package blusunrize.immersiveengineering.api.tool; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraft.util.math.RayTraceResult; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Function; /** * @author BluSunrize - 12.08.2016 * <p> * A registry for custom bullet types */ public class BulletHandler { public static ItemStack emptyCasing; public static ItemStack emptyShell; public static ItemStack basicCartridge; /** * A list of all cartridges that shoot a homing bullet. Used to add Wolfpack Cartridges */ public static List<String> homingCartridges = new ArrayList<String>(); public static HashMap<String, IBullet> registry = new LinkedHashMap<String, IBullet>(); public static void registerBullet(String name, IBullet bullet) { registry.put(name, bullet); } public static IBullet getBullet(String name) { return registry.get(name); } public static String findRegistryName(IBullet bullet) { if(bullet!=null) for(Map.Entry<String, IBullet> entry : registry.entrySet()) if(bullet.equals(entry.getValue())) return entry.getKey(); return null; } public static ItemStack getBulletStack(String key) { ItemStack stack = basicCartridge.copy(); stack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound()); stack.getTagCompound().setString("bullet", key); return stack; } public interface IBullet { /** * @return whether this cartridge should appear as an item and should be fired from revolver. Return false if this is a bullet the player can't get access to */ default boolean isProperCartridge() { return true; } default String getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack cartridge, String baseName) { return baseName; } default void addTooltip(ItemStack stack, @Nullable EntityPlayer player, List<String> list, boolean advanced) { } default int getProjectileCount(@Nullable EntityPlayer shooter) { return 1; } /** * @param shooter * @param cartridge * @param projectile * @param charged whether the revolver has the electron tube upgrade * @return the given or a custom entity */ default Entity getProjectile(@Nullable EntityPlayer shooter, ItemStack cartridge, Entity projectile, boolean charged) { return projectile; } /** * called when the bullet hits a target */ void onHitTarget(World world, RayTraceResult target, @Nullable EntityLivingBase shooter, Entity projectile, boolean headshot); /** * @return the casing left when fired. Can return the static ItemStacks in BulletHandler */ ItemStack getCasing(ItemStack stack); /** * @return the textures (layers) for the item */ ResourceLocation[] getTextures(); /** * @return the colour applied to the given layer */ int getColour(ItemStack stack, int layer); /** * @return whether this cartridge should be allowed to be placed in, and used from a turret.<br> * Bullets that rely on a player using them should return false, since turrets parse null for a player */ default boolean isValidForTurret() { return false; } } public static class DamagingBullet implements IBullet { /** * The entities in the array are Projectile, Shooter, Target */ final Function<Entity[], DamageSource> damageSourceGetter; final float damage; boolean resetHurt = false; boolean setFire = false; ItemStack casing; ResourceLocation[] textures; public DamagingBullet(Function<Entity[], DamageSource> damageSourceGetter, float damage, ItemStack casing, ResourceLocation... textures) { this(damageSourceGetter, damage, false, false, casing, textures); } public DamagingBullet(Function<Entity[], DamageSource> damageSourceGetter, float damage, boolean resetHurt, boolean setFire, ItemStack casing, ResourceLocation... textures) { this.damageSourceGetter = damageSourceGetter; this.damage = damage; this.resetHurt = resetHurt; this.setFire = setFire; this.casing = casing; this.textures = textures; } float getDamage(boolean headshot) { return this.damage * (headshot ? 1.5f : 1f); } @Override public void onHitTarget(World world, RayTraceResult target, @Nullable EntityLivingBase shooter, Entity projectile, boolean headshot) { if(!world.isRemote && target.entityHit != null && damageSourceGetter != null) if(target.entityHit.attackEntityFrom(damageSourceGetter.apply(new Entity[]{projectile, shooter, target.entityHit}), getDamage(headshot))) { if(resetHurt) target.entityHit.hurtResistantTime = 0; if(setFire) target.entityHit.setFire(3); } } @Override public ItemStack getCasing(ItemStack stack) { return casing; } @Override public ResourceLocation[] getTextures() { return textures; } @Override public int getColour(ItemStack stack, int layer) { return 0xffffffff; } @Override public boolean isValidForTurret() { return true; } } }