this.yaw)) { this.yaw = 0; } if (Float.isNaN(this.pitch)) { this.pitch = 0; } // CraftBukkit end nbttagcompound.set("Rotation", this.a(new float[] { this.yaw, this.pitch})); nbttagcompound.setFloat("FallDistance", this.fallDistance); nbttagcompound.setShort("Fire", (short) this.fireTicks); nbttagcompound.setShort("Air", (short) this.getAirTicks()); nbttagcompound.setBoolean("OnGround", this.onGround); nbttagcompound.setInt("Dimension", this.dimension); nbttagcompound.setBoolean("Invulnerable", this.invulnerable); nbttagcompound.setInt("PortalCooldown", this.portalCooldown); nbttagcompound.a("UUID", this.getUniqueID()); // CraftBukkit start // PAIL: Check above UUID reads 1.8 properly, ie: UUIDMost / UUIDLeast nbttagcompound.setLong("WorldUUIDLeast",; nbttagcompound.setLong("WorldUUIDMost",; nbttagcompound.setInt("Bukkit.updateLevel", CURRENT_LEVEL); nbttagcompound.setInt("Spigot.ticksLived", this.ticksLived); // CraftBukkit end if (this.hasCustomName()) { nbttagcompound.setString("CustomName", this.getCustomName()); } if (this.getCustomNameVisible()) { nbttagcompound.setBoolean("CustomNameVisible", this.getCustomNameVisible()); } this.aF.b(nbttagcompound); if (this.isSilent()) { nbttagcompound.setBoolean("Silent", this.isSilent()); } if (this.isNoGravity()) { nbttagcompound.setBoolean("NoGravity", this.isNoGravity()); } if (this.glowing) { nbttagcompound.setBoolean("Glowing", this.glowing); } NBTTagList nbttaglist; Iterator iterator; if (this.aG.size() > 0) { nbttaglist = new NBTTagList(); iterator = this.aG.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String s = (String); nbttaglist.add(new NBTTagString(s)); } nbttagcompound.set("Tags", nbttaglist); } this.b(nbttagcompound); if (this.isVehicle()) { nbttaglist = new NBTTagList(); iterator = this.bx().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entity entity = (Entity); NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound(); if (entity.c(nbttagcompound1)) { nbttaglist.add(nbttagcompound1); } } if (!nbttaglist.isEmpty()) { nbttagcompound.set("Passengers", nbttaglist); } } // Paper start - Save the entity's origin location if (origin != null) { nbttagcompound.set("Paper.Origin", this.createList(origin.getX(), origin.getY(), origin.getZ())); } // Paper end return nbttagcompound; } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Saving entity NBT"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being saved"); this.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } public void f(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound) { try { NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound.getList("Pos", 6); NBTTagList nbttaglist1 = nbttagcompound.getList("Motion", 6); NBTTagList nbttaglist2 = nbttagcompound.getList("Rotation", 5); this.motX = nbttaglist1.e(0); this.motY = nbttaglist1.e(1); this.motZ = nbttaglist1.e(2); /* CraftBukkit start - Moved section down if (Math.abs(this.motX) > 10.0D) { this.motX = 0.0D; } if (Math.abs(this.motY) > 10.0D) { this.motY = 0.0D; } if (Math.abs(this.motZ) > 10.0D) { this.motZ = 0.0D; } // CraftBukkit end */ this.locX = nbttaglist.e(0); this.locY = nbttaglist.e(1); this.locZ = nbttaglist.e(2); this.M = this.locX; this.N = this.locY; this.O = this.locZ; this.lastX = this.locX; this.lastY = this.locY; this.lastZ = this.locZ; this.yaw = nbttaglist2.f(0); this.pitch = nbttaglist2.f(1); this.lastYaw = this.yaw; this.lastPitch = this.pitch; this.h(this.yaw); this.i(this.yaw); this.fallDistance = nbttagcompound.getFloat("FallDistance"); this.fireTicks = nbttagcompound.getShort("Fire"); this.setAirTicks(nbttagcompound.getShort("Air")); this.onGround = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("OnGround"); if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("Dimension")) { this.dimension = nbttagcompound.getInt("Dimension"); } this.invulnerable = nbttagcompound.getBoolean("Invulnerable"); this.portalCooldown = nbttagcompound.getInt("PortalCooldown"); if (nbttagcompound.b("UUID")) { this.uniqueID = nbttagcompound.a("UUID"); = this.uniqueID.toString(); } this.setPosition(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); this.setYawPitch(this.yaw, this.pitch); if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("CustomName", 8)) { this.setCustomName(nbttagcompound.getString("CustomName")); } this.setCustomNameVisible(nbttagcompound.getBoolean("CustomNameVisible")); this.aF.a(nbttagcompound); this.setSilent(nbttagcompound.getBoolean("Silent")); this.setNoGravity(nbttagcompound.getBoolean("NoGravity")); this.g(nbttagcompound.getBoolean("Glowing")); if (nbttagcompound.hasKeyOfType("Tags", 9)) { this.aG.clear(); NBTTagList nbttaglist3 = nbttagcompound.getList("Tags", 8); int i = Math.min(nbttaglist3.size(), 1024); for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { this.aG.add(nbttaglist3.getString(j)); } } this.a(nbttagcompound); if ( { this.setPosition(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); } // CraftBukkit start if (this instanceof EntityLiving) { EntityLiving entity = (EntityLiving) this; this.ticksLived = nbttagcompound.getInt("Spigot.ticksLived"); // Reset the persistence for tamed animals if (entity instanceof EntityTameableAnimal && !isLevelAtLeast(nbttagcompound, 2) && !nbttagcompound.getBoolean("PersistenceRequired")) { EntityInsentient entityinsentient = (EntityInsentient) entity; entityinsentient.persistent = !entityinsentient.isTypeNotPersistent(); } } // CraftBukkit end // CraftBukkit start - Exempt Vehicles from notch's sanity check if (!(getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle)) { if (Math.abs(this.motX) > 10.0D) { this.motX = 0.0D; } if (Math.abs(this.motY) > 10.0D) { this.motY = 0.0D; } if (Math.abs(this.motZ) > 10.0D) { this.motZ = 0.0D; } } // CraftBukkit end // CraftBukkit start - Reset world if (this instanceof EntityPlayer) { Server server = Bukkit.getServer(); org.bukkit.World bworld = null; // TODO: Remove World related checks, replaced with WorldUID String worldName = nbttagcompound.getString("world"); if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("WorldUUIDMost") && nbttagcompound.hasKey("WorldUUIDLeast")) { UUID uid = new UUID(nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDMost"), nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDLeast")); bworld = server.getWorld(uid); } else { bworld = server.getWorld(worldName); } if (bworld == null) { EntityPlayer entityPlayer = (EntityPlayer) this; bworld = ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer) server).getServer().getWorldServer(entityPlayer.dimension).getWorld(); } spawnIn(bworld == null? null : ((CraftWorld) bworld).getHandle()); } // CraftBukkit end // Paper start - Restore the entity's origin location NBTTagList originTag = nbttagcompound.getList("Paper.Origin", 6); if (!originTag.isEmpty()) { origin = new Location(world.getWorld(), originTag.e(0), originTag.e(1), originTag.e(2)); } // Paper end } catch (Throwable throwable) { CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Loading entity NBT"); CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being loaded"); this.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails); throw new ReportedException(crashreport); } } protected boolean as() { return true; } @Nullable protected final String at() { MinecraftKey minecraftkey = EntityTypes.a(this); return minecraftkey == null ? null : minecraftkey.toString(); } protected abstract void a(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound); protected abstract void b(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound); protected NBTTagList createList(double... adouble) { return a(adouble); } // Paper - OBFHELPER protected NBTTagList a(double... adouble) { NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList(); double[] adouble1 = adouble; int i = adouble.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { double d0 = adouble1[j]; nbttaglist.add(new NBTTagDouble(d0)); } return nbttaglist; } protected NBTTagList a(float... afloat) { NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList(); float[] afloat1 = afloat; int i = afloat.length; for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) { float f = afloat1[j]; nbttaglist.add(new NBTTagFloat(f)); } return nbttaglist; } @Nullable public EntityItem a(Item item, int i) { return this.a(item, i, 0.0F); } @Nullable public EntityItem a(Item item, int i, float f) { return this.a(new ItemStack(item, i, 0), f); } @Nullable public EntityItem a(ItemStack itemstack, float f) { if (itemstack.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { // CraftBukkit start - Capture drops for death event if (this instanceof EntityLiving && !((EntityLiving) this).forceDrops) { ((EntityLiving) this).drops.add(org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(itemstack)); return null; } // CraftBukkit end EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(, this.locX, this.locY + f, this.locZ, itemstack); entityitem.q();; return entityitem; } } public boolean isAlive() { return !this.dead; } public boolean inBlock() { if (this.noclip) { return false; } else { BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition blockposition_pooledblockposition = BlockPosition.PooledBlockPosition.s(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { int j = MathHelper.floor(this.locY + ((i >> 0) % 2 - 0.5F) * 0.1F + this.getHeadHeight()); int k = MathHelper.floor(this.locX + ((i >> 1) % 2 - 0.5F) * this.width * 0.8F); int l = MathHelper.floor(this.locZ + ((i >> 2) % 2 - 0.5F) * this.width * 0.8F); if (blockposition_pooledblockposition.getX() != k || blockposition_pooledblockposition.getY() != j || blockposition_pooledblockposition.getZ() != l) { blockposition_pooledblockposition.f(k, j, l); if ( { blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return true; } } } blockposition_pooledblockposition.t(); return false; } } public boolean b(EntityHuman entityhuman, EnumHand enumhand) { return false; } @Nullable public AxisAlignedBB j(Entity entity) { return null; } public void aw() { Entity entity = this.bB(); if (this.isPassenger() && entity.dead) { this.stopRiding(); } else { this.motX = 0.0D; this.motY = 0.0D; this.motZ = 0.0D; this.A_(); if (this.isPassenger()) { entity.k(this); } } } public void k(Entity entity) { if (this.w(entity)) { entity.setPosition(this.locX, this.locY + this.ay() +, this.locZ); } } public double ax() { return 0.0D; } public double ay() { return this.length * 0.75D; } public boolean startRiding(Entity entity) { return this.a(entity, false); } public boolean a(Entity entity, boolean flag) { for (Entity entity1 = entity; != null; entity1 = { if ( == this) { return false; } } if (!flag && (!this.n(entity) || !entity.q(this))) { return false; } else { if (this.isPassenger()) { this.stopRiding(); } = entity;; return true; } } protected boolean n(Entity entity) { return this.j <= 0; } public void az() { for (int i = this.passengers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { this.passengers.get(i).stopRiding(); } } public void stopRiding() { if ( != null) { Entity entity =; = null; entity.p(this); } } protected void o(Entity entity) { if (entity == this) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entities cannot become a passenger of themselves"); // Paper - issue 572 if (entity.bB() != this) { throw new IllegalStateException("Use x.startRiding(y), not y.addPassenger(x)"); } else { // CraftBukkit start!entity.passengers.contains(this), "Circular entity riding! %s %s", this, entity); CraftEntity craft = (CraftEntity) entity.getBukkitEntity().getVehicle(); Entity orig = craft == null ? null : craft.getHandle(); if (getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle && entity.getBukkitEntity() instanceof LivingEntity && entity.locX >> 4, (int) entity.locZ >> 4, false)) { // Boolean not used VehicleEnterEvent event = new VehicleEnterEvent( (Vehicle) getBukkitEntity(), entity.getBukkitEntity() ); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); CraftEntity craftn = (CraftEntity) entity.getBukkitEntity().getVehicle(); Entity n = craftn == null ? null : craftn.getHandle(); if (event.isCancelled() || n != orig) { return; } } // CraftBukkit end // Spigot start org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityMountEvent event = new org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityMountEvent(entity.getBukkitEntity(), this.getBukkitEntity()); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } // Spigot end if (! && entity instanceof EntityHuman && !( instanceof EntityHuman)) { this.passengers.add(0, entity); } else { this.passengers.add(entity); } } } protected void p(Entity entity) { if (entity.bB() == this) { throw new IllegalStateException("Use x.stopRiding(y), not y.removePassenger(x)"); } else { // CraftBukkit start entity.setVehicle(this); // Paper - Set the vehicle back for the event CraftEntity craft = (CraftEntity) entity.getBukkitEntity().getVehicle(); Entity orig = craft == null ? null : craft.getHandle(); if (getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle && entity.getBukkitEntity() instanceof LivingEntity) { VehicleExitEvent event = new VehicleExitEvent( (Vehicle) getBukkitEntity(), (LivingEntity) entity.getBukkitEntity() ); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); CraftEntity craftn = (CraftEntity) entity.getBukkitEntity().getVehicle(); Entity n = craftn == null ? null : craftn.getHandle(); if (event.isCancelled() || n != orig) { return; } } // CraftBukkit end // Paper start - make EntityDismountEvent cancellable if (!new org.spigotmc.event.entity.EntityDismountEvent(entity.getBukkitEntity(), this.getBukkitEntity()).callEvent()) { return; } entity.setVehicle(null); // Paper end this.passengers.remove(entity); entity.j = 60; } } protected boolean q(Entity entity) { return this.bx().size() < 1; } public float aA() { return 0.0F; } public Vec3D aB() { return null; } public void e(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (this.portalCooldown > 0) { this.portalCooldown = this.aE(); } else { if (! && !blockposition.equals( { = new BlockPosition(blockposition); ShapeDetector.ShapeDetectorCollection shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection = Blocks.PORTAL.c(,; double d0 = shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.getFacing().k() == EnumDirection.EnumAxis.X ? (double) shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.a().getZ() : (double) shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.a().getX(); double d1 = shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.getFacing().k() == EnumDirection.EnumAxis.X ? this.locZ : this.locX; d1 = Math.abs(MathHelper.c(d1 - (shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.getFacing().e().c() == EnumDirection.EnumAxisDirection.NEGATIVE ? 1 : 0), d0, d0 - shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.d())); double d2 = MathHelper.c(this.locY - 1.0D, shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.a().getY(), shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.a().getY() - shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.e()); = new Vec3D(d1, d2, 0.0D); this.ap = shapedetector_shapedetectorcollection.getFacing(); } this.ak = true; } } public int aE() { return 300; } public Iterable<ItemStack> aG() { return Entity.b; } public Iterable<ItemStack> getArmorItems() { return Entity.b; } public Iterable<ItemStack> aI() { return Iterables.concat(this.aG(), this.getArmorItems()); } public void setEquipment(EnumItemSlot enumitemslot, ItemStack itemstack) {} public boolean isBurning() { boolean flag = != null &&; return !this.fireProof && (this.fireTicks > 0 || flag && this.getFlag(0)); } public boolean isPassenger() { return this.bB() != null; } public boolean isVehicle() { return !this.bx().isEmpty(); } public boolean isSneaking() { return this.getFlag(1); } public void setSneaking(boolean flag) { this.setFlag(1, flag); } public boolean isSprinting() { return this.getFlag(3); } public void setSprinting(boolean flag) { this.setFlag(3, flag); } public boolean aO() { return this.glowing || && this.getFlag(6); } public void g(boolean flag) { this.glowing = flag; if (! { this.setFlag(6, this.glowing); } } public boolean isInvisible() { return this.getFlag(5); } @Nullable public ScoreboardTeamBase getTeam() { return this.aQ(); } // Paper - OBFHELPER @Nullable public ScoreboardTeamBase aQ() { if (! && !(this instanceof EntityHuman)) { return null; } // Paper return; } public boolean r(Entity entity) { return this.a(entity.aQ()); } public boolean a(ScoreboardTeamBase scoreboardteambase) { return this.aQ() != null ? this.aQ().isAlly(scoreboardteambase) : false; } public void setInvisible(boolean flag) { this.setFlag(5, flag); } public boolean getFlag(int i) { return (this.datawatcher.get(Entity.Z).byteValue() & 1 << i) != 0; } public void setFlag(int i, boolean flag) { byte b0 = this.datawatcher.get(Entity.Z).byteValue(); if (flag) { this.datawatcher.set(Entity.Z, Byte.valueOf((byte) (b0 | 1 << i))); } else { this.datawatcher.set(Entity.Z, Byte.valueOf((byte) (b0 & ~(1 << i)))); } } public int getAirTicks() { return this.datawatcher.get(; } public void setAirTicks(int i) { // CraftBukkit start EntityAirChangeEvent event = new EntityAirChangeEvent(this.getBukkitEntity(), i); event.getEntity().getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } this.datawatcher.set(, Integer.valueOf(event.getAmount())); // CraftBukkit end } public void onLightningStrike(EntityLightning entitylightning) { // CraftBukkit start final org.bukkit.entity.Entity thisBukkitEntity = this.getBukkitEntity(); final org.bukkit.entity.Entity stormBukkitEntity = entitylightning.getBukkitEntity(); final PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager(); if (thisBukkitEntity instanceof Hanging) { HangingBreakByEntityEvent hangingEvent = new HangingBreakByEntityEvent((Hanging) thisBukkitEntity, stormBukkitEntity); pluginManager.callEvent(hangingEvent); if (hangingEvent.isCancelled()) { return; } } if (this.fireProof) { return; } CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = entitylightning; if (!this.damageEntity(DamageSource.LIGHTNING, 5.0F)) { CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = null; return; } // CraftBukkit end ++this.fireTicks; if (this.fireTicks == 0 && !this.isInWater()) { // CraftBukkit start - Call a combust event when lightning strikes EntityCombustByEntityEvent entityCombustEvent = new EntityCombustByEntityEvent(stormBukkitEntity, thisBukkitEntity, 8); pluginManager.callEvent(entityCombustEvent); if (!entityCombustEvent.isCancelled()) { this.setOnFire(entityCombustEvent.getDuration()); } // CraftBukkit end } } public void b(EntityLiving entityliving) {} protected boolean i(double d0, double d1, double d2) { BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(d0, d1, d2); double d3 = d0 - blockposition.getX(); double d4 = d1 - blockposition.getY(); double d5 = d2 - blockposition.getZ(); if (! { return false; } else { EnumDirection enumdirection = EnumDirection.UP; double d6 = Double.MAX_VALUE; if (! && d3 < d6) { d6 = d3; enumdirection = EnumDirection.WEST; } if (! && 1.0D - d3 < d6) { d6 = 1.0D - d3; enumdirection = EnumDirection.EAST; } if (! && d5 < d6) { d6 = d5; enumdirection = EnumDirection.NORTH; } if (! && 1.0D - d5 < d6) { d6 = 1.0D - d5; enumdirection = EnumDirection.SOUTH; } if (! && 1.0D - d4 < d6) { d6 = 1.0D - d4; enumdirection = EnumDirection.UP; } float f = this.random.nextFloat() * 0.2F + 0.1F; float f1 = enumdirection.c().a(); if (enumdirection.k() == EnumDirection.EnumAxis.X) { this.motX = f1 * f; this.motY *= 0.75D; this.motZ *= 0.75D; } else if (enumdirection.k() == EnumDirection.EnumAxis.Y) { this.motX *= 0.75D; this.motY = f1 * f; this.motZ *= 0.75D; } else if (enumdirection.k() == EnumDirection.EnumAxis.Z) { this.motX *= 0.75D; this.motY *= 0.75D; this.motZ = f1 * f; } return true; } } public void aS() { this.E = true; this.fallDistance = 0.0F; } @Override public String getName() { if (this.hasCustomName()) { return this.getCustomName(); } else { String s = EntityTypes.b(this); if (s == null) { s = "generic"; } return LocaleI18n.get("entity." + s + ".name"); } } @Nullable public Entity[] aT() { return null; } public boolean s(Entity entity) { return this == entity; } public float getHeadRotation() { return 0.0F; } public void h(float f) {} public void i(float f) {} public boolean aV() { return true; } public boolean t(Entity entity) { return false; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s[\'%s\'/%d, l=\'%s\', x=%.2f, y=%.2f, z=%.2f]", new Object[] { this.getClass().getSimpleName(), this.getName(), Integer.valueOf(, == null ? "~NULL~" :, Double.valueOf(this.locX), Double.valueOf(this.locY), Double.valueOf(this.locZ)}); } public boolean isInvulnerable(DamageSource damagesource) { return this.invulnerable && damagesource != DamageSource.OUT_OF_WORLD && !damagesource.u(); } public boolean aW() { return this.invulnerable; } public void setInvulnerable(boolean flag) { this.invulnerable = flag; } public void u(Entity entity) { this.setPositionRotation(entity.locX, entity.locY, entity.locZ, entity.yaw, entity.pitch); } private void a(Entity entity) { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = entity.e(new NBTTagCompound()); nbttagcompound.remove("Dimension"); this.f(nbttagcompound); this.portalCooldown = entity.portalCooldown; =; =; this.ap = entity.ap; } @Nullable public Entity c(int i) { if (! && !this.dead) {"changeDimension"); MinecraftServer minecraftserver = this.B_(); // CraftBukkit start - Move logic into new function "teleportTo(Location,boolean)" // int j = this.dimension; // WorldServer worldserver = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(j); // WorldServer worldserver1 = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(i); WorldServer exitWorld = null; if (this.dimension < CraftWorld.CUSTOM_DIMENSION_OFFSET) { // Plugins must specify exit from custom Bukkit worlds // Only target existing worlds (compensate for allow-nether/allow-end as false) for (WorldServer world : minecraftserver.worlds) { if (world.dimension == i) { exitWorld = world; } } } BlockPosition blockposition = null; // PAIL: CHECK Location enter = this.getBukkitEntity().getLocation(); Location exit; if (exitWorld != null) { if (blockposition != null) { exit = new Location(exitWorld.getWorld(), blockposition.getX(), blockposition.getY(), blockposition.getZ()); } else { exit = minecraftserver.getPlayerList().calculateTarget(enter, minecraftserver.getWorldServer(i)); } } else { exit = null; } boolean useTravelAgent = exitWorld != null && !(this.dimension == 1 && exitWorld.dimension == 1); // don't use agent for custom worlds or return from THE_END TravelAgent agent = exit != null ? (TravelAgent) ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle().getTravelAgent() : org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftTravelAgent.DEFAULT; // return arbitrary TA to compensate for implementation dependent plugins EntityPortalEvent event = new EntityPortalEvent(this.getBukkitEntity(), enter, exit, agent); event.useTravelAgent(useTravelAgent); event.getEntity().getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled() || event.getTo() == null || event.getTo().getWorld() == null || !this.isAlive()) { return null; } exit = event.useTravelAgent() ? event.getPortalTravelAgent().findOrCreate(event.getTo()) : event.getTo(); // Need to make sure the profiler state is reset afterwards (but we still want to time the call) Entity entity = this.teleportTo(exit, true); return entity; } return null; } public Entity teleportTo(Location exit, boolean portal) { if (!this.dead) { // Paper WorldServer worldserver = ((CraftWorld) getBukkitEntity().getLocation().getWorld()).getHandle(); WorldServer worldserver1 = ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle(); int i = worldserver1.dimension; // CraftBukkit end this.dimension = i; /* CraftBukkit start - TODO: Check if we need this if (j == 1 && i == 1) { worldserver1 = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(0); this.dimension = 0; } // CraftBukkit end */; this.dead = false;"reposition"); /* CraftBukkit start - Handled in calculateTarget BlockPosition blockposition; if (i == 1) { blockposition = worldserver1.getDimensionSpawn(); } else { double d0 = this.locX; double d1 = this.locZ; double d2 = 8.0D; if (i == -1) { d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 / 8.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D); d1 = MathHelper.a(d1 / 8.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().c() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().e() - 16.0D); } else if (i == 0) { d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 * 8.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D); d1 = MathHelper.a(d1 * 8.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().c() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().e() - 16.0D); } d0 = (double) MathHelper.clamp((int) d0, -29999872, 29999872); d1 = (double) MathHelper.clamp((int) d1, -29999872, 29999872); float f = this.yaw; this.setPositionRotation(d0, this.locY, d1, 90.0F, 0.0F); PortalTravelAgent portaltravelagent = worldserver1.getTravelAgent(); portaltravelagent.b(this, f); blockposition = new BlockPosition(this); } // CraftBukkit end */ // CraftBukkit start - Ensure chunks are loaded in case TravelAgent is not used which would initially cause chunks to load during find/create // minecraftserver.getPlayerList().changeWorld(this, j, worldserver, worldserver1); worldserver1.getMinecraftServer().getPlayerList().repositionEntity(this, exit, portal); // worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(this, false); // Handled in repositionEntity // CraftBukkit end"reloading"); Entity entity = EntityTypes.a(this.getClass(), worldserver1); if (entity != null) { entity.a(this); /* CraftBukkit start - We need to do this... if (j == 1 && i == 1) { BlockPosition blockposition1 = worldserver1.q(worldserver1.getSpawn()); entity.setPositionRotation(blockposition1, entity.yaw, entity.pitch); } else { entity.setPositionRotation(blockposition, entity.yaw, entity.pitch); } // CraftBukkit end */ boolean flag = entity.attachedToPlayer; entity.attachedToPlayer = true; worldserver1.addEntity(entity); entity.attachedToPlayer = flag; worldserver1.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false); // CraftBukkit start - Forward the CraftEntity to the new entity this.getBukkitEntity().setHandle(entity); entity.bukkitEntity = this.getBukkitEntity(); if (this instanceof EntityInsentient) { ((EntityInsentient)this).unleash(true, false); // Unleash to prevent duping of leads. } // CraftBukkit end } this.dead = true; worldserver.m(); worldserver1.m(); // // CraftBukkit: Moved up to keep balanced return entity; } else { return null; } } public boolean aX() { return true; } public float a(Explosion explosion, World world, BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata) { return iblockdata.getBlock().a(this); } public boolean a(Explosion explosion, World world, BlockPosition blockposition, IBlockData iblockdata, float f) { return true; } public int aY() { return 3; } public Vec3D getPortalOffset() { return; } public EnumDirection getPortalDirection() { return this.ap; } public boolean isIgnoreBlockTrigger() { return false; } public void appendEntityCrashDetails(CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails) { crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity Type", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { return EntityTypes.a(Entity.this) + " (" + Entity.this.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ")"; } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity ID", Integer.valueOf(; crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity Name", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { return Entity.this.getName(); } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity\'s Exact location", String.format("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", new Object[] { Double.valueOf(this.locX), Double.valueOf(this.locY), Double.valueOf(this.locZ)})); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity\'s Block location", CrashReportSystemDetails.a(MathHelper.floor(this.locX), MathHelper.floor(this.locY), MathHelper.floor(this.locZ))); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity\'s Momentum", String.format("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", new Object[] { Double.valueOf(this.motX), Double.valueOf(this.motY), Double.valueOf(this.motZ)})); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity\'s Passengers", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { return Entity.this.bx().toString(); } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); crashreportsystemdetails.a("Entity\'s Vehicle", new CrashReportCallable() { public String a() throws Exception { return Entity.this.bB().toString(); } @Override public Object call() throws Exception { return this.a(); } }); } public void a(UUID uuid) { this.uniqueID = uuid; = this.uniqueID.toString(); } public UUID getUniqueID() { return this.uniqueID; } public String getUUIDString() { return; } // OBFHELPER public String bf() { return; } public boolean bg() { // Paper start - OBFHELPER return this.pushedByWater(); } public boolean pushedByWater() { // Paper end return true; } @Override public IChatBaseComponent getScoreboardDisplayName() { ChatComponentText chatcomponenttext = new ChatComponentText(ScoreboardTeam.getPlayerDisplayName(this.aQ(), this.getName())); chatcomponenttext.getChatModifier().setChatHoverable(; chatcomponenttext.getChatModifier().setInsertion(; return chatcomponenttext; } public void setCustomName(String s) { // CraftBukkit start - Add a sane limit for name length if (s.length() > 256) { s = s.substring(0, 256); } // CraftBukkit end this.datawatcher.set(Entity.aA, s); } public String getCustomName() { return this.datawatcher.get(Entity.aA); } public boolean hasCustomName() { return !this.datawatcher.get(Entity.aA).isEmpty(); } public void setCustomNameVisible(boolean flag) { this.datawatcher.set(Entity.aB, Boolean.valueOf(flag)); } public boolean getCustomNameVisible() { return this.datawatcher.get(Entity.aB).booleanValue(); } public void enderTeleportTo(double d0, double d1, double d2) { this.aH = true; this.setPositionRotation(d0, d1, d2, this.yaw, this.pitch);, false); } public void a(DataWatcherObject<?> datawatcherobject) {} public EnumDirection getDirection() { return EnumDirection.fromType2(MathHelper.floor(this.yaw * 4.0F / 360.0F + 0.5D) & 3); } public EnumDirection bm() { return this.getDirection(); } protected ChatHoverable bn() { NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = new NBTTagCompound(); MinecraftKey minecraftkey = EntityTypes.a(this); nbttagcompound.setString("id",; if (minecraftkey != null) { nbttagcompound.setString("type", minecraftkey.toString()); } nbttagcompound.setString("name", this.getName()); return new ChatHoverable(ChatHoverable.EnumHoverAction.SHOW_ENTITY, new ChatComponentText(nbttagcompound.toString())); } public boolean a(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { return true; } public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox() { return this.boundingBox; } public void a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) { // CraftBukkit start - block invalid bounding boxes double a = axisalignedbb.a, b = axisalignedbb.b, c = axisalignedbb.c, d = axisalignedbb.d, e = axisalignedbb.e, f = axisalignedbb.f; double len = axisalignedbb.d - axisalignedbb.a; if (len < 0) d = a; if (len > 64) d = a + 64.0; len = axisalignedbb.e - axisalignedbb.b; if (len < 0) e = b; if (len > 64) e = b + 64.0; len = axisalignedbb.f - axisalignedbb.c; if (len < 0) f = c; if (len > 64) f = c + 64.0; this.boundingBox = new AxisAlignedBB(a, b, c, d, e, f); // CraftBukkit end } public float getHeadHeight() { return this.length * 0.85F; } public boolean br() { return; } public void k(boolean flag) { = flag; } public boolean c(int i, ItemStack itemstack) { return false; } @Override public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) {} @Override public boolean a(int i, String s) { return true; } @Override public BlockPosition getChunkCoordinates() { return new BlockPosition(this.locX, this.locY + 0.5D, this.locZ); } @Override public Vec3D d() { return new Vec3D(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ); } @Override public World getWorld() { return; } @Override public Entity f() { return this; } @Override public boolean getSendCommandFeedback() { return false; } @Override public void a(CommandObjectiveExecutor.EnumCommandResult commandobjectiveexecutor_enumcommandresult, int i) { if ( != null && ! { this.aF.a(, this, commandobjectiveexecutor_enumcommandresult, i); } } @Override @Nullable public MinecraftServer B_() { return; } public CommandObjectiveExecutor bs() { return this.aF; } public void v(Entity entity) { this.aF.a(; } public EnumInteractionResult a(EntityHuman entityhuman, Vec3D vec3d, EnumHand enumhand) { return EnumInteractionResult.PASS; } public boolean bt() { return false; } protected void a(EntityLiving entityliving, Entity entity) { if (entity instanceof EntityLiving) { EnchantmentManager.a((EntityLiving) entity, (Entity) entityliving); } EnchantmentManager.b(entityliving, entity); } public void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {} public void c(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {} public float a(EnumBlockRotation enumblockrotation) { float f = MathHelper.g(this.yaw); switch (enumblockrotation) { case CLOCKWISE_180: return f + 180.0F; case COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90: return f + 270.0F; case CLOCKWISE_90: return f + 90.0F; default: return f; } } public float a(EnumBlockMirror enumblockmirror) { float f = MathHelper.g(this.yaw); switch (enumblockmirror) { case LEFT_RIGHT: return -f; case FRONT_BACK: return 180.0F - f; default: return f; } } public boolean bu() { return false; } public boolean bv() { boolean flag = this.aH; this.aH = false; return flag; } @Nullable public Entity bw() { return null; } public List<Entity> bx() { return (List) (this.passengers.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : Lists.newArrayList(this.passengers)); } public boolean w(Entity entity) { Iterator iterator = this.bx().iterator(); Entity entity1; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return false; } entity1 = (Entity); } while (!entity1.equals(entity)); return true; } public Collection<Entity> by() { HashSet hashset = Sets.newHashSet(); this.a(Entity.class, (Set) hashset); return hashset; } public <T extends Entity> Collection<T> b(Class<T> oclass) { HashSet hashset = Sets.newHashSet(); this.a(oclass, (Set) hashset); return hashset; } private <T extends Entity> void a(Class<T> oclass, Set<T> set) { Entity entity; for (Iterator iterator = this.bx().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); entity.a(oclass, set)) { entity = (Entity); if (oclass.isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass())) { set.add((T) entity); // CraftBukkit - decompile error } } } public Entity getVehicle() { Entity entity; for (entity = this; entity.isPassenger(); entity = entity.bB()) { ; } return entity; } public boolean x(Entity entity) { return this.getVehicle() == entity.getVehicle(); } public boolean y(Entity entity) { Iterator iterator = this.bx().iterator(); Entity entity1; do { if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return false; } entity1 = (Entity); if (entity1.equals(entity)) { return true; } } while (!entity1.y(entity)); return true; } public boolean bA() { Entity entity =; return entity instanceof EntityHuman ? ((EntityHuman) entity).cR() : !; } @Nullable public Entity bB() { return; } public EnumPistonReaction o_() { return EnumPistonReaction.NORMAL; } public SoundCategory bC() { return SoundCategory.NEUTRAL; } public int getMaxFireTicks() { return 1; } }