package net.minecraft.server; import; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfileRepository; import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftSessionService; import com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; // CraftBukkit start import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import joptsimple.OptionSet; // CraftBukkit end import org.spigotmc.SlackActivityAccountant; // Spigot import org.torch.api.Anaphase; import org.torch.server.TorchPlayerList; import org.torch.server.TorchServer; public abstract class MinecraftServer implements Runnable, ICommandListener, IAsyncTaskHandler, IMojangStatistics, org.torch.api.TorchServant { /** * STATIC FIELDS */ /** * Torch server instance */ protected static TorchServer reactor; /** * Legacy server instance */ private static MinecraftServer SERVER; /** * Common logger */ public static final Logger LOGGER = TorchServer.logger; /** * User cache file */ public static final File a = TorchServer.USER_CACHE_FILE; /** * The sample TPS */ private static final int TPS = TorchServer.SAMPLE_TPS; /** * The sample nano per second */ private static final long SEC_IN_NANO = TorchServer.SAMPLE_SEC_IN_NANO; /** * The sample full tick time */ public static final long TICK_TIME = TorchServer.SAMPLE_TICK_TIME; /** * The sample maxi catchup buffer */ private static final long MAX_CATCHUP_BUFFER = TorchServer.SAMPLE_MAX_CATCHUP_BUFFER; /** * The sample tps interval */ private static final int SAMPLE_INTERVAL = TorchServer.SAMPLE_TICK_INTERVAL; /** * ANAPHASE FIELDS */ /** * The default world instances */ @Anaphase public WorldServer[] worldServer; /** * The current tick number, incremented every tick */ @Anaphase public static int currentTick = 0; /** * {@see MinecraftServer#currentTick} */ @Anaphase @lombok.Setter private int ticks = currentTick; /** * Current TPS from 1m */ @Anaphase public final RollingAverage tps1 = new RollingAverage(60); /** * Current TPS from 5m */ @Anaphase public final RollingAverage tps5 = new RollingAverage(60 * 5); /** * Current TPS from 15m */ @Anaphase public final RollingAverage tps15 = new RollingAverage(60 * 15); /** * Current TPS */ @Anaphase public double[] recentTps = new double[3]; /** * NORMAL FIELDS */ /** anvilFileConverter */ public Convertable convertable; /** universeAnvilFile */ public File universe; public final MethodProfiler methodProfiler; private final DataConverterManager dataConverterManager; private String serverIp; private boolean isRunning; private boolean isStopped; private boolean onlineMode; private boolean spawnAnimals; private boolean spawnNPCs; private boolean pvpMode; private boolean allowFlight; private String motd; private boolean demoMode; private Thread serverThread; /** serverThread */ public final Thread primaryThread; public List<WorldServer> worlds; /** craftServer */ public org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer server; public OptionSet options; public org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender console; public org.bukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender remoteConsole; public ConsoleReader reader; public java.util.Queue<Runnable> processQueue; public int autosavePeriod; public boolean serverAutoSave; public final SlackActivityAccountant slackActivityAccountant; private boolean hasStopped; private final Object stopLock; /** * OBFUSCATED FIELDS */ /** usageSnooper */ private final MojangStatisticsGenerator m; /** tickables */ private final List<ITickable> o; /** commandManager */ public final ICommandHandler b; /** serverConnection */ private ServerConnection p; /** serverPing */ private final ServerPing q; /** random */ private final Random r; /** serverPort */ private int u = -1; /** playerList */ private PlayerList v; public void setPlayerList(TorchPlayerList reactor) { this.v = reactor.getServant(); } // Setter for port /** serverProxy */ protected final Proxy e; /** currentTask */ public String f; /** percentDone */ public int g; /** preventProxyConnections */ private boolean A; /** buildLimit */ private int G; /** maxPlayerIdleMinutes */ private int H; /** tickTimeArray */ public final long[] h; /** timeOfLastDimensionTick */ public long[][] i; /** serverKeyPair */ private KeyPair I; /** serverOwner */ private String J; /** folderName */ private String K; /** enableBonusChest */ private boolean N; /** resourcePackUrl */ private String O; /** resourcePackHash */ private String P; /** serverIsRunning */ private boolean Q; /** timeOfLastWarning*/ private long R; /** userMessage */ private String S; /** startProfiling */ private boolean T; /** isGamemodeForced */ private boolean U; /** authService */ private final YggdrasilAuthenticationService V; /** sessionService */ private final MinecraftSessionService W; /** profileRepo */ private final GameProfileRepository X; /** userCache */ private final UserCache Y; /** nanoTimeSinceStatusRefresh */ private long Z; /** futureTaskQueue */ protected final Queue<FutureTask<?>> j; /** currentTime */ private long ab; public static class RollingAverage { private final int size; private long time; private double total; private int index = 0; private final double[] samples; private final long[] times; public RollingAverage(int size) { this.size = size; this.time = size * SEC_IN_NANO; = TPS * SEC_IN_NANO * size; this.samples = new double[size]; this.times = new long[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.samples[i] = TPS; this.times[i] = SEC_IN_NANO; } } public void add(double x, long t) { time -= times[index]; total -= samples[index] * times[index]; samples[index] = x; times[index] = t; time += t; total += x * t; if (++index == size) { index = 0; } } public double getAverage() { return total / time; } } public MinecraftServer(OptionSet optionSet, Proxy proxy, DataConverterManager dataconvertermanager, YggdrasilAuthenticationService yggdrasilauthenticationservice, MinecraftSessionService minecraftsessionservice, GameProfileRepository gameprofilerepository, UserCache usercache) { // Setup instance for org.torch.api.TorchReactor SERVER = this; // Setup instance for org.torch.api.TorchServant if (proxy == Proxy.NO_PROXY) { // Request from dedicated server constructor reactor = new TorchServer(optionSet, dataconvertermanager, yggdrasilauthenticationservice, minecraftsessionservice, gameprofilerepository, usercache); } else { reactor = new TorchServer(optionSet, proxy, dataconvertermanager, yggdrasilauthenticationservice, minecraftsessionservice, gameprofilerepository, usercache); } /** * NORMAL FIELDS */ convertable = reactor.getAnvilFileConverter(); universe = reactor.getUniverseAnvilFile(); methodProfiler = reactor.getMethodProfiler(); dataConverterManager = reactor.getDataConverterManager(); serverIp = reactor.getServerIp(); isRunning = reactor.isRunning(); onlineMode = reactor.onlineMode; // SP spawnAnimals = reactor.isSpawnAnimals(); spawnNPCs = reactor.isSpawnNPCs(); pvpMode = reactor.isPvpMode(); allowFlight = reactor.isAllowFlight(); motd = reactor.getMotd(); demoMode = reactor.isDemoMode(); worlds = reactor.getWorlds(); server = reactor.getCraftServer(); options = reactor.getOptions(); console = reactor.getConsole(); remoteConsole = reactor.getRemoteConsole(); reader = reactor.getReader(); processQueue = reactor.getProcessQueue(); autosavePeriod = reactor.getAutosavePeriod(); serverAutoSave = reactor.isServerAutoSave(); slackActivityAccountant = reactor.getSlackActivityAccountant(); hasStopped = reactor.isHasStopped(); stopLock = reactor.getStopLock(); serverThread = primaryThread = reactor.getServerThread(); /** * OBFUSCATED FIELDS */ m = reactor.getUsageSnooper(); o = reactor.getTickables(); b = reactor.getCommandManager(); p = reactor.getServerConnection(); q = reactor.getServerPing(); r = reactor.getRandom(); u = reactor.getServerPort(); // v = reactor.getPlayerList(); // Moved to Setter e = reactor.getServerProxy(); f = reactor.getCurrentTask(); g = reactor.getPercentDone(); A = reactor.isPreventProxyConnections(); G = reactor.getBuildLimit(); H = reactor.getMaxPlayerIdleMinutes(); h = reactor.getTickTimeArray(); i = reactor.getTimeOfLastDimensionTick(); I = reactor.getServerKeyPair(); J = reactor.getServerOwner(); K = reactor.getPrimaryWorldFolderName(); N = reactor.isEnableBonusChest(); O = reactor.getResourcePackUrl(); P = reactor.getResourcePackHash(); Q = reactor.isServerIsRunning(); R = reactor.getTimeOfLastWarning(); S = reactor.getUserMessage(); T = reactor.isStartProfiling(); U = reactor.isGamemodeForced(); V = reactor.getAuthService(); W = reactor.getSessionService(); X = reactor.getProfileRepo(); Y = reactor.getUserCache().getServant(); Z = reactor.getNanoTimeSinceStatusRefresh(); j = reactor.getFutureTaskQueue(); ab = reactor.getCurrentTime(); } public abstract PropertyManager getPropertyManager(); // CraftBukkit end protected CommandDispatcher i() { return reactor.createCommandDispatcher(); } public abstract boolean init() throws IOException; protected void a(String s) { reactor.convertMapIfNeeded(s); } protected synchronized void b(String s) { reactor.setUserMessage(s); } public void a(String s, String s1, long i, WorldType worldtype, String s2) { reactor.loadDefaultWorlds(s, s1, i, worldtype, s2); } protected void l() { reactor.initialAllWorldsChunk(); } protected void a(String s, IDataManager idatamanager) { reactor.setResourcePackFromWorld(s, idatamanager); } public abstract boolean getGenerateStructures(); public abstract EnumGamemode getGamemode(); public abstract EnumDifficulty getDifficulty(); public abstract boolean isHardcore(); public abstract int q(); public abstract boolean r(); public abstract boolean s(); protected void a_(String s, int i) { reactor.setCurrentTask(s, i); } protected void t() { reactor.clearCurrentTask(); } protected void saveChunks(boolean flag) { reactor.saveChunks(flag); } public void stop() throws ExceptionWorldConflict { // CraftBukkit - added throws reactor.stopServer(); } public String getServerIp() { return reactor.getServerIp(); } public void c(String s) { reactor.setServerIp(s); } public boolean isRunning() { return reactor.isRunning(); } public void safeShutdown() { reactor.safeShutdown(); } @Override public void run() {; } public void a(ServerPing serverping) { reactor.applyServerIconToPing(serverping); } public File A() { return reactor.getDataDirectory(); } protected void a(CrashReport crashreport) {} public void B() {} protected void C() throws ExceptionWorldConflict { // CraftBukkit - added throws reactor.tick(); } public void D() { reactor.updateLogicsAndPhysics(); } public boolean getAllowNether() { return reactor.getAllowNether(); } public void a(ITickable itickable) { reactor.registerTickable(itickable); } public static void main(final OptionSet options) { // CraftBukkit - replaces main(String[] astring) TorchServer.main(options); } public void F() { reactor.startServerThread(); } public File d(String s) { return reactor.getFile(s); } public void info(String s) {; } public void warning(String s) { reactor.warning(s); } public WorldServer getWorldServer(int i) { return reactor.getWorldServer(i); } public String getVersion() { return reactor.getMinecraftVersion(); } public int H() { return reactor.getCurrentPlayerCount(); } public int I() { return reactor.getMaxPlayers(); } public String[] getPlayers() { return reactor.getOnlinePlayerNames(); } public GameProfile[] K() { return reactor.getOnlinePlayerProfiles(); } public boolean isDebugging() { return reactor.isDebugging(); } public void g(String s) { reactor.error(s); } public void h(String s) { reactor.debug(s); } public String getServerModName() { return reactor.getServerModName(); } public CrashReport b(CrashReport crashreport) { return reactor.addServerInfoToCrashReport(crashreport); } public List<String> tabCompleteCommand(ICommandListener icommandlistener, String s, @Nullable BlockPosition blockposition, boolean flag) { return reactor.tabCompleteCommand(icommandlistener, s, blockposition, flag); } public boolean M() { return reactor.isAnvilFileSet(); } @Override public String getName() { return reactor.getName(); } @Override public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) { reactor.sendMessage(ichatbasecomponent); } @Override public boolean a(int i, String s) { return reactor.canUseCommand(i, s); } public ICommandHandler getCommandHandler() { return reactor.getCommandManager(); } public KeyPair O() { return reactor.getServerKeyPair(); } public int P() { return reactor.getServerPort(); } public void setPort(int i) { reactor.setServerPort(i); } public String Q() { return reactor.getServerOwner(); } public void i(String s) { reactor.setServerOwner(s); } public boolean R() { return reactor.isSinglePlayer(); } public String S() { return reactor.getPrimaryWorldFolderName(); } public void setWorld(String s) { reactor.setPrimaryWorldFolderName(s); } public void a(KeyPair keypair) { reactor.setServerKeyPair(keypair); } public void a(EnumDifficulty enumdifficulty) { reactor.setDifficultyForAllWorlds(enumdifficulty); } public boolean getSpawnMonsters() { return reactor.getSpawnMonsters(); } public boolean V() { return reactor.isDemoMode(); } public void b(boolean flag) { reactor.setDemoMode(flag); } public void c(boolean flag) { reactor.setEnableBonusChest(flag); } public Convertable getConvertable() { return reactor.getAnvilFileConverter(); } public String getResourcePack() { return reactor.getResourcePackUrl(); } public String getResourcePackHash() { return reactor.getResourcePackHash(); } public void setResourcePack(String s, String s1) { reactor.setResourcePack(s, s1); } // Snooper @Override public void a(MojangStatisticsGenerator mojangstatisticsgenerator) {} // Snooper @Override public void b(MojangStatisticsGenerator mojangstatisticsgenerator) {} @Override public boolean getSnooperEnabled() { return reactor.getSnooperEnabled(); } public abstract boolean aa(); public boolean getOnlineMode() { return reactor.getCraftServer().getOnlineMode(); } public void setOnlineMode(boolean flag) { reactor.setOnlineMode(flag); } public boolean ac() { return reactor.isPreventProxyConnections(); } public void e(boolean flag) { reactor.setPreventProxyConnections(flag); } public boolean getSpawnAnimals() { return reactor.isSpawnAnimals(); } public void setSpawnAnimals(boolean flag) { reactor.setSpawnAnimals(flag); } public boolean getSpawnNPCs() { return reactor.isSpawnNPCs(); } public abstract boolean af(); public void setSpawnNPCs(boolean flag) { reactor.setSpawnNPCs(flag); } public boolean getPVP() { return reactor.isPvpMode(); } public void setPVP(boolean flag) { reactor.setPvpMode(flag); } public boolean getAllowFlight() { return reactor.isAllowFlight(); } public void setAllowFlight(boolean flag) { reactor.setAllowFlight(flag); } public abstract boolean getEnableCommandBlock(); public String getMotd() { return reactor.getMotd(); } public void setMotd(String s) { reactor.setMotd(s); } public int getMaxBuildHeight() { return reactor.getBuildLimit(); } public void c(int i) { reactor.setBuildLimit(i); } public boolean isStopped() { return reactor.isStopped(); } public PlayerList getPlayerList() { return reactor.getPlayerList().getServant(); } public void a(PlayerList playerlist) { reactor.setPlayerList(playerlist.getReactor()); } public void setGamemode(EnumGamemode enumgamemode) { reactor.setGamemodeForWorlds(enumgamemode); } public ServerConnection getServerConnection() { return reactor.getServerConnection(); } public void setServerConnection(ServerConnection connection) { this.p = connection; } public ServerConnection an() { return reactor.handleServerConnection(); } public boolean ap() { return reactor.isGuiIsEnabled(); } public abstract String a(EnumGamemode enumgamemode, boolean flag); public int aq() { return reactor.getCurrentTick(); } public void ar() { reactor.startProfiling(); } @Override public BlockPosition getChunkCoordinates() { return reactor.getChunkCoordinates(); } @Override public Vec3D d() { return reactor.getEntityVec3D(); } @Override public World getWorld() { return reactor.getWorld(); } @Override public Entity f() { return reactor.getEntity(); } public int getSpawnProtection() { return reactor.getSpawnProtectionSize(); } public boolean a(World world, BlockPosition blockposition, EntityHuman entityhuman) { return reactor.isBlockProtected(world, blockposition, entityhuman); } public void setForceGamemode(boolean flag) { reactor.setForceGamemode(flag); } public boolean getForceGamemode() { return reactor.isGamemodeForced(); } public Proxy av() { return reactor.getServerProxy(); } public static long aw() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } public int getIdleTimeout() { return reactor.getMaxPlayerIdleMinutes(); } public void setIdleTimeout(int i) { reactor.setIdleTimeout(i); } @Override public IChatBaseComponent getScoreboardDisplayName() { return reactor.getScoreboardDisplayName(); } public boolean ay() { return reactor.isAnnouncingPlayerAchievements(); } public MinecraftSessionService az() { return reactor.getSessionService(); } public GameProfileRepository getGameProfileRepository() { return reactor.getProfileRepo(); } public UserCache getUserCache() { return reactor.getUserCache().getServant(); } public ServerPing getServerPing() { return reactor.getServerPing(); } public void aD() { reactor.refreshStatusNextTick(); } @Nullable public Entity a(UUID uuid) { return reactor.getEntityFromUUID(uuid); } @Override public boolean getSendCommandFeedback() { return reactor.getSendCommandFeedback(); } @Override public void a(CommandObjectiveExecutor.EnumCommandResult commandobjectiveexecutor_enumcommandresult, int i) {} @Override public MinecraftServer B_() { return reactor.getMinecraftServer(); } public int aE() { return reactor.getMaxWorldSize(); } public <V> ListenableFuture<V> a(Callable<V> callable) { return reactor.postToMainThreadMaybeAsync(callable, true); } @Override public ListenableFuture<Object> postToMainThread(Runnable runnable) { return reactor.postToMainThread(runnable); } @Override public boolean isMainThread() { return reactor.isMainThread(); } public int aG() { return reactor.getNetworkCompressionThreshold(); } public long aH() { return reactor.getCurrentTime(); } public Thread aI() { return reactor.getServerThread(); } public DataConverterManager getDataConverterManager() { return reactor.getDataConverterManager(); } public int a(@Nullable WorldServer worldserver) { return reactor.getSpawnRadius(worldserver); } public static MinecraftServer getServer() { return SERVER; } @Override public TorchServer getReactor() { return reactor; } }