package blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.compat.opencomputers; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.crafting.ArcFurnaceRecipe; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.TileEntityIEBase; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.metal.TileEntityArcFurnace; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.metal.TileEntityMultiblockMetal.MultiblockProcess; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.blocks.metal.TileEntityMultiblockMetal.MultiblockProcessInMachine; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.items.ItemGraphiteElectrode; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.ItemNBTHelper; import blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.util.Utils; import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Arguments; import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Callback; import li.cil.oc.api.machine.Context; import; import; import li.cil.oc.api.prefab.DriverSidedTileEntity; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; import java.util.Map; public class ArcFurnaceDriver extends DriverSidedTileEntity { @Override public ManagedEnvironment createEnvironment(World w, BlockPos bp, EnumFacing facing) { TileEntity te = w.getTileEntity(bp); if(te instanceof TileEntityArcFurnace) { TileEntityArcFurnace arc = (TileEntityArcFurnace) te; TileEntityArcFurnace master = arc.master(); if(master != null && arc.isRedstonePos()) return new ArcFurnaceEnvironment(w, master.getPos(), TileEntityArcFurnace.class); } return null; } @Override public Class<?> getTileEntityClass() { return TileEntityArcFurnace.class; } public class ArcFurnaceEnvironment extends ManagedEnvironmentIE<TileEntityArcFurnace> { @Override public String preferredName() { return "ie_arc_furnace"; } @Override public int priority() { return 1000; } public ArcFurnaceEnvironment(World w, BlockPos p, Class<? extends TileEntityIEBase> teClass) { super(w, p, teClass); } @Override public void onConnect(Node node) { TileEntityArcFurnace master = getTileEntity(); if(master != null) { master.controllingComputers++; master.computerOn = true; } } @Override public void onDisconnect(Node node) { TileEntityArcFurnace te = getTileEntity(); if(te != null) te.controllingComputers--; } @Callback(doc = "function():int -- gets the maximum amount of energy stored") public Object[] getMaxEnergyStored(Context context, Arguments args) { return new Object[]{getTileEntity().energyStorage.getMaxEnergyStored()}; } @Callback(doc = "function():int -- gets the amount of energy stored") public Object[] getEnergyStored(Context context, Arguments args) { return new Object[]{getTileEntity().energyStorage.getEnergyStored()}; } @Callback(doc = "function(on:boolean) -- turns the excavator on or off") public Object[] setEnabled(Context context, Arguments args) { getTileEntity().computerOn = args.checkBoolean(0); return null; } @Callback(doc = "function():boolean -- checks whether the arc furnace is currently active") public Object[] isActive(Context context, Arguments args) { return new Object[]{getTileEntity().shouldRenderAsActive()}; } @Callback(doc = "function(stack:int):table -- returns the specified input stack as described in the manual") public Object[] getInputStack(Context context, Arguments args) { int slot = args.checkInteger(0); if(slot < 1 || slot > 12) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input slots are 1-12"); TileEntityArcFurnace master = getTileEntity(); Map<String, Object> stack = Utils.saveStack(master.inventory[slot - 1]); mainLoop: for(MultiblockProcess<ArcFurnaceRecipe> p : master.processQueue) for(int i : ((MultiblockProcessInMachine<ArcFurnaceRecipe>) p).getInputSlots()) if(i == slot - 1) { stack.put("progress", p.processTick); stack.put("maxProgress", p.maxTicks); break mainLoop; } if(!stack.containsKey("progress")) { stack.put("progress", 0); stack.put("maxProgress", 0); } return new Object[]{stack}; } @Callback(doc = "function(stack:int):table -- returns the specified output stack") public Object[] getOutputStack(Context context, Arguments args) { int slot = args.checkInteger(0); if(slot < 1 || slot > 6) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output slots are 1-6"); return new Object[]{getTileEntity().inventory[slot + 15]}; } @Callback(doc = "function(stack:int):table -- returns the specified additive stack") public Object[] getAdditiveStack(Context context, Arguments args) { int slot = args.checkInteger(0); if(slot < 1 || slot > 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Additive slots are 1-4"); return new Object[]{getTileEntity().inventory[slot + 11]}; } @Callback(doc = "function():table -- returns the slag stack") public Object[] getSlagStack(Context context, Arguments args) { return new Object[]{getTileEntity().inventory[22]}; } @Callback(doc = "function():boolean -- checks whether the arc furnace has all 3 electrodes") public Object[] hasElectrodes(Context context, Arguments args) { TileEntityArcFurnace master = getTileEntity(); return new Object[]{master.hasElectrodes()}; } @Callback(doc = "function(electrode:int):table -- returns the specified electrode as an item stack") public Object[] getElectrode(Context context, Arguments args) { int slot = args.checkInteger(0); if(slot < 1 || slot > 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Electrode slots are 1-3"); ItemStack stack = getTileEntity().inventory[slot + 22]; Map<String, Object> map = Utils.saveStack(stack); if(stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemGraphiteElectrode) map.put("damage", ItemNBTHelper.getInt(stack, "graphDmg")); return new Object[]{map}; } } }