package net.minecraft.server; import; import; import com.koloboke.collect.set.hash.HashObjSets; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; public abstract class BiomeBase { private static final Logger y = LogManager.getLogger(); protected static final IBlockData a = Blocks.STONE.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData b = Blocks.AIR.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData c = Blocks.BEDROCK.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData d = Blocks.GRAVEL.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData e = Blocks.RED_SANDSTONE.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData f = Blocks.SANDSTONE.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData g = Blocks.ICE.getBlockData(); protected static final IBlockData h = Blocks.WATER.getBlockData(); public static final Set<BiomeBase> i = HashObjSets.newMutableSet(); public static final RegistryBlockID<BiomeBase> j = new RegistryBlockID(); protected static final NoiseGenerator3 k = new NoiseGenerator3(new Random(1234L), 1); protected static final NoiseGenerator3 l = new NoiseGenerator3(new Random(2345L), 1); protected static final WorldGenTallPlant m = new WorldGenTallPlant(); protected static final WorldGenTrees n = new WorldGenTrees(false); protected static final WorldGenBigTree o = new WorldGenBigTree(false); protected static final WorldGenSwampTree p = new WorldGenSwampTree(); public static final RegistryMaterials<MinecraftKey, BiomeBase> REGISTRY_ID = new RegistryMaterials(); private final String z; private final float A; private final float B; private final float C; private final float D; private final int E; private final boolean F; private final boolean G; @Nullable private final String H; public IBlockData r; public IBlockData s; public BiomeDecorator t; protected List<BiomeBase.BiomeMeta> u; protected List<BiomeBase.BiomeMeta> v; protected List<BiomeBase.BiomeMeta> w; protected List<BiomeBase.BiomeMeta> x; public static int a(BiomeBase biomebase) { return BiomeBase.REGISTRY_ID.a(biomebase); // Paper - decompile fix } @Nullable public static BiomeBase a(int i) { return BiomeBase.REGISTRY_ID.getId(i); } @Nullable public static BiomeBase b(BiomeBase biomebase) { return BiomeBase.j.fromId(a(biomebase)); } protected BiomeBase(BiomeBase.a biomebase_a) { this.r = Blocks.GRASS.getBlockData(); this.s = Blocks.DIRT.getBlockData(); this.u = Lists.newArrayList(); this.v = Lists.newArrayList(); this.w = Lists.newArrayList(); this.x = Lists.newArrayList(); this.z = biomebase_a.a; this.A = biomebase_a.b; this.B = biomebase_a.c; this.C = biomebase_a.d; this.D = biomebase_a.e; this.E = biomebase_a.f; this.F = biomebase_a.g; this.G = biomebase_a.h; this.H = biomebase_a.i; this.t = this.a(); this.v.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntitySheep.class, 12, 4, 4)); this.v.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityPig.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.v.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityChicken.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.v.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityCow.class, 8, 4, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntitySpider.class, 100, 4, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityZombie.class, 95, 4, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityZombieVillager.class, 5, 1, 1)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntitySkeleton.class, 100, 4, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityCreeper.class, 100, 4, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntitySlime.class, 100, 4, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityEnderman.class, 10, 1, 4)); this.u.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityWitch.class, 5, 1, 1)); this.w.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntitySquid.class, 10, 4, 4)); this.x.add(new BiomeBase.BiomeMeta(EntityBat.class, 10, 8, 8)); } protected BiomeDecorator a() { return new BiomeDecorator(); } public boolean b() { return this.H != null; } public WorldGenTreeAbstract a(Random random) { return random.nextInt(10) == 0 ? BiomeBase.o : BiomeBase.n; } public WorldGenerator b(Random random) { return new WorldGenGrass(BlockLongGrass.EnumTallGrassType.GRASS); } public BlockFlowers.EnumFlowerVarient a(Random random, BlockPosition blockposition) { return random.nextInt(3) > 0 ? BlockFlowers.EnumFlowerVarient.DANDELION : BlockFlowers.EnumFlowerVarient.POPPY; } public List<BiomeBase.BiomeMeta> getMobs(EnumCreatureType enumcreaturetype) { switch (enumcreaturetype) { case MONSTER: return this.u; case CREATURE: return this.v; case WATER_CREATURE: return this.w; case AMBIENT: return this.x; default: return Collections.emptyList(); } } public boolean c() { return this.p(); } public boolean d() { return this.p() ? false : this.G; } public boolean e() { return this.getHumidity() > 0.85F; } public float getSpawningChance() { return this.f(); } public float f() { return 0.1F; } public final float a(BlockPosition blockposition) { if (blockposition.getY() > 64) { float f = (float) (BiomeBase.k.a(blockposition.getX() / 8.0F, blockposition.getZ() / 8.0F) * 4.0D); return this.getTemperature() - (f + blockposition.getY() - 64.0F) * 0.05F / 30.0F; } else { return this.getTemperature(); } } public void a(World world, Random random, BlockPosition blockposition) { this.t.a(world, random, this, blockposition); } public void a(World world, Random random, ChunkSnapshot chunksnapshot, int i, int j, double d0) { this.b(world, random, chunksnapshot, i, j, d0); } public final void b(World world, Random random, ChunkSnapshot chunksnapshot, int i, int j, double d0) { int k = world.K(); IBlockData iblockdata = this.r; IBlockData iblockdata1 = this.s; int l = -1; int i1 = (int) (d0 / 3.0D + 3.0D + random.nextDouble() * 0.25D); int j1 = i & 15; int k1 = j & 15; BlockPosition.MutableBlockPosition blockposition_mutableblockposition = new BlockPosition.MutableBlockPosition(); for (int l1 = 255; l1 >= 0; --l1) { if (l1 <= (world.paperConfig.generateFlatBedrock ? 0 : random.nextInt(5))) { // Paper - Configurable flat bedrock chunksnapshot.a(k1, l1, j1, BiomeBase.c); } else { IBlockData iblockdata2 = chunksnapshot.a(k1, l1, j1); if (iblockdata2.getMaterial() == Material.AIR) { l = -1; } else if (iblockdata2.getBlock() == Blocks.STONE) { if (l == -1) { if (i1 <= 0) { iblockdata = BiomeBase.b; iblockdata1 = BiomeBase.a; } else if (l1 >= k - 4 && l1 <= k + 1) { iblockdata = this.r; iblockdata1 = this.s; } if (l1 < k && (iblockdata == null || iblockdata.getMaterial() == Material.AIR)) { if (this.a(blockposition_mutableblockposition.c(i, l1, j)) < 0.15F) { iblockdata = BiomeBase.g; } else { iblockdata = BiomeBase.h; } } l = i1; if (l1 >= k - 1) { chunksnapshot.a(k1, l1, j1, iblockdata); } else if (l1 < k - 7 - i1) { iblockdata = BiomeBase.b; iblockdata1 = BiomeBase.a; chunksnapshot.a(k1, l1, j1, BiomeBase.d); } else { chunksnapshot.a(k1, l1, j1, iblockdata1); } } else if (l > 0) { --l; chunksnapshot.a(k1, l1, j1, iblockdata1); if (l == 0 && iblockdata1.getBlock() == Blocks.SAND && i1 > 1) { l = random.nextInt(4) + Math.max(0, l1 - 63); iblockdata1 = iblockdata1.get(BlockSand.VARIANT) == BlockSand.EnumSandVariant.RED_SAND ? BiomeBase.e : BiomeBase.f; } } } } } } public Class<? extends BiomeBase> g() { return this.getClass(); } public BiomeBase.EnumTemperature h() { return this.getTemperature() < 0.2D ? BiomeBase.EnumTemperature.COLD : (this.getTemperature() < 1.0D ? BiomeBase.EnumTemperature.MEDIUM : BiomeBase.EnumTemperature.WARM); } @Nullable public static BiomeBase getBiome(int i) { return getBiome(i, (BiomeBase) null); } public static BiomeBase getBiome(int i, BiomeBase biomebase) { BiomeBase biomebase1 = a(i); return biomebase1 == null ? biomebase : biomebase1; } public boolean i() { return false; } public final float j() { return this.A; } public final float getHumidity() { return this.D; } public final String l() { return this.z; } public final float m() { return this.B; } public final float getTemperature() { return this.C; } public final boolean p() { return this.F; } public static void q() { a(0, "ocean", new BiomeOcean((new BiomeBase.a("Ocean")).c(-1.0F).d(0.1F))); a(1, "plains", new BiomePlains(false, (new BiomeBase.a("Plains")).c(0.125F).d(0.05F).a(0.8F).b(0.4F))); a(2, "desert", new BiomeDesert((new BiomeBase.a("Desert")).c(0.125F).d(0.05F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(3, "extreme_hills", new BiomeBigHills(BiomeBigHills.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Extreme Hills")).c(1.0F).d(0.5F).a(0.2F).b(0.3F))); a(4, "forest", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Forest")).a(0.7F).b(0.8F))); a(5, "taiga", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Taiga")).c(0.2F).d(0.2F).a(0.25F).b(0.8F))); a(6, "swampland", new BiomeSwamp((new BiomeBase.a("Swampland")).c(-0.2F).d(0.1F).a(0.8F).b(0.9F).a(14745518))); a(7, "river", new BiomeRiver((new BiomeBase.a("River")).c(-0.5F).d(0.0F))); a(8, "hell", new BiomeHell((new BiomeBase.a("Hell")).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(9, "sky", new BiomeTheEnd((new BiomeBase.a("The End")).a())); a(10, "frozen_ocean", new BiomeOcean((new BiomeBase.a("FrozenOcean")).c(-1.0F).d(0.1F).a(0.0F).b(0.5F).b())); a(11, "frozen_river", new BiomeRiver((new BiomeBase.a("FrozenRiver")).c(-0.5F).d(0.0F).a(0.0F).b(0.5F).b())); a(12, "ice_flats", new BiomeIcePlains(false, (new BiomeBase.a("Ice Plains")).c(0.125F).d(0.05F).a(0.0F).b(0.5F).b())); a(13, "ice_mountains", new BiomeIcePlains(false, (new BiomeBase.a("Ice Mountains")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(0.0F).b(0.5F).b())); a(14, "mushroom_island", new BiomeMushrooms((new BiomeBase.a("MushroomIsland")).c(0.2F).d(0.3F).a(0.9F).b(1.0F))); a(15, "mushroom_island_shore", new BiomeMushrooms((new BiomeBase.a("MushroomIslandShore")).c(0.0F).d(0.025F).a(0.9F).b(1.0F))); a(16, "beaches", new BiomeBeach((new BiomeBase.a("Beach")).c(0.0F).d(0.025F).a(0.8F).b(0.4F))); a(17, "desert_hills", new BiomeDesert((new BiomeBase.a("DesertHills")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(18, "forest_hills", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("ForestHills")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(0.7F).b(0.8F))); a(19, "taiga_hills", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("TaigaHills")).a(0.25F).b(0.8F).c(0.45F).d(0.3F))); a(20, "smaller_extreme_hills", new BiomeBigHills(BiomeBigHills.Type.EXTRA_TREES, (new BiomeBase.a("Extreme Hills Edge")).c(0.8F).d(0.3F).a(0.2F).b(0.3F))); a(21, "jungle", new BiomeJungle(false, (new BiomeBase.a("Jungle")).a(0.95F).b(0.9F))); a(22, "jungle_hills", new BiomeJungle(false, (new BiomeBase.a("JungleHills")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(0.95F).b(0.9F))); a(23, "jungle_edge", new BiomeJungle(true, (new BiomeBase.a("JungleEdge")).a(0.95F).b(0.8F))); a(24, "deep_ocean", new BiomeOcean((new BiomeBase.a("Deep Ocean")).c(-1.8F).d(0.1F))); a(25, "stone_beach", new BiomeStoneBeach((new BiomeBase.a("Stone Beach")).c(0.1F).d(0.8F).a(0.2F).b(0.3F))); a(26, "cold_beach", new BiomeBeach((new BiomeBase.a("Cold Beach")).c(0.0F).d(0.025F).a(0.05F).b(0.3F).b())); a(27, "birch_forest", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.BIRCH, (new BiomeBase.a("Birch Forest")).a(0.6F).b(0.6F))); a(28, "birch_forest_hills", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.BIRCH, (new BiomeBase.a("Birch Forest Hills")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(0.6F).b(0.6F))); a(29, "roofed_forest", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.ROOFED, (new BiomeBase.a("Roofed Forest")).a(0.7F).b(0.8F))); a(30, "taiga_cold", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Cold Taiga")).c(0.2F).d(0.2F).a(-0.5F).b(0.4F).b())); a(31, "taiga_cold_hills", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Cold Taiga Hills")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(-0.5F).b(0.4F).b())); a(32, "redwood_taiga", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.MEGA, (new BiomeBase.a("Mega Taiga")).a(0.3F).b(0.8F).c(0.2F).d(0.2F))); a(33, "redwood_taiga_hills", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.MEGA, (new BiomeBase.a("Mega Taiga Hills")).c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(0.3F).b(0.8F))); a(34, "extreme_hills_with_trees", new BiomeBigHills(BiomeBigHills.Type.EXTRA_TREES, (new BiomeBase.a("Extreme Hills+")).c(1.0F).d(0.5F).a(0.2F).b(0.3F))); a(35, "savanna", new BiomeSavanna((new BiomeBase.a("Savanna")).c(0.125F).d(0.05F).a(1.2F).b(0.0F).a())); a(36, "savanna_rock", new BiomeSavanna((new BiomeBase.a("Savanna Plateau")).c(1.5F).d(0.025F).a(1.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(37, "mesa", new BiomeMesa(false, false, (new BiomeBase.a("Mesa")).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(38, "mesa_rock", new BiomeMesa(false, true, (new BiomeBase.a("Mesa Plateau F")).c(1.5F).d(0.025F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(39, "mesa_clear_rock", new BiomeMesa(false, false, (new BiomeBase.a("Mesa Plateau")).c(1.5F).d(0.025F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(127, "void", new BiomeVoid((new BiomeBase.a("The Void")).a())); a(129, "mutated_plains", new BiomePlains(true, (new BiomeBase.a("Sunflower Plains")).a("plains").c(0.125F).d(0.05F).a(0.8F).b(0.4F))); a(130, "mutated_desert", new BiomeDesert((new BiomeBase.a("Desert M")).a("desert").c(0.225F).d(0.25F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(131, "mutated_extreme_hills", new BiomeBigHills(BiomeBigHills.Type.MUTATED, (new BiomeBase.a("Extreme Hills M")).a("extreme_hills").c(1.0F).d(0.5F).a(0.2F).b(0.3F))); a(132, "mutated_forest", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.FLOWER, (new BiomeBase.a("Flower Forest")).a("forest").d(0.4F).a(0.7F).b(0.8F))); a(133, "mutated_taiga", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Taiga M")).a("taiga").c(0.3F).d(0.4F).a(0.25F).b(0.8F))); a(134, "mutated_swampland", new BiomeSwamp((new BiomeBase.a("Swampland M")).a("swampland").c(-0.1F).d(0.3F).a(0.8F).b(0.9F).a(14745518))); a(140, "mutated_ice_flats", new BiomeIcePlains(true, (new BiomeBase.a("Ice Plains Spikes")).a("ice_flats").c(0.425F).d(0.45000002F).a(0.0F).b(0.5F).b())); a(149, "mutated_jungle", new BiomeJungle(false, (new BiomeBase.a("Jungle M")).a("jungle").c(0.2F).d(0.4F).a(0.95F).b(0.9F))); a(151, "mutated_jungle_edge", new BiomeJungle(true, (new BiomeBase.a("JungleEdge M")).a("jungle_edge").c(0.2F).d(0.4F).a(0.95F).b(0.8F))); a(155, "mutated_birch_forest", new BiomeForestMutated((new BiomeBase.a("Birch Forest M")).a("birch_forest").c(0.2F).d(0.4F).a(0.6F).b(0.6F))); a(156, "mutated_birch_forest_hills", new BiomeForestMutated((new BiomeBase.a("Birch Forest Hills M")).a("birch_forest_hills").c(0.55F).d(0.5F).a(0.6F).b(0.6F))); a(157, "mutated_roofed_forest", new BiomeForest(BiomeForest.Type.ROOFED, (new BiomeBase.a("Roofed Forest M")).a("roofed_forest").c(0.2F).d(0.4F).a(0.7F).b(0.8F))); a(158, "mutated_taiga_cold", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.NORMAL, (new BiomeBase.a("Cold Taiga M")).a("taiga_cold").c(0.3F).d(0.4F).a(-0.5F).b(0.4F).b())); a(160, "mutated_redwood_taiga", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.MEGA_SPRUCE, (new BiomeBase.a("Mega Spruce Taiga")).a("redwood_taiga").c(0.2F).d(0.2F).a(0.25F).b(0.8F))); a(161, "mutated_redwood_taiga_hills", new BiomeTaiga(BiomeTaiga.Type.MEGA_SPRUCE, (new BiomeBase.a("Redwood Taiga Hills M")).a("redwood_taiga_hills").c(0.2F).d(0.2F).a(0.25F).b(0.8F))); a(162, "mutated_extreme_hills_with_trees", new BiomeBigHills(BiomeBigHills.Type.MUTATED, (new BiomeBase.a("Extreme Hills+ M")).a("extreme_hills_with_trees").c(1.0F).d(0.5F).a(0.2F).b(0.3F))); a(163, "mutated_savanna", new BiomeSavannaMutated((new BiomeBase.a("Savanna M")).a("savanna").c(0.3625F).d(1.225F).a(1.1F).b(0.0F).a())); a(164, "mutated_savanna_rock", new BiomeSavannaMutated((new BiomeBase.a("Savanna Plateau M")).a("savanna_rock").c(1.05F).d(1.2125001F).a(1.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(165, "mutated_mesa", new BiomeMesa(true, false, (new BiomeBase.a("Mesa (Bryce)")).a("mesa").a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(166, "mutated_mesa_rock", new BiomeMesa(false, true, (new BiomeBase.a("Mesa Plateau F M")).a("mesa_rock").c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); a(167, "mutated_mesa_clear_rock", new BiomeMesa(false, false, (new BiomeBase.a("Mesa Plateau M")).a("mesa_clear_rock").c(0.45F).d(0.3F).a(2.0F).b(0.0F).a())); Collections.addAll(BiomeBase.i, new BiomeBase[] { Biomes.a, Biomes.c, Biomes.d, Biomes.e, Biomes.f, Biomes.g, Biomes.h, Biomes.i, Biomes.m, Biomes.n, Biomes.o, Biomes.p, Biomes.q, Biomes.r, Biomes.s, Biomes.t, Biomes.u, Biomes.w, Biomes.x, Biomes.y, Biomes.z, Biomes.A, Biomes.B, Biomes.C, Biomes.D, Biomes.E, Biomes.F, Biomes.G, Biomes.H, Biomes.I, Biomes.J, Biomes.K, Biomes.L, Biomes.M, Biomes.N, Biomes.O}); } private static void a(int i, String s, BiomeBase biomebase) { BiomeBase.REGISTRY_ID.a(i, new MinecraftKey(s), biomebase); if (biomebase.b()) { BiomeBase.j.a(biomebase, a(BiomeBase.REGISTRY_ID.get(new MinecraftKey(biomebase.H)))); } } public static class a { private final String a; private float b = 0.1F; private float c = 0.2F; private float d = 0.5F; private float e = 0.5F; private int f = 16777215; private boolean g; private boolean h = true; @Nullable private String i; public a(String s) { this.a = s; } protected BiomeBase.a a(float f) { if (f > 0.1F && f < 0.2F) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please avoid temperatures in the range 0.1 - 0.2 because of snow"); } else { this.d = f; return this; } } protected BiomeBase.a b(float f) { this.e = f; return this; } protected BiomeBase.a c(float f) { this.b = f; return this; } protected BiomeBase.a d(float f) { this.c = f; return this; } protected BiomeBase.a a() { this.h = false; return this; } protected BiomeBase.a b() { this.g = true; return this; } protected BiomeBase.a a(int i) { this.f = i; return this; } protected BiomeBase.a a(String s) { this.i = s; return this; } } public static class BiomeMeta extends WeightedRandom.WeightedRandomChoice { public Class<? extends EntityInsentient> b; public int c; public int d; public BiomeMeta(Class<? extends EntityInsentient> oclass, int i, int j, int k) { super(i); this.b = oclass; this.c = j; this.d = k; } public Class<? extends EntityInsentient> entityClass() { return this.b; } @Override public String toString() { return this.b.getSimpleName() + "*(" + this.c + "-" + this.d + "):" + this.a; } } public static enum EnumTemperature { OCEAN, COLD, MEDIUM, WARM; private EnumTemperature() {} } }