package net.minecraft.server; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; // CraftBukkit Start import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor; // CraftBukkit end public class PlayerChunk { private static final Logger a = LogManager.getLogger(); private final PlayerChunkMap playerChunkMap; public final List<EntityPlayer> c = Lists.newArrayList(); // CraftBukkit - public private final ChunkCoordIntPair location; private final short[] dirtyBlocks = new short[64]; @Nullable public Chunk chunk; // CraftBukkit - public private int dirtyCount; private int h; private long i; private boolean done; // CraftBukkit start - add fields private boolean loadInProgress = false; private Runnable loadedRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadInProgress = false; PlayerChunk.this.chunk = PlayerChunk.this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getChunkProviderServer().getOrLoadChunkAt(location.x, location.z); markChunkUsed(); // Paper - delay chunk unloads } }; // Paper start - delay chunk unloads public final void markChunkUsed() { if (chunk != null && chunk.scheduledForUnload != null) { chunk.scheduledForUnload = null; } } // Paper end // CraftBukkit end public PlayerChunk(PlayerChunkMap playerchunkmap, int i, int j) { this.playerChunkMap = playerchunkmap; this.location = new ChunkCoordIntPair(i, j); // CraftBukkit start loadInProgress = true; this.chunk = playerchunkmap.getWorld().getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt(i, j, loadedRunnable, false); markChunkUsed(); // Paper - delay chunk unloads // CraftBukkit end } public ChunkCoordIntPair a() { return this.location; } public void a(final EntityPlayer entityplayer) { // CraftBukkit - added final to argument if (this.c.contains(entityplayer)) { PlayerChunk.a.debug("Failed to add player. {} already is in chunk {}, {}", new Object[] { entityplayer, Integer.valueOf(this.location.x), Integer.valueOf(this.location.z)}); } else { if (this.c.isEmpty()) { this.i = this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getTime(); } this.c.add(entityplayer); // CraftBukkit start - use async chunk io // if (this.done) { // this.sendChunk(entityplayer); // } if (this.done) { this.sendChunk(entityplayer); } // CraftBukkit end } } public void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { if (this.c.contains(entityplayer)) { // CraftBukkit start - If we haven't loaded yet don't load the chunk just so we can clean it up if (!this.done) { this.c.remove(entityplayer); if (this.c.isEmpty()) { ChunkIOExecutor.dropQueuedChunkLoad(this.playerChunkMap.getWorld(), this.location.x, this.location.z, this.loadedRunnable); this.playerChunkMap.b(this); } return; } // CraftBukkit end if (this.done) { entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutUnloadChunk(this.location.x, this.location.z)); } this.c.remove(entityplayer); if (this.c.isEmpty()) { this.playerChunkMap.b(this); } } } public boolean a(boolean flag) { if (this.chunk != null) { return true; } else { /* CraftBukkit start if (flag) { this.chunk = this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt(this.location.x, this.location.z); } else { this.chunk = this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getChunkProviderServer().getOrLoadChunkAt(this.location.x, this.location.z); } */ if (!loadInProgress) { loadInProgress = true; this.chunk = playerChunkMap.getWorld().getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt(this.location.x, this.location.z, loadedRunnable, flag); markChunkUsed(); // Paper - delay chunk unloads } // CraftBukkit end return this.chunk != null; } } public boolean b() { if (this.done) { return true; } else if (this.chunk == null) { return false; } else if (!this.chunk.isReady()) { return false; } else { this.dirtyCount = 0; this.h = 0; this.done = true; PacketPlayOutMapChunk packetplayoutmapchunk = new PacketPlayOutMapChunk(this.chunk, '\uffff'); Iterator iterator = this.c.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(packetplayoutmapchunk); this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getTracker().a(entityplayer, this.chunk); } return true; } } public void sendChunk(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { if (this.done) { entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutMapChunk(this.chunk, '\uffff')); this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getTracker().a(entityplayer, this.chunk); } } public void c() { long i = this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getTime(); if (this.chunk != null) { this.chunk.c(this.chunk.x() + i - this.i); } this.i = i; } public void blockChanged(int x, int y, int z) { this.a(x, y, z); } // OBFHELPER public void a(int i, int j, int k) { if (this.done) { if (this.dirtyCount == 0) { this.playerChunkMap.a(this); } this.h |= 1 << (j >> 4); if (this.dirtyCount < 64) { short short0 = (short) (i << 12 | k << 8 | j); for (int l = 0; l < this.dirtyCount; ++l) { if (this.dirtyBlocks[l] == short0) { return; } } this.dirtyBlocks[this.dirtyCount++] = short0; } } } public void a(Packet<?> packet) { if (this.done) { for (int i = 0; i < this.c.size(); ++i) { this.c.get(i).playerConnection.sendPacket(packet); } } } public void d() { if (this.done && this.chunk != null) { if (this.dirtyCount != 0) { int i; int j; int k; if (this.dirtyCount == 1) { i = (this.dirtyBlocks[0] >> 12 & 15) + this.location.x * 16; j = this.dirtyBlocks[0] & 255; k = (this.dirtyBlocks[0] >> 8 & 15) + this.location.z * 16; BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(i, j, k); this.a((new PacketPlayOutBlockChange(this.playerChunkMap.getWorld(), blockposition))); if (this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getType(blockposition).getBlock().isTileEntity()) { this.a(this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getTileEntity(blockposition)); } } else if (this.dirtyCount == 64) { this.a((new PacketPlayOutMapChunk(this.chunk, this.h))); } else { this.a((new PacketPlayOutMultiBlockChange(this.dirtyCount, this.dirtyBlocks, this.chunk))); for (i = 0; i < this.dirtyCount; ++i) { j = (this.dirtyBlocks[i] >> 12 & 15) + this.location.x * 16; k = this.dirtyBlocks[i] & 255; int l = (this.dirtyBlocks[i] >> 8 & 15) + this.location.z * 16; BlockPosition blockposition1 = new BlockPosition(j, k, l); if (this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getType(blockposition1).getBlock().isTileEntity()) { this.a(this.playerChunkMap.getWorld().getTileEntity(blockposition1)); } } } this.dirtyCount = 0; this.h = 0; } } } private void a(@Nullable TileEntity tileentity) { if (tileentity != null) { PacketPlayOutTileEntityData packetplayouttileentitydata = tileentity.getUpdatePacket(); if (packetplayouttileentitydata != null) { this.a(packetplayouttileentitydata); } } } public boolean d(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { return this.c.contains(entityplayer); } public boolean a(Predicate<EntityPlayer> predicate) { return Iterables.tryFind(this.c, predicate).isPresent(); } public boolean a(double d0, Predicate<EntityPlayer> predicate) { int i = 0; for (int j = this.c.size(); i < j; ++i) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = this.c.get(i); if (predicate.apply(entityplayer) && this.location.a(entityplayer) < d0 * d0) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isDone() { return this.e(); } // OBFHELPER public boolean e() { return this.done; } @Nullable public Chunk f() { return this.chunk; } public double g() { double d0 = Double.MAX_VALUE; Iterator iterator = this.c.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer); double d1 = this.location.a(entityplayer); if (d1 < d0) { d0 = d1; } } return d0; } }