package com.destroystokyo.paper; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.spigotmc.SpigotConfig; import co.aikar.timings.Timings; import co.aikar.timings.TimingsManager; public class PaperConfig { private static File CONFIG_FILE; private static final String HEADER = "This is the main configuration file for Paper.\n" + "As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use\n" + "with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring.\n" + "\n" + "If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Paper,\n" + "join us in our IRC channel.\n" + "\n" + "IRC: #paper @ ( )\n" + "Wiki: \n" + "Paper Forums: \n"; /*========================================================================*/ public static YamlConfiguration config; static int version; static Map<String, Command> commands; private static boolean verbose; /*========================================================================*/ private static Metrics metrics; public static void init(File configFile) { CONFIG_FILE = configFile; config = new YamlConfiguration(); try { config.load(CONFIG_FILE); } catch (IOException ex) { } catch (InvalidConfigurationException ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not load paper.yml, please correct your syntax errors", ex); throw Throwables.propagate(ex); } config.options().header(HEADER); config.options().copyDefaults(true); verbose = getBoolean("verbose", false); commands = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap(); commands.put("paper", new PaperCommand("paper")); version = getInt("config-version", 12); set("config-version", 12); readConfig(PaperConfig.class, null); } protected static void log(String s) { if (verbose && SpigotConfig.debug) { Bukkit.getLogger().info(s); } } public static void registerCommands() { for (Map.Entry<String, Command> entry : commands.entrySet()) { MinecraftServer.getServer().server.getCommandMap().register(entry.getKey(), "Paper", entry.getValue()); } if (metrics == null) { metrics = new Metrics(); } } static void readConfig(Class<?> clazz, Object instance) { for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) { try { method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(instance); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { throw Throwables.propagate(ex.getCause()); } catch (Exception ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Error invoking " + method, ex); } } } } try {; } catch (IOException ex) { Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save " + CONFIG_FILE, ex); } } private static final Pattern SPACE = Pattern.compile(" "); private static final Pattern NOT_NUMERIC = Pattern.compile("[^-\\d.]"); public static int getSeconds(String str) { str = SPACE.matcher(str).replaceAll(""); final char unit = str.charAt(str.length() - 1); str = NOT_NUMERIC.matcher(str).replaceAll(""); double num; try { num = Double.parseDouble(str); } catch (Exception e) { num = 0D; } switch (unit) { case 'd': num *= (double) 60*60*24; break; case 'h': num *= (double) 60*60; break; case 'm': num *= 60; break; default: case 's': break; } return (int) num; } protected static String timeSummary(int seconds) { String time = ""; if (seconds > 60 * 60 * 24) { time += TimeUnit.SECONDS.toDays(seconds) + "d"; seconds %= 60 * 60 * 24; } if (seconds > 60 * 60) { time += TimeUnit.SECONDS.toHours(seconds) + "h"; seconds %= 60 * 60; } if (seconds > 0) { time += TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMinutes(seconds) + "m"; } return time; } private static void set(String path, Object val) { config.set(path, val); } private static boolean getBoolean(String path, boolean def) { config.addDefault(path, def); return config.getBoolean(path, config.getBoolean(path)); } private static double getDouble(String path, double def) { config.addDefault(path, def); return config.getDouble(path, config.getDouble(path)); } private static float getFloat(String path, float def) { // TODO: Figure out why getFloat() always returns the default value. return (float) getDouble(path, def); } private static int getInt(String path, int def) { config.addDefault(path, def); return config.getInt(path, config.getInt(path)); } private static <T> List getList(String path, T def) { config.addDefault(path, def); return config.getList(path, config.getList(path)); } private static String getString(String path, String def) { config.addDefault(path, def); return config.getString(path, config.getString(path)); } private static void timings() { boolean timings = getBoolean("timings.enabled", true); boolean verboseTimings = getBoolean("timings.verbose", true); TimingsManager.privacy = getBoolean("timings.server-name-privacy", false); TimingsManager.hiddenConfigs = getList("timings.hidden-config-entries", Lists.newArrayList("database", "settings.bungeecord-addresses")); int timingHistoryInterval = getInt("timings.history-interval", 300); int timingHistoryLength = getInt("timings.history-length", 3600); Timings.setVerboseTimingsEnabled(verboseTimings); Timings.setTimingsEnabled(timings); Timings.setHistoryInterval(timingHistoryInterval * 20); Timings.setHistoryLength(timingHistoryLength * 20); log("Timings: " + timings + " - Verbose: " + verboseTimings + " - Interval: " + timeSummary(Timings.getHistoryInterval() / 20) + " - Length: " + timeSummary(Timings.getHistoryLength() / 20)); } public static int minChunkLoadThreads = 2; private static void chunkLoadThreads() { minChunkLoadThreads = Math.min(6, getInt("settings.min-chunk-load-threads", 2)); // Keep people from doing stupid things with max of 6 } public static boolean enableFileIOThreadSleep; private static void enableFileIOThreadSleep() { enableFileIOThreadSleep = getBoolean("settings.sleep-between-chunk-saves", false); if (enableFileIOThreadSleep) Bukkit.getLogger().info("Enabled sleeping between chunk saves, beware of memory issues"); } public static boolean loadPermsBeforePlugins = true; private static void loadPermsBeforePlugins() { loadPermsBeforePlugins = getBoolean("settings.load-permissions-yml-before-plugins", true); } public static int regionFileCacheSize = 256; private static void regionFileCacheSize() { regionFileCacheSize = getInt("settings.region-file-cache-size", 256); } public static boolean enablePlayerCollisions = true; private static void enablePlayerCollisions() { enablePlayerCollisions = getBoolean("settings.enable-player-collisions", true); } public static boolean saveEmptyScoreboardTeams = false; private static void saveEmptyScoreboardTeams() { saveEmptyScoreboardTeams = getBoolean("", false); } public static boolean bungeeOnlineMode = true; private static void bungeeOnlineMode() { bungeeOnlineMode = getBoolean("settings.bungee-online-mode", true); } public static int packetInSpamThreshold = 300; private static void packetInSpamThreshold() { if (version < 11) { int oldValue = getInt("", 300); set("settings.incoming-packet-spam-threshold", oldValue); } packetInSpamThreshold = getInt("settings.incoming-packet-spam-threshold", 300); } public static String flyingKickPlayerMessage = "Flying is not enabled on this server"; public static String flyingKickVehicleMessage = "Flying is not enabled on this server"; private static void flyingKickMessages() { flyingKickPlayerMessage = getString("messages.kick.flying-player", flyingKickPlayerMessage); flyingKickVehicleMessage = getString("messages.kick.flying-vehicle", flyingKickVehicleMessage); } public static int playerAutoSaveRate = -1; private static void playerAutoSaveRate() { playerAutoSaveRate = getInt("settings.player-auto-save-rate", -1); } public static boolean removeInvalidStatistics = false; private static void removeInvalidStatistics() { if (version < 12) { boolean oldValue = getBoolean("remove-invalid-statistics", false); set("settings.remove-invalid-statistics", oldValue); } removeInvalidStatistics = getBoolean("settings.remove-invalid-statistics", false); } }