package net.minecraft.server; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public abstract class NavigationAbstract { protected EntityInsentient a; public Entity getEntity() { return a; } // Paper - OBFHELPER protected World b; @Nullable protected PathEntity c; protected double d; private final AttributeInstance f; private int g; private int h; private Vec3D i; private Vec3D j; private long k; private long l; private double m; private float n; private boolean o; private long p; protected PathfinderAbstract e; private BlockPosition q; private final Pathfinder r; public NavigationAbstract(EntityInsentient entityinsentient, World world) { this.i = Vec3D.a; this.j = Vec3D.a; this.n = 0.5F; this.a = entityinsentient; this.b = world; this.f = entityinsentient.getAttributeInstance(GenericAttributes.FOLLOW_RANGE); this.r = this.a(); } protected abstract Pathfinder a(); public void a(double d0) { this.d = d0; } public float h() { return (float) this.f.getValue(); } public boolean i() { return this.o; } public void j() { if (this.b.getTime() - this.p > 20L) { if (this.q != null) { this.c = null; this.c = this.a(this.q); this.p = this.b.getTime(); this.o = false; } } else { this.o = true; } } @Nullable public final PathEntity a(double d0, double d1, double d2) { return this.a(new BlockPosition(d0, d1, d2)); } @Nullable public PathEntity a(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (!getEntity().getWorld().getWorldBorder().isInBounds(blockposition)) return null; // Paper - don't path out of world border if (!this.b()) { return null; } else if (this.c != null && !this.c.b() && blockposition.equals(this.q)) { return this.c; } else { if (!new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.EntityPathfindEvent(getEntity().getBukkitEntity(), MCUtil.toLocation(getEntity().world, blockposition), null).callEvent()) { return null; } // Paper this.q = blockposition; float f = this.h(); this.b.methodProfiler.a("pathfind"); BlockPosition blockposition1 = new BlockPosition(this.a); int i = (int) (f + 8.0F); ChunkCache chunkcache = new ChunkCache(this.b, blockposition1.a(-i, -i, -i), blockposition1.a(i, i, i), 0); PathEntity pathentity = this.r.a(chunkcache, this.a, this.q, f); return pathentity; } } @Nullable public PathEntity a(Entity entity) { if (!this.b()) { return null; } else { BlockPosition blockposition = new BlockPosition(entity); if (!getEntity().getWorld().getWorldBorder().isInBounds(blockposition)) return null; // Paper - don't path out of world border if (this.c != null && !this.c.b() && blockposition.equals(this.q)) { return this.c; } else { if (!new com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity.EntityPathfindEvent(getEntity().getBukkitEntity(), MCUtil.toLocation(, blockposition), entity.getBukkitEntity()).callEvent()) { return null; } // Paper this.q = blockposition; float f = this.h(); this.b.methodProfiler.a("pathfind"); BlockPosition blockposition1 = (new BlockPosition(this.a)).up(); int i = (int) (f + 16.0F); ChunkCache chunkcache = new ChunkCache(this.b, blockposition1.a(-i, -i, -i), blockposition1.a(i, i, i), 0); PathEntity pathentity = this.r.a(chunkcache, this.a, entity, f); return pathentity; } } } public boolean a(double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3) { return this.a(this.a(d0, d1, d2), d3); } public boolean a(Entity entity, double d0) { // Paper start - Pathfinding optimizations if (this.pathfindFailures > 10 && this.c == null && MinecraftServer.currentTick < this.lastFailure + 40) { return false; } PathEntity pathentity = this.a(entity); if (pathentity != null && this.a(pathentity, d0)) { this.lastFailure = 0; this.pathfindFailures = 0; return true; } else { this.pathfindFailures++; this.lastFailure = MinecraftServer.currentTick; return false; } } private int lastFailure = 0; private int pathfindFailures = 0; // Paper end public boolean a(@Nullable PathEntity pathentity, double d0) { if (pathentity == null) { this.c = null; return false; } else { if (!pathentity.a(this.c)) { this.c = pathentity; } this.d(); if (this.c.d() == 0) { return false; } else { this.d = d0; Vec3D vec3d = this.c(); this.h = this.g; this.i = vec3d; return true; } } } @Nullable public PathEntity k() { return this.c; } public void l() { ++this.g; if (this.o) { this.j(); } if (!this.n()) { Vec3D vec3d; if (this.b()) { this.m(); } else if (this.c != null && this.c.e() < this.c.d()) { vec3d = this.c(); Vec3D vec3d1 = this.c.a(this.a, this.c.e()); if (vec3d.y > vec3d1.y && !this.a.onGround && MathHelper.floor(vec3d.x) == MathHelper.floor(vec3d1.x) && MathHelper.floor(vec3d.z) == MathHelper.floor(vec3d1.z)) { this.c.c(this.c.e() + 1); } } if (!this.n()) { vec3d = this.c.a(this.a); if (vec3d != null) { BlockPosition blockposition = (new BlockPosition(vec3d)).down(); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = this.b.getType(blockposition).d(this.b, blockposition); vec3d = vec3d.a(0.0D, 1.0D - axisalignedbb.e, 0.0D); this.a.getControllerMove().a(vec3d.x, vec3d.y, vec3d.z, this.d); } } } } protected void m() { Vec3D vec3d = this.c(); int i = this.c.d(); for (int j = this.c.e(); j < this.c.d(); ++j) { if (this.c.a(j).b != Math.floor(vec3d.y)) { i = j; break; } } this.n = this.a.width > 0.75F ? this.a.width / 2.0F : 0.75F - this.a.width / 2.0F; Vec3D vec3d1 = this.c.f(); if (MathHelper.e((float) (this.a.locX - (vec3d1.x + 0.5D))) < this.n && MathHelper.e((float) (this.a.locZ - (vec3d1.z + 0.5D))) < this.n && Math.abs(this.a.locY - vec3d1.y) < 1.0D) { this.c.c(this.c.e() + 1); } int k = MathHelper.f(this.a.width); int l = MathHelper.f(this.a.length); int i1 = k; for (int j1 = i - 1; j1 >= this.c.e(); --j1) { if (this.a(vec3d, this.c.a(this.a, j1), k, l, i1)) { this.c.c(j1); break; } } this.a(vec3d); } protected void a(Vec3D vec3d) { if (this.g - this.h > 100) { if (vec3d.distanceSquared(this.i) < 2.25D) { this.o(); } this.h = this.g; this.i = vec3d; } if (this.c != null && !this.c.b()) { Vec3D vec3d1 = this.c.f(); if (vec3d1.equals(this.j)) { this.k += System.currentTimeMillis() - this.l; } else { this.j = vec3d1; double d0 = vec3d.f(this.j); this.m = this.a.cq() > 0.0F ? d0 / this.a.cq() * 1000.0D : 0.0D; } if (this.m > 0.0D && this.k > this.m * 3.0D) { this.j = Vec3D.a; this.k = 0L; this.m = 0.0D; this.o(); } this.l = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } public boolean n() { return this.c == null || this.c.b(); } public void o() { this.pathfindFailures = 0; this.lastFailure = 0; // Paper - Pathfinding optimizations this.c = null; } protected abstract Vec3D c(); protected abstract boolean b(); protected boolean p() { return this.a.isInWater() ||; } protected void d() {} protected abstract boolean a(Vec3D vec3d, Vec3D vec3d1, int i, int j, int k); public boolean b(BlockPosition blockposition) { return this.b.getType(blockposition.down()).b(); } public PathfinderAbstract q() { return this.e; } }