package net.minecraft.server; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause; import org.torch.api.Anaphase; import org.torch.api.Async; import org.torch.server.TorchPlayerList; import org.torch.server.TorchServer; // CraftBukkit end import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; public abstract class PlayerList implements org.torch.api.TorchServant { /** * Torch PlayerList reactor */ @Getter private TorchPlayerList reactor; /** * STATIC FIELDS */ private static final Logger f = TorchServer.logger; public static final File a = TorchPlayerList.PLAYER_BANS_FILE; public static final File b = TorchPlayerList.IP_BANS_FILE; public static final File c = TorchPlayerList.OPS_FILE; public static final File d = TorchPlayerList.WHITELIST_FILE; private static final SimpleDateFormat g = TorchPlayerList.DATE_FORMAT; /** * ANAPHASE FIELDS */ /** * Team name used for Paper collide rule */ @Nullable @Getter @Setter @Anaphase String collideRuleTeamName; /** * NORMAL FIELDS */ private final MinecraftServer server; public final List<EntityPlayer> players; private final OpList operators; private final WhiteList whitelist; public IPlayerFileData playerFileData; private boolean hasWhitelist; protected int maxPlayers; private CraftServer cserver; private final Map<String,EntityPlayer> playersByName; /** * OBFUSCATED FIELDS */ /** uuidToPlayerMap */ private final Map<UUID, EntityPlayer> j; /** bannedPlayers */ private final GameProfileBanList k; /** bannedIPs */ private final IpBanList l; /** playerStatFiles */ private final Map<UUID, ServerStatisticManager> o; /** viewDistance */ private int r; /** gameMode */ private EnumGamemode s; /** allowedCommands */ private boolean t; /** playerPingIndex */ private int u; public void setPlayerPingIndex(int index) { u = index; } // Setter for port public PlayerList(MinecraftServer minecraftserver) { // Setup instance for org.torch.api.TorchServant reactor = new TorchPlayerList(minecraftserver, this); server = minecraftserver; /** * NORMAL FIELDS */ players = reactor.getPlayers(); operators = reactor.getOperators(); whitelist = reactor.getWhitelist(); // playerFileData = reactor.getPlayerFileData(); // Moved to TorchPlayerList hasWhitelist = reactor.isWhitelistMode(); maxPlayers = reactor.getMaxPlayers(); cserver = reactor.getCraftServer(); playersByName = reactor.getPlayersByName(); /** * OBFUSCATED FIELDS */ j = reactor.getUuidToPlayerMap(); k = reactor.getBannedPlayers(); l = reactor.getBannedIPs(); o = reactor.getPlayerStatFiles(); r = reactor.getViewDistance(); s = reactor.getGameMode(); t = reactor.isAllowedCommands(); u = reactor.getPlayerPingIndex(); } public void a(NetworkManager networkmanager, EntityPlayer entityplayer) { reactor.initializeConnectionToPlayer(networkmanager, entityplayer); } public void sendScoreboard(ScoreboardServer scoreboardserver, EntityPlayer entityplayer) { reactor.sendScoreboard(scoreboardserver, entityplayer); } public void setPlayerFileData(WorldServer[] aworldserver) { reactor.setPlayerFileData(aworldserver); } public void a(EntityPlayer entityplayer, WorldServer worldserver) { reactor.preparePlayer(entityplayer, worldserver); } public int d() { return reactor.getEntityViewDistance(); } @Nullable public NBTTagCompound a(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { return reactor.readPlayerDataFromFile(entityplayer); } protected void savePlayerFile(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { reactor.savePlayerFile(entityplayer); } public void onPlayerJoin(EntityPlayer entityplayer, String joinMessage) { // CraftBukkit added param reactor.onPlayerJoin(entityplayer, joinMessage); } public void d(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { reactor.updateMovingPlayer(entityplayer); } public String disconnect(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { // CraftBukkit - return string return reactor.disconnect(entityplayer); } // CraftBukkit start - Whole method, SocketAddress to LoginListener, added hostname to signature, return EntityPlayer public EntityPlayer attemptLogin(LoginListener loginlistener, GameProfile gameprofile, String hostname) { return reactor.attemptLogin(loginlistener, gameprofile, hostname); } public EntityPlayer processLogin(GameProfile gameprofile, EntityPlayer player) { // CraftBukkit - added EntityPlayer /* CraftBukkit startMoved up UUID uuid = EntityHuman.a(gameprofile); ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i); if (entityplayer.getUniqueID().equals(uuid)) { arraylist.add(entityplayer); } } EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = (EntityPlayer) this.j.get(gameprofile.getId()); if (entityplayer1 != null && !arraylist.contains(entityplayer1)) { arraylist.add(entityplayer1); } Iterator iterator = arraylist.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer2 = (EntityPlayer); entityplayer2.playerConnection.disconnect("You logged in from another location"); } Object object; if (this.server.V()) { object = new DemoPlayerInteractManager(this.server.getWorldServer(0)); } else { object = new PlayerInteractManager(this.server.getWorldServer(0)); } return new EntityPlayer(this.server, this.server.getWorldServer(0), gameprofile, (PlayerInteractManager) object); */ return reactor.processLogin(gameprofile, player); // CraftBukkit end } // CraftBukkit start public EntityPlayer moveToWorld(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, boolean flag) { return reactor.recreatePlayerEntity(entityplayer, i, flag); } public EntityPlayer moveToWorld(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, boolean flag, Location location, boolean avoidSuffocation) { return reactor.recreatePlayerEntity(entityplayer, i, flag, location, avoidSuffocation); } // CraftBukkit start - Replaced the standard handling of portals with a more customised method. public void changeDimension(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, TeleportCause cause) { reactor.changeDimension(entityplayer, i, cause); } public void f(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { reactor.updatePermissionLevel(entityplayer); } public void a(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i) { reactor.transferPlayerToDimension(entityplayer, i); } public void changeWorld(Entity entity, int i, WorldServer worldserver, WorldServer worldserver1) { reactor.changeWorld(entity, i, worldserver, worldserver1); } // Copy of original changeWorld(Entity, int, WorldServer, WorldServer) method with only location calculation logic public Location calculateTarget(Location enter, World target) { return reactor.calculateTarget(enter, target); } // copy of original a(Entity, int, WorldServer, WorldServer) method with only entity repositioning logic public void repositionEntity(Entity entity, Location exit, boolean portal) { reactor.repositionEntity(entity, exit, portal); } public void tick() { reactor.tick(); } public void sendAll(Packet<?> packet) { reactor.sendAll(packet); } // CraftBukkit start - add a world/entity limited version public void sendAll(Packet packet, EntityHuman entityhuman) { reactor.sendAll(packet, entityhuman); } public void sendAll(Packet packet, World world) { reactor.sendAll(packet, world); } // CraftBukkit end public void a(Packet<?> packet, int i) { reactor.sendAll(packet, i); } public void a(EntityHuman entityhuman, IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) { reactor.sendMessageToAllTeamMembers(entityhuman, ichatbasecomponent); } public void b(EntityHuman entityhuman, IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) { reactor.sendMessageToAllTeamOrAllPlayers(entityhuman, ichatbasecomponent); } public String b(boolean flag) { return reactor.getFormattedListOfPlayers(flag); } public String[] f() { return reactor.getOnlinePlayerNames(); } public GameProfile[] g() { return reactor.getOnlinePlayerProfiles(); } public GameProfileBanList getProfileBans() { return reactor.getBannedPlayers(); } public IpBanList getIPBans() { return reactor.getBannedIPs(); } public void addOp(GameProfile gameprofile) { reactor.addOp(gameprofile); } public void removeOp(GameProfile gameprofile) { reactor.removeOp(gameprofile); } private void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i) { reactor.sendPlayerPermissionLevel(entityplayer, i); } public boolean isWhitelisted(GameProfile gameprofile) { return reactor.isWhitelisted(gameprofile); } public boolean isOp(GameProfile gameprofile) { return reactor.isOp(gameprofile); } @Nullable public EntityPlayer getPlayer(String s) { return reactor.getPlayer(s); } @Async public void sendPacketNearby(@Nullable EntityHuman entityhuman, double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3, int i, Packet<?> packet) { reactor.sendPacketNearby(entityhuman, d0, d1, d2, d3, i, packet); } // Paper start public void savePlayers() { reactor.savePlayers(); } public void savePlayers(Integer interval) { reactor.savePlayers(interval); } // Paper end public void addWhitelist(GameProfile gameprofile) { reactor.addWhitelist(gameprofile); } public void removeWhitelist(GameProfile gameprofile) { reactor.removeWhitelist(gameprofile); } public WhiteList getWhitelist() { return reactor.getWhitelist(); } public String[] getWhitelisted() { return reactor.getWhitelistedPlayerNames(); } public OpList getOPs() { return reactor.getOperators(); } public String[] n() { return reactor.getOppedPlayerNames(); } public void reloadWhitelist() { reactor.readWhiteList(); } public void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer, WorldServer worldserver) { reactor.updateTimeAndWeatherForPlayer(entityplayer, worldserver); } public void updateClient(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { reactor.syncPlayerInventoryHealth(entityplayer); } public int getPlayerCount() { return reactor.getPlayerCount(); } public int getMaxPlayers() { return reactor.getMaxPlayers(); } public String[] getSeenPlayers() { return reactor.getSeenPlayers(); } public boolean getHasWhitelist() { return reactor.isWhitelistMode(); } public void setHasWhitelist(boolean flag) { reactor.setWhitelistMode(flag); } public List<EntityPlayer> b(String s) { return reactor.matchingPlayersByAddress(s); } public int s() { return reactor.getViewDistance(); } public MinecraftServer getServer() { return reactor.getMinecraftServer(); } public NBTTagCompound t() { return reactor.getHostPlayerData(); } private void a(EntityPlayer entityplayer, EntityPlayer entityplayer1, World world) { reactor.setPlayerGamemodeBasedOnOther(entityplayer, entityplayer1, world); } public void u() { reactor.disconnectAllPlayers(); } // CraftBukkit start public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent[] iChatBaseComponents) { reactor.sendMessage(iChatBaseComponents); } // CraftBukkit end public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent, boolean flag) { reactor.sendMessage(ichatbasecomponent, flag); } public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) { reactor.sendMessage(ichatbasecomponent); } public ServerStatisticManager a(EntityHuman entityhuman) { return reactor.getOrCreatePlayerStatsFile(entityhuman); } public void a(int i) { reactor.setViewDistance(i); } public List<EntityPlayer> v() { return reactor.players; } public EntityPlayer a(UUID uuid) { return reactor.getPlayerByUUID(uuid); } public boolean f(GameProfile gameprofile) { return reactor.bypassesPlayerLimit(gameprofile); } }